+ API Keys are used to identify yourself when you are calling the + CubePB.com APIs from 3rd party applications. This is mostly for + developers who want to build apps that can communicate directly with + the CubePB backend APIs. +
+ + All CubePB.com API requests should be directed as a HTTP POST + request to + https://api.cubepb.com/giraffeql + . The API Key needs to be passed as a header with the key + x-api-key + . The request body must be sent as JSON. Official documentation of + all the API functiaonlity is not currently available, but you can + see what the JSON body looks like for various kinds of actions by + looking at the Request Payload in the developer console of your + browser while performing those actions on the site. For help + regarding setting up the requests, please feel free to drop by our + Discord server. + +