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Information about GNSS satellites and their constellations.

Provided C++ libraries

  • / igs_satellite_metadata.h: General information about satellites downloaded from IGS.
  • / orbital_data_manager.h: Library that manages downloads of almanac/ephemeris data to support computing satellite orbits. It can also generate a sky view from given place and time.



An example node using IGSSatelliteMetadata to construct a list of all GNSS satellites that existed in a given time instant.

Published topics

  • satellites (gnss_info_msgs/SatellitesList, latched): The list of satellites.


  • ~time (float, defaults to ros::Time::now() ): The reference time for which satellites should be looked up.
  • ~only_active (bool, default true): Return only satellites active at the reference time.
  • ~only_constellations (list of string): If nonempty, limits the published satellites to only those belonging to the listed constellations.
  • ~only_signals (list of string): If nonempty, limits the published satellites to only those transmitting at least one of the listed signals.


An example node using OrbitalDataManager with EthzSatdbProvider to get approximate locations of satellites.

Published topics

  • satellites_positions (gnss_info_msgs/SatellitesPositions, latched): ECEF positions of all satellites from satellites topic for which orbital data are available.
  • sky_view (gnss_info_msgs/SkyView, latched): Sky view of all satellites from satellites topic which are visible from the last position received on position topic.

Subscribed topics

  • satellites (gnss_info_msgs/SatellitesList): The list of satellites.
  • position (geographic_msgs/GeoPoint): Reference position for the sky view.


  • ~elevation_mask_deg (float, default 5.0°): Minimum elevation of satellites to be considered in the sky view.
  • ~refresh_rate (double, default 0.1 Hz): Rate at which updates of the positions should be published and recomputed.


A node turning gnss_info_msgs/SkyView into a plot of satellites.

Published topics

  • sky_plot (sensor_msgs/Image): The sky plot.

Subscribed topics

  • satellites (gnss_info_msgs/SatellitesList): The list of satellites.
  • sky_view (gnss_info_msgs/SkyView): Sky view of some satellites.


  • ~plot_color (str, default "white"): Background color of the plot. Anything that matplotlib reads (e.g. #ABCDEF00).
  • ~show_legend (bool, default True): Whether to show legend in the plot.
  • ~show_labels (bool, default True): Whether to show labels of the individual satellites.
  • ~show_title (bool, default True): Whether to show title with plot time and reference location.
  • ~show_elevation_mask (bool, default True): Whether to show a greyed-out area in masked parts of the plot.
  • ~width (int, default 840): Width of the plot in px.
  • ~height (int, default 720): Height of the plot in px.
  • ~dpi (float, default 120.0): DPI of the plot.
  • ~only_constellations (str or list[str], default ""): Either a comma-separated list or a list of string defining which constellations to plot. If empty, everything is plotted.

Possible improvements: