From 718a71e6e2e851eae776d57ab60442b8d6cf10b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anil Kumar Kammari <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 20:24:29 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] fix: Add validation on create gentx (#11693)

(cherry picked from commit df6114203601604d0686237c37d06110005ca7c2)

# Conflicts:
#	x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go
#	x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go
#	x/genutil/gentx_test.go
---                       |   5 ++
 types/coin.go                      |   8 +-
 x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go      |   8 ++
 x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
 x/genutil/gentx_test.go            |   6 +-
 5 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index a2c2d7ff4dcb..b9370a2d2ffc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ Ref:
 ### Bug Fixes
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+* [\#11693]( Add validation for gentx cmd.
+* [\#11558]( Fix `--dry-run` not working when using tx command.
+>>>>>>> df6114203 (fix: Add validation on create gentx (#11693))
 * [\#11354]( Added missing pagination flag for `bank q total` query.
 * (store) [\#11177]( Update the prune `everything` strategy to store the last two heights.
 * (store) [\#11117]( Fix data race in store trace component
diff --git a/types/coin.go b/types/coin.go
index 81afb173e29e..92eaaf2d4ae4 100644
--- a/types/coin.go
+++ b/types/coin.go
@@ -724,13 +724,13 @@ func ParseCoinNormalized(coinStr string) (coin Coin, err error) {
 	return coin, nil
-// ParseCoinsNormalized will parse out a list of coins separated by commas, and normalize them by converting to smallest
-// unit. If the parsing is successuful, the provided coins will be sanitized by removing zero coins and sorting the coin
+// ParseCoinsNormalized will parse out a list of coins separated by commas, and normalize them by converting to the smallest
+// unit. If the parsing is successful, the provided coins will be sanitized by removing zero coins and sorting the coin
 // set. Lastly a validation of the coin set is executed. If the check passes, ParseCoinsNormalized will return the
 // sanitized coins.
-// Otherwise it will return an error.
+// Otherwise, it will return an error.
 // If an empty string is provided to ParseCoinsNormalized, it returns nil Coins.
-// ParseCoinsNormalized supports decimal coins as inputs, and truncate them to int after converted to smallest unit.
+// ParseCoinsNormalized supports decimal coins as inputs, and truncate them to int after converted to the smallest unit.
 // Expected format: "{amount0}{denomination},...,{amountN}{denominationN}"
 func ParseCoinsNormalized(coinStr string) (Coins, error) {
 	coins, err := ParseDecCoins(coinStr)
diff --git a/x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go b/x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go
index be347b745b05..0239672dff6f 100644
--- a/x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go
+++ b/x/genutil/client/cli/gentx.go
@@ -162,7 +162,15 @@ $ %s gentx my-key-name 1000000stake --home=/path/to/home/dir --keyring-backend=o
 			w := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
 			clientCtx = clientCtx.WithOutput(w)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 			if err = authclient.PrintUnsignedStdTx(txBldr, clientCtx, []sdk.Msg{msg}); err != nil {
+			if err = msg.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			if err = txBldr.PrintUnsignedTx(clientCtx, msg); err != nil {
+>>>>>>> df6114203 (fix: Add validation on create gentx (#11693))
 				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to print unsigned std tx")
diff --git a/x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go b/x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go
index 084a5f530f8d..bdd26a1618da 100644
--- a/x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go
+++ b/x/genutil/client/testutil/suite.go
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 package testutil
 import (
-	"context"
@@ -9,10 +8,9 @@ import (
-	""
-	""
+	clitestutil ""
 	sdk ""
 	banktypes ""
@@ -48,19 +46,9 @@ func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) TearDownSuite() {
 func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) TestGenTxCmd() {
 	val :=[0]
-	dir := s.T().TempDir()
-	cmd := cli.GenTxCmd(
-		simapp.ModuleBasics,
-		val.ClientCtx.TxConfig, banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator{}, val.ClientCtx.HomeDir)
-	_, out := testutil.ApplyMockIO(cmd)
-	clientCtx := val.ClientCtx.WithOutput(out)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, client.ClientContextKey, &clientCtx)
+	clientCtx := val.ClientCtx
 	amount := sdk.NewCoin(s.cfg.BondDenom, sdk.NewInt(12))
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	genTxFile := filepath.Join(dir, "myTx")
 		fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
@@ -104,28 +92,97 @@ func (s *IntegrationTestSuite) TestGenTxCmdPubkey() {
 	_, out := testutil.ApplyMockIO(cmd)
 	clientCtx := val.ClientCtx.WithOutput(out)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, client.ClientContextKey, &clientCtx)
-	amount := sdk.NewCoin(s.cfg.BondDenom, sdk.NewInt(12))
-	genTxFile := filepath.Join(dir, "myTx")
-	cmd.SetArgs([]string{
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagOutputDocument, genTxFile),
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s={\"key\":\"BOIkjkFruMpfOFC9oNPhiJGfmY2pHF/gwHdLDLnrnS0=\"}", stakingcli.FlagPubKey),
-		val.Moniker,
-		amount.String(),
-	})
-	s.Require().Error(cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx))
-	cmd.SetArgs([]string{
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagOutputDocument, genTxFile),
-		fmt.Sprintf("--%s={\"@type\":\"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey\",\"key\":\"BOIkjkFruMpfOFC9oNPhiJGfmY2pHF/gwHdLDLnrnS0=\"}", stakingcli.FlagPubKey),
-		val.Moniker,
-		amount.String(),
-	})
-	s.Require().NoError(cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx))
+>>>>>>> df6114203 (fix: Add validation on create gentx (#11693))
+	tests := []struct {
+		name     string
+		args     []string
+		expError bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "invalid commission rate returns error",
+			args: []string{
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s=1", stakingcli.FlagCommissionRate),
+				val.Moniker,
+				amount.String(),
+			},
+			expError: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "valid gentx",
+			args: []string{
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
+				val.Moniker,
+				amount.String(),
+			},
+			expError: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "invalid pubkey",
+			args: []string{
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s={\"key\":\"BOIkjkFruMpfOFC9oNPhiJGfmY2pHF/gwHdLDLnrnS0=\"}", stakingcli.FlagPubKey),
+				val.Moniker,
+				amount.String(),
+			},
+			expError: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "valid pubkey flag",
+			args: []string{
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagChainID,,
+				fmt.Sprintf("--%s={\"@type\":\"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey\",\"key\":\"BOIkjkFruMpfOFC9oNPhiJGfmY2pHF/gwHdLDLnrnS0=\"}", stakingcli.FlagPubKey),
+				val.Moniker,
+				amount.String(),
+			},
+			expError: false,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tc := range tests {
+		tc := tc
+		dir := s.T().TempDir()
+		genTxFile := filepath.Join(dir, "myTx")
+		tc.args = append(tc.args, fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%s", flags.FlagOutputDocument, genTxFile))
+		s.Run(, func() {
+			cmd := cli.GenTxCmd(
+				simapp.ModuleBasics,
+				val.ClientCtx.TxConfig,
+				banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator{},
+				val.ClientCtx.HomeDir)
+			out, err := clitestutil.ExecTestCLICmd(clientCtx, cmd, tc.args)
+			if tc.expError {
+				s.Require().Error(err)
+				_, err = os.Open(genTxFile)
+				s.Require().Error(err)
+			} else {
+				s.Require().NoError(err, "test: %s\noutput: %s",, out.String())
+				// validate generated transaction.
+				open, err := os.Open(genTxFile)
+				s.Require().NoError(err)
+				all, err := io.ReadAll(open)
+				s.Require().NoError(err)
+				tx, err := val.ClientCtx.TxConfig.TxJSONDecoder()(all)
+				s.Require().NoError(err)
+				msgs := tx.GetMsgs()
+				s.Require().Len(msgs, 1)
+				s.Require().Equal(sdk.MsgTypeURL(&types.MsgCreateValidator{}), sdk.MsgTypeURL(msgs[0]))
+				s.Require().True(val.Address.Equals(msgs[0].GetSigners()[0]))
+				s.Require().Equal(amount, msgs[0].(*types.MsgCreateValidator).Value)
+				s.Require().NoError(tx.ValidateBasic())
+			}
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/x/genutil/gentx_test.go b/x/genutil/gentx_test.go
index 8de5bc4afe41..fd48425e7b12 100644
--- a/x/genutil/gentx_test.go
+++ b/x/genutil/gentx_test.go
@@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ func (suite *GenTxTestSuite) setAccountBalance(addr sdk.AccAddress, amount int64
 	acc :=, addr), acc)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 	err := simapp.FundAccount(, suite.ctx, addr, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, 25)})
+	err := testutil.FundAccount(, suite.ctx, addr, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, amount)})
+>>>>>>> df6114203 (fix: Add validation on create gentx (#11693))
 	bankGenesisState :=
@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ func (suite *GenTxTestSuite) TestDeliverGenTxs() {
 			func() {
 				_ = suite.setAccountBalance(addr1, 50)
-				_ = suite.setAccountBalance(addr2, 0)
+				_ = suite.setAccountBalance(addr2, 1)
 				msg := banktypes.NewMsgSend(addr1, addr2, sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, 1)})
 				tx, err := helpers.GenTx(