Releases: crobox/clickhouse-scala-client
Releases · crobox/clickhouse-scala-client
Added SummingMergeTree in DSL
v0.7.1 Releasing 0.7.1
Added support for query progress
Clickhouse client now exposes a stream that send the progress of the executed query
Support for basic arithmetic functions
This is a temporary set of column functions, that will eventually be replaced (non breaking) by the ones from the upcoming vocabulary update.
- multiply, divide, minus, plus
Fix broken DSL "merge" signature
v0.6.2 Releasing 0.6.2
Minor fixes & string functions
- Some column string functions added to the DSL
- Fix for bug where Aggregation functions did not pass on the correct return type
DSL Support for deterministic TimeSeries
TimeSeries is a part of our Scala DSL that allows one to group timestamped records
by periods of time such as weeks, months, quarters etc.
For documentation on this feature, please consult the Wiki page:
Added mapper function for TimeUnit from Joda Period
Small release adding a mapper for TimeUnits to be able to co-op with Joda time library.
- Improve logging of dead hosts every 30 seconds
- added sourceByteString method
- Improve healthcheck mechanism
- Ensuring that we run just one health check at a time per host