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83 lines (67 loc) · 3.3 KB

Storage Order

StorageOrder contract allows users to place a storage order on ethereum and EVM compatible chains with ETH.

Local Development

Install dependencies



Use hardhat tool kits to manager this project.

// List all accounts
npx hardhat accounts
// Compile contract
npx hardhat compile
// Clean project
npx hardhat clean
// Run test cases in test
npx hardhat test
// Start a local network
npx hardhat node
// Run scripts on local network
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
// Show help information
npx hardhat help

For more information about hardhat, please refer to hardhat doc


You can use Remix tool to deploy storage contract to most EVM chains, but for zkSync you must follow the steps:

  1. Change the 'defaultNetwork' parameter in 'hardhat.config.ts' to 'zkSyncMainnet'.
  2. Run 'yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy-priceOracle.ts' to deploy priceOracle contract, and set the deployed address as POCAddress in .env.
  3. Run 'yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy-storageOrder.ts' to deploy storageOrderCompatible contract, and set the deployed address as SOCAddress in .env.
  4. Run 'yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script addOrderNode.ts' to add order node to storage contract.

Note: refer to this link for more information about zkSync development.


Functions for contract owner:

  1. addSupportedToken: Add supported token.
  2. addOrderNode: Add order node which will order and pin files.
  3. removeSupportedToken: Remove supported token.
  4. removeOrderNode: Remove order node.
  5. setOrderPrice: Set price.
  6. setServicePriceRate: Set price rate which indicates service price rate.
  7. setSizeLimit: Set size limit.

Functions for users:

  1. getPrice: Get price in ETH for file size specified by parameter "size".
  2. placeOrder: Place order with cid and size in ETH, msg.value indicates the price user should pay for pinning node.
  3. placeOrderWithNode: Same like placeOrder, the difference is that the pinning node is fixed by nodeAddress.

js examples:

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// Place order in ETH, you can get the storageOrder contract instance by ethers.js or web3.js as you like
// For more information please refer to allow "" and ""
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(<endpoint_rpc>);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(<PRIVATE_KEY>, provider);
const StorageOrderABI = [
  "function getPrice(uint size, bool isPermanent) public view returns (uint)",
  "function placeOrder(string memory cid, uint size, bool isPermanent) external payable",
  "function placeOrderWithNode(string memory cid, uint size, address nodeAddress, bool isPermanent) public payable"
const storageOrder = new ethers.Contract(<storage_order_address>, StorageOrderABI, signer);
const fileCid = "QmfH5zLmBtptUxRSGWazaumGwSsCW3n6P164eRXpbFatmJ";
const fileSize = 5246268;
const isPermanent = false;
// Firstly get price in ETH with file size
const price = await storageOrder.getPrice(fileSize, isPermanent);
// Secondly placeOrder with cid, size and price 
await storageOrder.placeOrder(fileCid, fileSize, isPermanent, {value: price})