The build required 3 parts, build the DPDK library, the Kahawai library on top of DPDK, and the sample application.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git gcc meson python3 python3-pip pkg-config libnuma-dev libjson-c-dev libpcap-dev libgtest-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libssl-dev
sudo pip install pyelftools ninja
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo yum install git gcc gcc-c++ meson python3 python3-pip pkg-config json-c-devel libpcap-devel gtest-devel SDL2-devel openssl-devel numactl-devel libasan
sudo pip3 install pyelftools
git clone
cd dpdk
git checkout v22.11
git switch -c v22.11
Note: $dpdk_st_kahawai point to source code of ST DPDK kahawai.
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0001-pcapng-add-ns-timestamp-for-copy-api.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0002-net-af_xdp-parse-numa-node-id-from-sysfs.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0003-net-iavf-refine-queue-rate-limit-configure.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0004-net-ice-revert-PF-ICE-rate-limit-to-non-queue-group-.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0005-ice-set-ICE_SCHED_DFLT_BURST_SIZE-to-2048.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0006-Change-to-enable-PTP.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0007-net-iavf-not-include-ipv4_port-for-RTE_ETH_RSS_NONFR.patch
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/0008-net-ice-add-dst-src-only-support-for-rss-l3-and-l4.patch
or just am all patches by one command.
git am $dpdk_st_kahawai/patches/dpdk/22.11/*.patch
meson build
ninja -C build
cd build
sudo ninja install
pkg-config --cflags libdpdk
pkg-config --libs libdpdk
pkg-config --modversion libdpdk
It may get below error caused by PKG_CONFIG_PATH path problem.
lib/ ERROR: Dependency "libdpdk" not found, tried pkgconfig
Try below command to find the pc path and add to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env.
find / -name libdpdk.pc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
Before build, export CC/CXX to clang, see below for example.
export CC=clang CXX=clang++
rm build -rf