To check on running jobs
To submit a job
sbatch <>
To submit an interactive job
srun -p interactive --mem=500 --ntasks=1 --time=00:20:00 --pty bash
List your current running jobs
squeue -u $USER -t RUNNING
List all pending jobs
squeue -al -t PENDING
List all current jobs in the compute partition
squeue -p compute
List detailed information for a job (useful for troubleshooting)
scontrol show jobid -dd <jobid>
List status info for a currently running job:
sstat -j <jobid> --format=AveCPU,AvePages,AveRSS,AveVMSize,JobID --allsteps
Get statistics on completed jobs by jobid
sacct -j <jobid> --format=jobid,submit,elapsed,usercpu,ncpus
See how much memory your job used
sacct -j <job_id> --format=JobID,user,elapsed,ReqMem,MaxVMSize,ncpus,MaxVMSizeNode
JobID User Elapsed ReqMem MaxVMSize NCPUS MaxVMSizeNode
------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------
9200 username 01:09:51 40000Mn 72
9200.batch 01:09:51 40000Mn 27503812K 36 pn055
9200.0 01:09:49 40000Mn 27002992K 1 pn056
In this example, the job used ~28GB of memory.
Cancel job
scancel <jobid>
Cancel all pending jobs
scancel -t PENDING -u <username>
Cancel jobs by name
scancel --name myJobName
Pause job
scontrol hold <jobid>
Resume job
scontrol resume <jobid>
Requeue job
scontrol requeue <jobid>
View cluster status and availability
Building SWASH per the in
(base) [csherwood@pn124 build]$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) slurm/17.11.12 2) default-environment 3) impi/2018.2.199 4) intel/2018 5) cmake/3.20.2 6) stack/impi/1.0
(base) [csherwood@pn124 build]$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpiifort -DMPI=on
-- Configuring done
You have changed variables that require your cache to be deleted.
Configure will be re-run and you may have to reset some variables.
The following variables have changed:
CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER= mpiifort
-- The Fortran compiler identification is Intel
-- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info
-- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working Fortran compiler: /vortexfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort - skipped
-- Checking whether /vortexfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort supports Fortran 90
-- Checking whether /vortexfs1/apps/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort supports Fortran 90 - yes
-- Found Perl: /usr/bin/perl (found version "5.16.3")
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /vortexfs1/home/csherwood/src/swash/build
(base) [csherwood@pn124 build]$ make
Scanning dependencies of target swash8.01
[ 1%] Building Fortran object lib/CMakeFiles/swash8.01.dir/SwanCompdata.f90.o
[ 1%] Building Fortran object lib/CMakeFiles/swash8.01.dir/SwanGriddata.f90.o
[ 2%] Building Fortran object lib/CMakeFiles/swash8.01.dir/SwanGridobjects.f90.o
[ 98%] Building Fortran object lib/CMakeFiles/swash8.01.dir/sparskit2.f.o
[ 99%] Linking Fortran static library libswash8.01.a
[ 99%] Built target swash8.01
Scanning dependencies of target swash.exe
[ 99%] Building Fortran object lib/CMakeFiles/swash.exe.dir/Swash.f90.o
[100%] Linking Fortran executable ../bin/swash.exe
[100%] Built target swash.exe
(base) [csherwood@pn124 build]$ ls bin
CMakeFiles cmake_install.cmake Makefile swash.exe
This version runs in MPI (errors are because there is no input file)
(base) [csherwood@pn124 bin]$ mpirun -np 4 ./swash.exe
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4) - process 2
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4) - process 0
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4) - process 1
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 4) - process 3
(base) [csherwood@pn124 bin]$ ls
CMakeFiles Errfile Errfile-002 Errfile-004 PRINT PRINT-002 PRINT-004 swashinit
cmake_install.cmake Errfile-001 Errfile-003 Makefile PRINT-001 PRINT-003 swash.exe