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File metadata and controls

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$ npm install react-power-table --save

Table Props


(Column|string)[] Required

Array of column definitions for the table. Refer to column props.


string | (row => string | number) Required

Field name or function to specify unique key for each row.


object[] Required

Rows to display in table.



Customize the props passed to the <table> element



Customize the className of the <table> element


React.HTMLProps<HTMLTableRowElement> | rowProps => React.HTMLProps<HTMLTableRowElement>

Define attributes to be set on each <tr> element. Can be an object or a function that returns an object. Function is passed rowProps: { row, columns } for the current row.



Optional properties to pass down to CellProps for each column that has includeExtraCellProps set to true or use alwaysIncludeExtraCellProps to always include these props



Set to true to pass the extraCellProps into the CellProps of each row

Column Definition

The columns array passed to the <ReactPowerTable/> can be a simple array of strings which contain the field names for the objects supplied to the rows prop. Or it can be an array of Column definition objects to have full control of the rendering of each column. This array should be defined outside of the render() method so the columns do not have to be recalculated every render. This should typically be defined as a module level const, or be defined in the constructor of your component (if it needs access to state from your component).


string | row => any

At the very least, field must be defined for data to be rendered automatically in that cell, or just key can be used in cases where you do not want any data rendered automatically in that column.

const columns = [
    { field: row => }, // using function
    { field: 'age' }, // using field name



The text to render in the header (<th>) cell for this column. Defaults to the field name for this column.



Specify the className to use for this columns's <th/> element. Shortcut for thAttributes: { className: '' }



Specify the width (in pixels) for this column. Sets the style="width: 100px" for both the th and each td for this column.



Specify the max-width (in pixels) for this column. Sets the style="max-width: 100px" for both the th and each td for this column.



Specify the text-align for this column. Sets the style="text-align: value" for both the th and each td for this column.


string | (CellProps => string)

Specify the className to use for this <td/> element for each row. Can be a string or a function that returns a string for the given CellProps


boolean (Default: true)

Specify false to hide this column.


(value, row) => any

Provide a format function to transform the value for this cell.

const columns = [
    { field: row => }
    { field: 'birthdate', formatter: value=> moment(value).format('l') }



Set to true to include the containing Table's extraCellProps in the cellProps object passed to the cell customization functions.



Customize the html attributes set in the <th/> element for this column.


Component (props: {column: Column})

Customize the content rendered inside of the <th/> element for this column

Advanced Column Customizations

Each of the props/functions below will be passed a CellProps object:


CellProps: {
    row: Row,
    column: Column,
    value: any, // raw value from row for this column
    formattedValue: any // formatted value using the formatter function for this column if present, otherwise, same as the value


React.TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableDataCellElement> | (cellProps => React.TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableDataCellElement>)

Customize the html attributes set in the <td/> element for each row for this column. Can be a static object, or a function that returns an object with the attributes to use for that row.

const columns = [
    { field: row => }
    { field: row => row.age, tdAttributes: cell => ({ style: { color: cell.value % 2===0 ? 'red' : 'blue' } }) }
    // make cells having an even number colored red, and odd number blue


Component (props: CellProps)

Component that is rendered inside td for this column for every row. If not specified, it will use the valueComponent set on the Table and if that is not specified, it will just render the value for this cell directly inside the <td>

const columns = [
    { field: row => }
    { field: row => row.age, valueComponent: cell => <MyCustomComponent age={cell.value}/> }    


Element | (props: CellProps) => Element

A simpler alternative to valueComponent where you can just wrap the cell contents inside of another element. Useful when you don't need to change the rendered value, but just want to wrap it inside of a div or a element.

const columns = [
    { field: row =>, wrapper: cell => <a href={'/person/' + cell.row.personId }/> }, 
    // function -  age will be injected into a element using children, and href will be specific to this row's personId

    { field: row => row.age, wrapper: <div className="special"/> } 
    // static element - age will be injected into div using children


(props: CellProps) => CellProps

Function that allows you to customize or augment the CellProps object passed around to the customization functions. You can add your own component's state here so they get passed into your custom valueComponent and the valueComponent can remain pure.

const columns = [
    { field: row => },
    { field: row => row.age, wrapper: <div className="special"/> } 



Cells are pure by default, so they will not be re-rendered unless the value (or props) for that cell change. If you are referencing some external state from within tdAttributes, valueComponent or wrapper, then you will need to either pass that state in using the CellProps or the Table extraCellProps or you can set pure: false so the cell will always get re-rendered.

Pure by Default

React Power Table is pure by default so that it can prevent unnecessary re-rendering as much as possible. There are some scenarios where you may need to include other state from your containing component that isn't included in the row data passed to the table in rows.

Here are a few different ways you can handle that and ensure that the cells are re-rendered when your external state changes.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

    private columns;
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { highlightEvenRows: false };

        this.handleHighlightChange = this.handleHighlightChange.bind(this);

        this.columns = [
            { field: row => },

            // bad - this will not work because the row data has not changed and this cell will not be re-rendered.
            { field: row => row.age, tdAttributes: cell => this.state.highlightEvenRows && {style: {backgroundColor: cell.value % 2===0 ? 'yellow' : null }  } 
            // quick and dirty fix for this is to specify pure: false so this cell is always re-rendered
            { field: row => row.age, tdAttributes: cell => this.state.highlightEvenRows && {style: {backgroundColor: cell.value % 2===0 ? 'yellow' : null }, pure: false } 

            // better fix is to customize the CellProps and pass the state in so component can remain pure:
            { field: row => row.age, tdAttributes: cell => cell.highlightEvenRows && {style: {backgroundColor: cell.value % 2===0 ? 'yellow' : null }, transformCellProps: cell=> ({...cell, highlightEvenRows: this.state.highlightEvenRows }) } 
            // or another option is to pass highlightEvenRows into the table extraCellProps so it can be accessed by the columns that need it
            { field: row => row.age, tdAttributes: cell => cell.highlightEvenRows && {style: {backgroundColor: cell.value % 2===0 ? 'yellow' : null }, includeExtraCellProps: true } 
    handleHighlightChange(e) {
        this.setState({ highlightEvenRows: e.currentTarget.checked });

    render() {
        const { highlightEvenRows } = this.state;

        return <div>
            <label><input type="checkbox" checked={highlightEvenRows} onChange={this.handleHighlightChange} /> Highlight even rows</label>
            <ReactPowerTable rows={rows} columns={columns} extraCellProps={{highlightEvenRows}}/>

Table Components

All of the components used in the top-level ReactPowerTable component can be overriden to customize the rendering. Most of these components are passed children props which contain the child elements so you can omit rendering the children or change how they are rendered.


Component (React.HTMLProps<HTMLTableElement>)

Customize the <table> tag. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: {columns, children}

Customize the <thead> tag. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: {columns, children}

Customize the <tr> tag that is rendered in <thead>. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: {column, htmlAttributes, children}

Customize the <th> tag. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


Customize the content that is rendered inside the <th>. Defaults to a <div/>


props: {columns, rows, children}

Customize the <tbody> tag. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: {columns, row, children}

Customize the <tr> tag that is rendered in <tbody>. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: CellProps & { children }

Customize the <td> tag. Children are passed to props and must be rendered.


props: CellProps & { children }

Customize the content that is rendered inside the <td>. Children default to the formattedValue of the CellProps


Customize the <tfoot> tag.


Customize the props passed into the footerComponent