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Mark Croxton edited this page Jun 21, 2013 · 9 revisions

Set an array of key/value pairs, defined by stash variable pairs {stash:my_key}my_value{/stash:my_key}. Automatically detects and captures multiple rows of variables pairs, so can be used to capture data from tags and tag pairs that loop.

{exp:stash:set_list name="my_list"}
        {stash:item_title}My title{/stash:item_title}
        {stash:item_summary}Summary text{/stash:item_summary}
        {stash:item_copy}Bodycopy goes here{/stash:item_copy}


Accepts the same parameters as {exp:stash:set}, with the following changes / additions:

match = [ #regex# ]

Match a column in the list against a regular expression. Only rows in the list that match will be appended to the list.

against = [ list column ]

Column to match against. If against is not specified or is not a valid list column, match="#regex#" will be applied to the whole block of tagdata passed to set_list.

prefix = [ string ]

Prefix for {if no_results}, e.g. {if my_prefix:no_results}


Capturing channel entry data

{exp:stash:set_list name="my_products" parse_tags="yes"}
        {exp:channel:entries channel="products"}

Capturing and caching Playa / Matrix tag pairs

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" entry_id="123"}
	{exp:stash:set_list name="blog_related_entries" parse_tags="yes" save="yes" scope="site"}

Match against - set items where the topic title begins with 'A'

{exp:stash:set_list name="recent_discussion_topics" parse_tags="yes" match="#^A#" against="topic_title"}


{exp:stash:set_list name="my_entries" parse_tags="yes" parse_depth="2"}
	{exp:channel:entries channel="clients" limit="5"}

		{exp:stash:set_list:nested name="related_entries_{entry_id}" parse_tags="yes"}
			{!-- this is a matrix tag pair --}

{exp:stash:get_list name="my_entries"}

	Entry title: {entry_title}

	{exp:stash:get_list:nested name="related_entries_{entry_id}"}


Handling no_results

no_results should ideally be handled by get_list, however it is possible to set a variable within the no_results block

{exp:stash:set_list parse_tags="yes" name="my_entries"}
		 {if no_results}
      		{exp:stash:set name="my_message"}No results{/exp:stash:set}


{exp:stash:get name="message" default="Showing results"}

{exp:stash:get_list name="my_entries" limit="5"}
    {entry_title} ({entry_id})
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