title: 'Form title'
css: custom.css
logo: /logo.png
As with all files, the slash indicates that the file is located in public/
, otherwise the form directory is prepended.
Your CSS file will be included after our basic styles, which are mostly plain Bulma.
subject: 'Status of {{fieldset1.widget1}}'
- <email>
- <email>
An email with user input and attached uploads will be sent to configured addresses. A copy can be sent to an address from an email field if you provide the fieldId(s) in the cc
language: de
The set language will be loaded from /conf/language.<language>.yaml
At first /conf/language.default.yaml
gets loaded.
If /conf/language.local.yaml
exists it will override all set strings from the default file.
Finally /conf/language.<language>.yaml
overrides all set strings from the previous files.
export: file_to_be_exported.txt
When the form is successfully submitted the given file (in this case file_to_be_exported.txt) will be copied to the export directory. The exported file will be named the same as the config directory, aka form id.
The export directory is set by default to ./export. It can be changed by overriding the default settings (./conf/settings.default.yaml): Create / Edit the file ./conf/settings.local.yaml. Add:
dir : <anotherFolder>
The directory is always relative to the project's root directory.
saveButton: false
This option disables not only the save button, but also persisting user inputs. As soon as the form is successfully submitted, all data is lost, so send it per email!
This way you can re-use the same form for multiple submissions of different data or for multiple users.
tooltip_style: 'border: 1px solid cyan'
This setting controls the tooltip button style attribute.
Every tooltip for this form is affected.