Syslog output with few or even single characters by conmon (not full lines). #16059
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conmon-output to syslog produces single or double character outputs mith mssql container. This completely floods log in /var/log/syslog. It would be great if conmon would buffer and wait for newline before printing to syslog. Or delay and buffer output for maybe up to 10 ms.
Related issues: #2500 looks like being somewhat similar but wasn't fixed 100%.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
As systemd-service:
podman run -d -e=ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e=SA_PASSWORD=My_Init0_Pwd -e=MSSQL_PID=Express
Describe the results you received:
Describe the results you expected:
Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):
This issue is likely related to the way the mssql-container outputs log data.
Output of
podman version
:Output of
podman info
:Package info (e.g. output of
rpm -q podman
orapt list podman
orbrew info podman
):Have you tested with the latest version of Podman and have you checked the Podman Troubleshooting Guide? (
Troubleshooting Guide: Yes
Latest Version: Yes, latest available via apt
Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.):
Ubunutu 22.04 running as VM in Hyper-V on WinSrv2022
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