This tutorial illustrates how to create an SBOM from software projects using the cdxgen CLI.
- Homebrew
Run the command:
npm install -g @cyclonedx/cdxgen
Run the command:
brew install cdxgen
Verify installation by running:
cdxgen -h
You should see the resultant output:
cdxgen [command]
cdxgen completion Generate bash/zsh completion
-o, --output Output file. Default bom.json
[default: "bom.json"]
-t, --type Project type. Please refer to https://cyclonedx.g for supported lan
-r, --recurse Recurse mode suitable for mono-repos. Defaults to
true. Pass --no-recurse to disable.
[boolean] [default: true]
-p, --print Print the SBOM as a table with tree. [boolean]
-c, --resolve-class Resolve class names for packages. jars only for n
ow. [boolean]
--deep Perform deep searches for components. Useful whil
e scanning C/C++ apps, live OS and oci images.
--server-url Dependency track url. Eg: https://deptrack.cyclon
--api-key Dependency track api key
--project-group Dependency track project group
--project-name Dependency track project name. Default use the di
rectory name
--project-version Dependency track project version
[string] [default: ""]
--project-id Dependency track project id. Either provide the i
d or the project name and version together
--parent-project-id Dependency track parent project id [string]
--required-only Include only the packages with required scope on
the SBOM. Would set compositions.aggregate to inc
omplete unless --no-auto-compositions is passed.
--fail-on-error Fail if any dependency extractor fails. [boolean]
--no-babel Do not use babel to perform usage analysis for Ja
vaScript/TypeScript projects. [boolean]
--generate-key-and-sign Generate an RSA public/private key pair and then
sign the generated SBOM using JSON Web Signatures
. [boolean]
--server Run cdxgen as a server [boolean]
--server-host Listen address [default: ""]
--server-port Listen port [default: "9090"]
--install-deps Install dependencies automatically for some proje
cts. Defaults to true but disabled for containers
and oci scans. Use --no-install-deps to disable
this feature. [boolean]
--validate Validate the generated SBOM using json schema. De
faults to true. Pass --no-validate to disable.
[boolean] [default: true]
--evidence Generate SBOM with evidence for supported languag
es. [boolean] [default: false]
--spec-version CycloneDX Specification version to use. Defaults
to 1.5 [number] [default: 1.5]
--filter Filter components containing this word in purl or Multiple values allo
wed. [array]
--only Include components only containing this word in p
url. Useful to generate BOM with first party comp
onents alone. Multiple values allowed. [array]
--author The person(s) who created the BOM. Set this value
if you're intending the modify the BOM and claim
authorship.[array] [default: "OWASP Foundation"]
--profile BOM profile to use for generation. Default generi
[choices: "appsec", "research", "operational", "threat-modeling", "license-com
pliance", "generic"] [default: "generic"]
--exclude Additional glob pattern(s) to ignore [array]
--include-formulation Generate formulation section using git metadata.
[boolean] [default: false]
--include-crypto Include crypto libraries found under formulation.
[boolean] [default: false]
--standard The list of standards which may consist of regula
tions, industry or organizational-specific standa
rds, maturity models, best practices, or any othe
r requirements which can be evaluated against or
attested to.
[array] [choices: "asvs-4.0.3", "bsimm-v13", "masvs-2.0.0", "nist_ssdf-1.1", "
pcissc-secure-slc-1.1", "scvs-1.0.0", "ssaf-DRAFT-2023-11"]
--no-banner Do not show the donation banner. Set this attribu
te if you are an active sponsor for OWASP Cyclone
DX. [boolean] [default: false]
--auto-compositions Automatically set compositions when the BOM was f
iltered. Defaults to true
[boolean] [default: true]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
cdxgen -t java . Generate a Java SBOM for the current directory
cdxgen --server Run cdxgen as a server
for documentation, visit
To generate an SBOM run:
cdxgen -o <filename>
Where filename
is the name of the output json file.
Additionally, the language of the project can be defined explicitly via the -t
cdxgen -t <type> -o <filename>
Where type
is one of the potential programming languages/frameworks (python, java, rust, npm, go, etc)
- Without specifying the type, cdxgen may sometimes create inaccurate outputs.
- CycloneDX. (n.d.). CycloneDX/cdxgen: Creates CycloneDX Bill of materials (BOM) for your projects from source and container images. supports many languages and package managers. integrate in your CI/CD pipeline with automatic submission to dependency track server. slack: Https:// GitHub.