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Testing Servers

The conformance suite provides the ability to run conformance tests against a server implementation. Testing servers involves the following steps:

  1. Defining any configuration for what your server supports. For more information on how to do this, see the docs for configuring and running tests.
  2. Writing an executable file that can read ServerCompatRequest messages from stdin (and write to stdout -- see Step 4).
  3. Starting your server according to the values in the request message.
  4. Writing a ServerCompatResponse about the running server to stdout.
  5. Implementing the ConformanceService endpoints to handle requests from the reference client.

Starting your server

When the conformance runner is executed for a server-under-test, the runner will analyze the configuration you've specified and will use that information to build a ServerCompatRequest. This request is serialized to bytes and written to stdin. It is then up to the executable file you created as part of Step 2 to read this message and start your server.

The messages written to stdin are size-delimited. This means that first you will need to read a fixed four-byte preface, which returns a network-byte-order (i.e. big-endian) 32-bit integer. This integer represents the size of the actual message. After this value is read, you should then read the number of bytes it specifies and then unmarshal those bytes into a ServerCompatRequest.

This message will contain all the details necessary for your implementation to start its server-under-test. Note that the request does not specify a port to listen on. Implementations should instead pick an available ephemeral port according to their OS and return that value in the response.

Fields in the request are:

  • protocol which signals to the server that it must support at least this protocol. Note that it is fine to support others. For example if PROTOCOL_CONNECT is specified, the server must support at least Connect, but may also support gRPC or gRPC-web.

  • http_version which signals to the server the minimum HTTP version to support. As with protocol, it is fine to support other versions.

  • use_tls which specifies whether your server must use TLS when handling HTTP requests.

    The test-runner provides a certificate and private key that the server may use. This certificate is self-signed and is only valid for local traffic using "localhost" hostname or IP address. If this sort of certificate is inadequate, your server must provide its own certificate. If your server provides its own certificate, make sure the host field of the ServerCompatResponse matches subject name or an alternative name in the certificate.

    When use_tls is true, a certificate must be returned in the pem_cert field of the ServerCompatResponse. If the server will use the one provided by the test runner, it must indicate so by setting this field to the certificate provided in this request. Clients will be configured to trust whatever certificate the server sends in the response.

    If use_tls is false, the server must not use TLS and instead use a plaintext/unencrypted socket.

  • server_creds which specifies a TLS certificate and key that the server may use. This is only present when use_tls is true. See above for more details.

  • client_tls_cert which represents a PEM-encoded certificate that, if provided, clients will use to authenticate themselves. If specified, servers should require that clients provide certificates and they should ensure the presented certificate is valid. Note that this will only be present if use_tls is true.

  • message_receive_limit which specifies the maximum size in bytes for a message. If this value is non-zero, servers should reject any message from a client that is larger than the size indicated.

Using the values in the request, you can then start your server implementation. Once started, your implementation should build a ServerCompatResponse message. This will provide the conformance runner with details about your running server.

Once built, you should then write the response message to stdout using the same size-delimited algorithm described above. First, write a network-encoded 32-bit integer indicating the size of the ServerCompatResponse message. Then, serialize the response to bytes and write that to stdout.

Fields in the response are:

  • host which should be set with the host where your server is running. This should usually be, unless your program actually starts a remote server to which the client should connect.
  • port which should be set with the port number where your server is listening.
  • pem_cert which should contain the TLS certificate the server will use, in PEM format, if use_tls was set to true in the request. Clients will verify this certificate when connecting via TLS. If use_tls was set to false, this should always be empty.

Implementing the ConformanceService

When verifying a server-under-test, the conformance runner will use a reference client implementation written in Connect-Go and will use this client to issue requests to the server. The reference client will read the server's responses and return them to the conformance runner. So, all you need to do from a server implementation standpoint is handle the requests accordingly.

The ConformanceService defines a series of endpoints that are meant to exercise all types of RPCs. The details in the requests will specify various attributes that the server should handle, such as determining response headers and trailers to return, any errors to throw, and any data to respond with. All request types contain a response definition which is used to instruct the server how to respond to the request. This response definition can also be unset entirely and servers should respond in a fashion specific to their RPC type.

In addition to any specified response data, servers must also echo back the received request data in their responses. This will be done via one of two ways -- either by setting the information into a ConformancePayload message in their response or by setting the information into the details of an Error message.


The ConformancePayload message is a field on most all response types which contains the following fields:

  • data which should be set with any response data specified in the response definition.
  • request_info which is a nested message of type RequestInfo structured as:
    • request_headers which represents any observed request headers.
    • timeout_ms which indicates any timeout included in the request.
    • requests which is a repeated field of google.protobuf.Any types. This is used to echo back all the requests received. For unary and server-streaming requests, this should always contain a single request. For client-streaming and half-duplex bidi-streaming, this should contain all client requests in the order received and should be present in each response. For full-duplex bidi-streaming, this should contain all requests in the order they were received since the last sent response.
    • connect_get_info which is only applicable for GET operations such as IdempotentUnary. It should contain any observed query parameters in the request URL.


The response type for the Unimplemented endpoint does not contain a conformance payload as implementations are not meant to echo back any information.


The Error message is used to return errors back to the client. It is structured as follows:

  • code which represents the error code.
  • message which is an optional field indicating the error message.
  • details which is a repeated field of google.protobuf.Any types. This is used to attach arbitrary messages and in the conformance suite is used to echo back request information in circumstances where a conformance payload was unable to be returned


In all, there are six total endpoints in the conformance service definition. Below is a brief description of each with helpful pseudocode.


The Unary endpoint is a unary operation that accepts a single request of type UnaryRequest and returns a single response of type UnaryResponse.

The UnaryRequest contains a response_definition field that contains a oneof which specifies whether the server should return valid response data or return an error. If an error is specified, servers should set request information into the error details.

Servers should also allow this response definition to be unset. In which case, they should set no response headers or trailers and return no response data. The returned conformance payload should only contain the observed request information.


read the request

capture any request headers and the actual request body as request info

if response definition specifies an error {
  build an error with the specified error and set the request info into the error details

  set any response headers or trailers indicated in the response definition

} else  {
  build a conformance payload with the request info 

  if a response definition exists {
    set response data into the conformance payload

    set any response headers or trailers indicated in the response definition

sleep for any specified response delay

return the response with conformance payload or raise the error, depending on which was specified

For the full documentation on implementing the Unary endpoint, click here.


The IdempotentUnary endpoint is also a unary operation. It accepts a request of type IdempotentUnaryRequest and returns a single response of type IdempotentUnaryResponse. It should be handled in mostly the same way as Unary.

The only major difference is that this endpoint should be invoked via an HTTP GET. As a result, there is no request body so the endpoint should read any query parameters and set them accordingly in the connect_get_info field of the returned ConformancePayload. This RPC is the only one that sets the connect_get_info field.

Note that this endpoint is only applicable for Connect implementations that support GET requests. All others do not need to implement it.

For the full documentation on implementing the IdempotentUnary endpoint, click here.


The Unimplemented endpoint is also a unary operation, but contrary to the above unary endpoints, this endpoint should not be implemented at all. The server framework should instead return an unimplemented error. It is not necessary to echo back any request information or conformance payload in the error details.

For the full documentation on handling the Unimplemented endpoint, click here.


The ClientStream endpoint is a client-streaming operation. It accepts one-to-many requests of type ClientStreamRequest and returns a single response of type ClientStreamResponse. Since a client-streaming operation returns a single response, its process is similar to Unary.

With client-streaming, the response definition will only be specified in the first request on the stream and should be ignored in all subsequent requests. As with Unary, if an error is specified, servers should set request information into the error details.

Servers should also allow this response definition to be unset. In which case, they should set no response headers or trailers and return no response data. The returned conformance payload should only contain the observed request information.


while requests are being sent {
   read a request from the stream

   capture the request body

   if this is the first message being received {
      capture the response definition

when requests are complete {
  if response definition specifies an error {
    build an error with the specified error and set the request info into the error details

    set any response headers or trailers indicated in the response definition

  } else  {
    build a conformance payload with the request info 

    if a response definition exists {
      set response data into the conformance payload

      set any response headers or trailers indicated in the response definition

sleep for any specified response delay

return the response with conformance payload or raise the error, depending on which was specified

For the full documentation on handling the ClientStream endpoint, click here.


The ServerStream endpoint is a server-streaming operation. It accepts a single request of type ServerStreamRequest and returns one-to-many response of type ServerStreamResponse. When echoing request information back, the ServerStream implementation should only set this information in the first response sent.

Servers should immediately send response headers on the stream before sleeping for any specified response delay and/or sending the first message so that clients can be unblocked reading response headers.

If a response definition is not specified OR is specified, but response data is empty, the server should skip sending anything on the stream. When there are no responses to send, servers should throw an error if one is provided and return without error if one is not. Stream headers and trailers should still be set on the stream if provided regardless of whether a response is sent or an error is thrown.


read the request

capture any request headers, the response definition and the actual request body as request info

if a response definition was specified {
  set any response headers or trailers on the response stream

  immediately send the headers/trailers on the stream so that they can be read by the client

  loop over any response data specified {
    build a conformance payload

    set the response data into the conformance payload

    if this is the first response being sent {
      set the request info into the conformance payload
    sleep for any specified response delay

    send the response

  if an error was specified in the response definition {
    build an error with the specified error

    if no responses have been sent yet {
      set the request info into the error details
    raise the error

For the full documentation on handling the ServerStream endpoint, click here.


The BidiStream endpoint is a bidirectional-streaming operation. It accepts one-to-many requests of type BidiStreamRequest and returns one-to-many responses of type BidiStreamResponse.

Similar to ServerStream, servers should immediately send response headers on the stream before sleeping for any specified response delay and/or sending the first message so that clients can be unblocked reading response headers.

If a response definition is not specified OR is specified, but response data is empty, the server should skip sending anything on the stream. When there are no responses to send, servers should throw an error if one is provided and return without error if one is not. Stream headers and trailers should still be set on the stream if provided regardless of whether a response is sent or an error is thrown.

The BidiStreamRequest type specifies whether the operation should be full duplex or half duplex via the full_duplex field.

If the full_duplex field is true:

  • the handler should read one request and then send back one response, and then alternate, reading another request and then sending back another response, etc.

  • if the server receives a request and has no responses to send, it should throw the error specified in the request.

  • the service should echo back all request properties in the first response including the last received request. Subsequent responses should only echo back the last received request.

  • if the response_delay_ms duration is specified, the server should wait the given duration after reading the request before sending the corresponding response.

If the full_duplex field is false:

  • the handler should read all requests until the client is done sending. Once all requests are read, the server should then send back any responses specified in the response definition.

  • the server should echo back all request properties, including all request messages in the order they were received, in the first response. Subsequent responses should only include the message data in the data field.

  • if the response_delay_ms duration is specified, the server should wait that long in between sending each response message.

Pseudocode for handling full duplex streams

while requests are being sent {
   read a request from the stream

   capture the request body

   if this is the first message being received {
      capture the response definition
      capture full_duplex value (`true`)

      if a response definition was specified {
        set any response headers or trailers on the response stream
        immediately send the headers/trailers on the stream so that they can be read by the client
   if response data was specified {
     build a conformance payload

     set the response data into the conformance payload

     if this is the first response being sent {
       set the request info into the conformance payload
     sleep for any specified response delay

     send a response

if an error was specified in the response definition {
  build an error with the specified error

  if no responses have been sent yet {
    set the request info into the error details
  raise the error

Pseudocode for handling half duplex streams

while requests are being sent {
   read a request from the stream

   capture the request body

   if this is the first message being received {
      capture the response definition
      capture full_duplex value (`false`)

if response data was specified {
  immediately send the headers/trailers on the stream so that they can be read by the client

  loop over any response data specified {
    build a conformance payload

    set the response data into the conformance payload

    if this is the first response being sent {
        set the request info into the conformance payload
    sleep for any specified response delay

    send the response

if an error was specified in the response definition {
  build an error with the specified error

  if no responses have been sent yet {
    set the request info into the error details
  raise the error

For the full documentation on handling the BidiStream endpoint, click here.


For examples, check out the following: