Thank you for your interest in contributing! We appreciate your suggestions and code contributions, and we value the time and effort you put into improving this project.
Suggestions and Contributions:
- We welcome issue reports, feature suggestions, and pull requests with proposed changes or new features.
- Please follow the guidelines below for submitting issues and pull requests.
Internal Review and Merge:
- Contributions submitted via pull requests will be reviewed by our team.
- If a proposed change is approved, we will incorporate it into the project internally and close the pull request. The actual changes may not appear in the codebase as part of your original pull request.
- While we may not merge pull requests directly, we value your input and will acknowledge contributors whose suggestions or code have been incorporated.
Issues: When opening an issue, provide a clear and detailed description of the problem or feature request, along with any relevant context.
Pull Requests: For pull requests:
- Base your changes on the
branch. - Follow the existing code style and conventions.
- Include a clear description of the problem you're solving and why the proposed change is beneficial.
- Ensure your code is well-documented and, if applicable, includes relevant tests.
- Base your changes on the
By contributing, you agree that any contributions you submit may be included in this project under its license.