This tutorial illustrates how to produce an SBOM using Rust projects using the Cargo-Sbom and CycloneDX-Rust-Cargo CLIs.
cargo install cargo-sbom
To verify installation, run:
cargo sbom --help
You should see the resultant output:
Create software bill of materials (SBOM) for Rust
Usage: cargo sbom [OPTIONS]
--cargo-package <CARGO_PACKAGE>
The specific package (in a Cargo workspace) to generate an SBOM for. If not specified this is all packages in the workspace.
--output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
The SBOM output format. [default: spdx_json_2_3] [possible values: spdx_json_2_3, cyclone_dx_json_1_4]
--project-directory <PROJECT_DIRECTORY>
The directory to the Cargo project. [default: .]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
cargo install cargo-cyclonedx
To verify installation, run:
cargo cyclonedx --help
You should see the resultant output:
Creates a CycloneDX Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) for Rust project
Usage: cargo cyclonedx [OPTIONS]
--manifest-path <PATH> Path to Cargo.toml
-f, --format <FORMAT> Output BOM format: json, xml
-v, --verbose... Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)
-q, --quiet No output printed to stdout
-a, --all List all dependencies instead of only top-level ones
--top-level List only top-level dependencies (default)
--output-cdx Prepend file extension with .cdx
--output-pattern <PATTERN> Prefix patterns to use for the filename: bom, package
--output-prefix <FILENAME_PREFIX> Custom prefix string to use for the filename
-h, --help Print help
Navigate to the Rust project that you wish to create the SBOM for.
cargo sbom --output-format <sbom-format>
This outputs an sbom to the terminal in one of the predetermined formats:
This output can be redirected to a file via:
cargo sbom --output-format <sbom-format> > <filename>
- The SPDX output may feature license outputs that are not part of the SPDX License List, e.g. "MIT/Apache-2.0" (incorrect) as opposed to "MIT OR Apache-2.0" (correct).
Navigate to the Rust project that you wish to create the SBOM for.
cargo cyclonedx -f json -a
You should see an output "bom.json" in any folder containing rust source files.
In multi folder/multi module projects, a separate SBOM file is created in the root of each module. If this is not desirable, the cargo-sbom CLI may be more applicable.
Error messages may be seen, however an sbom is still built. This appears to be a known issue.
This section illustrates CycloneDX JSON and XML SBOMs, from the Cargo-SBOM and CycloneDX-Rust-Cargo codebases, created from Cargo-SBOM and CycloneDX-Rust-Cargo.
<title>Pretty JSON Display</title> <style> #json-container { height: 400px; /* Set a fixed height */ overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling */ border: 2px solid #ccc; /* Optional: add a border for visibility */ padding: 10px; } #json-container2 { height: 400px; /* Set a fixed height */ overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling */ border: 2px solid #ccc; /* Optional: add a border for visibility */ padding: 10px; } #xml-container { height: 400px; /* Set a fixed height */ overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling */ border: 2px solid #ccc; /* Optional: add a border for visibility */ padding: 10px; } pre { margin: 0; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; } </style>-
CycloneDX. (2023). cyclonedx-rust-cargo.
Psastras. (2023). cargo-sbom.