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polyfill-glibc command line options

The general syntax of polyfill-glibc is:

polyfill-glibc FLAG... FILENAME...

At least one flag and one filename must be specified. Most flags indicate some kind of action (either printing information from a file, or modifying a file). These actions are performed one at a time, from left to right. If multiple filenames are specified, then every action will be performed against every file.

The flagship action is --target-glibc.

Files are modified in-place, unless --output is used to specify a different output filename.

Actions that print information about a file: --print-imports, --print-exports, --print-kernel-version, --print-interpreter, --print-flags, --print-rpath, --print-runpath, --print-soname.

Actions that modify files: --target-glibc, --remove-kernel-version, --rename-dynamic-symbols, --clear-symbol-version, --weak-verneed, --remove-verneed, --set-rpath, --set-runpath, --set-soname, --add-early-needed, --add-late-needed, --add-hash, --add-gnu-hash, --add-debug, --add-flags, --add-rpath, --add-runpath, --set-interpreter, --remove-debug, --remove-flags, --remove-needed, --remove-relro, --remove-rpath, --remove-runpath, --remove-soname.

Flags that change the effect of other actions: --output, --dry, --page-size, --use-polyfill-so, --create-polyfill-so, --polyfill-cfi.


Takes as an argument a glibc version, for example --target-glibc=2.17. The action identifies all dependencies that the file has on glibc functions and variables newer than the specified version, and employs various strategies to remove those dependencies.

Note that --target-glibc is currently only implemented for x86_64 files and aarch64 files. If other architectures are of interest to you, open a GitHub issue so that we can gauge interest.

If there are any strong dependencies that --target-glibc cannot remove, then it'll fail and report the problematic dependencies, for example:

Cannot change target version of FILENAME to 2.3.4 (x86_64) due to missing knowledge about how to handle:

If you are hitting this, then some options are:

  • Open a GitHub issue requesting that --target-glibc be taught how to handle the problematic symbols.
  • Specify a different value for --target-glibc. For example, given the above, --target-glibc=2.38 would succeed, and --target-glibc=2.5 would succeed if it weren't for __isoc23_sscanf@GLIBC_2.38.
  • Use --rename-dynamic-symbols or --clear-symbol-version prior to --target-glibc to manually resolve problematic dependencies. For example, given the above, if you know that the C23 version of sscanf isn't required, and that the C99 version of sscanf would suffice, then --rename-dynamic-symbols could be used to rename __isoc23_sscanf@GLIBC_2.38 to __isoc99_sscanf@GLIBC_2.7.

One of the strategies employed by --target-glibc involves statically linking new pieces of executable code in to the file. If you'd prefer to keep said pieces of executable code in a separate shared object, see --create-polyfill-so and --use-polyfill-so. The --polyfill-cfi flag can also be used to control whether unwind information is provided for said statically linked code.

--output and --dry

By default, polyfill-glibc modifies files in-place. If this is not desirable, then --output can be specified, which takes a filename as an argument, as in polyfill-glibc --target-glibc=2.17 --output=output_filename input_filename. If --output is specified multiple times, then the last occurrence takes effect. Note that it rarely makes sense to use --output with multiple input filenames, as --output cannot be specified per input.

The --dry flag is shorthand for --output=/dev/null: polyfill-glibc will try to perform the requested actions, and will fail if it cannot perform them, but won't write out a modified file in case of success.


Takes as an argument the name of a file, for example --rename-dynamic-symbols=my_renames.txt. Said file should be a UTF-8 text file, with a pair of symbol names per line: the symbol to rename, followed by the symbol to rename to. // comments are supported.

As a small example, my_renames.txt could contain:

memcpy@GLIBC_2.14 memcpy
__isoc23_sscanf@GLIBC_2.38 __isoc99_sscanf@GLIBC_2.7

As a much larger example, see the file used by --target-glibc.

The symbol to rename should either be a plain identifier, or two identifiers with an @ sign between them. If a plain identifier is used, then it'll only match against unversioned symbols (this is different to PatchELF's --rename-dynamic-symbols).

The symbol to rename to should similarly be a plain identifier, or two identifiers with an @ sign between them. All of this can be optionally prefixed with LIBRARY_NAME::, the presence of which has three effects:

  1. If the rename is applied, ensures that the file has a dependency on LIBRARY_NAME (similar to --add-late-needed LIBRARY_NAME).
  2. If the rename is applied, and the symbol to rename to ends with @VERSION, then the dependency on LIBRARY_NAME will additionally require that VERSION is present in said library.
  3. The rename will not be applied to exported symbols (i.e. it'll only be applied to imported symbols), as it makes no sense to rename an export to a different library.

As a special case, the symbol to rename to can be specified as polyfill::NAME, where NAME must be one of public functions or variables that polyfill-glibc can statically link into other files. In this case, if the rename is applied, then said function or variable will be statically linked into the file, and the symbol will be repointed to this statically linked function or variable. As a special case on top of a special case, if --use-polyfill-so=LIB is specified, then occurrences of polyfill::NAME are changed to LIB::NAME@POLYFILL, and then no static linking occurs.

If all symbols with a particular @VERSION suffix are renamed away, then the dependency on VERSION is automatically removed too. The dependency on the original shared library will remain though; use --remove-needed=LIB after --rename-dynamic-symbols to remove any such dependencies that are no longer required.

--print-kernel-version and --remove-kernel-version

An ELF file can specify the minimum operating system kernel version it requires to run (this is the .note.ABI-tag section), however this functionality is of decreasing utility: the kernel itself ignores this requirement when launching programs, and the glibc dynamic loader has also started ignoring it for shared libraries since glibc 2.36. In other words, .note.ABI-tag has no effect on modern systems, and exists merely as a footgun for older systems.

The --print-kernel-version flag will print the required kernel version, for example:

Linux 3.2.0


No minimum kernel version specified.

The --remove-kernel-version flag will remove any kernel version requirement from a file, thereby giving the modern glibc behaviour even on older systems. Note that removing the requirement is just skipping a check at shared object load time; if the shared object requires a recent kernel for some functionality, it'll likely fail when it tries to exercise said functionality. The flag is similar in effect to running strip with --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag.

rpath and runpath (--print-rpath, --print-runpath, --set-rpath, --set-runpath, --add-rpath, --add-runpath, --remove-rpath, --remove-runpath)

An ELF file can specify where to find the shared objects it depends upon. There are two different mechanisms for this, which have the very similar names rpath and runpath:

  1. rpath is a list of directories, which are searched before any directories in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and are searched for both direct and transitive dependencies.
  2. runpath is a list of directories, which are searched after any directories in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and are searched only for direct dependencies.

Notably, both rpath and runpath support the $ORIGIN placeholder, which will be expanded by the dynamic linker to the directory of the ELF file in which $ORIGIN is used. This allows an ELF file's dependencies to be packaged alongside or nearby in the file system. For example, rpath of $ORIGIN will look in the same directory for dependencies, and an rpath of $ORIGIN/lib will look in the lib subdirectory. If making use of this, either set an rpath on the root file in the dependency tree, or set runpath on all non-leaf files in the dependency tree.

If an ELF file contains both rpath and runpath, then runpath takes priority and rpath is ignored.

See the Linux loading process for a full description of where rpath and runpath fit in.

The --print-runpath flag will print the runpath, if any. Meanwhile, the --print-rpath flag will print the rpath, if any.

The --remove-runpath flag will remove the runpath, if any. Meanwhile, the --remove-rpath flag will remove the rpath, if any.

The --set-runpath flag takes a colon-separated list of directories as an argument, and sets runpath to that list. Meanwhile, --set-rpath flag is simiar, but for rpath. If --set-rpath is specified, then it also has the effect of --remove-runpath.

The --add-runpath flag takes a colon-separated list of directories as an argument, and appends that list to runpath. Meanwhile, --add-rpath flag is simiar, but for rpath. If --add-rpath is specified, then it also has the effect of --remove-runpath.

soname (--print-soname, --set-soname, --remove-soname)

An ELF shared library can specify a soname, which has two effects:

  1. ldconfig will create a symlink from the soname to the actual file name of the shared library.
  2. Once a shared library has been loaded via its actual file name, any subsequent attempt (within the same process) to load its soname will immediately resolve to said shared library rather than searching the filesystem.

The --print-soname flag will print the soname, if any.

The --set-soname flag takes an argument, and sets the soname to that.

The --remove-soname flag will remove the soname, if any.

ELF load flags (--print-flags, --add-flags, --remove-flags)

An ELF file can specify various flags that tweak the behaviour of the dynamic linker:

Flag Behaviour
execstack If set, then the main thread is given an executable stack (as are all subsequent threads created by glibc functions). This is generally considered to be a major security problem.
df_bind_now or df_1_now If neither flag is set, then imported functions can be imported lazily: said functions will be looked up when they are first called. If either flag is set, then lazy importing is disabled: all imported functions are looked up when the ELF file is loaded. This can make loading slower, and also means that problems get detected early. Note that setting the LD_BIND_NOW environment variable also disables lazy importing. Lazy importing requires that the GOT exist in writable memory rather than read-only memory; if removing df_bind_now and df_1_now, then --remove-relro might also be required to keep the GOT in writable memory.
df_1_pie If set, marks the ELF file as an executable rather than a shared library, and means that the ELF file cannot - by any means - be loaded as library.
df_1_noopen If set, then the ELF file cannot be loaded by an explicit call to dlopen (but it can still be loaded by any other means; most notably by being listed as a dependency of some other ELF file, or by being named in LD_PRELOAD).
df_1_nodeflib If set, then the system default search path (e.g. /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/lib:/usr/lib) is not searched when trying to locate dependencies of the ELF file. Accordingly, if it has any non-absolute dependencies, rpath or runpath or LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be used to specify the directory in which to find them.
df_1_nodelete If set, implicit and explicit dlclose calls against this file have no effect: once loaded, the ELF file remains loaded until the process exits. Note that this has no effect on musl, as dlclose is already a no-op there.
df_1_initfirst If any ELF shared library specifies this flag, then the last such shared library to be loaded has its init functions called before those of other shared libraries. See the Linux loading process for a full description. Note this flag was reserved for in glibc versions prior to 2.34.
df_symbolic If set in an ELF file that both imports and exports symbols, then the import search order is tweaked slightly: the file's own exports will be used to satisfy its imports, and only if that fails will the default search order be employed.
df_textrel If set, all virtual memory mapped in for the ELF file is made writable while relocations are being applied, thereby allowing relocations to modify "read-only" memory.

Many other flags also exist, but they have no effect.

The --print-flags flag to polyfill-glibc will print all the set flags.

The --add-flags flag to polyfill-glibc takes as an argument a list of flags (separated by spaces, commas, pipes, or colons), and sets all of them. For example, --add-flags=df_bind_now,df_1_nodelete sets the df_bind_now and df_1_nodelete flags.

The --remove-flags flag to polyfill-glibc takes as an argument a list of flags (separated by spaces, commas, pipes, or colons), and unsets all of them. For example, --remove-flags=execstack,df_noopen unsets the execstack and df_noopen flags.

ELF hash tables (--add-hash and --add-gnu-hash)

If an ELF file exports symbols, said symbols need to be listed in some hash table. That hash table can either be a traditional ELF hash table, or a GNU hash table. For maximum compatibility (though at the cost of increased file size), a file can have both styles of hash table.

The --add-hash flag causes a traditional ELF hash table to be added, if not already present. This hash table gives maximum compatibility, in particular giving compatibility with glibc dynamic loader versions prior to 2.5 (which was released in September 2006).

The --add-gnu-hash flag causes a GNU hash table to be added, if not already present. This hash table has better performance characteristics than the traditional ELF hash table.


In some cases, --target-glibc and --rename-dynamic-symbols can cause additional executable code to be statically linked into the file. Said executable code can have so-called CFI associated with it, which serves two purposes:

  1. It allows exceptions to be thrown over it, for example throwing an exception in the qsort_r or twalk_r callback, and catching it in the qsort_r or twalk_r caller.
  2. It allows asynchronous signal handlers (such as profilers) to generate a stack trace when the signal fires during execution of the statically linked code. Note that all of polyfill-glibc's statically linked code also maintains a frame pointer, which profilers might prefer to use for generating a stack trace.

There are two downsides to CFI:

  1. It occupies space (in the file on disk, and in virtual memory when the file is loaded).
  2. Registering the CFI with the C/C++ runtime often requires calling __register_frame_info / __deregister_frame_info from

The --polyfill-cfi flag controls whether CFI is provided for statically linked functions. The available settings are:

Setting Behaviour
--polyfill-cfi=full Provide CFI for all statically linked functions.
--polyfill-cfi=auto (default) If any statically linked function has non-trivial CFI, or if CFI can be provided without needing to call __register_frame_info / __deregister_frame_info, then provide CFI for all statically linked functions.
--polyfill-cfi=minimal Provide CFI for statically linked functions with non-trivial CFI information (do not provide CFI for any statically linked functions whose CFI would be trivial).
--polyfill-cfi=none Do not provide CFI for any statically linked functions.

--create-polyfill-so and --use-polyfill-so

In some cases, --target-glibc and --rename-dynamic-symbols can cause additional executable code to be statically linked into the file. For some people, this can be undesirable, and so --create-polyfill-so and --use-polyfill-so are provided instead, with the effect of putting the additional executable code in a separate shared object and then dynamically linking against that shared object.

If the --create-polyfill-so flag is specified, then the behaviour of --rename-dynamic-symbols is modified: whenever polyfill::NAME is given as the new symbol name (regardless of whether the old symbol name is present), then NAME@POLYFILL is added as an export to the file, with the statically linked code as the implementation of that export. The behaviour of --target-glibc is similarly modified: any statically linked code that could be used to remove a problematic dependency (regardless of whether the problem is present) is added an export to the file. The --create-polyfill-so flag is usually used in combination with the special input filename empty:x86_64 or empty:aarch64, which denotes an empty ELF file. Accordingly, an invocation like the following can be used to create a shared object called with all the code required to polyfill back to glibc 2.3.2:

polyfill-glibc empty:x86_64 --add-hash --add-gnu-hash --create-polyfill-so --target-glibc=2.3.2 --output

Once such a shared object has been created, it can be used with --use-polyfill-so, which takes as argument the name of a shared library, for example If --use-polyfill-so=LIB is specified, then the behaviour of --rename-dynamic-symbols is modified: whenever polyfill::NAME is given as the new symbol name, this is changed to LIB::NAME@POLYFILL. The behaviour of --target-glibc is similarly modified: any code used to remove a problematic dependency is dynamically imported from LIB rather than statically linked into the file.

The LIB in --use-polyfill-so=LIB should usually be a file name with no / characters in it. If neccessary, use an rpath or runpath to specify the directory in which LIB will be found at runtime.

--add-early-needed, --add-late-needed, --remove-needed

These take the name of a shared library as an argument, and either add or remove a dependency on that shared library.

The --add-early-needed flag is similar to LD_PRELOAD; the named shared library will be searched for symbols before any other libraries that the ELF file depends upon. The --add-late-needed flag is the opposite; the named shared library will be searched for symbols after any other libraries that the ELF file depends upon. Note that neither flag has any effect if the ELF file already depends on the named library.

The --remove-needed flag has no effect if the ELF file doesn't depend on the named library.

ELF interpreter (--print-interpreter, --set-interpreter)

A dynamically linked ELF file specifies the absolute path of the dynamic loader that it expects to use. The --print-interpreter flag will print this path. The --set-interpreter flag takes a path as an argument.

To use $ORIGIN with --set-interpreter, see Relative interpreter.


ELF files do not specify the page size of the kernel that they expect to run on, but nevertheless it is crucial to know said page size when modifying an ELF file. If that page size is not 4096 bytes, then the --page-size flag should be used, which takes as an argument a decimal power of two, for example --page-size=8192.


  1. If the ELF file specifies an interpreter, then it is printed (like --print-interpreter).
  2. If the ELF file specifies an rpath or runpath, then that is printed (like --print-rpath / --print-runpath).
  3. If the ELF file depends upon any dynamic libraries, then their names are printed.
  4. If the ELF file depends upon particular versions from dynamic libraries, then these are printed.
  5. Finally, the names of all imported functions and variables are printed.


  1. If the ELF file specifies a soname, then it is printed (like --print-soname).
  2. If the ELF file depends upon any dynamic libraries, then their names are printed. This might seem weird, but any exports from such libraries get transitively re-exported.
  3. If the ELF file provides particular versions, then their names are printed.
  4. Finally, the names of all exported functions and variables are printed.


Takes as an argument a comma separated list of symbols, for example --clear-symbol-version=memcpy,exp2. If the ELF file imports or exports any of these symbols with a version suffix, then said version suffix is removed. For example, imports or exports of memcpy@GLIBC_2.14 or memcpy@GLIBC_2.2.5 would be replaced with plain memcpy. For imported symbols, the resultant ELF file will bind to some version of memcpy.

If all symbols with a particular @VERSION suffix are renamed away, then the dependency on VERSION is automatically removed too.

While it looks like a very useful tool, be aware that it is not a panacea, and is often dangerous to use. For example, clearing the symbol version from __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.34 might look tempting, but the resultant file will not work properly on glibc versions prior to 2.34 (use --target-glibc to remove a dependency on this function, or use --rename-dynamic-symbols to rename it to polyfill::__libc_start_main_2_34).


This flag is equivalent to --clear-symbol-version applied to every single symbol name imported or exported by the ELF file.

This is an extremely dangerous tool.


This flag causes all imported versions to be weakly imported rather than the default of strongly imported. The effect of this is that errors during application startup along the lines of /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by ./my-program) are no longer fatal: application startup will proceed in spite of the errors.

While it looks like a very useful tool, be aware that it is not a panacea, and the application will likely fail when it first tries to call a function from a missing version.

--add-debug and --remove-debug

ELF executables can optionally have a DT_DEBUG record in their ELF dynamic array. See rtld-debugger-interface.txt for details.

The --add-debug flag will add a DT_DEBUG record if one isn't already present.

The --remove-debug flag will remove any DT_DEBUG record, if present.


An ELF file can specify that a particular range of virtual memory should be readable and writable whilst relocations are being applied, but then made read-only once all relocations have been applied. This is generally considered a useful security feature, but disabling it can sometimes be neccessary.

The --remove-relro flag will remove the PT_GNU_RELRO program header, thereby causing the relevant range of virtual memory to remain writable once all relocations have been applied.

See also the df_textrel flag, the presence of which makes all of the ELF file's virtual memory writable while relocations are being applied.