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David Conran edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the IRremoteESP8266 wiki!


IR Receiving

If ESP8266 interrupt pin is attached to a LED then make sure to add the following line in setup. Serial.begin(115200,SERIAL_8N1,SERIAL_TX_ONLY);

[Fritzing/Diagram] NodeMCU v1.0 with ESP-12E and IR Reciever

NodeMCU v1.0

IR Sending

[Fritzing/Diagram] NodeMCU with IR LED and transistor.

IR Sending Circuit


Sending Sony IR Codes

Sony devices need to see an IR code sent at least 3 times in order to act on it. More than 3 times simulates the button on the remote being held for longer. To simulate a button press the minimum required is:

  sendSony(code, bitLength, 2);  // Code + 2 repeats.