- SocketCluster direct client-server communication and group communication via pub/sub channels. built on uWebSockets
- DeepStream.io server that syncs data and sends events across millions of clients
- geckos.io Real-time client/server communication over UDP
- Lance Multiplayer game server based on Node.JS
- Merchant.js Library to assist with Idle game creations discussion
- Boardgame.io turn based web game framekwork
- gamedev-js list of JS related game tech and libraries
- creative-coding resources useful for many visual applications
- discussion Good discussion on techniques referring to an article
- Emergence Vector example JS, Go and WebRTC discussion some good info on WebRTC UDP and related example referenced in discussion
- Related ImpactJS discussion and blog
- instagib.io example 2d webgl online multiplayer game
- Rocket Rust game converted to WASM
- Handmade Hero Exstensive material on game development
- Airma HN Discussion Good discussion points on game development of a web game.
- Simple AI simple algorithms to simulate AI
- Coding Train Lots of videos on useful algorithms
- Intuitive Game Design Make games easily understood, quick adoption
- Tips on Marketing from discussion on HN
- Example Steam Greenworks Games
- Example 3D JS Online Multiplayer 3D JS NodeJS Game using Three.js
- Example Underrun 13k JS game using WebGL
- Building IO Games on Node Tutorial from experience IO game builder
- Voidcall JS13k Making of JS13k game voidcall
- Lines in WebGL Rendering lines in WebGL
The list of items to be classified/evaluated
- Top 15: Best open source javascript game engines | Our Code World
- #gamedev hashtag on Twitter
- gamedev - game developmen
- Global Cross Platform Realtime Multiplayer Game Framework | Photon: Multiplayer Made Simple
- Agora
- Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
- Build New Games
- Real Time Multiplayer in HTML5 - Build New Games
- Atomic Game Engine
- ncsoft/Unreal.js
- Physics for the lazy
- Particle effects are easy
- HTML5 Game Devs Forum
- Buildbox - Drag and Drop Game Maker
- WhitestormJS - Home
- algorithm - Simple noise generation - Game Development Stack Exchange
- Game Development Stack Exchange
- AaronShea/BLUI
- Supreme Commander - Graphics Study - Adrian Courrèges
- 15 Best Game Development Platforms | Code Geekz
- CopperCube - 3D authoring tool for WebG
- Babylon.js
- Blend4Web - Open source framework for creating 3D web apps
- Pixi.js - 2D webGL renderer with canvas fallback
- cabbibo/PhysicsRenderer
- mrdoob/texgen.js
- CopperLicht - Open Source JavaScript 3D Engine using WebGL
- Create Games with Construct 2 - Scirra.com
- The Big List Of Game Making Tools « PixelProspector – the indie goldmine
- PixelProspector - the indie goldmine
- PixelProspector ⛏ (@PixelProspector) | Twitter
- Unity - Game engin
- PlayCanvas | 3D HTML5 & WebGL Game Engine
- Self Publish First (Platforms and Publishers are Plan B)
- Unreal Engine Technology | Home
- Haxe programming language used often for games