Cloud_cci CC4CL using ecflow
Dependencies: You need also to install
original database must be located in your pycmsat install.dir.
e.g. "/perm/ms/de/sf7/cschlund/pycmsaf/AVHRR_GAC_archive.sqlite3"
has to be located in ./sql/ on the remote machine
since it contains the necessary overlap information
additionally you need the main CC4CL source code, which is not
included in this repository, e.g. "/path/to/cschlund/mainsrc"
You have to clone this repository twice:
1) local machine, e.g. ecgate: /path/to/repo
2) remote machine, eg.g cca: /path/to/repo
If you want to process only a single day (or a few days) for a month and satellite, then you have to modify in ./esa_routines/ the python tool "" and set 'sday' and 'eday' as you wish, instead of 1 and 0 (i.e. whole month is being processed).
If you want to run only a small pixel box instead of the whole orbit, please create your suite using "--testrun"
For more details: ./ --help
this is the source code, which is running on the remote machine;
first modify "config_paths.file";
then compile source code using "gmake"
this is the source code for ecflow required on local machine
change to your home directory
cd $HOME
create a new directory for ecflow log
mkdir ecflow_logs_username
check which server is available, i.e. which is NOT in the list
netstat -lnptu |less
netstat -lnptu |grep 35816
start ecflow server -p 35816 -d $HOME/ecflow_logs_username
stop ecflow server, if you do not need it anymore! -p 35816
adapt all variables and paths!
check if ecflow server is running
ecflow_client --ping
edit suite config file
go to include/
modify templates if necessary,
i.e. email, wall clock time, memory, etc.;
safe them without .template ending
clear directories if necessary
generate suite definition
before you run the "real" jobs (CC4CL),
please test ECFlow_CC4CL_proc using the option "--dummy",
in order to check if your settings are OK.
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --satellites noaa18 --dummy
if everything worked out, then you can try to run a 11x11 pixel box:
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --satellites noaa18 --testrun
if everything worked out, then you can do the hard work:
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --satellites noaa18
possibilities, for example:
(1) process all available satellites
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231
(2) process only noaa18 and terra
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --satellites noaa18 terra
(3) process all available satellites except noaa18 and terra
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --ignoresats noaa18 terra
(4) process avhrr primes and modis satellites
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --use_avhrr_primes
(5) process avhrr primes but not modis satellites
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --use_avhrr_primes --ignore_sats terra aqua
(6) process only modis satellites
./ --start_date 20080101 --end_date 20081231 --use_modis_only
load suite
open ecflowview GUI
ecflowview &
and resume suite