diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index e1b61217..f16e011d 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
   or from filesystem directory
 - MongoDB: Unlock processing JSON files from HTTP resource, using `https+bson://`
 - MongoDB: Optionally filter server collection using MongoDB query expression
+- MongoDB: Improve error handling wrt. bulk operations vs. usability
 ## 2024/09/10 v0.0.22
 - MongoDB: Rename columns with leading underscores to use double leading underscores
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/io/core.py b/cratedb_toolkit/io/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d793b899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/io/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# TODO: Maybe refactor to `sqlalchemy-cratedb` or `commons-codec` on another iteration?
+import typing as t
+from functools import cached_property
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from attr import Factory
+from attrs import define
+from commons_codec.model import SQLOperation
+from pympler.asizeof import asizeof
+from sqlalchemy.exc import ProgrammingError
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from cratedb_toolkit.util.database import logger
+class BulkResultItem(t.TypedDict):
+    """
+    Define the shape of a CrateDB bulk request response item.
+    """
+    rowcount: int
+class BulkResponse:
+    """
+    Manage CrateDB bulk request responses.
+    Accepts a list of bulk arguments (parameter list) and a list of bulk response items.
+    https://cratedb.com/docs/crate/reference/en/latest/interfaces/http.html#bulk-operations
+    TODO: Think about refactoring this to `sqlalchemy_cratedb.support`.
+    """
+    parameters: t.Union[t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]], None]
+    cratedb_bulk_result: t.Union[t.List[BulkResultItem], None]
+    @cached_property
+    def failed_records(self) -> t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]:
+        """
+        Compute list of failed records.
+        CrateDB signals failed insert using `rowcount=-2`.
+        https://cratedb.com/docs/crate/reference/en/latest/interfaces/http.html#error-handling
+        """
+        if self.parameters is None or self.cratedb_bulk_result is None:
+            return []
+        errors: t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = []
+        for record, status in zip(self.parameters, self.cratedb_bulk_result):
+            if status["rowcount"] == -2:
+                errors.append(record)
+        return errors
+    @cached_property
+    def parameter_count(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Compute bulk size / length of parameter list.
+        """
+        if not self.parameters:
+            return 0
+        return len(self.parameters)
+    @cached_property
+    def success_count(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Compute number of succeeding records within a batch.
+        """
+        return self.parameter_count - self.failed_count
+    @cached_property
+    def failed_count(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Compute number of failed records within a batch.
+        """
+        return len(self.failed_records)
+class BulkMetrics:
+    """
+    Manage a few details for a `BulkProcessor` task.
+    """
+    count_success_total: int = 0
+    count_error_total: int = 0
+    bytes_write_total: int = 0
+    bytes_error_total: int = 0
+    rate_current: int = 0
+    rate_max: int = 0
+class BulkProcessor:
+    """
+    Generic driver to run a bulk operation against CrateDB, which can fall back to record-by-record operation.
+    It aims to provide a combination of both performance/efficiency by using bulk operations,
+    and also good usability and on-the-spot error message for records that fail to insert.
+    Background: This is a canonical client-side API wrapper for CrateDB's bulk operations HTTP endpoint.
+    https://cratedb.com/docs/crate/reference/en/latest/interfaces/http.html#bulk-operations
+    """
+    connection: sa.Connection
+    data: t.Iterable[t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]]
+    batch_to_operation: t.Callable[[t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]], SQLOperation]
+    progress_bar: t.Union[tqdm, None] = None
+    on_error: t.Literal["ignore", "raise"] = "ignore"
+    debug: bool = False
+    _metrics: BulkMetrics = Factory(BulkMetrics)
+    @cached_property
+    def log_level(self):
+        if self.debug:
+            return logger.exception
+        else:
+            return logger.warning
+    def start(self) -> BulkMetrics:
+        # Acquire batches of documents, convert to SQL operations, and submit to CrateDB.
+        for batch in self.data:
+            current_batch_size = len(batch)
+            self.progress_bar and self.progress_bar.set_description("ACQUIRE")
+            try:
+                operation = self.batch_to_operation(batch)
+            except Exception as ex:
+                self.log_level(f"Computing query failed: {ex}")
+                if self.on_error == "raise":
+                    raise
+                continue
+            self._metrics.bytes_write_total += asizeof(operation)
+            statement = sa.text(operation.statement)
+            # Submit operation to CrateDB, using `bulk_args`.
+            self.progress_bar and self.progress_bar.set_description("SUBMIT ")
+            try:
+                cursor = self.connection.execute(statement=statement, parameters=operation.parameters)
+                self.connection.commit()
+                cratedb_bulk_result = getattr(cursor.context, "last_executemany_result", None)
+                bulk_response = BulkResponse(operation.parameters, cratedb_bulk_result)
+                failed_records = bulk_response.failed_records
+                count_success_local = bulk_response.success_count
+                self._metrics.count_success_total += bulk_response.success_count
+                self.progress_bar and self.progress_bar.update(n=bulk_response.success_count)
+            # When a batch is of size one, an exception is raised.
+            # Just signal the same condition as if a batch would have failed.
+            except ProgrammingError:
+                failed_records = [operation.parameters]
+                count_success_local = 0
+            # When bulk operations fail, try inserting failed records record-by-record,
+            # in order to relay proper error messages to the user.
+            if failed_records:
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"Incomplete batch. Records processed: {count_success_local}/{current_batch_size}. "
+                    f"Falling back to per-record operations."
+                )
+                for record in failed_records:
+                    try:
+                        self.connection.execute(statement=statement, parameters=record)
+                        self.connection.commit()
+                        self._metrics.count_success_total += 1
+                    except Exception as ex:
+                        logger.warning(f"Operation failed: {ex}")
+                        logger.debug(f"Failing record: {record}")
+                        self._metrics.count_error_total += 1
+                        self._metrics.bytes_error_total += asizeof(record)
+                        if self.on_error == "raise":
+                            raise
+                    self.progress_bar and self.progress_bar.update(n=1)
+        self.progress_bar and self.progress_bar.close()
+        return self._metrics
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
index 83a9f30f..12c05cad 100644
--- a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ def mongodb_copy(
     for task in tasks:
             outcome_task = task.start()
-        except (Exception, PanicException):
-            logger.exception("Task failed")
+        except (Exception, PanicException) as ex:
+            logger.error(f"Task failed: {ex}")
             outcome_task = False
         outcome = outcome and outcome_task
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/copy.py b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/copy.py
index 893a4282..3c312b78 100644
--- a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/copy.py
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/copy.py
@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@
 from tqdm.contrib.logging import logging_redirect_tqdm
 from zyp.model.collection import CollectionAddress
+from cratedb_toolkit.io.core import BulkProcessor
 from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.adapter import mongodb_adapter_factory
 from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.export import CrateDBConverter
 from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.model import DocumentDict
 from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.transform import TransformationManager
 from cratedb_toolkit.model import DatabaseAddress
+from cratedb_toolkit.sqlalchemy.patch import monkeypatch_executemany
 from cratedb_toolkit.util import DatabaseAdapter
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -44,9 +46,7 @@ def to_sql(self, data: t.Union[DocumentDict, t.List[DocumentDict]]) -> SQLOperat
         Produce CrateDB SQL INSERT batch operation from multiple MongoDB documents.
-        if isinstance(data, Cursor):
-            data = list(data)
-        if not isinstance(data, list):
+        if not isinstance(data, Cursor) and not isinstance(data, list):
             data = [data]
         # Define SQL INSERT statement.
@@ -72,10 +72,12 @@ def __init__(
         mongodb_url: t.Union[str, URL],
         cratedb_url: t.Union[str, URL],
         tm: t.Union[TransformationManager, None],
-        on_error: t.Literal["ignore", "raise"] = "raise",
+        on_error: t.Literal["ignore", "raise"] = "ignore",
         progress: bool = False,
         debug: bool = True,
+        monkeypatch_executemany()
         self.mongodb_uri = URL(mongodb_url)
         self.cratedb_uri = URL(cratedb_url)
@@ -114,9 +116,6 @@ def start(self):
         logger.info(f"Starting MongoDBFullLoad. source={self.mongodb_uri}, target={self.cratedb_uri}")
         records_in = self.mongodb_adapter.record_count()
         logger.info(f"Source: MongoDB {self.mongodb_adapter.address} count={records_in}")
-        logger_on_error = logger.warning
-        if self.debug:
-            logger_on_error = logger.exception
         with self.cratedb_adapter.engine.connect() as connection, logging_redirect_tqdm():
             if not self.cratedb_adapter.table_exists(self.cratedb_table):
@@ -124,41 +123,23 @@ def start(self):
             records_target = self.cratedb_adapter.count_records(self.cratedb_table)
             logger.info(f"Target: CrateDB table={self.cratedb_table} count={records_target}")
             progress_bar = tqdm(total=records_in)
-            records_out: int = 0
-            # Acquire batches of documents, convert to SQL operations, and submit to CrateDB.
-            for documents in self.mongodb_adapter.query():
-                progress_bar.set_description("ACQUIRE")
-                try:
-                    operation = self.translator.to_sql(documents)
-                except Exception as ex:
-                    logger_on_error(f"Computing query failed: {ex}")
-                    if self.on_error == "raise":
-                        raise
-                    continue
-                # Submit operation to CrateDB.
-                progress_bar.set_description("SUBMIT ")
-                try:
-                    result = connection.execute(sa.text(operation.statement), operation.parameters)
-                    result_size = result.rowcount
-                    if result_size < 0:
-                        raise IOError("Unable to insert one or more records")
-                    records_out += result_size
-                    progress_bar.update(n=result_size)
-                except Exception as ex:
-                    logger_on_error(
-                        f"Executing operation failed: {ex}\n"
-                        f"Statement: {operation.statement}\nParameters: {str(operation.parameters)[:500]} [...]"
-                    )
-                    if self.on_error == "raise":
-                        raise
-                    continue
-            progress_bar.close()
-            connection.commit()
-            logger.info(f"Number of records written: {records_out}")
-            if records_out == 0:
+            processor = BulkProcessor(
+                connection=connection,
+                data=self.mongodb_adapter.query(),
+                batch_to_operation=self.translator.to_sql,
+                progress_bar=progress_bar,
+                on_error=self.on_error,
+                debug=self.debug,
+            )
+            metrics = processor.start()
+            logger.info(f"Bulk processor metrics: {metrics}")
+            logger.info(
+                "Number of records written: "
+                f"success={metrics.count_success_total}, error={metrics.count_error_total}"
+            )
+            if metrics.count_success_total == 0:
                 logger.warning("No data has been copied")
         return True
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/sqlalchemy/__init__.py b/cratedb_toolkit/sqlalchemy/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/sqlalchemy/patch.py b/cratedb_toolkit/sqlalchemy/patch.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9537f5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/sqlalchemy/patch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from sqlalchemy_cratedb import dialect
+def do_executemany(self, cursor, statement, parameters, context=None):
+    """
+    Improved version of `do_executemany` that stores its response into the request context instance.
+    TODO: Refactor this to `sqlalchemy_cratedb.CrateDialect`.
+    """
+    result = cursor.executemany(statement, parameters)
+    if context is not None:
+        context.last_executemany_result = result
+def monkeypatch_executemany():
+    """
+    Enable improved version of `do_executemany`.
+    """
+    dialect.do_executemany = do_executemany
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index b455e439..135396e3 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ dependencies = [
   'importlib-metadata; python_version < "3.8"',
   'importlib-resources; python_version < "3.9"',
+  "pympler<1.2",
diff --git a/tests/io/mongodb/mixed.ndjson b/tests/io/mongodb/mixed.ndjson
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cd53377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/io/mongodb/mixed.ndjson
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/tests/io/mongodb/test_copy.py b/tests/io/mongodb/test_copy.py
index 36ac8c1c..fb3932b5 100644
--- a/tests/io/mongodb/test_copy.py
+++ b/tests/io/mongodb/test_copy.py
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_folder_relative(caplog, cratedb, mongodb):
     assert cratedb.database.count_records("testdrive.books-relaxed") == 4
-def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_json_relaxed(caplog, cratedb):
+def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_json_relaxed_success(caplog, cratedb):
     Verify MongoDB Extended JSON -> CrateDB data transfer.
@@ -187,6 +187,26 @@ def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_json_relaxed(caplog, cratedb):
     assert timestamp_type == "bigint"
+def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_json_relaxed_warning(caplog, cratedb):
+    """
+    Verify MongoDB Extended JSON -> CrateDB data transfer, which should omit a warning on an invalid record.
+    """
+    # Define source and target URLs.
+    json_resource = "file+bson:./tests/io/mongodb/mixed.ndjson"
+    cratedb_url = f"{cratedb.get_connection_url()}/testdrive/demo"
+    # Run transfer command.
+    mongodb_copy(json_resource, cratedb_url)
+    # Verify metadata in target database.
+    assert cratedb.database.table_exists("testdrive.demo") is True
+    assert cratedb.database.refresh_table("testdrive.demo") is True
+    assert cratedb.database.count_records("testdrive.demo") == 2
+    assert "Dynamic nested arrays are not supported" in caplog.text
 def test_mongodb_copy_filesystem_json_canonical(caplog, cratedb):
     Verify MongoDB Extended JSON -> CrateDB data transfer.