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Codebook for the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker

Codebook version 4.0
25 July 2022

Summary of July 2022 updates
In July 2022 we adjusted our dataset to account for policies which apply to vaccinated and non-vaccinated people differently. Ten of our indicators are now split into separate variables for non-vaccinated people (eg. C1NV_School closing) and vaccinated people (eg. C1V_School closing) where policies differ between these groups. Here we refer to this as a ‘differentiated policy’.

We define differentiated policies to mean policies where vaccinated people can access greater freedoms due to their vaccination status, and are subject to less stringent restrictions. An example of this is if vaccinated people who can present a vaccine pass/passport can enter public events freely, but non-vaccinated people are banned. This adjustment has resulted in changes to our ‘latest’ csv files (summarising the differentiated data), and the addition of new ‘differentiated withnotes’ files, (containing all the differentiated data).

The documentation in this GitHub repository reflects these changes, and we have also published a PDF summary of the changes.

This document is the authoritative codebook for the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (GitHub repo, university website). The dataset contains 21 indicators and a miscellaneous notes field organised into five groups (C, E, H, V, M); we also capture how policies vary based on vaccination status or geographic targeting. This codebook is divided into the following seven sections:

For more detailed guidance about the codebook and how we interpret the indicators, see the coding interpretation guide. This ensures consistency, and standardizes coding across the database.

Updates to this codebook are recorded in the changelog below.

Differentiation of policies by vaccine status

The following ten indicators now record policies for vaccinated and non-vaccinated people: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, H6 and H8. The different versions we report for these 10 indicators are:

  • Everyone (eg. C1E_School closing): if the same policy applies to everyone, regardless of vaccination status we report the policy as an ‘Everyone’ value. If this is the case, there will then be no values reported in the ‘Non-vaccinated’ or ‘Vaccinated’ variables, and this value is repeated in the ‘Majority’ variable.
  • Non-vaccinated (eg. C1NV_School closing): if there is a requirement to present a negative test, or proof of vaccination to gain entry to optional aspects of public life (e.g., events, businesses), it is recorded as a closure to non-vaccinated people. If this is the case, we will also publish the policy that applies to vaccinated people, but there will be no value published in the ‘Everyone’ variable.
  • Vaccinated (eg. C1V_School closing): if entry can be gained with just proof of vaccination, we report this as being open for people who are vaccinated. The policy may be a ‘1’ level code if significant operational differences remain, or even a ‘2’ level if vaccinated people are also required to present a negative test, as well as proof of vaccination (this is reported as a closure to reflect this stringency of policy). There will be no value published in the ‘Everyone’ variable if a ‘Vaccinated’ value is published.
    • Note: the use of the V modifier here to signal that a C or H policy applies to vaccinated people (eg. C1V_School closing) is different to the use of V to denote our V1-V4 indicators that describe specific policies about vaccine rollout (eg. V1_Vaccine prioritisation (summary))
  • Majority (eg. C1M_School closing): the ‘Majority’ value reflects either the policy for everyone (E), or the policy applying to the majority of people fully vaccinated in a country, using vaccination rate data to determine if this is the vaccinated or non-vaccinated part of the population. If there are differentiated policies in place, we report the NV value if vaccination rates are under 50% in that jurisdiction, and V value if vaccination rates are above 50%, hence the majority of the population.
    • reporting the "majority" policy means that sometimes the value of an M indicator will change due to the vaccinated rate crossing the 50% value, meaning our M indicator would report the V value instead of the NV value, even though there is no change to goverenment policy on that day. To explain this, we add a note in the notes variable.
  • Vaccinated or Everyone (only for C8EV_International travel controls): if there is a policy that applies to everyone (E), we include it. If there are differentiated policies in place, we publish the vaccinated (V) value for C8 in order to report the policies applying to (vaccinated) international arrivals. Because we do not have data on the vaccination rates of prospective travellers (as we do for the domestic population), we cannot publish a ‘majority’ variable. Note that this will not reflect if a country has quarantine requirements for non-vaccinated arrivals (or border closures to non-vaccinated travellers). For this information, users should refer to our differentiated withnotes file.

To summarise, depending on whether or not a country has policies differentiated by vaccine status, we will publish some combination of the following versions of each indicator.

Policy setting E NV V M / EV
The same policy applies to everyone yes x x yes
There is a differentiated policy x yes yes yes

For most indicators with differentiated policies, the M (majority, eg. C1M_School closing) variable is the only variable that provides an uninterrupted series of data; it is always populated. For C8, there is no M version, but we instead publish C8EV_International travel controls to create an uninteruppted series.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 H6 H8
Majority (M) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Vaccinated or Everyone (EV) yes

To calculate majority (M) indicators, we use the variable PopulationVaccinated. We also include another variable, MajorityVaccinated to indicate whether the majority of the population in that country/region/jurisdiction is either vaccinated or non-vaccinated people.

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
PopulationVaccinated Record the percentage of fully vaccinated population in the jurisdiction, or a binary indicator of majority (non-)vaccinated, depending on data availability.

We primarily source this data from Our World In Data’s 'fullyvaccinatedperhundred' data series
Percentage OR binary indicator
  • Number - the proportion of the population that is reported as vaccinated by that jurisdiction
  • MNV - the majority of the population is unvaccinated (used in jurisdictions where we do not have regular vaccination rate data)
  • MV - the majority of the population is vaccinated (used in jurisdictions where we do not have regular vaccination rate data)
  • Blank - no data
MajorityVaccinated Record a binary indicator of majority (non-)vaccinated.

We primarily source this data from Our World In Data’s 'fullyvaccinatedperhundred' data series
Binary indicator
  • MNV - the majority of the population is unvaccinated (used in jurisdictions where we do not have regular vaccination rate data)
  • MV - the majority of the population is vaccinated (used in jurisdictions where we do not have regular vaccination rate data)
  • Blank - no data

Indicators for targeted policies

Most indicators are recorded on an ordinal scale that represents the level of strictness of the policy. Four of the indicators (E3, E4, H4 and H5) are recorded as a US dollar value of fiscal spending. V1 records categorical data and the ranked order of prioritised groups for vaccination in a population.

Government coronavirus policies often vary by region within countries. We code the most stringent government policy that is in place in a country/territory, as represented by the highest ordinal value. Sometimes the most stringent policy in a country/territory will only apply to a small part of the population. If the most stringent policy is only present in a limited geographic area or sector (e.g. perhaps only one state has implemented policies at a high level), we use a binary flag variable to denote this limited scope. Ten of the indicators (C1-C7, H1, H6 and H8) have a flag for whether they are "targeted" to a specific geographical region (flag=0) or whether they are a "general" policy that is applied across the whole country/territory (flag=1).) E1 has a flag to describe whether income support is for just formal sector workers (flag=0) or whether it includes informal workers as well (flag=1). H7 has a flag to describe whether vaccine policy is funded at cost to the individual (flag=0) or by government (flag=1).

As explained in our index methodology documentation, an indicator with flag=0 is weighted lower than flag=1 when calculating overall index values.

We have stopped updating data on our E3, E4, and H4 fiscal indicators. The data for these indicators will still be present in the CSV files, but they are not being actively updated beyond August 2021.

Containment and closure policies

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
C1 C1E_School closing
C1NV_School closing
C1V_School closing
C1M_School closing
Record closings of schools and universities Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend closing or all schools open with alterations resulting in significant differences compared to non-Covid-19 operations
2 - require closing (only some levels or categories, eg just high school, or just public schools)
3 - require closing all levels
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C2 C2E_Workplace closing
C2NV_Workplace closing
C2V_Workplace closing
C2M_Workplace closing
Record closings of workplaces Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend closing (or recommend work from home) or all businesses open with alterations resulting in significant differences compared to non-Covid-19 operation
2 - require closing (or work from home) for some sectors or categories of workers
3 - require closing (or work from home) for all-but-essential workplaces (eg grocery stores, doctors)
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C3 C3E_Cancel public events
C3NV_Cancel public events
C3V_Cancel public events
C3M_Cancel public events
Record cancelling public events Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend cancelling
2 - require cancelling
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C4 C4E_Restrictions on gatherings
C4NV_Restrictions on gatherings
C4V_Restrictions on gatherings
C4M_Restrictions on gatherings
Record limits on gatherings Ordinal scale 0 - no restrictions
1 - restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit is above 1000 people)
2 - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000 people
3 - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100 people
4 - restrictions on gatherings of 10 people or less
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C5 C5E_Close public transport
C5NV_Close public transport
C5V_Close public transport
C5M_Close public transport
Record closing of public transport Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)
2 - require closing (or prohibit most citizens from using it)
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C6 C6E_Stay at home requirements
C6NV_Stay at home requirements
C6V_Stay at home requirements
C6M_Stay at home requirements
Record orders to "shelter-in-place" and otherwise confine to the home Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend not leaving house
2 - require not leaving house with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and 'essential' trips
3 - require not leaving house with minimal exceptions (eg allowed to leave once a week, or only one person can leave at a time, etc)
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C7 C7E_Restrictions on internal movement
C7NV_Restrictions on internal movement
C7V_Restrictions on internal movement
C7M_Restrictions on internal movement
Record restrictions on internal movement between cities/regions Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - recommend not to travel between regions/cities
2 - internal movement restrictions in place
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
C8 C8E_International travel controls
C8NV_International travel controls
C8EV_International travel controls
Record restrictions on international travel

Note: this records policy for foreign travellers, not citizens
Ordinal scale 0 - no restrictions
1 - screening arrivals
2 - quarantine arrivals from some or all regions
3 - ban arrivals from some regions
4 - ban on all regions or total border closure
Blank - no data

Economic policies

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
E1 E1_Income support
(for households)
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record if the government is providing direct cash payments to people who lose their jobs or cannot work.

Note: only includes payments to firms if explicitly linked to payroll/salaries
Ordinal scale 0 - no income support
1 - government is replacing less than 50% of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median salary)
2 - government is replacing 50% or more of lost salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50% median salary)
Blank - no data
E1_Flag Binary flag for sectoral scope 0 - formal sector workers only or informal sector workers only
1 - all workers
E2 E2_Debt/contract relief
(for households)
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record if the government is freezing financial obligations for households (eg stopping loan repayments, preventing services like water from stopping, or banning evictions) Ordinal scale 0 - no debt/contract relief
1 - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contract
2 - broad debt/contract relief
E3 E3_Fiscal measures
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Announced economic stimulus spending

Note: only record amount additional to previously announced spending
USD Record monetary value in USD of fiscal stimuli, includes any spending or tax cuts NOT included in E4, H4 or H5
0 - no new spending that day
Blank - no data
E4 E4_International support
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Announced offers of Covid-19 related aid spending to other countries

Note: only record amount additional to previously announced spending
USD Record monetary value in USD
0 - no new spending that day
Blank - no data

Health system policies

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
H1 H1_Public information campaigns
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record presence of public info campaigns Ordinal scale 0 - no Covid-19 public information campaign
1 - public officials urging caution about Covid-19
2- coordinated public information campaign (eg across traditional and social media)
Blank - no data
H1_Flag Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
H2 H2_Testing policy
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record government policy on who has access to testing

Note: this records policies about testing for current infection (PCR tests) not testing for immunity (antibody test)
Ordinal scale 0 - no testing policy
1 - only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)
2 - testing of anyone showing Covid-19 symptoms
3 - open public testing (eg "drive through" testing available to asymptomatic people)
Blank - no data
H3 H3_Contact tracing
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record government policy on contact tracing after a positive diagnosis

Note: we are looking for policies that would identify all people potentially exposed to Covid-19; voluntary bluetooth apps are unlikely to achieve this
Ordinal scale 0 - no contact tracing
1 - limited contact tracing; not done for all cases
2 - comprehensive contact tracing; done for all identified cases
H4 H4_Emergency investment in healthcare *no differentiated policies reported in this indicator Announced short term spending on healthcare system, eg hospitals, masks, etc

Note: only record amount additional to previously announced spending
USD Record monetary value in USD
0 - no new spending that day
Blank - no data
H5 H5_Investment in vaccines
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Announced public spending on Covid-19 vaccine development

Note: only record amount additional to previously announced spending
USD Record monetary value in USD
0 - no new spending that day
Blank - no data
H6 H6E_Facial coverings
H6NV_Facial coverings
H6V_Facial coverings
H6M_Facial coverings
Record policies on the use of facial coverings outside the home
Ordinal scale 0 - No policy
1 - Recommended
2 - Required in some specified shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present, or some situations when social distancing not possible
3 - Required in all shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present or all situations when social distancing not possible
4 - Required outside the home at all times regardless of location or presence of other people
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data
H7 H7_Vaccination policy
*no differentiated policies reported in this indicator
Record policies for vaccine delivery for different groups
Ordinal scale 0 - No availability
1 - Availability for ONE of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups (non elderly) / elderly groups
2 - Availability for TWO of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups (non elderly) / elderly groups
3 - Availability for ALL of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups (non elderly) / elderly groups
4 - Availability for all three plus partial additional availability (select broad groups/ages)
5 - Universal availability
H7_Flag Binary flag for cost 0 - At cost to individual (or funded by NGO, insurance, or partially government funded)
1- No or minimal cost to individual (government funded or subsidised)
Blank - no data
H8 H8E_Protection of elderly people
H8NV_Protection of elderly people
H8V_Protection of elderly people
H8M_Protection of elderly people
Record policies for protecting elderly people (as defined locally) in Long Term Care Facilities and/or the community and home setting Ordinal scale 0 - no measures
1 - Recommended isolation, hygiene, and visitor restriction measures in LTCFs and/or elderly people to stay at home
2 - Narrow restrictions for isolation, hygiene in LTCFs, some limitations on external visitors and/or restrictions protecting elderly people at home
3 - Extensive restrictions for isolation and hygiene in LTCFs, all non-essential external visitors prohibited, and/or all elderly people required to stay at home and not leave the home with minimal exceptions, and receive no external visitors
Blank - no data
Binary flag for geographic scope 0 - targeted
1- general
Blank - no data

Vaccination policies

Most of the data under our vaccine indicators are directly recorded by OxCGRT data collectors. These variables are:

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
V1 Vaccine prioritisation

V1_0-4 yrs Infants
V1_5-15 yrs Young people
V1_General 16-19 yrs
V1_General 20-24 yrs
V1_General 25-29 yrs
V1_General 30-34 yrs
V1_General 35-39 yrs
V1_General 40-44 yrs
V1_General 45-49 yrs
V1_General 50-54 yrs
V1_General 55-59 yrs
V1_General 60-64 yrs
V1_General 65-69 yrs
V1_General 70-74 yrs
V1_General 75-79 yrs
V1_General 80+ yrs
V1_At Risk 16-19 yrs
V1_At Risk 20-24 yrs
V1_At Risk 25-29 yrs
V1_At Risk 30-34 yrs
V1_At Risk 35-39 yrs
V1_At Risk 40-44 yrs
V1_At Risk 45-49 yrs
V1_At Risk 50-54 yrs
V1_At Risk 55-59 yrs
V1_At Risk 60-64 yrs
V1_At Risk 65-69 yrs
V1_At Risk 70-74 yrs
V1_At Risk 75-79 yrs
V1_At Risk 80+ yrs
V1_Airport/Border/Airline Staff
V1_Clinically vulnerable/chronic illness/significant underlying health condition (excluding elderly and disabled)
V1_Crowded/communal living conditions (dormitories for migrant workers, temporary accommodations)
V1_Disabled People
V1_Ethnic minorities
V1_Factory workers
V1_Frontline/essential workers (when subcategories not specified)
V1_Frontline retail workers
V1_Healthcare workers/carers (excluding care home staff)
V1_Other 'high contact' professions/groups (taxi drivers, security guards)
V1_People living with a vulnerable/shielding person or other priority group
V1_Police/ first responders
V1_Pregnant people
V1_Primary and secondary school students
V1_Religious/Spiritual Leaders
V1_Residents in an elderly care home
V1_Staff working in an elderly care home
V1_Tertiary education students
V1_Government Officials
Record the ranked position for different groups within a countries prioritisation plan Rank order Blank – category not selected for prioritisation

1, 2, 3, 4... – category has been selected for prioritisation; number represents the rank of prioritisation; equal-ranked categories will share the same number
V2 Vaccine eligibility/availability

V2_0-4 yrs Infants
V2_5-15 yrs Young people
V2_General 16-19 yrs
V2_General 20-24 yrs
V2_General 25-29 yrs
V2_General 30-34 yrs
V2_General 35-39 yrs
V2_General 40-44 yrs
V2_General 45-49 yrs
V2_General 50-54 yrs
V2_General 55-59 yrs
V2_General 60-64 yrs
V2_General 65-69 yrs
V2_General 70-74 yrs
V2_General 75-79 yrs
V2_General 80+ yrs
V2_At Risk 16-19 yrs
V2_At Risk 20-24 yrs
V2_At Risk 25-29 yrs
V2_At Risk 30-34 yrs
V2_At Risk 35-39 yrs
V2_At Risk 40-44 yrs
V2_At Risk 45-49 yrs
V2_At Risk 50-54 yrs
V2_At Risk 55-59 yrs
V2_At Risk 60-64 yrs
V2_At Risk 65-69 yrs
V2_At Risk 70-74 yrs
V2_At Risk 75-79 yrs
V2_At Risk 80+ yrs
V2_Airport/Border/Airline Staff
V2_Clinically vulnerable/chronic illness/significant underlying health condition (excluding elderly and disabled)
V2_Crowded/communal living conditions (dormitories for migrant workers, temporary accommodations)
V2_Disabled People
V2_Ethnic minorities
V2_Factory workers
V2_Frontline/essential workers (when subcategories not specified)
V2_Frontline retail workers
V2_Healthcare workers/carers (excluding care home staff)
V2_Other 'high contact' professions/groups (taxi drivers, security guards)
V2_People living with a vulnerable/shielding person or other priority group
V2_Police/ first responders
V2_Pregnant people
V2_Primary and secondary school students
V2_Religious/Spiritual Leaders
V2_Residents in an elderly care home
V2_Staff working in an elderly care home
V2_Tertiary education students
V2_Government Officials
Record which categories of people – regardless of their position in a prioritised rollout plan – are currently receiving vaccines Categorical/ binary Blank – no data
0 - vaccines are not being made available to this category
1 - vaccines are being made available to this category
V3 Vaccine financial support

V3_0-4 yrs Infants
V3_5-15 yrs Young people
V3_General 16-19 yrs
V3_General 20-24 yrs
V3_General 25-29 yrs
V3_General 30-34 yrs
V3_General 35-39 yrs
V3_General 40-44 yrs
V3_General 45-49 yrs
V3_General 50-54 yrs
V3_General 55-59 yrs
V3_General 60-64 yrs
V3_General 65-69 yrs
V3_General 70-74 yrs
V3_General 75-79 yrs
V3_General 80+ yrs
V3_At Risk 16-19 yrs
V3_At Risk 20-24 yrs
V3_At Risk 25-29 yrs
V3_At Risk 30-34 yrs
V3_At Risk 35-39 yrs
V3_At Risk 40-44 yrs
V3_At Risk 45-49 yrs
V3_At Risk 50-54 yrs
V3_At Risk 55-59 yrs
V3_At Risk 60-64 yrs
V3_At Risk 65-69 yrs
V3_At Risk 70-74 yrs
V3_At Risk 75-79 yrs
V3_At Risk 80+ yrs
V3_Airport/Border/Airline Staff
V3_Clinically vulnerable/chronic illness/significant underlying health condition (excluding elderly and disabled)
V3_Crowded/communal living conditions (dormitories for migrant workers, temporary accommodations)
V3_Disabled People
V3_Ethnic minorities
V3_Factory workers
V3_Frontline/essential workers (when subcategories not specified)
V3_Frontline retail workers
V3_Healthcare workers/carers (excluding care home staff)
V3_Other 'high contact' professions/groups (taxi drivers, security guards)
V3_People living with a vulnerable/shielding person or other priority group
V3_Police/ first responders
V3_Pregnant people
V3_Primary and secondary school students
V3_Religious/Spiritual Leaders
V3_Residents in an elderly care home
V3_Staff working in an elderly care home
V3_Tertiary education students
V3_Government Officials
Record how vaccines are funded for each category of people identified in V2 as currently receiving vaccines. Ordinal scale Blank - no data
1 - full cost borne by the individual (or through private health insurance) or no policy
2 - partially funded by government and individual pays nominal fee
3 - fully covered by government funding, FREE
V4 V4_Vaccine requirement/mandate

V4_0-4 yrs Infants
V4_5-15 yrs Young people
V4_General 16-19 yrs
VV4_General 20-24 yrs
V4_General 25-29 yrs
V4_General 30-34 yrs
V4_General 35-39 yrs
V4_General 40-44 yrs
V4_General 45-49 yrs
V4_General 50-54 yrs
V4_General 55-59 yrs
V4_General 60-64 yrs
V4_General 65-69 yrs
V4_General 70-74 yrs
V4_General 75-79 yrs
V4_General 80+ yrs
V4_At Risk 16-19 yrs
V4_At Risk 20-24 yrs
V4_At Risk 25-29 yrs
V4_At Risk 30-34 yrs
V4_At Risk 35-39 yrs
V4_At Risk 40-44 yrs
VV4_At Risk 45-49 yrs
V4_At Risk 50-54 yrs
V4_At Risk 55-59 yrs
V4_At Risk 60-64 yrs
V4_At Risk 65-69 yrs
V4_At Risk 70-74 yrs
V4_At Risk 75-79 yrs
V4_At Risk 80+ yrs
V4_Airport/Border/Airline Staff
V4_Clinically vulnerable/chronic illness/significant underlying health condition (excluding elderly and disabled)
V4_Crowded/communal living conditions (dormitories for migrant workers, temporary accommodations)
V4_Disabled People
V4_Ethnic minorities
V4_Factory workers
V4_Frontline/essential workers (when subcategories not specified)
V4_Frontline retail workers
V4_Healthcare workers/carers (excluding care home staff)
V4_Other 'high contact' professions/groups (taxi drivers, security guards)
V4_People living with a vulnerable/shielding person or other priority group
V4_Police/ first responders
V4_Pregnant people
V4_Primary and secondary school students
V4_Religious/Spiritual Leaders
V4_Residents in an elderly care home
V4_Staff working in an elderly care home
V4_Tertiary education students
V4_Government Officials
Reports the existence of a requirement to be vaccinated Binary Blank - no data
0 - no requirement to be vaccinated
1 - requirement to be vaccinated

Additional summary indicators are automatically generated by our database, based on data entered for variables in the previous table:
ID Name Description Measurement Coding
V1 V1_Vaccine prioritisation (summary) Reports the existence of a prioritised plan for vaccine rollout Ordinal scale Blank – no data
0 - no plan
1 – a prioritised plan is in place
2 – universal/general eligibility; no prioritisation between groups
V2A V2_Vaccine eligibility/availability (summary) Reports whether any categories of people are receiving vaccines Ordinal scale Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
1 – vaccines are available to some categories
2 – vaccines are available to anyone over the age of 16 yrs
3 – vaccines are available to anyone over the age of 16 yrs PLUS one or both of 5-15 yrs and 0-4 yrs
V2B V2B_Vaccine age eligibility/availability age floor(General population summary) Reports lowest age range of general population being vaccinated Numerical Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
numerical range – Lowest age range for ‘General’ category
V2C V2C_Vaccine age eligibility/availability age floor(At-risk population summary) Reports lowest age range of at risk population being vaccinated Numerical Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
numerical range – Lowest age range from either ‘General’ or ‘At-risk’ categories
V2D V2D_Medically/ clinically vulnerable (Non-elderly) Reports the number of categories selected from thematic group:
V2_At risk age ranges below 60 (one or more selected counts as 1 x category)
V2_Clinically vulnerable/chronic illness/significant underlying health condition (excluding elderly and disabled)
V2_Disabled people
V2_Pregnant people
V2_People living with a vulnerable/shielding person or other priority group
Ordinal Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
1 – 1 or 2 categories in group selected
2 – 3 or more categories selected or all from V2_General 16-19 years up to V2_General 80+ yearspresent
V2E V2E_Education Reports the number of categories selected from thematic group:
V2_Primary and secondary school students
V2_Tertiary education students
Ordinal Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
1 – 1 category in group selected
2 - 2 or more categories selected or all from V2_General 16-19 years up to V2_General 80+ yearspresent
V2F V2F_Frontline workers (non healthcare) Reports the number of categories selected from thematic group: V2_Police/first responders
V2_Airport/Border/Airline staff
V2_Factory workers
V2_Frontline retail workers
V2_Other high contact professions/groups (taxi drivers, security guards)
V2_Frontline/essential workers (when subcategories not specified) (triggers an automatic 2)
Ordinal Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
1 – 1 or 2 categories in group selected
2 - 3 or more categories selected or all from V2_General 16-19 years up to V2_General 80+ yearspresent
V2G V2F_Frontline workers (healthcare) Reports the number of categories selected from thematic group:
V2_Staff working in an elderly care home
V2_Healthcare workers/carers (excluding care home staff)
Ordinal Blank – no data
0 – no categories are receiving vaccines
1 – 1 category in group selected
2 - 2 categories selected or all from V2_General 16-19 years up to V2_General 80+ yearspresent
V3 V3_Vaccine financial support (summary) Reports the overall approach taken to vaccine funding – whether paid by the individual or the government Ordinal scale Blank - no data
0 – no availability
1 – full cost to the individual for all categories identified in V2
2 – full cost to the individual for some categories identified in V2, some subsidy for other categories
3- partial funding by the government for all of the categories identified in V2
4 – partial funding by the government for some categories identified in V2, full funding for other categories
5 – all categories fully funded by the government
V4 V4_Mandatory Vaccination (summary) Reports the existence of a requirement to be vaccinated Binary Blank - no data
0 – no requirement to be vaccinated
1 – requirement to be vaccinated is in place for one or more groups

Miscellaneous policies

ID Name Description Measurement Coding
M1 M1_Wildcard Record policy announcements that do not fit anywhere else Free text notes field Note unusual or interesting interventions that are worth flagging

Codebook changelog

  • 25 July 2022: v4.0 added differentiated coding new structure.
  • 11 March 2022: v3.7 added V4- Mandatory Vaccination indicator, summary indicator, and new V1-4 categories Refugees/Migrants and Government Officials
  • 25 January 2022: v3.6 edited V2 summary indicators- V2D, V2E, V2F, V2G output maximum value if all General age categories selected from 'General 16-19 years' up to 'General 80+ years', and output minimum value of General or At-risk categories for V2C
  • 8 December 2021: v3.5 added V1-3 summary indicators
  • 27 September 2021: v3.4 note about removal of E3, E4 and H4
  • 28 June 2021: v3.3 presenting the imputed vaccine indicators (V2 summary and V3 summary) into a separate table
  • 21 June 2021: v3.02 edits to vaccine policy indicators table, fixing age ranges
  • 12 June 2021: v3.01 added section for vaccine policies
  • 5 May 2021: v2.10 added 'or all businesses open with alterations resulting in significant differences compared to non-Covid-19 operations' to C2 level 1
  • 18 March 2021: v2.9 added H8 'Protection of elderly people' indicator
  • 05 March 2021: v2.8 added 'non elderly' to definition of Clinically vulnerable groups' for H7
  • 14 January 2021: v2.7 changed 'country' to 'country/territory' and removed 'private' from C4 definition, replaced E1 flag 'formal sector workers only' to 'formal sector workers only or informal sector workers only', and 'informal workers too' to 'all workers'
  • 09 December 2020: v2.6 added H7 Vaccination policy indicator
  • 04 November 2020: v2.5 added C1 expanded definition of '1' and added targeted/general flag to H6 indicator
  • 22 October 2020: v2.4 added H6 Facial Coverings indicator
  • 05 July 2020: v2.3 add better explanation of targeted/general flags in intro
  • 22 May 2020: v2.2 changed description of E1=2 from "replacing more than 50% of lost salary" to "replacing 50% or more of lost salary"
  • 11 May 2020: moved v2 codebook to GitHub