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CQL Cheat Sheet
CQL is a Health Level 7 Standard for the expression of clinical knowledge.
Constructs expressed within CQL are packaged in containers called libraries. Each library allows a set of declarations to provide information about the library as well as to define constructs that will be available within the library.
Library syntax -The
declaration specifies both the name of the library and optional version
library AlphoraCommon version '1.0.0'
Using syntax - A CQL library can reference zero or more data models using declarations via the
syntax. These data models define the structures that can be used within retrieval expressions in the library.
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
Include syntax - A CQL library can reference zero or more other CQL libraries with the
include FHIRCommon called FC
Parameter syntax - CQL library can define zero or more parameters using the
declaration. A parameter includes an alias name for a default value or data type that can be used throughout the code by that alias value.
parameter MeasurementPeriod default Interval[@2013-01-01, @2014-01-01)
parameter MeasurementPeriod Interval<DateTime>
Context syntax- The
declaration defines the scope of data available to statements within the language. When no context is specified in the library, and the model has not declared a default context, the default context is Unfiltered. By contrast, if the Unfiltered context is used, the results of any given retrieve will not be limited to a particular context.
context Patient, context Practitioner, context Unfiltered
Value Sets & Code Systems-
Value Sets and Code Systems
are declared before they are referenced within the CQL code.
valueset "Acute Pharyngitis": 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.464.1003.102.12.1011'
The retrieve expression is the central construct for accessing clinical information within CQL. The retrieve in CQL has four main parts: first, the type part and second, the filter part, function name and function.
- the type part : identifies the type of data that is to be retrieved
- the filter part : the retrieve expression allows the results to be filtered using terminology, including value sets, code systems, or by specifying a single code.
[Condition: "Acute Pharyngitis"\] where Acute Pharyngitis is the value set.
3)the function name: the expression is given a name for its identification and possible reuse later on.
define "Inpatient Encounters"
- function : A function in CQL is a named expression that is allowed to take any number of arguments. A function can be invoked directly by name. A colon must end the quoted identifier.
define "Inpatient Encounters":
[Encounter: class = "Inpatient Encounter"]
A query construct often begins by introducing an alias for the primary source.
["Encounter": "Inpatient"] E
where E.period during "Measurement Period"
The clauses described in the clauses section later must appear in the correct order in order to specify a valid CQL query. The general order of clauses is:
<primary-source> <alias>
Strings have single quotes (including string representation of code values)
'John Doe', 'g/dl'
Identifiers that include spaces or other non-alphnumeric characters have double quotes
"Marital Status - Married" // A Concept declaration
"SNOMED CT" // A CodeSystem declaration
"Inpatient Encounters" // A defined expression
- Intervals use [] and ()
Interval[3,5) // An interval >= 3 and < 5
Interval(3,5) // An interval > 3 and < 5
Interval(3,5] // An interval > 3 and <= 5
- Lists and Tuples use { }
{ 1, 2, 3 } union { 3, 4, 5 }
define "Info":
Tuple { Name: 'Patrick', DOB: @2014-01-01 }
CQL provides single-source queries to allow for the retrieval of data from a single source. The query in the example below returns "Ambulatory/ED Visit" encounters performed where the patient also has a condition of "Acute Pharyngitis" that overlaps after the period of the encounter. It will only return Encounters.
define Encounter Ambulatory
[Encounter: "Ambulatory/ED Visit"] E
with [Condition: "Acute Pharyngitis"] P
such that P.onset during A.period
and P.abatement after end of A.period
CQL provides multi-source queries to allow for the simple expression of complex relationships between different sets of data. In Multi-source queries multiple objects are returned.
define "Encounters with Warfarin and Parenteral Therapies":
from "Encounters" E,
"Warfarin Therapy" W,
"Parenteral Therapy" P
where W.effectiveTime starts during E.period and P.effectiveTime starts during E.period
CQL provides two flavors of conditional expressions, the if
expression, and the case
- If expression: It allows one single condition to be selected
if Count(X) > 0 then X[1] else 0
- Case expression : It allows multiple conditions to be tested.
when X > Y then X
when Y > X then Y
else 0
16, -28
'pending' , 'active', 'complete'
3 months
5 'mg'
5 'mg' : 10 'mL'
code "Blood pressure": '55284-4' from "LOINC" display 'Blood pressure'
define "PatientExpression":
Patient { Name: 'Patrick', DOB: @2014-01-01 }
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Interval[3, 5)
Where clause where exists + where not exists + exists to filter retrieved data
define "Inpatient Encounters":
["Encounter": "Inpatient"] Encounter
where Encounter.period during "Measurement Period"
define "Quantitative Laboratory Encounters ":
[Encounter] E
where exists (["Observation"] O)
define "Encounter Without Procedure ":
[Encounter] E
where not exists
( [Procedure] P
where P.performed as dateTime during E.period
define "Had chest CT in past year":
exists ("Chest CT procedure" P
where FC.ToInterval(P.performed) ends 1 year or less before Today()
With/Without clause + such that : to define relationships with other data. When multiple with or without clauses appear in a single query, the result will only include elements that meet the “such that” conditions for all the relationship clauses.
define "Inpatient Encounters":
[Encounter": "Inpatient"] Encounter
with ["Observation": "Streptococcus Test"] Lab Test
such that Observation.issued during Encounter.period
Return clause : determines the overall shape of the query result.
define "Inpatient Encounters":
[Encounter: "Inpatient"] Encounter
return Encounter.period
Sort clause: to order the results ascending or descending.
define "Performed Encounters":
["Encounter,Performed" : "Inpatient"]Encounter
sort by start/end of period.
Let clause: to help introduce content that can be referenced within the scope of the query, they do not impact the type of the result unless referenced within a return clause.
define "Medication Ingredients":
"Medications" M
let ingredients: GetIngredients(M.rxNormCode)
return ingredients
Aggregate clause: determines the overall result of the query.
define FactorialOfFive:
({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) Num
aggregate Result starting 1: Result * Num
Indexes are 0 based, index 1, is index 0
define "FirstInpatientEncounter":
return (Encounter [0])
CQL provides a complete set of arithmetic operations for expressing computational logic.
- Addition + , Subtraction - , Multiply * , Divide /
- Truncate () – round the value backwards
- Round () - round the value frontwards
- Floor () - round to the greatest integer less than a decimal
- Ceiling () - round to the least integer greater than a decimal
- Convert ()
convert 5000 'g' to 'kg'.
- Count ()
Count ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
- Sum()
Sum({1,2,3,4}) // returns the sum of values
- Indexing
IndexOf({ 'a', 'b', 'c’ }, 'b') // returns 1
if a list contains a single element, the singleton from operator can be used to extract it.
singleton from { 1 }
to obtain the index of a value within the list
IndexOf({'a', 'b', 'c' }, 'b')
to obtain the number of elements in a list
Count({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })
Membership in lists can be determined using the in operator and its inverse, contains
{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } contains 4
4 in { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
To test whether a list contains any elements
exists ( { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } )
The First and Last operators can be used to retrieve the first and last elements of a list.
First({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })
, includes in
, properly includes
and properly included in
are tools we can use to compare lists
{ 1, 2, 3 } includes { 1, 2 } // returns true
To eliminate duplicates.
Distinct({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4})
To combine lists (union eliminates duplicates).
{ 1, 2, 3} union { 3, 4, 5 }
To only return the elements that are in both lists.
{ 1, 2, 3} intersection { 3, 4, 5}
The flatten operation can flatten lists of lists.
flatten { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 3, 4, 5 } }
This would return the number of encounters in the list
This would return the sum of the values in the list i.e 15
Sum({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 })
- Comparing Dates and Times - Using comparison operators on dates
@2014-01-31 < @2014-02-01
- Extracting Date and Time Components - extracts only date/time/year.
date from @2014-01-25T14:30:14 // returns @2014-01-25
time from @2014-01-25T14:30:14 // returns @T14:30:14
year from @2014-01-25T14:30:14 // return 2014
where we are subtracting 1 year out of todays date to return the date 1 year back from now
Today() - 1 year
duration in months between @2014 - 01 - 31 and @2014-02-01
Now() // Current date and time
Today() // Current Date
TimeOfDay() // Current Time
CQL supports the representation of intervals, or ranges, of values of various types.
General Interval Operators -
,start of
,end of
,point from
,width of
point from Interval[3, 3]
width of Interval[3, 5]
Comparing Intervals - the comparison between two interval values using a complete set of operations. This includes
same as
,meets before
,overlaps before
among others.
X same as Y
Interval [3,5) // includes all numbers >= 3 and < 5
start of Interval[3, 5) // 3
width of Interval[3, 5) // 1
end of Interval[3, 5) // 4
same year as
Date(2014) same year as Date(2014, 7, 11)
["Encounter": "Inpatient"]
where Encounter.period during "Measurement Period"
Date(2014, 4) same month or before Date(2014, 7, 11)
Date(2014, 4) same month or after Date(2014, 7, 11)
starts within 3 days of start (2014, 7, 11)
[Condition: "Other Female Reproductive Conditions"] C
where Interval[C.onsetDate, C.abatementDate] overlaps "Measurement Period"
Computing Intervals- Using
to compute intervals
Interval[1, 3] union Interval[3, 6]
Interval[Date(2014), Date(2015, 1, 1)]
Can be used on numbers, strings, integers, dates, decimals
- Equality
- Inequality
- Greater than
- Less than
- Greater than or equal
- Less than or equal
- Equivalent
- Inequivalent
4 >= 2 and 4 <= 8
, is
, in
, as
, or
, not
AgeInYears() >= 18 and AgeInYears() < 24
define TestPrimitives:
Patient P
where P.gender.value = 'male'
and P.active.value is true
and P.maritalStatus in "Marital Status"
define "Former smoker observation":
"Most recent smoking status observation" O
where (O.value as CodeableConcept) ~ "Former Smoker"
define "Absence of Cervix":
[Procedure: "Hysterectomy with No Residual Cervix"] NoCervixProcedure
where FC.ToInterval(NoCervixProcedure.performed) ends on or before end of "Measurement Period"
and NoCervixProcedure.status = 'completed'
- Null Test is used to test whether an expression is
X is null
X is not null
operator is used to return the first non-null result among two or more expressions
Coalesce(X, Y, Z)
Operator is used to determine the length of string
Operator is used to determine the position of a string and will return the index of the string
PositionOf('cde', 'abcdefg')
operator is used to combine a list of strings
Combine({ 'ab', 'cd', 'ef' })
Operator is used to split a list of strings
Split('completed;refused;pending', ';') // returns { 'completed', 'refused', 'pending' }
- Sort clauses don’t require usage of an alias. We don’t need to say E.sort by length of stay.
[Encounter: "Inpatient"] E
return Tuple { id: E.identifier, lengthOfStay: duration in days of E.period }
sort by lengthOfStay
- Return clause default behavior is to return distinct data. Eg. if the query is to retrieve all blood pressure observations and if there are two blood pressure observations on the same date, only one observation will be returned. The all operator should be used to undo the default distinct behavior. Eg. If two encounters have the same value for lengthOfStay, that value will only appear once in the result unless the all keyword is used
[Encounter: "Inpatient"] E
return all E.lengthOfStay
- Equality and Equivalence
Note the use of the equivalent operator (~) rather than equality (=). For codes, equivalence tests only if the
are the same, but does not check theversion
elements -
String Equality is case sensitive
('Abel' = 'abel') is false
- String Equivalence ignores case, locale, and normalizes whitespace (meaning all whitespace characters are equivalent).
('Abel' = 'abel') is true
- The Sum function works on lists of quantities or numbers not a list of structures like Encounters
- Inclusive a.k.a closed boundaries are indicated with square brackets
[ ]
, and exclusive a.k.a open boundaries are indicated with parentheses( )