The repository of the summer school can be cloned via:
git clone
The exercise assignments are provided in various
For most of the exercises, skeleton codes are provided both for
Fortran and C/C++ in the corresponding subdirectory. Some exercise
skeletons have sections marked with “TODO” for completing the
exercises. In addition, all of the exercises have exemplary full codes
(that can be compiled and run) in the solutions
folder. Note that these are
seldom the only or even the best way to solve the problem.
In case you have working parallel program development environment in your laptop (Fortran or C/C++ compiler, MPI development library, etc.) you may use that for exercises. Note, however, that no support for installing MPI environment or ROCM can be provided during the course. Otherwise, you can use CSC supercomputers for carrying out the exercises.
Exercises can be carried out using the LUMI supercomputer.
LUMI can be accessed via ssh using the provided username and ssh key pair:
ssh -i <path-to-private-key> <username>
In order to push code to your own fork, you need to add your SSH public key in LUMI (created on LUMI, not the used to log into LUMI) your github account. The SSH key can be added to your github account using a browser . In you github profile go to "Settings"->"SSH and GPG keys"->"New SSH key" and copy-paste output of the following command:
cat $HOME/.ssh/
Once succesfull, make sure you in your personal workspace in scratch area /scratch/project_465000536/$USER
, clone the repository, and a create a branch:
git clone [email protected]:<my-github-id>/summerschool.git
git checkout -b hpcss24
If you haven't used git before in LUMI, you need to add also your identity:
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Your Name"
Default editor for commit messages is vim, if you prefer something else you can add
to the file $HOME/.bashrc
export EDITOR=nano
All the exercises in the supercomputers should be carried out in the
scratch disk area. The name of the scratch directory can be
queried with the command lumi-workspaces
. As the base directory is
shared between members of the project, you should create your own
mkdir -p /scratch/project_465001194/$USER
cd /scratch/project_465001194/$USER
For editing program source files you can use e.g. nano editor:
nano prog.f90
in nano's shortcuts refer to Ctrl key, i.e. in order to save file and exit editor press Ctrl+X
Also other popular editors such as emacs and vim are available.
LUMI has several programming environments. For summerschool, we recommend that you use cray tools.
For CPU programming use:
module load PrgEnv-cray/8.4.0
module load LUMI/23.09
module load partition/C
For GPU programming use:
module load PrgEnv-cray/8.4.0
module load LUMI/23.09
module load partition/G
module load rocm/5.4.6
Compilation of the MPI programs can be performed with the CC
, cc
, or ftn
wrapper commands:
CC -o my_mpi_exe test.cpp
cc -o my_mpi_exe test.c
ftn -o my_mpi_exe test.f90
The wrapper commands include automatically all the flags needed for building MPI programs.
Pure OpenMP (as well as serial) programs can also be compiled with the CC
, and ftn
wrapper commands. OpenMP is enabled with the
CC -o my_exe test.cpp -fopenmp
cc -o my_exe test.c -fopenmp
ftn -o my_exe test.f90 -fopenmp
When code uses also MPI, the wrapper commands include automatically all the flags needed for building MPI programs.
In order to use HDF5 in CSC supercomputers, you need the load the HDF5 module with MPI I/O support. The appropriate module in Lumi is
module load cray-hdf5-parallel
No special flags are needed for compiling and linking, the compiler wrappers take care of them automatically.
Usage in local workstation may vary.
On Lumi, the following modules are required:
module load PrgEnv-cray/8.4.0
module load LUMI/23.09
module load partition/G
module load rocm/5.4.6
On Lumi, to compile your program, use
CC -fopenmp <source.cpp>
NOTE! The -fopenmp
option behaves differently depending on which module are loaded. If partition/L
or partition/C
is loaded it will use compiling options for creating code for multi-core cpus. If partition/G
is loaded it will use compiling options to create code for offloading on gpus.
Use the following modules :
module load PrgEnv-cray/8.4.0
module load LUMI/23.09
module load partition/G
module load rocm/5.4.6
To compile your program, use:
CC -xhip <source.cpp>
HIP codes can be compiled as well using the hipcc
AMD compiler:
hipcc --offload-arch=gfx90a `CC --cray-print-opts=cflags` <source>.cpp `CC --cray-print-opts=libs`
The flag --offload-arch=gfx90a
indicates that we are targeting MI200 GPUs. If the code uses some libraries we need extract from the CC
wrapers. This is doen via the flags CC --cray-print-opts=cflags
and CC --cray-print-opts=libs
A more elegant solution would be to use:
export HIPCC_COMPILE_FLAGS_APPEND="--offload-arch=gfx90a $(CC --cray-print-opts=cflags)"
export HIPCC_LINK_FLAGS_APPEND=$(CC --cray-print-opts=libs)
hipcc <source.cpp>
This is helpful when using make.
The following modules are required:
module load PrgEnv-cray/8.4.0
module load LUMI/23.09
module load partition/G
module load rocm/5.4.6
Because the default HIPFORT
installation only supports gfortran, we use a custom installation prepared in the summer school project. This package provide Fortran modules compatible with the Cray Fortran compiler as well as direct use of hipfort with the Fortran Cray Compiler wrapper (ftn).
The package was installed via:
# In some temporary folder
wget # one can try various realeases
tar -xvzf rocm-6.1.0.tar.gz;
cd hipfort-rocm-6.1.0;
mkdir build;
cd build;
make -j 64
make install
Where <path-to>/ftn
can be obtain by running which ftn
We will use the Cray 'ftn' compiler wrapper as you would do to compile any fortran code plus some additional flags:
export HIPFORT_HOME=/projappl/project_465001194/apps/HIPFORT
ftn -I$HIPFORT_HOME/include/hipfort/amdgcn "-DHIPFORT_ARCH=\"amd\"" -L$HIPFORT_HOME/lib -lhipfort-amdgcn $LIB_FLAGS -c <fortran_code>.f90
CC -xhip -c <hip_kernels>.cpp
ftn -I$HIPFORT_HOME/include/hipfort/amdgcn "-DHIPFORT_ARCH=\"amd\"" -L$HIPFORT_HOME/lib -lhipfort-amdgcn $LIB_FLAGS -o main <fortran_code>.o hip_kernels.o
This option gives enough flexibility for calling HIP libraries from Fortran or for a mix of OpenMP/OpenACC offloading to GPUs and HIP kernels/libraries.
Programs need to be executed via the batch job system. Simple job running with 4 MPI tasks can be submitted with the following batch job script:
#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --account=project_465001194
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
srun my_mpi_exe
Save the script e.g. as
and submit it with sbatch
The output of job will be in file slurm-xxxxx.out
. You can check the status of your jobs with squeue -u $USER
and kill possible hanging applications with
scancel JOBID
The reservation summerschool
is available during the course days and it
is accessible only with the training user accounts.
The same result can be achived using directly srun
srun --job-name=example --account=project_465001194 --partition=small --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu --time=00:05:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=4 --cpus-per-task=1 my_mpi_exe
For pure OpenMP programs one should use only one node and one MPI task per nodesingle tasks and specify the number of cores reserved
for threading with --cpus-per-task
#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --account=project_465001194
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
# Set the number of threads based on --cpus-per-task
srun my_omp_exe
The same result can be achived using directly srun
srun --job-name=example --account=project_465001194 --partition=small --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu --time=00:05:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=4 my_omp_exe
For hybrid MPI+OpenMP programs it is recommended to specify explicitly number of nodes, number of
MPI tasks per node (pure OpenMP programs as special case with one node and one task per node),
and number of cores reserved for threading. The number of nodes is specified with --nodes
(for most of the exercises you should use only a single node), number of MPI tasks per node
with --ntasks-per-node
, and number of cores reserved for threading with --cpus-per-task
The actual number of threads is specified with OMP_NUM_THREADS
environment variable.
Simple job running with 4 MPI tasks and 4 OpenMP threads per MPI task can be submitted with
the following batch job script:
#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --account=project_465001194
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
# Set the number of threads based on --cpus-per-task
srun my_exe
The same result can be achived using directly srun
srun --job-name=example --account=project_465001194 --partition=small --reservation=CSC_summer_school_cpu --time=00:05:00 --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=32 --cpus-per-task=4 my_omp_exe
When running GPU programs, few changes need to made to the batch job
script. The partition
is are now different, and one must also request explicitly given number of GPUs per node with the
option. As an example, in order to use a
single GPU with single MPI task and a single thread use:
#SBATCH --job-name=example
#SBATCH --account=project_465001194
#SBATCH --partition=small-g
#SBATCH --reservation=CSC_summer_school_gpu
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00
srun my_gpu_exe
The same result can be achived using directly srun
srun --job-name=example --account=project_465001194 --partition=small-g --reservation=CSC_summer_school_gpu --time=00:05:00 --gpus-per-node=8 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 my_gpu_exe
Note! Some programs require gpu-aware MPI to perform MPI operations using directly the GPU pointers (this avoiding some GPU-CPU trasnfers). This is enabled via:
When debugging or doing performance analysys the user needs to interact with application on the compute nodes.
salloc --account=<project_id> –-partition=small –-nodes=2 –-ntasks-per-nodes=128 --time=00:30:00
Once the allocation is made, this command will start a shell on the login node.
srun --ntasks=32 --cpus-per-task=8 ./my_interactive_prog
See the MPI debugging exercise, CSC user guide, and LUMI documentation for possible debugging options.
Performance analysis with TAU and Omniperf (OUTDATED, check the application-performance folder!)
# Create installation directory
mkdir -p .../appl/tau
cd .../appl/tau
# Download TAU
tar xvf tau-2.32.tar.gz
mv tau-2.32 2.32
# Go to TAU directory
cd 2.32
./configure -bfd=download -otf=download -unwind=download -dwarf=download -iowrapper -cc=cc -c++=CC -fortran=ftn -pthread -mpi -phiprof -papi=/opt/cray/pe/papi/
make -j 64
./configure -bfd=download -otf=download -unwind=download -dwarf=download -iowrapper -cc=cc -c++=CC -fortran=ftn -pthread -mpi -papi=/opt/cray/pe/papi/ -rocm=<path-to>/rocm/x.y.z/ -rocprofiler=<path-to>/rocm/x.y.z/rocprofiler
make -j 64
./configure -bfd=download -otf=download -unwind=download -dwarf=download -iowrapper -cc=cc -c++=CC -fortran=ftn -pthread -mpi -papi=/opt/cray/pe/papi/ -rocm=<path-to>/rocm/x.y.z/ -roctracer=<path-to>/rocm/x.y.z/roctracer
make -j 64
and Omniperf
can be used to do performance analysis.
In order to use TAU one only has to load the modules needed to run the application be ran and set the paths to the TAU install folder:
export TAU=<path-to>/tau/2.32/craycnl
export PATH=$TAU/bin:$PATH
Profiling mpi code:
srun --cpus-per-task=1 --account=project_465001194 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=4 --partition=standard --time=00:05:00 --reservation=summerschool_standard tau_exec -ebs ./mandelbrot
In order to to see the paraprof
in browser use vnc
module load lumi-vnc
This will open the application in a vnc window.
Alternatively one can use the Open on Demand interface. This way one can have access to a desktop running on LUMI.
export TAU_TRACE=1
srun --cpus-per-task=1 --account=project_465001194 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=4 --partition=standard --time=00:05:00 --reservation=summerschool_standard tau_exec -ebs ./mandelbrot
tau_trace2json tau.trc tau.edf -chrome -ignoreatomic -o app.json
Copy app.json
to local computer, open and then load the app.json
Installing Omniperf is straightforward follwing the instructions from the official webpage In order to use omniperf load the following modules:
module use <path-ro>/Omni/omniperf/modulefiles
module load omniperf
module load cray-python
srun -p standard-g --gpus 1 -N 1 -n 1 -c 1 --time=00:30:00 --account=project_465001194 omniperf profile -n workload_xy --roof-only --kernel-names -- ./heat_hip
omniperf analyze -p workloads/workload_xy/mi200/ > analyse_xy.txt
In additition to this one has to load the usual modules for running GPUs. Keep in mind the the above installation was done with rocm/5.4.6
It is useful add to the compilation of the application to be analysed the follwing -g -gdwarf-4
More information about TAU can be found in TAU User Documentation, while for Omniperf at Omniperf User Documentation