This document describes how to build COPASI and its dependencies on Linux.
We recently upgraded the graphical user interface to use Qt5 whenever we can. COPASI still builds with Qt4, but you should select one or the other before compiling. You choose the Qt version by specifying the SELECT_QT
parameter and set it to either Qt5
or Qt4
. This parameter defaults to Any
at which point we try and select the first one.
Our release builds of CopasiUI use Qt5, where we also make use of the Qt5DataVisualization
module. Which is still not yet available on many linux distributions. So your choice would be to either download a pre-built qt version from, and use that one, or you specify another configuration parameter called QT5_USE_DATAVISUALIZATION
and set it to OFF
so it will not be used.
Since the graphical user interface displays HTML notes, there are various ways of displaying them. The default now is to simply display the text in the Qt Textbrowser, as that requires only a small amount of resources. It is however possible to use WebKit or WebEngine to display those notes. This is controlled by the following variables:
: defaultON
- if
then we will attempt to discover webkit, unlessQT5_USE_WEBENGINE
is set toON
In case you have several Qt5 versions installed, you can specify the one to be used by supplying the parameter Qt5_DIR
with a full path to the <qt install prefix>/lib/cmake/Qt5
For example:
would compile COPASI without the data visualization widget, which would work with the default Qt5 version available on Ubuntu 18.04 (the data visualization is working with ubuntu 20.04). Alternatively:
cmake -G Ninja -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DBUILD_GUI=ON -DQt5_DIR=~/Qt5.12.2/5.12.2/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 ../COPASI/
would compile against a custom installed Qt 5.12 version.
At this point we do require any C++ compiler capable of supporting C++11.
(we are in the process of updating the following section)
In order to ensure compilation in the majority of cases, we list the instructions for some of the most used linux distributions. If your linux distibution is not listed here, and the instructions don't work for you, please let us know and we will try to include yours. This document lists:
Starting from a vanilla / updated copy of Ubuntu 20.04, the dependencies are built as follows.
First some required packages need to be installed:
apt install git cmake g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev uuid-dev wget gawk
If you plan on compiling the graphical frontend to COPASI you also need:
apt install qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools libqt5datavisualization5-dev libqt5svg5-dev
Optionally for a graphical frontend to CMake you install cmake-qt-gui
. This is only needed if you like to finely tweak what is built.
Simply run
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ..
You can verify that all needed files are there, by listing the files in the ./bin/lib
directory. You ought to see:
fbergmann@ubuntu:~/Development$ ls copasi-dependencies/bin/lib/
cmake libcrossguid.a libnuml-static.a libzlib.a
libCombine-static.a libexpat.a libraptor.a pkgconfig
libZipper-static.a libf2c.a libsbml-static.a
libblas.a liblapack.a libsedml-static.a
if you also like to build the COPASI graphical frontend (and thus have Qt5 installed installed) you ought to also find:
fbergmann@ubuntu:~/Development/copasi-dependencies$ ls bin/lib/
cmake libexpat.a libqwt.a libzlib.a
libCombine-static.a libf2c.a libqwtplot3d.a pkgconfig
libZipper-static.a liblapack.a libraptor.a
libblas.a libmml.a libsbml-static.a
libcrossguid.a libnuml-static.a libsedml-static.a
Once verified that those files is there you are ready to compile COPASI.
continuing from the command line before you would type the following (Note the -DBUILD_GUI=OFF
parameter, this one is only needed if you do not want to build the graphical frontend. The parameter -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi
indicates, that the installation target is the copasi
directory in the home directory. )
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DBUILD_GUI=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin ../COPASI
make install
To verify that the installation worked as intended you could run the following tests. For CopasiSE
it ought to be sufficient to run:
fbergmann@ubuntu:~/Development/build_copasi$ ~/copasi/bin/CopasiSE
COPASI 4.26.224+ (Source)
The use of this software indicates the acceptance of the attached license.
To view the license please use the option: --license
Usage: CopasiSE [options] [file]
--SBMLSchema schema The Schema of the SBML file to export.
--configdir dir The configuration directory for copasi. The
default is .copasi in the home directory.
--configfile file The configuration file for copasi. The
default is copasi in the ConfigDir.
--convert-to-irreversible Converts reversible reactions to irreversibl-
e ones before running Task.
--exportBerkeleyMadonna file The Berkeley Madonna file to export.
--exportC file The C code file to export.
--exportCA file The COMBINE archive file to export.
--exportIni file export the parameterization of the model as
INI file for use with the --reparameterize
--exportSEDML file The SEDML file to export.
--exportXPPAUT file The XPPAUT file to export.
--home dir Your home directory.
--importCA file A COMBINE archive file to import.
--importSEDML file A SEDML file to import.
--license Display the license.
--maxTime seconds The maximal time CopasiSE may run in
--nologo Surpresses the startup message.
--report-file file Override report file name to be used except
for the one defined in the scheduled task.
--scheduled-task taskName Override the task marked as executable.
--validate Only validate the given input file (COPASI,
Gepasi, or SBML) without performing any
--verbose Enable output of messages during runtime to
-c, --copasidir dir The COPASI installation directory.
-e, --exportSBML file The SBML file to export.
-i, --importSBML file A SBML file to import.
-r, --reparameterize file Before any task is run, the model is
reparameterized with the values specified
in the provided INI file.
-s, --save file The file the model is saved to after work.
-t, --tmp dir The temp directory used for autosave.
If you also built the graphical frontend, you want to run
. This will bring up the UI, and you could get started by looking at File\Examples
and open one of the included models. In both cases ~/copasi
refers to the install prefix that was provided to CMake.
Mint Linux actually seems to use the same package repositories as Ubuntu, so the same instructions as above can be used to build the COPASI dependencies and COPASI. The only exception is that the libqt5datavisualization5-dev
package was not available, so in this case you will have to disable the use of the data visualization as mentioned above.
So all dependencies for the command line versions are:
apt-get install git cmake g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev uuid-dev make qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools libqt5datavisualization5-dev libqt5svg5-dev
Compiling then completed as before with:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ../..
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin ../COPASI
make install
A run of ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
verifies that it works.
At the bare minimum the following dependencies are needed:
yum install git cmake gcc-c++ mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel byacc libuuid-devel make
for CopasiUI additionally needed are:
yum install qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtdatavis3d-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel
Now again as before, first checking out the copasi-dependencies project, then compiling the dependencies:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ..
Verifying that the following files are available in the copasi-dependencies/bin/lib64
[fbergmann@localhost copasi-dependencies]$ ls bin/lib64
cmake libZipper-static.a libcrossguid.a libf2c.a libnuml-static.a libsbml-static.a libzlib.a
libCombine-static.a libblas.a libexpat.a liblapack.a libraptor.a libsedml-static.a pkgconfig
[fbergmann@localhost copasi-dependencies]$ ls bin/lib64
cmake libblas.a libf2c.a libnuml-static.a libraptor.a libzlib.a
libCombine-static.a libcrossguid.a liblapack.a libqwt.a libsbml-static.a pkgconfig
libZipper-static.a libexpat.a libmml.a libqwtplot3d.a libsedml-static.a
(Again if you are not compiling the GUI you won't need mml, qwt, qwtplot3d and SBW). If all these files are present next is COPASI:
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DQt5_DIR=/usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5 ../COPASI
make install
Once installed, again a start of ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
verifies that everything works as planned.
The following prerequisites are used on Mageia:
urpmi --auto-select
urpmi git cmake gcc-c++ lib64mesagl1-devel lib64mesaglu1-devel lib64uuid-devel qtdatavis3d5-devel qtsvg5-devel lib64qt5opengl-devel lib64qt5xml-devel lib64qt5printsupport-devel lib64qt5concurrent-devel lib64qt5network-devel wget make
And again, qt is not needed when building only CopasiSE.
Next we build the dependencies:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ..
and building COPASI:
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin ../COPASI
make install
and testing it again by running ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
If you are on Slackware-current you can skip to the last step and build the COPASI dependencies right away. If you are on 14.2 then you need two additions: upgrade CMake to a newer version, and install Qt5. Strictly speaking, you can use the native Qt4 but we think you will be better served with Qt5, so we advise installing it (side by side with Qt4, following the instructions below).
Upgrading CMake can be done using a package in Pedro Mendes' slackware-stuff repository:
sudo upgradepkg cmake-3.17.3-x86_64-1_pm.txz
Installing Qt5 can be done using packages from Alien Bob (or alternatively build your own from SBo; if you follow that option you should know what to do...). Follow the steps below to install Qt5 side by side with Qt4 (which you need because of KDE4; note that we use 'installpkg' rather than 'upgradepkg'!):
sudo installpkg qt5-5.9.6-x86_64-1alien.txz
sudo installpkg qt5-webkit-5.9.1-x86_64-1alien.txz
Now you can build the COPASI dependencies using:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBUILD_UI_DEPS=ON -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DQT5_DIR=/usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../bin ..
cd ..
Building COPASI is then done with:
git clone
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DQT5_DIR=/usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5 -DENABLE_TIME_SENS=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin ../COPASI
make install
which can be confirmed by running ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
Dependencies are installed with:
zypper install git cmake gcc-c++ glu-devel bison libuuid-devel
for the graphical frontend you need to additionally install:
zypper install libqt5-qtbase-devel libqt5-qtsvg-devel libQt5DataVisualization5-devel
From here the compilation of the dependencies proceeds as before with:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ..
and and then COPASI is again built with:
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin ../COPASI
make install
which can be confirmed by running ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
##Centos 8.1
At the bare minimum the following dependencies are needed:
yum install git cmake gcc-c++ mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU-devel byacc libuuid-devel make wget which
for CopasiUI additionally needed are:
yum install epel-release
yum install qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtdatavis3d-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel
Now again as before, first checking out the copasi-dependencies project, then compiling the dependencies:
git clone
cd copasi-dependencies
mkdir build
cd build
cd ..
and then to compile COPASI:
git clone
cd ..
mkdir build_copasi
cd build_copasi
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/copasi -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=../copasi-dependencies/bin -DSELECT_QT=Qt5 -DQt5_DIR=/usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5 ../COPASI
make install
Once installed, again a start of ~/copasi/bin/CopasiUI
verifies that everything works as planned.