You might have noticed already, but you can add styling to your issues, pull requests, and files. "Markdown" is an easy way to style your issues, pull requests, and files with some simple syntax. This can be helpful to organize your information and make it easier for others to read. You can also drop in gifs, images, and even emojis to help convey your ideas (e.g., :parrot
). 🐡 🏒 🦜
To learn more about using GitHub’s flavor of markdown, read "Basic Writing and Formatting Syntax".
Make markdown modifications to this file below this line! Feel free to add anything you like but make sure to follow the assignment rubric.
Your changes go here!
Please don't edit anything in the section below though, we want to save that for Assignment 2. Thanks!
Please don't edit this section until you get to Assignment 2 of the GitHub classroom.
This is a section to learn more about resolving conflicts in Git.
A harrowing time for conflict, but it's important to know how to resolve them gracefully.