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196 lines (148 loc) · 7.13 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (148 loc) · 7.13 KB


EWM light clients operator-controller NFT contracts, enabling NFT claim/mint, LC registration/delegation, rewards calculation and redemption on any EVM chain based on the ERC4907 non-transferrable "rental-nft" standard.

Main components -

  1. EwmNftController
  2. EwmNftClaim
  3. EwmNftAllowance
  4. IERC4907


    participant LCS as Light Client Staker
    participant CNP as Controller NFT Portal
    participant NSC as NFT Controller SC
    participant ASC as NFT Allowance SC
    participant ELC as EWM Light Client
    participant RM as Reward Manager

    LCS->>ASC: Stake NFT Allowance
    NSC-->>ASC: Gather NFT Allowances
    ASC-->>NSC: Number of NFTs Staked
    NSC->>LCS: Mint NFT Controller

    ELC->>ELC: Generate Burner Wallet
    ELC->>LCS: Provide Burner Wallet Address
    LCS->>CNP: Log in
    CNP-->>NSC: Initiate Delegation
    CNP->>NSC: Set User (Delegate to Burner Wallet)
    ELC-->>NSC: Check Delegation Requests
    ELC->>NSC: Approve Delegation
    NSC-->>CNP: Update Controller Status to Delegated

    loop Continuous Operation
        ELC->>ELC: Perform Light Client Operations
        ELC-->>RM: Log Operations

    RM->>NSC: Claim Rewards for NFT Controllers
    NSC->>NSC: Update Redeemable Rewards

    LCS->>CNP: View Earned Rewards
    CNP-->>NSC: Initiate Reward Redemption
    CNP->>NSC: Redeem Rewards
    NSC->>LCS: Transfer Redeemed Rewards

    Note over LCS,ELC: NFT not transferrable

    opt Un-delegate / Re-delegate
        LCS->>CNP: Initiate Un-delegation/Re-delegation
        CNP->>NSC: Update Delegation
        NSC-->>CNP: Notify of Delegation Change

    opt End Delegation
        CNP->>NSC: End Delegation
        NSC-->>CNP: Update Controller Status

Compile Contracts & Run Tests

Clone repo, use stable node version (node v20.10.0 (npm v10.2.3)), ensure .envrc.local is present with the following, install dependencies and run unit and integration tests.

# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:covalenthq/ewm-lc-contracts.git

# Change to the project directory
cd ewm-lc-contracts

# Use the stable version of Node.js
nvm use stable

# Create the .envrc file
echo 'export ERIGON_NODE="<ethereum-erigon-node-url>"' > .envrc

# Allow direnv to load the .envrc file
direnv allow .

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run test coverage
npm run coverage

You should get something like this -

  267 passing (2m)

File                   |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
 contracts/            |      100 |    86.94 |      100 |    99.64 |                |
  EwmNftAllowance.sol  |      100 |    78.33 |      100 |      100 |                |
  EwmNftClaim.sol      |      100 |     87.5 |      100 |    98.41 |             74 |
  EwmNftController.sol |      100 |    91.23 |      100 |      100 |                |
 contracts/interfaces/ |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
  IERC4907.sol         |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                |
All files              |      100 |    86.94 |      100 |    99.64 |                |


This deployment story outlines the process of setting up the entire NFT ecosystem, from initial contract deployment to user management and reward distribution. It ensures that all necessary configurations are in place, tokens are distributed, and the system is ready for user interaction and ongoing management.

  1. Initial Contract Deployment:

    • Deploy NFT Controller
    • Deploy NFT Claim
    • Deploy NFT Allowance
  2. Configuration and Setup:

    • Deposit reward tokens to the Controller
    • Set Claim Admin address
    • Configure Claim Allowance Contracts Array
    • Unpause the Claim Contract
    • Set Allowance Whitelist Merkle Root and Integer Allocation Boolean
  3. Metadata and Token Distribution:

    • Retrieve and verify metadata for all contracts
    • Distribute CXT Faucet Tokens to participants
  4. Controller and Whitelist Management:

    • Set Controller Minter Admin (to Claim Contract), Transfer Whitelist (to Claim Contract), and Transfer Time
    • Set Nft Expiry Ranges
    • Verify updated metadata
  5. NFT Allocation and Claiming:

    • Set NFT Token base URLs
    • Execute Whitelisted Allocation for eligible participants
    • Perform Admin Batch Claim for all eligible NFTs
    • Pause Claim Contract
  6. User Management and Rewards:

    • Set User Delegates and Expiration times for NFTs
    • Distribute rewards to NFT holders
  7. Reward Redemption and Stake Release:

    • Allow NFT holders to redeem their rewards
    • Release stakes for expired NFTs
# deploy all the necessary contracts
npx hardhat run scripts/deployCxtTokenFaucet.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/deployNftController.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/deployNftClaim.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/deployNftAllowance.js --network ${network}

# set contract metadata for use
npx hardhat run scripts/depositControllerRewardTokens.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/setControllerNftExpiryRange.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/setControllerNftBaseUrl.js --network ${network}

## set contracts for participation
npx hardhat run scripts/setClaimAllowanceContractsArray.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/unpauseClaimContract.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/distributeCxtFaucetToken.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/setAllowanceWhitelistRootIntegerAllocation.js --network ${network}

# extras participants fns for staking and operations
npx hardhat run scripts/executeWhitelistedAllowance.js --network ${network}

## set for nft mint distribution
npx hardhat run scripts/setControllerMinterAdmin.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/setControllerTransferWhitelistAndTime.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/executeAdminBatchClaimAll.js --network ${network} or npx hardhat run scripts/executeAdminBatchClaimArray.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/pauseClaimContract.js --network ${network}

## reward nft holders
npx hardhat run scripts/executeSetUserDelegateAndExpires.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/rewardNftHolders.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/redeemAllNftRewards.js --network ${network}

## post nfts expiry participants fns
npx hardhat run scripts/releaseStakeForExpiredNfts.js --network ${network}

# extras admin fns
npx hardhat run scripts/setClaimAdmin.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/getAllMetadata.js --network ${network}
npx hardhat run scripts/setAllowanceExpiryTime.js --network ${network}