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File metadata and controls

61 lines (39 loc) · 1.73 KB

Blazor Tree CRUD

DISCLAIMER: This code is almost 1 year old and it is not maintained.

A simple Server-Side Blazor CRUD app to deal with hierarchical data.

Project has a data layer with GraphQL for R (Retrieve) and classical Rest for CUD (Create Update Delete)

The basic functionality is ready:

  • Unexpand nodes and expand nodes with Lazy load.
  • Select and unselect a node.
  • Insert new nodes
  • ToDo: Update, Delete

Backend by @utrescu Frontend by @ctrl-alt-d.

Screenshot ( because all us love screenshots ):


Show me the code

    <UITreeComponent SourceData=@uiTree

@functions {

    UITree uiTree = new UITree();
    private async Task<bool> OnExpand(int Id)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Expanded " + Id);
        return await Task.FromResult(true);

How to run?

  1. Launch GraphQL server: ( cd TreeCrud.Server/; dotnet run )
  2. Launch Blazor Server: ( cd TreeCrud.GraphQL/; ASPNETCORE_URLS="" dotnet run )

Can I use UITreeComponent on my project?

Use it as your risk. Steps:

  • Download the project.
  • Add a reference to it from your own project.
  • Add the following line in your _ViewImports.cshtml: @addTagHelper *, BlazorTreeControl
  • Please, PR your improvements and Issue for comments.

Don't hesitate to contact me for further information :)