This document describes how to publish a container image in the Azure Container Marketplace. A typical user should not need to do this.
Documentation on ACR is available here.
You'll need to have Docker installed to follow these instructions.
Create a resource group and an ACR
az group create --name marketplaceacr --location eastus
az acr create --resource-group marketplaceacr --name couchbase --sku Basic
Log in to a container registry through the Docker CLI
az acr login --name couchbase
Download image from Docker Hub
docker pull couchbase
Get the login server name and then push the container to ACR with that name
az acr list --resource-group marketplaceacr --query "[].{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" --output table
docker tag couchbase
docker push
Now we can check the image is present with
az acr repository list --name couchbase --output table
Get the credentials
az acr update --name couchbase --admin-enabled true
az acr credential show --name couchbase
Deploy a container using ACR
az container create --resource-group marketplaceacr --name cb1 --image --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-username <name> --registry-password <password> --dns-name-label testdeploy --ports 8091
az container show --resource-group marketplaceacr --name cb1 --query instanceView.state #--> "Pending"/"Running"
az container show --resource-group marketplaceacr --name cb1 --query ipAddress.fqdn #--> ""
Couchbase Server should be running on: