Create a project and add dependencies.
yarn init -y && yarn add @io-orkes/conductor-javascript --save
Add a file where you would run the project for example main.js
touch main.js
Since we will use the import syntax we need to specify its type is module by adding "type":"module" to package json.
Create a workflow that echos input to output
import {
orkesConductorClient ,
workflow ,
inlineTask ,
WorkflowExecutor ,
} from "@io-orkes/conductor-javascript" ;
// Server Settings
const serverSettings = {
keyId : "" ,
keySecret : "" ,
serverUrl : "https://conductor-url/api" ,
} ;
// Create client configuration
const clientPromise = orkesConductorClient ( serverSettings ) ;
const main = async ( ) => {
// Resolve the promise
const client = await clientPromise ;
// Create executor instance
const executor = new WorkflowExecutor ( client ) ;
const workflowName = "echo_param" ;
// Workflow as code
const echoWorkflow = workflow ( workflowName , [
inlineTask (
"echo_ref" ,
"(function(){ return '${workflow.input.toEcho}';})();" ,
) ,
] ) ;
// Add input parameter. Optional but helpfull
echoWorkflow . inputParameters = [ "toEcho" ] ;
// Map task output to workflow output
echoWorkflow . outputParameters = { echo : "${echo_ref.output.result}" } ;
// Register workflow. overwrite if it already exists
await executor . registerWorkflow ( true , echoWorkflow ) ;
// Start workflow sync
const result = await executor . executeWorkflow (
name : workflowName ,
version : 1 ,
input : { toEcho : "Hello World" } ,
} ,
workflowName , // name of the workflow
1 , // version
"myReqId" // some request id, random
) ;
const output = result . output ?. echo ;
console . log ( "Output: " , output ) ;
} ;
main ( ) ;
To run just node main.js