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Contributing to Cypress

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This document describes the process to contribute Cypress Docker images for release to the public Cypress repositories on

Releases to these public repositories are reserved for configurations that cover general needs, not special configurations.


To generate customized Cypress Docker images for private organizational use please refer to the cypress/factory document.

Replacing existing images

⚠️ As a rule, unless there are extraordinary circumstances, we do NOT replace the existing Docker images. Replacing the images already used by people is dangerous, since it replaces the versions of tools without warning. We have such failed experience once, and do not want to repeat this mistake. Thus instead of replacing an existing image, in 99% of the cases we publish a new Docker image.

Building locally

We use docker compose to build the factory image locally.

cd factory
docker compose build factory

With the factory image built, you can now build other images

# This builds the 'included' image specified in the docker-compose file.
docker compose build included

# This builds all images specified in the docker-compose file.
docker compose build

Or you can then run tests in the test-project

cd test-project

# set the environment variables from factory/.env in your terminal.
set -a && . ../.env && set +a

# run the test in an image built on top of the factory.
docker compose run --build --rm test-factory-all-included

Publishing images


Primary versions

The factory/.env in the master branch should be maintained with the latest stable and supported versions. An exception is the FACTORY_DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION which should be set to the Node.js Active LTS version, not the "Current" version.

To publish a new image for factory, base, browsers, or included, open a PR with the desired version(s) updated in the factory/.env file. If you change any of the following environment variables in factory/.env, then you should also bump the FACTORY_VERSION in the same file and make a note of the change in the factory CHANGELOG:


You should not change the FACTORY_VERSION or make an entry into the factory CHANGELOG if you are only changing browser versions or the Cypress version.

Once the PR is merged into the master branch, the corresponding images will be pushed to Docker Hub and to the Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) Public Gallery via an automated script run through CircleCI. Please check that the CI jobs pass after merge. Any CI failure can cause the release process to be interrupted.

Alternate versions

Note: Assistance from a member of the Cypress org is required for this process

If you need to release alternate versions that do not qualify to be primary versions, do not modify the contents of the factory/.env file in the master branch. An example would be to publish images including updated Node.js releases in the category "Maintenance LTS" or "Current". Instead, carry out the following steps:

  1. Create a feature branch in the form <cypress-version>-node-<node.js version>-publish, for example 13.11.0-node-18.20.3-publish, branched from the master branch. If you are not a member of the Cypress org, make a request via a new issue to create a feature branch.
  2. Modify factory/.env with the desired versions. Do not modify the FACTORY_VERSION. No new cypress/factory image should be published with this process.
  3. Modify factory/docker-compose.yml to comment out the creation of latest tags. Comment out the cypress/included INCLUDED_IMAGE_SHORT_TAG to also prevent this tag from being created. This step is essential to avoid the related tags of any existing released images being moved to point to non-primary images.
  4. Modify circle.yml to push releases from the feature branch.
  5. Open a PR which targets the feature branch.
  6. After PR merge, check Docker Hub and the associated new image(s).


Note: This requires being a member of the Cypress org

base-internal and browsers-internal images are not automatically published after changes are merged. They require manual publishing to Docker Hub. To manual publish:

  1. Generate the corresponding files within the base-internal and/or browsers-internal directories that you want to generate the image from.
  2. Log into Docker Desktop using cypressdockerpublisher credentials.
  3. Follow the instructions to build the image from within the generated Dockerfile within the appropriate directory in order to build the image locally.
  4. Select 'Push to Hub' on the generate image within Docker Desktop.
  • If pushing the image fails with (HTTP code 400) unexpected - invalid tag format, you can try pushing the image through the CLI, docker push <NAME:TAG>
  1. Check Docker Hub to ensure the new image is published and test that it works.

To forward X11 from inside a Docker container to a host running macOS

If you need to test that the image works with Cypress, you can follow these instructions if on a macOS machine, which might prove helpful when debugging image dependencies:

  1. Install XQuartz:
  2. Launch XQuartz. Under the XQuartz menu, select Settings
  3. Go to the security tab and ensure "Allow connections from network clients" is checked.
  4. From the XQuarts terminal, run xhost + ${hostname} to allow connections to the macOS host
  5. From the XQuarts terminal, set up a HOSTNAME env var export HOSTNAME="host.docker.internal:0"
  6. From the XQuarts terminal, run your Docker image like such:
docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY="host.docker.internal:0" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --entrypoint bash <YOUR_IMAGE_TAG>

When executing npx cypress open from the Docker container, the display should now be visible!

Releasing a new factory version

To release a new factory, open a PR with the desired changes to the factory.Dockerfile or installScripts. After making changes, note the changes in the factory CHANGELOG and bump the FACTORY_VERSION in the .env file to trigger a new release.

Minimize image sizes

The BASE_IMAGE defined in factory/.env uses a Debian Docker image and the current BASE_IMAGE is debian:12-slim (codename bookworm). To keep the image size of the generated Cypress Docker images to a minimum, choose the slim variant when other versions of Debian are used, for instance when Debian releases a new major version.

To see the size of an image, you can use the command docker images, for instance with:

docker images --format "table {{.Repository}} {{.Tag}} {{.Size}}"

A snapshot of current sizes shows:

cypress/factory 4.0.0 506MB
cypress/base 20.13.1 640MB
cypress/browsers node-20.13.1-chrome-125.0.6422.60-1-ff-126.0-edge-125.0.2535.51-1 2.14GB
cypress/included 13.10.0 2.86GB

Clean up apt-get artifacts

Calling apt-get creates artifacts that are not necessary to the image, and these artifacts bloat the image size and all images that inherit from it.

To avoid bloating the Docker layers with extraneous files, after every RUN call with apt-get, add these cleanup commands within the same RUN:

rm -rf /usr/share/doc && \
rm -rf /usr/share/man && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Note that due to the use of debian:<suite>-slim the directories /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/man already have minimal content.

Deleting /usr/share/man has been removed as a default cleanup command due to side effects of preventing installation of some other Debian packages.

Use the --no-install-recommends with apt-get

Whenever upgrading or installing packages with apt-get, use the --no-install-recommends flag to ensure that apt-get installs only the minimum packages required.

Omit apt-get clean

Per the Docker documentation Building best practices, you don't need to add apt-get clean, since the Docker images implicitly run that command after every apt-get execution.

Official Debian and Ubuntu images automatically run apt-get clean, so explicit invocation is not required.

Tool versions

It is a good idea to print versions of the installed tools and username at the end of the build, like

# versions of local tools
RUN echo  " node version:    $(node -v) \n" \
  "npm version:     $(npm -v) \n" \
  "yarn version:    $(yarn -v) \n" \
  "typescript version:  $(tsc -v) \n" \
  "debian version:  $(cat /etc/debian_version) \n" \
  "user:            $(whoami) \n"

Multi-Architecture Support

As of Cypress 10.2.0, arm64 and x64 are both supported.

In CI, the images are built and tested in real arm64 and x64 architectures. Then, via binfmt and docker buildx, we build x64 and cross-build arm64 from the same machine, and then publish that image to Docker Hub. The docker buildx step runs a second time to push to Amazon ECR:

┌────────────────────┐     ┌──────────────────┐
│arm64 build+test job│     │x64 build+test job│
└──────────┬─────────┘     └────────┬─────────┘
           │                        │
│x64 build+push job                           │
│  ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐   │
│  │       build+push to Docker Hub       │   │
│  └──────────────────┬───────────────────┘   │
│                     │                       │
│  ┌──────────────────▼───────────────────┐   │
│  │         build+push to AWS ECR        │   │
│  └──────────────────────────────────────┘   │

A current limitation is that no arm64 images have browser binaries - see #695 for details.

Updating images to add linux/arm64

Using the docker CLI, you can build the linux/arm64 image of an image, glue the existing linux/amd64 image to it to create a "manifest list", and then push that to update the current tag on the registry. The end result is that amd64 users will see no change at all, while arm64 users will now get the correct arm64 image.

Step-by-step instructions:

These steps assume you have Docker Hub and ECR credentials.

When following these steps, you may get into a state where you have cached copies of images causing wrong behavior. If this happens, delete the offending images, or docker system prune --all to be safe.

  1. Ensure that the entire FROM chain of this image has a linux/arm64 version, and follow this guide for those FROM images if necessary. For example, generating an arm64 cypress/browsers:node1.2.3-chrome100 would require an arm64 cypress/base:1.2.3 image.

  2. Re-run the yarn add:<type>:image command to update the Dockerfile folder with any changes in the build scripts. The correct command is at the top of every file in a comment. Verify that this has replaced the existing image and not caused any unexpected changes, like generating in the wrong directory.

  3. cd into the Dockerfile folder.

  4. Build the image and tag it with tmp:

    docker build -t cypress/<image>:tmp --platform linux/arm64 .
  5. Manually validate that the image works as expected and is really in arm64:

    docker run -it cypress/<image>:tmp node -p "process.arch" # expect arm64
  6. Push the tmp tag, and record the digest string (sha256:hexadecimal...). This is your arm64 digest string.

    docker push cypress/<image>:tmp
    # example output:
    # [...]
    # tmp: digest: sha256:6c38510771b756153b6f4d54c3ef9185006c1659f725e79d4999cd6304720353 size: 3659
  7. Find the current amd64 digest string, either by using Docker Hub to browse tags, or docker image inspect cypress/...

  8. Create a combined manifest using the existing name:

    docker manifest create cypress/<image>:<tag> \
      cypress/<image>:tmp@sha256:rest-of-arm64-digest \
    # example:
    # docker manifest create cypress/included:10.3.0 \
    #  cypress/included:tmp@sha256:6c38510771b756153b6f4d54c3ef9185006c1659f725e79d4999cd6304720353 \
    #  cypress/included:10.3.0@sha256:942468cdb722c408607093f60eeb1b4ff098a384f9123bf2ded36f55d4c96352
  9. Run docker manifest push cypress/<image>:<tag> to push the completed manifest to Docker Hub.

  10. Validate that the pushed image is correct.

  11. To publish to ECR, use docker login to switch accounts and follow the below, slightly modified, steps - you don't need to rebuild the linux/arm64 version. ECR Digest strings may differ from the Hub Digest strings since they are built separately.

    docker login --username AWS --password $(aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1)
    # tag+push the arm64 build to
    docker tag cypress/$IMAGE_NAME:$TAG@sha256:$ARM64_DIGEST$IMAGE_NAME:tmp
    # create a local tag for the amd64 build
    docker pull$IMAGE_NAME:$TAG
    # create an arm64+amd64 manifest + replace the old image with the manifest
    docker manifest create$IMAGE_NAME:$TAG$IMAGE_NAME:$TAG$IMAGE_NAME:tmp
    docker manifest push$IMAGE_NAME:$TAG
  12. Delete the tmp tag.