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-name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve
-title: ''
-labels: bug
-assignees: ''
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-A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
-**To Reproduce**
-Steps to reproduce the behavior:
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-3. Scroll down to '....'
-4. See error
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-A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
-If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
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-name: Feature request
-about: Suggest an idea for this project
-title: ''
-labels: enhancement
-assignees: ''
-**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
-A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
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-**Describe alternatives you've considered**
-A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
-**Additional context**
-Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
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-# Number of days of inactivity before a stale issue is closed
-daysUntilClose: 7
-# Issues with these labels will never be considered stale
- - pinned
- - security
- - enhancement
-# Label to use when marking an issue as stale
-staleLabel: wontfix
-# Comment to post when marking an issue as stale. Set to `false` to disable
-markComment: >
- This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
- recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you
- for your contributions.
-# Comment to post when closing a stale issue. Set to `false` to disable
-closeComment: false
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- - name: Build and push
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- - name: Buildx
- uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- - name: Login
- uses: docker/login-action@v1
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- password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
- - name: Build and push
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- - master
- - main
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- - master
- - main
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- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - name: Setup Ruby
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- bundler-cache: true
- - name: Install deps
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- npm install -g mermaid.cli
- - name: Setup deploy options
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- git config --global user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
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- - name: Deploy website
- run: yes | bash bin/deploy --verbose ${{ steps.setup.outputs.NO_PUSH }}
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- --deploy ${{ steps.setup.outputs.DEPLOY_BRANCH }}
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-# See https://pre-commit.com for more information
-# See https://pre-commit.com/hooks.html for more hooks
-- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
- rev: v4.3.0
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- - id: trailing-whitespace
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-title: "Page not found"
-description: "Looks like there has been a mistake. Nothing exists here."
-redirect: true
You will be redirected to the main page within 3 seconds. If not redirected, please click here.
+ Page not found | COMPUTO
Page not found
Looks like there has been a mistake. Nothing exists here.
You will be redirected to the main page within 3 seconds. If not redirected, please click here.
\ No newline at end of file
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- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Susmann, Herbert and and Chambaz, Antoine and Josse, Julie},
- publisher = {French Statistical Society},
- title = {{AdaptiveConformal: An R Package for Adaptive Conformal Inference}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- url = {https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202407-susmann-adaptive-conformal},
- doi = {10.57750/edan-5f53},
- type = {{Research article}},
- domain = {Statistics},
- language = {R},
- repository = {published-202407-susmann-adaptive-conformal},
- langid = {en},
- abstract = {Conformal Inference (CI) is a popular approach for generating finite sample prediction intervals based on the output of any point prediction method when data are exchangeable. Adaptive Conformal Inference (ACI) algorithms extend CI to the case of sequentially observed data, such as time series, and exhibit strong theoretical guarantees without having to assume exchangeability of the observed data. The common thread that unites algorithms in the ACI family is that they adaptively adjust the width of the generated prediction intervals in response to the observed data. We provide a detailed description of five ACI algorithms and their theoretical guarantees, and test their performance in simulation studies. We then present a case study of producing prediction intervals for influenza incidence in the United States based on black-box point forecasts. Implementations of all the algorithms are released as an open-source R package, AdaptiveConformal, which also includes tools for visualizing and summarizing conformal prediction intervals.}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Pishchagina, Liudmila and Rigaill, Guillem and Runge,
- Vincent},
- publisher = {French Statistical Society},
- title = {Geometric-Based {Pruning} {Rules} for {Change} {Point}
- {Detection} in {Multiple} {Independent} {Time} {Series}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- url = {https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202406-pishchagina-change-point/},
- doi = {10.57750/9vvx-eq57},
- issn = {2824-7795},
- type = {{Research article}},
- domain = {Statistics},
- language = {R},
- repository = {published-202406-pishchagina-change-point},
- langid = {en},
- abstract = {We address the challenge of identifying multiple change
- points in a group of independent time series, assuming these change
- points occur simultaneously in all series and their number is
- unknown. The search for the best segmentation can be expressed as a
- minimization problem over a given cost function. We focus on dynamic
- programming algorithms that solve this problem exactly. When the
- number of changes is proportional to data length, an
- inequality-based pruning rule encoded in the PELT algorithm leads to
- a linear time complexity. Another type of pruning, called functional
- pruning, gives a close-to-linear time complexity whatever the number
- of changes, but only for the analysis of univariate time series. We
- propose a few extensions of functional pruning for multiple
- independent time series based on the use of simple geometric shapes
- (balls and hyperrectangles). We focus on the Gaussian case, but some
- of our rules can be easily extended to the exponential family. In a
- simulation study we compare the computational efficiency of
- different geometric-based pruning rules. We show that for a small
- number of time series some of them ran significantly faster than
- inequality-based approaches in particular when the underlying number
- of changes is small compared to the data length.}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Legrand, Juliette and Pimont, François and Dupuy, Jean-Luc
- and Opitz, Thomas},
- publisher = {French Statistical Society},
- title = {Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modelling of Wildfire Occurrences and
- Sizes for Projections Under Climate Change},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- url = {https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202407-legrand-wildfires/},
- doi = {10.57750/4y84-4t68},
- issn = {2824-7795},
- type = {{Research article}},
- domain = {Statistics},
- language = {R},
- repository = {published-202407-legrand-wildfires},
- langid = {en},
- abstract = {Appropriate spatiotemporal modelling of wildfire activity
- is crucial for its prediction and risk management. Here, we focus on
- wildfire risk in the Aquitaine region in the Southwest of France and
- its projection under climate change. We study whether wildfire risk
- could further increase under climate change in this specific region,
- which does not lie in the historical core area of wildfires in
- Southeastern France, corresponding to the Southwest. For this
- purpose, we consider a marked spatiotemporal point process, a
- flexible model for occurrences and magnitudes of such environmental
- risks, where the magnitudes are defined as the burnt areas. The
- model is first calibrated using 14 years of past observation data of
- wildfire occurrences and weather variables, and then applied for
- projection of climate-change impacts using simulations of numerical
- climate models until 2100 as new inputs. We work within the
- framework of a spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical model, and we
- present the workflow of its implementation for a large dataset at
- daily resolution for 8km-pixels using the INLA-SPDE approach. The
- assessment of the posterior distributions shows a satisfactory fit
- of the model for the observation period. We stochastically simulate
- projections of future wildfire activity by combining climate model
- output with posterior simulations of model parameters. Depending on
- climate models, spline-smoothed projections indicate low to moderate
- increase of wildfire activity under climate change. The increase is
- weaker than in the historical core area, which we attribute to
- different weather conditions (oceanic versus Mediterranean). Besides
- providing a relevant case study of environmental risk modelling,
- this paper is also intended to provide a full workflow for
- implementing the Bayesian estimation of marked log-Gaussian Cox
- processes using the R-INLA package of the R statistical software.}
diff --git a/_bibliography/mock_papers.bib b/_bibliography/mock_papers.bib
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-@Article {mock_tsne,
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {van der Maaten, Laurens and Hinton, Geoffrey},
- title = {{Visualizing Data using t-SNE: practical Computo example}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2021},
- volume = {0},
- repository = {published-paper-tsne},
- type = {Template},
- language = {R, Python},
- domain = {Template},
- abstract = {We present a new technique called “t-SNE” that
- visualizes high-dimensional data by giving each
- datapoint a location in a two or three-dimensional
- map. The technique is a variation of Stochastic
- Neighbor Embedding hinton:stochastic that is much
- easier to optimize, and produces significantly
- better visualizations by reducing the tendency to
- crowd points together in the center of the
- map. t-SNE is better than existing techniques at
- creating a single map that reveals structure at many
- different scales. This is particularly important for
- high-dimensional data that lie on several different,
- but related, low-dimensional manifolds, such as
- images of objects from multiple classes seen from
- multiple viewpoints. For visualizing the structure
- of very large data sets, we show how t-SNE can use
- random walks on neighborhood graphs to allow the
- implicit structure of all the data to influence the
- way in which a subset of the data is displayed. We
- illustrate the performance of t-SNE on a wide
- variety of data sets and compare it with many other
- non-parametric visualization techniques, including
- Sammon mapping, Isomap, and Locally Linear
- Embedding. The visualization produced by t-SNE are
- significantly better than those produced by other
- techniques on almost all of the data sets.},
- keywords = {template, documentation, quarto, R, python}
diff --git a/_bibliography/published.bib b/_bibliography/published.bib
deleted file mode 100644
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- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Lefort, Tanguy and Charlier, Benjamin and Joly, Alexis and Salmon, Joseph},
- title = {{Peerannot: classification for crowdsourced image datasets with Python}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- abstract = {Crowdsourcing is a quick and easy way to collect labels for large datasets, involving many workers. However, workers often disagree with each other. Sources of error can arise from the workers’ skills, but also from the intrinsic difficulty of the task. We present peerannot: a Python library for managing and learning from crowdsourced labels for classification. Our library allows users to aggregate labels from common noise models or train a deep learning-based classifier directly from crowdsourced labels. In addition, we provide an identification module to easily explore the task difficulty of datasets and worker capabilities.},
- doi = {10.57750/qmaz-gr91},
- repository = {published-202402-lefort-peerannot},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {Python},
- domain = {Machine Learning},
- keywords = {crowdsourcing, label noise, task difficulty, worker ability, classification},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {El Masri, Maxime and Morio, Jérôme and Simatos, Florian},
- title = {{Optimal projection for parametric importance sampling in high dimensions}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- abstract = {In this paper we propose a dimension-reduction strategy in order to improve the performance of importance sampling in high dimension. The idea is to estimate variance terms in a small number of suitably chosen directions. We first prove that the optimal directions, i.e., the ones that minimize the Kullback--Leibler divergence with the optimal auxiliary density, are the eigenvectors associated to extreme (small or large) eigenvalues of the optimal covariance matrix. We then perform extensive numerical experiments that show that as dimension increases, these directions give estimations which are very close to optimal. Moreover, we show that the estimation remains accurate even when a simple empirical estimator of the covariance matrix is used to estimate these directions. These theoretical and numerical results open the way for different generalizations, in particular the incorporation of such ideas in adaptive importance sampling schemes},
- doi = {doi.org/10.57750/jjza-6j82},
- repository = {published-202402-elmasri-optimal},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {Python},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {Rare event simulation, Parameter estimation, Importance sampling, Dimension reduction, Kullback--Leibler divergence, Projection},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Adrat, Hamza and Decreusefond, Laurent},
- title = {{Point Process Discrimination According to Repulsion}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- abstract = {In numerous applications, cloud of points do seem to exhibit repulsion in the intuitive sense that there is no local cluster as in a Poisson process. Motivated by data coming from cellular networks, we devise a classification algorithm based on the form of the Voronoi cells. We show that, in the particular set of data we are given, we can retrieve some repulsiveness between antennas, which was expected for engineering reasons.},
- doi = {10.57750/3r07-aw28},
- repository = {published_202401_adrat_repulsion},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {Python},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {classification, point process, repulsion},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Favrot, Armand and Makoswki, David},
- title = {{A hierarchical model to evaluate pest treatments from prevalence and intensity data}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2024,
- abstract = {In plant epidemiology, pest abundance is measured in field trials using metrics assessing either pest prevalence (fraction of the plant population infected) or pest intensity (average number of pest individuals present in infected plants). Some of these trials rely on prevalence, while others rely on intensity, depending on the protocols. In this paper, we present a hierarchical Bayesian model able to handle both types of data. In this model, the intensity and prevalence variables are derived from a latent variable representing the number of pest individuals on each host individual, assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. Effects of pest treaments, time trend, and between-trial variability are described using fixed and random effects. We apply the model to a real dataset in the context of aphid control in sugar beet fields. In this dataset, prevalence and intensity were derived from aphid counts observed on either factorial trials testing different types of pesticides treatments or field surveys monitoring aphid abundance. Next, we perform simulations to assess the impacts of using either prevalence or intensity data, or both types of data simultaneously, on the accuracy of the model parameter estimates and on the ranking of pesticide treatment efficacy. Our results show that, when pest prevalence and pest intensity data are collected separately in different trials, the model parameters are more accurately estimated using both types of trials than using one type of trials only. When prevalence data are collected in all trials and intensity data are collected in a subset of trials, estimations and pest treatment ranking are more accurate using both types of data than using prevalence data only. When only one type of observation can be collected in a pest survey or in an experimental trial, our analysis indicates that it is better to collect intensity data than prevalence data when all or most of the plants are expected to be infested, but that both types of data lead to similar results when the level of infestation is low to moderate. Finally, our simulations show that it is unlikely to obtain accurate results with fewer than 40 trials when assessing the efficacy of pest control treatments based on prevalence and intensity data. Because of its flexibility, our model can be used to evaluate and rank the efficacy of pest treatments using either prevalence or intensity data, or both types of data simultaneously. As it can be easily implemented using standard Bayesian packages, we hope that it will be useful to agronomists, plant pathologists, and applied statisticians to analyze pest surveys and field experiments conducted to assess the efficacy of pest treatments.},
- doi = {10.57750/6cgk-g727},
- repository = {published-202312-favrot-hierarchical},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {R},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {bayesian model, epidemiology, hierarchical model, pest control, trial, survey},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Cleynen, Alice and Raynal, Louis and Marin, Jean-Michel},
- title = {{Local tree methods for classification: a review and some dead ends}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2023,
- abstract = {Random Forests (RF) [@breiman:2001] are very popular machine learning methods. They perform well even with little or no tuning, and have some theoretical guarantees, especially for sparse problems [@biau:2012;@scornet:etal:2015]. These learning strategies have been used in several contexts, also outside the field of classification and regression. To perform Bayesian model selection in the case of intractable likelihoods, the ABC Random Forests (ABC-RF) strategy of @pudlo:etal:2016 consists in applying Random Forests on training sets composed of simulations coming from the Bayesian generative models. The ABC-RF technique is based on an underlying RF for which the training and prediction phases are separated. The training phase does not take into account the data to be predicted. This seems to be suboptimal as in the ABC framework only one observation is of interest for the prediction. In this paper, we study tree-based methods that are built to predict a specific instance in a classification setting. This type of methods falls within the scope of local (lazy/instance-based/case specific) classification learning. We review some existing strategies and propose two new ones. The first consists in modifying the tree splitting rule by using kernels, the second in using a first RF to compute some local variable importance that is used to train a second, more local, RF. Unfortunately, these approaches, although interesting, do not provide conclusive results.},
- doi = {10.57750/3j8m-8d57},
- repository = {published-202312-cleynen-local},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {R},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {classification, Random Forests, local methods},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Delattre, Maud and Kuhn, Estelle},
- title = {{Computing an empirical Fisher information matrix estimate in latent variable models through stochastic approximation}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2023,
- abstract = {The Fisher information matrix (FIM) is a key quantity in statistics. However its exact computation is often not trivial. In particular in many latent variable models, it is intricated due to the presence of unobserved variables. Several methods have been proposed to approximate the FIM when it can not be evaluated analytically. Different estimates have been considered, in particular moment estimates. However some of them require to compute second derivatives of the complete data log-likelihood which leads to some disadvantages. In this paper, we focus on the empirical Fisher information matrix defined as an empirical estimate of the covariance matrix of the score, which only requires to compute the first derivatives of the log-likelihood. Our contribution consists in presenting a new numerical method to evaluate this empirical Fisher information matrix in latent variable model when the proposed estimate can not be directly analytically evaluated. We propose a stochastic approximation estimation algorithm to compute this estimate as a by-product of the parameter estimate. We evaluate the finite sample size properties of the proposed estimate and the convergence properties of the estimation algorithm through simulation studies.},
- doi = {10.57750/r5gx-jk62},
- repository = {published-202311-delattre-fim},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {R},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {Model-based standard error, moment estimate, Fisher identity, stochastic approximation algorithm},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Sanou, Edmond and Ambroise, Christophe and Robin, Geneviève},
- title = {{Inference of Multiscale Gaussian Graphical Model}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2023,
- abstract = {Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) are widely used in high-dimensional data analysis to synthesize the interaction between variables. In many applications, such as genomics or image analysis, graphical models rely on sparsity and clustering to reduce dimensionality and improve performances. This paper explores a slightly different paradigm where clustering is not knowledge-driven but performed simultaneously with the graph inference task. We introduce a novel Multiscale Graphical Lasso (MGLasso) to improve networks interpretability by proposing graphs at different granularity levels. The method estimates clusters through a convex clustering approach — a relaxation of k-means, and hierarchical clustering. The conditional independence graph is simultaneously inferred through a neighborhood selection scheme for undirected graphical models. MGLasso extends and generalizes the sparse group fused lasso problem to undirected graphical models. We use continuation with Nesterov smoothing in a shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (CONESTA) to propose a regularization path of solutions along the group fused Lasso penalty, while the Lasso penalty is kept constant. Extensive experiments on synthetic data compare the performances of our model to state-of-the-art clustering methods and network inference models. Applications to gut microbiome data and poplar's methylation mixed with transcriptomic data are presented.},
- doi = {10.57750/1f4p-7955},
- repository = {published-202306-sanou-multiscale_glasso},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {R and Python},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {Neighborhood selection, Convex hierarchical clustering, Gaussian graphical models},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Chagneux, Mathis and Le Corff, Sylvain and
- Gloaguen, Pierre and Ollion, Charles and Lepâtre, Océane and
- Bruge, Antoine},
- title = {Macrolitter Video Counting on Riverbanks Using State
- Space Models and Moving Cameras},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2023},
- repository = {published-202301-chagneux-macrolitter},
- doi = {10.57750/845m-f805},
- language = {Python},
- issn = {2824-7795},
- langid = {en},
- type = {{Research article}},
- abstract = {Litter is a known cause of degradation in marine
- environments and most of it travels in rivers before
- reaching the oceans. In this paper, we present a
- novel algorithm to assist waste monitoring along
- watercourses. While several attempts have been made
- to quantify litter using neural object detection in
- photographs of floating items, we tackle the more
- challenging task of counting directly in videos
- using boat-embedded cameras. We rely on multi-object
- tracking (MOT) but focus on the key pitfalls of
- false and redundant counts which arise in typical
- scenarios of poor detection performance. Our system
- only requires supervision at the image level and
- performs Bayesian filtering via a state space model
- based on optical flow. We present a new open image
- dataset gathered through a crowdsourced campaign and
- used to train a center-based anchor-free object
- detector. Realistic video footage assembled by water
- monitoring experts is annotated and provided for
- evaluation. Improvements in count quality are
- demonstrated against systems built from
- state-of-the-art multi-object trackers sharing the
- same detection capabilities. A precise error
- decomposition allows clear analysis and highlights
- the remaining challenges.}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Boulin, Alexis},
- title = {{A Python Package for Sampling from Copulae:
- clayton}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2023,
- abstract = {The package clayton is designed to be intuitive,
- user-friendly, and efficient. It offers a wide range
- of copula models, including Archimedean, Elliptical,
- and Extreme. The package is implemented in pure
- Python, making it easy to install and use. In
- addition, we provide detailed documentation and
- examples to help users get started quickly. We also
- conduct a performance comparison with existing R
- packages, demonstrating the efficiency of our
- implementation. The clayton package is a valuable
- tool for researchers and practitioners working with
- copulae in Python},
- doi = {10.57750/4szh-t752},
- repository = {published-202301-boulin-clayton},
- type = {{Software paper}},
- language = {Python},
- domain = {Statistics},
- keywords = {Copulae, Random number generation},
- issn = {2824-7795}
- bibtex_show = {true},
- author = {Gimenez, Olivier and Kervellec, Maelis and Fanjul,
- Jean-Baptiste and Chaine, Anna and Marescot, Lucile
- and Bollet, Yoann and Duchamp, Christophe},
- title = {{Trade-off between deep learning for species
- identification and inference about predator-prey
- co-occurrence: Reproducible R workflow integrating
- models in computer vision and ecological
- statistics}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = 2022,
- abstract = {Deep learning is used in computer vision problems
- with important applications in several scientific
- fields. In ecology for example, there is a growing
- interest in deep learning for automatizing
- repetitive analyses on large amounts of images, such
- as animal species identification. However, there
- are challenging issues toward the wide adoption of
- deep learning by the community of ecologists. First,
- there is a programming barrier as most algorithms
- are written in Python while most ecologists are
- versed in R. Second, recent applications of deep
- learning in ecology have focused on computational
- aspects and simple tasks without addressing the
- underlying ecological questions or carrying out the
- statistical data analysis to answer these questions.
- Here, we showcase a reproducible R workflow
- integrating both deep learning and statistical
- models using predator-prey relationships as a case
- study. We illustrate deep learning for the
- identification of animal species on images collected
- with camera traps, and quantify spatial
- co-occurrence using multispecies occupancy models.
- Despite average model classification performances,
- ecological inference was similar whether we analysed
- the ground truth dataset or the classified
- dataset. This result calls for further work on the
- trade-offs between time and resources allocated to
- train models with deep learning and our ability to
- properly address key ecological questions with
- biodiversity monitoring. We hope that our
- reproducible workflow will be useful to ecologists
- and applied statisticians.},
- doi = {10.57750/yfm2-5f45},
- repository = {published-202204-deeplearning-occupancy-lynx},
- type = {{Research article}},
- language = {R},
- domain = {Statistical Ecology},
- keywords = {computer vision, deep-learning, species distribution
- modeling, ecological statistics},
- issn = {2824-7795}
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deleted file mode 100644
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-@Article {template_r,
- author = {{Computo editorial board}},
- title = {{Computo Template for R users}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2022},
- volume = {0},
- repository = {template-computo-R},
- type = {Template},
- language = {R},
- domain = {Template},
- abstract = {Documentation and sample of a simple R-based
- submission for the Computo journal, using our
- Quarto-based template and renv for handling
- dependencies. Shows how to automatically setup and
- build the HTML and PDF outputs, ready to submit to
- our peer-review platform.},
- keywords = {template, documentation, R, quarto, renv}
-@Article {template_python,
- author = {{Computo editorial board}},
- title = {{Computo Template for Python users}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2022},
- volume = {0},
- repository = {template-computo-python},
- type = {Template},
- language = {Python},
- domain = {Template},
- abstract = {Documentation and sample of a simple Python-based
- submission for the Computo journal, using our
- Quarto-based template and pip/venv for handling
- dependencies. Shows how to automatically setup and
- build the HTML and PDF outputs, ready to submit to
- our peer-review platform.},
- keywords = {template, documentation, Python, quarto, venv}
-@Article {template_python,
- author = {{Computo editorial board}},
- title = {{Computo Template for Julia users}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2022},
- volume = {0},
- repository = {template-computo-julia},
- type = {Template},
- language = {Julia},
- domain = {Template},
- abstract = {Documentation and sample of a simple Julia-based
- submission for the Computo journal, using our
- Quarto-based template and the built-in Julia Pkg manager.
- Shows how to automatically setup and
- build the HTML and PDF outputs, ready to submit to
- our peer-review platform.},
- keywords = {template, documentation, Julia, quarto, Pkg}
diff --git a/_bibliography/templates_obsolete.bib b/_bibliography/templates_obsolete.bib
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-@Article {template_myst,
- author = {{Computo editorial board}},
- title = {{Template for writing a contribution for Computo based on Myst/Jupyter book}},
- journal = {Computo},
- year = {2021},
- volume = {0},
- repository = {template-computo-myst},
- type = {Template},
- language = {R, Python},
- domain = {Template},
- abstract = {This document provides a Myst/Jupyter book template
- for contributions to the Computo Journal. It also
- serves as a documentation for configuring the github
- repository which will host the notebook source of
- your manuscript and prove us the reproducibility of
- your work.},
- keywords = {template, documentation, Rmarkdown, binder}
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- - firstname: ["Edwin", "E.", "E. P.", "Edwin Plimpton"]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Plimpton_Adams
- - firstname: ["Boris", "B.", "B. Y.", "Boris Yakovlevich"]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Podolsky
- - firstname: ["Nathan", "N."]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Rosen
- - firstname: ["Johann Sebastian", "J. S."]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Sebastian_Bach
- - firstname: ["Carl Philipp Emanuel", "C. P. E."]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Philipp_Emanuel_Bach
- - firstname: ["Karl"]
- url: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00016-019-00242-z
- - firstname: ["Erwin"]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erwin_Schr%C3%B6dinger
- - firstname: ["Hendrik Antoon"]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrik_Lorentz
- - firstname: ["Max"]
- url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Planck
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-- title: General Information
- type: map
- contents:
- - name: Full Name
- value: Albert Einstein
- - name: Date of Birth
- value: 14th March 1879
- - name: Languages
- value: English, German
-- title: Education
- type: time_table
- contents:
- - title: PhD
- institution: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- year: 1905
- description:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
- - title: Description 3.
- contents:
- - Sub-description 1.
- - Sub-description 2.
- - title: Federal teaching diploma
- institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland
- year: 1900
- description:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
-- title: Experience
- type: time_table
- contents:
- - title: Professor of Theoretical Physics
- institution: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
- year: 1933 - 1955
- description:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
- - title: Description 3.
- contents:
- - Sub-description 1.
- - Sub-description 2.
- - title: Visiting Professor
- institution: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, US
- year: 1933
- description:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
- - title: Director
- institution: Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics, Berlin, Germany.
- year: 1917-1933
- - title: Professor of Theoretical Physics
- institution: Karl-Ferdinand University, Prague, Czechoslovakia
- year: 1911 - 1917
- description:
- - title: Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics
- institution: University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- year: 1909 - 1911
-- title: Open Source Projects
- type: time_table
- contents:
- - title: al-folio
- year: 2015-now
- description: A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics.
-- title: Honors and Awards
- type: time_table
- contents:
- - year: 1921
- items:
- - Nobel Prize in Physics
- - Matteucci Medal
- - year: 2029
- items:
- - Max Planck Medal
-- title: Academic Interests
- type: nested_list
- contents:
- - title: Topic 1.
- items:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
- - title: Topic 2.
- items:
- - Description 1.
- - Description 2.
-- title: Other Interests
- type: list
- contents:
- - Hobbies: Hobby 1, Hobby 2, etc.
diff --git a/_data/repositories.yml b/_data/repositories.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_data/repositories.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- - computorg
- - computorg/template-computo-R
- - computorg/template-computo-python
- - computorg/template-computo-julia
- - computorg/computo-quarto-extension
- - computorg/published-paper-tsne
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- url: https://aapt.scitation.org/journal/ajp
- color: "#00369f"
- url: https://journals.aps.org/
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deleted file mode 100644
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- {% for content in entry.contents %}
{{ content }}
- {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/_includes/cv/map.html
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- {% for content in entry.contents %}
{{ content.name }}
{{ content.value }}
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/_includes/cv/nested_list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- {% for content in entry.contents %}
{{ content.title }}
- {% if content.items %}
- {% for subitem in content.items %}
{{ subitem }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/_includes/cv/time_table.html
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- {% for content in entry.contents %}
- {% if content.year %}
- {{ content.year }}
- {% endif %}
- {% if content.title %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if content.institution %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if content.description %}
- {% for item in content.description %}
- {% if item.contents %}
- {{ item.title }}
- {% for subitem in item.contents %}
{{ subitem }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% else %}
- {{ item }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if content.items %}
- {% for item in content.items %}
- {% if item.contents %}
- {{ item.title }}
- {% for subitem in item.contents %}
{{ subitem }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% else %}
- {{ item }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
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- {{ year }}
- {%- if tags != "" %}
- ·
- {% for tag in page.tags -%}
- {{ tag }}
- {% endfor -%}
- {% endif %}
- {%- if categories != "" %}
- ·
- {% for category in page.categories -%}
- {{ category }}
- {% endfor -%}
- {% endif %}
- {{ content }}
- {%- if site.disqus_shortname and page.disqus_comments -%}
- {% include disqus.html %}
- {%- endif %}
- {%- if site.giscus.repo and page.giscus_comments -%}
- {% include giscus.html %}
- {%- endif -%}
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: A long announcement with details
-date: 2015-11-07 16:11:00-0400
-inline: false
-Announcements and news can be much longer than just quick inline posts. In fact, they can have all the features available for the standard blog posts. See below.
-Jean shorts raw denim Vice normcore, art party High Life PBR skateboard stumptown vinyl kitsch. Four loko meh 8-bit, tousled banh mi tilde forage Schlitz dreamcatcher twee 3 wolf moon. Chambray asymmetrical paleo salvia, sartorial umami four loko master cleanse drinking vinegar brunch. Pinterest DIY authentic Schlitz, hoodie Intelligentsia butcher trust fund brunch shabby chic Kickstarter forage flexitarian. Direct trade cold-pressed meggings stumptown plaid, pop-up taxidermy. Hoodie XOXO fingerstache scenester Echo Park. Plaid ugh Wes Anderson, freegan pug selvage fanny pack leggings pickled food truck DIY irony Banksy.
-#### Hipster list
messenger bag
-Hoodie Thundercats retro, tote bag 8-bit Godard craft beer gastropub. Truffaut Tumblr taxidermy, raw denim Kickstarter sartorial dreamcatcher. Quinoa chambray slow-carb salvia readymade, bicycle rights 90's yr typewriter selfies letterpress cardigan vegan.
-Pug heirloom High Life vinyl swag, single-origin coffee four dollar toast taxidermy reprehenderit fap distillery master cleanse locavore. Est anim sapiente leggings Brooklyn ea. Thundercats locavore excepteur veniam eiusmod. Raw denim Truffaut Schlitz, migas sapiente Portland VHS twee Bushwick Marfa typewriter retro id keytar.
-> We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another, unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another.
-> —Anais Nin
-Fap aliqua qui, scenester pug Echo Park polaroid irony shabby chic ex cardigan church-key Odd Future accusamus. Blog stumptown sartorial squid, gastropub duis aesthetic Truffaut vero. Pinterest tilde twee, odio mumblecore jean shorts lumbersexual.
diff --git "a/_news/announcement_first_publ\303\256shed_paper.md" "b/_news/announcement_first_publ\303\256shed_paper.md"
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--- "a/_news/announcement_first_publ\303\256shed_paper.md"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2022-04-03 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-Computo is proud to announce its [first published paper, by Olivier Gimenez et al.!](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/publications/) :sparkles:
-Thanks to them and congratulations!
diff --git a/_news/announcement_open.md b/_news/announcement_open.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_news/announcement_open.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2021-10-28 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[Paper submission](submit) is now officially opened! 📢
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202301.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202301.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 092a5dd1..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202301.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-01-11 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-Computo is happy to announce a [newly published paper, by Alexis Boulin!](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/publications/) :sparkles:
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202302.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202302.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
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-layout: post
-date: 2023-02-16 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-Another [published paper, by Mathis Chagneux and co-authors!](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/publications/), a nice academic collaboration with Surfrider Europe for detecting macrolitter on riverbanks :sparkles:
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202307.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202307.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-07-11 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[A new article was published, by Edmond Sanou, Geneviève Robin and Christophe Ambroise](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/publications/), on a multiscale version of Graphical-Lasso.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202311.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202311.md
deleted file mode 100644
index af6e1403..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202311.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-11-21 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[Paper published by Maud Delattre and Estelle Kuhn](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202311-delattre-fim/), on computing an empirical Fisher information matrix estimate in latent variable models through stochastic approximation.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202312.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202312.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cfe55c7..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202312.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-12-14 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[Paper published by Alice Cleynen, Louis Raynal, and Jean-Michel
-Marin](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202312-cleynen-local/), on
-local tree methods for classification.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202401.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202401.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 175addb8..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202401.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2024-01-09 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[Paper published by Armand Favrot and David Makowski](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202312-favrot-hierarchical/), on MCMC estimation in a hierarchical model to evaluate pest treatments from prevalence and intensity data.
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202402.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202402.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b8d9d0c..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202402.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2024-02-26 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-A new article was published, by Hamza Adrat and Laurent Decreusefond: [Point Process Discrimination According to Repulsion](http://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published_202401_adrat_repulsion/).
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202403.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202403.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 506a06ee..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202403.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2024-04-04 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-A new article was published, by Maxime El Masri, Jérôme Morio, and Florian
-Simatos: [Optimal Projection for Parametric Importance Sampling in High
-Dimensions]( https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202402-elmasri-optimal/)
diff --git a/_news/announcement_publication_202404.md b/_news/announcement_publication_202404.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a32bcbd..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_publication_202404.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2024-05-15 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-A new article was published, by
- Tanguy Lefort, Benjamin Charlier, Alexis Joly, Joseph Salmon: [Peerannot: classification for crowdsourced image datasets with Python]( https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/published-202402-lefort-peerannot/)
diff --git a/_news/announcement_start.md b/_news/announcement_start.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 86afda7d..00000000
--- a/_news/announcement_start.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2021-03-11 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-New version of the website relying on Jekyll, Jekyll-scholar, aI-folio emoji! :sparkles:
diff --git a/_news/extended_team.md b/_news/extended_team.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 602f7cc5..00000000
--- a/_news/extended_team.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2022-07-01 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-We are very pleased to welcome
-[François-David](https://fradav.github.io/) and
-[Ghislain](https://gdurif.perso.math.cnrs.fr/) [in the team](board) 👨💻 !
-Thanks for their support.
diff --git a/_news/extended_team_mp.md b/_news/extended_team_mp.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b02e2740..00000000
--- a/_news/extended_team_mp.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-06-21 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-Delighted to welcome
-[Marie-Pierre](httpshttps://marieetienne.github.io/) [in the team](board) 👨💻 !
diff --git a/_news/how_doesit_work.md b/_news/how_doesit_work.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6283e65c..00000000
--- a/_news/how_doesit_work.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2021-05-25 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-[Check out these nice diagrams :sparkles: describing how Computo works
-on the author, editor and reviewer
-sides]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2021/submission-process/).
diff --git a/_news/moving_openreview.md b/_news/moving_openreview.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 41fde908..00000000
--- a/_news/moving_openreview.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-06-21 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-We're changing our peer-review platform 📰 to a fully free, open and communty-based solution with [OpenReview](https://openreview.net/group?id=Computo). Don't hesitate to send us feedback or contact us if you have any questions.
diff --git a/_news/new_templates.md b/_news/new_templates.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 00820015..00000000
--- a/_news/new_templates.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2023-02-08 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-We have [updated our templates for submitting to Computo](https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/submit/): all based on Quarto, but now with more specific and hoefully friendly set-ups for R, Python or Julia users.
diff --git a/_news/sfds_2022.md b/_news/sfds_2022.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 452b7273..00000000
--- a/_news/sfds_2022.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2022-06-14 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-The 53rd ["Journées de Statistique"](https://jds22.sciencesconf.org/)
-take place in Lyon, where Computo is presented. We will also be
-searching for volunteers for reviewing the submission. Please [fill
-this form](https://forms.gle/P9iYJANuNM4WTVHDA).
diff --git a/_news/toronto_workshop_reproducibility.md b/_news/toronto_workshop_reproducibility.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a5d7957c..00000000
--- a/_news/toronto_workshop_reproducibility.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2022-02-24 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-Computo has been presented at the [2nd Toronto Workshop on reproducibility](https://canssiontario.utoronto.ca/toronto_workshop_on_reproducibility_2022/) !
-🤩 [slides are online here](http://computo.sfds.asso.fr/comm/)
diff --git a/_news/workshop_reproducibility.md b/_news/workshop_reproducibility.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd79643..00000000
--- a/_news/workshop_reproducibility.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-date: 2021-06-23 07:59:00-0400
-inline: true
-We are presenting Computo at a [mini-workshop on reproducible
-research](https://mtp-rr2021.sciencesconf.org/) in Montpellier 🗓. Very
-interesting talks to come besides ours
diff --git a/_pages/about.md b/_pages/about.md
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-title: "About"
-layout: page
-permalink: /about
-order: 1
-nav: yes
-## Aims and scope
-Computo has been created in the context of a reproducibility crisis in
-science, which calls for higher standards in the publication of
-scientific results. Computo aims at promoting
-computational/algorithmic contributions in statistics and machine
-learning (ML) that provide insight into which models or methods are the
-most appropriate to address a specific scientific question.
-The journal welcomes the following types of contributions:
-- New **methods** with original stats/ML developments, or numerical
- studies that illustrate theoretical results in stats/ML;
-- **Case studies** or **surveys** on stats/ML methods to address a specific
- (type of) question in data analysis, neutral comparison studies that
- provide insight into when, how, and why the compared methods perform
- well or less well;
-- **Software/tutorial papers** to present implementations of stats/ML algorithms or
- to feature the use of a package/toolbox. For such papers we expect not only the description of an existing implementation but also the study of a concrete use case. If applicable, a comparison to related works and appropriate benchmarking are also expected.
Pre-submission enquiries
Prospective authors willing to know whether their contribution
- falls into the scope of Computo are encouraged to contact the
- editor at computo@sfds.asso.fr. Please make sure to include the title and abstract of your work in your pre-submission enquiry.
-## An open access journal with reproducible contributions
-Computo is free for readers and authors.
-It is an open access journal which means that all content is
-freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
-Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print,
-search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use
-them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission
-from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the
-Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access.
-The reproducibility of numerical results is a necessary condition for
-publication in Computo. In particular, submissions must include all
-necessary data (e.g. via Zenodo repositories) and code. For
-contributions featuring the implementation of methods/algorithms, the
-quality of the provided code is assessed during the review process.
-We accept contributions in the form of notebooks (e.g. Rmarkdown, or
-The reviews are open, i.e. visible to any reader after acceptance of
-the contribution. Reviewers may choose to remain anonymous or not.
-## Contact
-Enquiries can be sent to the Chief Editor, Julien Chiquet, through computo@sfds.asso.fr.
-## Thanks
-We rely on [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/),
-[BibTeX](http://www.bibtex.org/), the
-[aI-folio](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio) Jekyll theme,
-[Jupyter-book](https://jupyterbook.org/) and we drew our inspiration
-from [Rescience-C](https://rescience.github.io/) and
-[distill.pub](https://distill.pub/) among others.
-## About the logo
-Computo's logo has been designed by [Loïc Schwaller](https://loack.me/).
diff --git a/_pages/board.md b/_pages/board.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a7a1089..00000000
--- a/_pages/board.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-permalink: /board/
-title: Staff
-nav_order: 6
-description: People making Computo
-nav: true
diff --git a/_pages/home.md b/_pages/home.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 08cedfcd..00000000
--- a/_pages/home.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-layout: about
-title: about
-permalink: /
A journal of the French Statistical Society - ISSN 2824-7795
-nav_order: 1
-news: true # includes a list of news items
-selected_papers: false # includes a list of papers marked as "selected={true}"
-social: false # includes social icons at the bottom of the page
-This journal aims at promoting computational/algorithmic contributions
-in statistics and machine learning that provide insight into which
-models or methods are more appropriate to address a specific
-scientific question. In order to achieve this goal, Computo goes
-beyond classical static publications by leveraging technical advances
-in literate programming and scientific reporting.
-[More details about our philosophy](about).
diff --git a/_pages/publications.md b/_pages/publications.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b293cf4..00000000
--- a/_pages/publications.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-permalink: /publications/
-title: Articles
-description: Publications by years in reversed chronological order
-nav_order: 2
-years: [2024, 2023, 2022]
-nav: true
-## Published
-## In the pipeline
-Manuscript conditionally accepted, whose editorial and scientific reproducibility is being validated
-{% bibliography --file in_production %}
-## Example: a mock contribution
-This page is a reworking of the original t-SNE article using the
-Computo template. It aims to help authors submitting to the journal by
-using some advanced formatting features.
-{% bibliography --file mock_papers %}
diff --git a/_pages/repos.md b/_pages/repos.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 613da700..00000000
--- a/_pages/repos.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-permalink: /repos/
-title: Repositories
-nav: true
-nav_order: 5
-Check our pinned repositories for our quarto extension, some templates for authors and an advanced mock contribution.
-{% if site.data.repositories.github_repos %}
- {% for repo in site.data.repositories.github_repos %}
- {% include repository/repo.html repository=repo %}
- {% endfor %}
-Computo relies on Open Review
-for the review process. The review form is text-based, but Markdown and LaTeX formatting is supported so you can add hyperlinks and use LaTeX to add equations to your review. Reviewers are also required to answer a handful of rating scale questions about the submission.
Once a manuscript is accepted, reviews and discussion will be made available
-on the Computo website. Reviewers can choose to remain anonymous or
-## Guidelines for evaluation
-In order to help you in performing your review we provide a list of the main questions we are trying to answer when evaluating a submission:
-1. Is the paper within the scope of Computo?
- See [Aims and Scope]({{ site.baseurl }} /about) of Computo.
-2. Is the paper clearly written?
- Computo is intended for computational scientists in statistics/machine learning. The Abstract and Introduction should be as nontechnical as possible, and provide a clear description of the contributions of the paper. Strength and limitations of the work should be adequately discussed, in particular in relation to related work. Graphs and tables should be well thought out and uncluttered.
-3. Is the paper correct?
- Mathematical and algorithmic validity are the authors' professional responsibility. Referees can spot errors of reasoning, but are not expected to perform line-by-line checks of technical results.
-4. Is the paper adequately evaluated?
- Are all claims clearly articulated and supported either by empirical experiments or theoretical analyses? If appropriate, have the authors implemented their work and demonstrated its utility on a significant problem?
-5. Is the paper reproducible?
- The reproducibility of numerical results is a necessary condition for publication in Computo. The referees are expected to check whether they can run the code provided by the authors to reproduce their results. In case of major reproducibility issues, the referees should warn the Associate Editor as soon as possible.
-## Plagiarism policy
-Computo abides by the Committee on Publishing Ethics’s (COPE) guidelines listed below on plagiarism:
-- COPE Council. [Suspected plagiarism in a submitted manuscript](https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.2.1), Version 2, November 2018.
-- COPE Council. [Suspected plagiarism in a published manuscript](https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.2.2). Version 2. 2013.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_pages/submit.md b/_pages/submit.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b733d35..00000000
--- a/_pages/submit.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-layout: page
-permalink: /submit/
-title: Submit
-description: Overview and general guidelines to submit a contribution to Computo
-nav_order: 3
-nav: true
-## Overview
-Submissions to Computo require both scientific content (typically
-equations, codes and figures, data) and a proof that this content is
-reproducible. This is achieved by means of i) a notebook system, ii) a
-virtual environment fixing the dependencies and iii) continuous
-integration (plus, if needed, an external website to store data
-files such as [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/) or [OSF](https://osf.io/) ).
-A Computo submission is thus a git repository (e.g. Github or Gitlab) typically containing
-- the source file of the notebook (a markdown file with yaml metadata)
-- auxiliary files: a $$\mathrm{bib}\TeX $$ file and some statics files, e.g. figures or small .csv data tables
-- configuration files to set up the dependencies in a virtual environment
-- configuration files to set up the continuous integration rendering the final documents
-The compiled notebook (both HTML and PDF) will be directly generated
-in the git(hub) repository via continuous integration (e.g., Github
-action or Gitlab CI) and published, if the action is successful,
-to a web page (e.g. gh-page).
-The PDF and the git repository address are then submitted via OpenReview.
-## Available templates for R, Python and Julia
To start writing your own contribution, do not start from scratch!! Please use one of our quarto-based templates below to ensure reproducibility. quarto supports R, Python and Julia.
-To get started, click "[GIT REPO]" for the language of your choice and follow the corresponding "Step-by-step procedure". These templates serve both as material for starting to write your submission, and as a documentation for doing so.
-{% bibliography --file templates %}
-## Submit your work
-Once your are happy with your notebook AND the continuous integration (Github action or Gitlab CI) is successful, you must submit your PDF and the url of your git repository via [OpenReview, our platform for peer-reviewing](https://openreview.net/group?id=Computo).
-## Reviewing and publication
-Submitted papers are reviewed by external reviewers selected by the Associate Editor in charge of the paper.
-Computo strives for fast reviewing cycles, but cannot provide strict guarantees on the matter; the current time between submission and publication is under six months.
-In order to ensure an efficient reviewing process, authors are requested upon submission to suggest the names of four potential referees. To avoid conflicts of interests, recent co-authors or collaborators should not be suggested.
-Computo's accepted papers are published electronically immediately upon receipt under [CC BY 4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
-Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
-More information about the reviewing process are available on the [Review page]({{ site.baseurl }} /review)
-## Computo's code of ethics for authors
-- **Originality**:
- Authors guarantee that their proposed article is original, and that it infringes no moral intellectual property right of any other person or entity.
- Authors guarantee that their proposed article has not been published previously, and that they have not submitted the proposed article simultaneously to any other journal.
-- **Conflicts of interest**:
- Authors shall disclose any potential conflict of interest, whether it is professional,
- financial or other, to the journal’s Editor, if this conflict could be interpreted as having
- influenced their work. Authors shall declare all sources of funding for the research presented in the article.
-- **Impartiality**:
- All articles are examined impartially, and their merits are assessed regardless of the
- sex, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, length of service or institutional affiliation of the author(s).
-- **Funding**:
- All funding received by the author(s) shall be clearly stated in the article(s).
-- **Defamatory statements**:
- Authors guarantee that their proposed article contains no matter of a defamatory, hateful, fraudulent or knowingly inexact character.
-- **References**:
- Authors guarantee that all the publications used in their work have been cited appropriately.
-- **Copyright/author's right/license compliance**:
- Authors guarantee that they comply with the usage license of any third party contents/works (code, software, data, figures/images, documents, etc.) that were used to produce their work.
diff --git a/_pages_template/announcement_long.md b/_pages_template/announcement_long.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c57d275..00000000
--- a/_pages_template/announcement_long.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: A long announcement with details
-date: 2021-03-09 16:11:00-0400
-inline: false
-Announcements and news can be much longer than just quick inline posts.
-Jean shorts raw denim Vice normcore, art party High Life PBR
-skateboard stumptown vinyl kitsch. Four loko meh 8-bit, tousled banh
-mi tilde forage Schlitz dreamcatcher twee 3 wolf moon. Chambray
-asymmetrical paleo salvia, sartorial umami four loko master cleanse
-drinking vinegar brunch. Pinterest DIY authentic Schlitz, hoodie
-Intelligentsia butcher trust fund brunch shabby chic Kickstarter
-forage flexitarian. Direct trade cold-pressed meggings stumptown plaid, pop-up
-taxidermy. Hoodie XOXO fingerstache scenester Echo Park. Plaid ugh Wes
-Anderson, freegan pug selvage fanny pack leggings pickled food truck
-DIY irony Banksy.
-#### Hipster list
messenger bag
diff --git a/_plugins/external-posts.rb b/_plugins/external-posts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e4fd5eb6..00000000
--- a/_plugins/external-posts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require 'feedjira'
-require 'httparty'
-require 'jekyll'
-module ExternalPosts
- class ExternalPostsGenerator < Jekyll::Generator
- safe true
- priority :high
- def generate(site)
- if site.config['external_sources'] != nil
- site.config['external_sources'].each do |src|
- p "Fetching external posts from #{src['name']}:"
- xml = HTTParty.get(src['rss_url']).body
- feed = Feedjira.parse(xml)
- feed.entries.each do |e|
- p "...fetching #{e.url}"
- slug = e.title.downcase.strip.gsub(' ', '-').gsub(/[^\w-]/, '')
- path = site.in_source_dir("_posts/#{slug}.md")
- doc = Jekyll::Document.new(
- path, { :site => site, :collection => site.collections['posts'] }
- )
- doc.data['external_source'] = src['name'];
- doc.data['feed_content'] = e.content;
- doc.data['title'] = "#{e.title}";
- doc.data['description'] = e.summary;
- doc.data['date'] = e.published;
- doc.data['redirect'] = e.url;
- site.collections['posts'].docs << doc
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb b/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_plugins/hideCustomBibtex.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- module Jekyll
- module HideCustomBibtex
- def hideCustomBibtex(input)
- keywords = @context.registers[:site].config['filtered_bibtex_keywords']
- keywords.each do |keyword|
- input = input.gsub(/^.*#{keyword}.*$\n/, '')
- end
- return input
- end
- end
diff --git a/_posts/2021-04-23-submission-process.md b/_posts/2021-04-23-submission-process.md
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--- a/_posts/2021-04-23-submission-process.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: How does Computo work?
-date: 3021-04-23 00:00:00
-description: Diagrams that describe the submission process
-Check out the author's perspective or the full process to get a general
diff --git a/_posts/2023-03-17-HTML-to-website.md b/_posts/2023-03-17-HTML-to-website.md
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--- a/_posts/2023-03-17-HTML-to-website.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: How to automatically publish the HTML of my contribution to a website?
-date: 2023-03-17 00:00:00
-tags: reproducibility
-description: Describe how to render your article, activate your gh-page and publish your contribution online
-Some authors reported that their contribution was not published automatically, even when using one of our [3 template repositories](/repos) and even when the build action was successful. This is basically due to the fact that the `gh-pages` is not preporly setup.
-We review here the full process for more clarity.
-## 1. Check that the build action is correctly configured
-If you used one of our template repository, the build action (in `.github/workflows/build.yml`) should look like this:
-{% highlight yaml linenos %}
-name: build
- workflow_dispatch:
- push:
- branches: main
- build-deploy:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- permissions:
- contents: write
- steps:
- - name: Check out repository
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- [...]
- - name: Render and Publish
- uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/publish@v2
- with:
- target: gh-pages
- env:
-{% endhighlight %}
-The last step named `Render and Publish` first compiles your notebook and then pushes the HTML and PDF output to a special branch named `gh-pages` which is preferably used by Github to define a web page associated with the current repository, with the address https://user.github.io/repo_name : this is where your final rendered paper should go. If the build action is successful, you don't have to worry and you can move on to the next check.
-## 2. Check that gh-pages is activated on your repos
-By default, the mechanism that checks if a web page should be published in association with your repository is not activated. You need to go to Settings > page and apply the following configuration:
-Once this is done, you may need to trigger the build action for the first successful deployment of your web page.
-## 3. One last thing
-Don't forget to include the address of the page where your contribution is published to help the reviewer in the `About` section of your repository. For example, for the Computo `R` template, we get :
diff --git a/_posts/2023-03-24-gitlab-integration.md b/_posts/2023-03-24-gitlab-integration.md
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index e6c27e62..00000000
--- a/_posts/2023-03-24-gitlab-integration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: 'I use gitlab instead of github: what should I do?'
-date: 2030-03-24 00:00:00
-tags: reproducibility
-description: Discuss integration of Computo's contribution in Gitlab instances
-_Under Construction_
diff --git a/_posts/2023-03-24-others-languages.md b/_posts/2023-03-24-others-languages.md
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--- a/_posts/2023-03-24-others-languages.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: 'I use a different language than Python, R or Julia: would Computo accept my contributions?'
-date: 2023-03-24 00:00:00
-tags: [reproducibility, code]
-description: Describe how to handle other languages than R, Julia or Python
-In principle, we are open to any kind of language.
-In practice, we need to integrate reproducible and compilable code into our quarto template. Natively, we support, `R`, `Python` and `Julia` and provide dedicated templates. For others, if the language is supported by a Jupyter kernel ([there are kernels for many languages](https://gist.github.com/chronitis/682c4e0d9f663e85e3d87e97cd7d1624), [quarto allows code execution](https://quarto.org/docs/computations/execution-options.html#engine-binding).
-When writing your contribution though, keep in mind that some languages are not designed for interactivity and that there will be a formatting effort to support your point in your manuscript (which could be as expensive as interfacing this code with Python or R via `pybind11`, `Rcpp` or equivalent). It's your choice.
-From our side, we will do our best for the technical aspects to help with the integration of any language, but the editorial board and reviewers will also do the work to make sure the contribution is within the bounds scientifically and in the spirit of reproducibility.
diff --git a/_posts/2023-03-24-what-reproducibility.md b/_posts/2023-03-24-what-reproducibility.md
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--- a/_posts/2023-03-24-what-reproducibility.md
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: What is expected exactly in terms of reproducibility?
-date: 2023-07-04 00:00:00
-tags: reproducibility
-description: Discuss the different kinds of reproducibility at play in Computo, and what is expected from the authors.
-Computo is not just about publishing a notebook and proving that it can be compiled with CI! This part of the process is what we call _"Editorial Reproducibility"_. _"Scientific"_ or _"numerical"_ reproducibility of the analyses is also mandatory, on top of classical peer-review evaluation.
-We don't ask people reproducing their data... yet! We also don't ask for "bit-wise computational" reproducibility (i.e. obtaining exactly the same results bit-by-bit) but rather a "statistical" reproducibility, i.e. obtaining results leading to the same conclusion, with potential non-significant statistical variability.
-![Reproducible Workflow](img/reproducible-sequence.svg)
-Indeed, the global scientific workflow of a reproducible process for a Computo may be split in two types of steps:
-: This part of the process may be conducted outside of the notebook environment, for a list of reasons (non-exclusive to each other):
-- the process is too long to be conducted in a notebook
-- the data to be processed is too big to be handled directly in the notebook
-- it needs a specific environment (e.g. a cluster, with gpus, etc.)
-- it needs to involve specific languages (e.g. C, C++, Fortran, etc.) or build tools (e.g. make, cmake, etc.)
-It is “Computational reproducibility”, where the reproducibility is achieved by providing the code and the environment to run it, but not the results themselves.
-: This is where the notebook presents the results of the external process, and where everything is put together to produce the final document, it is “Direct reproducibility” in the sense that the notebook is the only thing needed to reproduce the results.
-Ultimately, the workflow must end with a direct reproducibility step which concludes the whole process.
-When applicable, the switch from external to editorial reproducibility is done with a “data transfer” step, where the data produced by the external process is transferred to the notebook environment. It’s required that not only the intermediate results are provided, but also the code to transfer it in the notebook environment. They are a variety of software solutions to do so.
-## Examples of data transfer solutions
-### Intermediate results storage
-- in python environment: the [`joblib.Memory`](https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/memory.html) class which provides a caching mechanism for python functions, and can be used to save the results of a function call to disk, and load it back later.
-- in R environment: the `.RData` file format, which can be loaded back in R with the `load()` function.
-### Transfer of the results to the notebook environment
-- for both aforementioned solutions, the results (`.joblib` directory or `.Rdata` file) could be committed to the git repository, and directly loaded in the notebook environment.
-- Another solution is to centralize input data (when large enough) and intermediate results on a shared scientific provider (we recommend [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/) for this purpose), and download them in the notebook environment.
diff --git a/_posts/2023-06-21-data.md b/_posts/2023-06-21-data.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2582aef7..00000000
--- a/_posts/2023-06-21-data.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: I have large or sensible data. How should I proceed?
-date: 2023-06-21 00:00:00
-tags: reproducibility
-description: Describe how to handle large or sensible data files when submitting to Computo
-## Large data sets
-If your submission materials contain files larger than 50MB, **especially data files**, they won’t fit on a git repository as is. For this reason, we encourage you to put your data or any materials you deem necessary on an external “open data” centered repository hub such a [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/) or [OSF](https://osf.io/).
-You could also use any long-term (emphasis on long-term) data repository that is standard in your scientific community (or for a specific type of data/scientific application), and for which it is straight-forward to retrieve the data using a script code/notebook code (we highly encourage to use open platforms, ideally institutionally hosted).
-## Sensible data sets
-Since the reproducibility of numerical results is a necessary condition for publication in *Computo*, your submissions must include all necessary data (e.g. via Zenodo repositories). However, if you have sensible data (for example, biomedical data that needs to be anonymized), you are invited to contact the editorial committee to explain and justify your position. In any case, we will ask you to make public at least a sample of the original data, and a demonstration of its use in your article for Computo. The results of the analyses carried out on the totality of the data should be made available in the form of a binary file, in order to produce the statistical summaries necessary to illustrate your assertions.
diff --git a/_posts/2023-06-21-long-running-code.md b/_posts/2023-06-21-long-running-code.md
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--- a/_posts/2023-06-21-long-running-code.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: My data analysis takes several hours/days/weeks... How to address the issue of reproducibility?
-date: 2023-06-21 00:00:00
-tags: reproducibility
-description: Discuss the reproducibility for long-running code
-If your analyses, model tuning or training phase take a prohibitively long time to compile and integrate, you can include the results of the trained methods in the form of a binary file. However, you must provide the code enabling the user to fully reproduce the training phase, and illustrate your code in a small, toy-sized example.
diff --git a/_sass/_base.scss b/_sass/_base.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 6806aebe..00000000
--- a/_sass/_base.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
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-// Publications
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- > span.more-authors {
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-// Rouge Color Customization
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-// Transitioning Themes
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- margin:0px;
-.container-about {
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- height:auto;
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-// Extra Markdown style (post Customization)
- .post-meta{
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- font-size: 0.875rem;
- margin-bottom: 0;
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- padding-bottom: 1rem;
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- .post-content{
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- padding: 8px;
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-progress {
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- /* Progress bar value for IE10 */
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diff --git a/_sass/_distill.scss b/_sass/_distill.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index d83fafd4..00000000
--- a/_sass/_distill.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * Style overrides for distill blog posts.
- ******************************************************************************/
-d-byline {
- border-top-color: var(--global-divider-color) !important;
-d-byline h3 {
- color: var(--global-text-color) !important;
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- b i {
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- margin-bottom: 1em;
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- color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
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- margin-bottom: 6px;
- list-style-type: none;
- li {
- margin-bottom: 0.25em;
- }
- }
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- .figcaption {
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- grid-column: toc-line;
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- d-footnote {
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- color: var(--global-distill-app-color) !important;
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- &:hover {
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- margin-bottom: 1em;
- padding-top: 0.5em;
- width: 100%;
- border: 1px solid var(--global-divider-color);
- nav {
- grid-column: none;
- }
- }
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diff --git a/_sass/_layout.scss b/_sass/_layout.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c10cac7..00000000
--- a/_sass/_layout.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Content
- ******************************************************************************/
-body {
- padding-bottom: 70px;
- color: var(--global-text-color);
- background-color: var(--global-bg-color);
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- scroll-margin-top: 66px;
- }
-body.fixed-top-nav {
- // Add some padding for the nav-bar.
- padding-top: 56px;
-body.sticky-bottom-footer {
- // Remove padding below footer.
- padding-bottom: 0;
-.container {
- max-width: $max-content-width;
-// Profile
-.profile {
- img {
- width: 100%;
- }
-// TODO: redefine content layout.
- * Publications
- ******************************************************************************/
-// TODO: redefine publications layout.
-* Projects
-// TODO: redefine projects layout.
diff --git a/_sass/_themes.scss b/_sass/_themes.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c873a26..00000000
--- a/_sass/_themes.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * Themes
- ******************************************************************************/
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- --global-navbar-theme-color: #{$white-color};
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- display : block;
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- .fa-sun {
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-top: 12px;
- display : block;
- }
- .fa-moon {
- display : none;
- }
- .repo-img-light {
- display: none;
- }
- .repo-img-dark {
- display: block;
- }
diff --git a/_sass/_variables.scss b/_sass/_variables.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c4d5ec2..00000000
--- a/_sass/_variables.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * Variables used throughout the theme.
- * To adjust anything, simply edit the variables below and rebuild the theme.
- ******************************************************************************/
-// Colors
-$red-color: #FF3636 !default;
-$red-color-dark: #B71C1C !default;
-$orange-color: #F29105 !default;
-$blue-color: #0076df !default;
-$blue-color-dark: #00369f !default;
-$cyan-color: #2698BA !default;
-$light-cyan-color: lighten($cyan-color, 25%);
-$green-color: #00ab37 !default;
-$green-color-lime: #B7D12A !default;
-$green-color-dark: #009f06 !default;
-$green-color-light: #ddffdd !default;
-$green-color-bright: #11D68B !default;
-$purple-color: #B509AC !default;
-$light-purple-color: lighten($purple-color, 25%);
-$pink-color: #f92080 !default;
-$pink-color-light: #ffdddd !default;
-$yellow-color: #efcc00 !default;
-$grey-color: #828282 !default;
-$grey-color-light: lighten($grey-color, 40%);
-$grey-color-dark: #1C1C1D;
-$grey-900: #212529;
-$white-color: #ffffff !default;
-$black-color: #000000 !default;
-// Theme colors
-$dark-blue: #0F2E3D !default;
-$computo-color: #034E79 !default;
-$computo-color-dark: darken($computo-color, 10%);
-$computo-color-light: lighten($computo-color, 60%);
-$code-bg-color-light: rgba($computo-color, 0.05);
-$code-bg-color-dark: darken($computo-color, 25%);
-// Font
-$ff-title: 'Oswald', sans-serif;
-$ff-main: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
diff --git a/about.html b/about.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bf877fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/about.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ About | COMPUTO
Aims and scope
Computo has been created in the context of a reproducibility crisis in science, which calls for higher standards in the publication of scientific results. Computo aims at promoting computational/algorithmic contributions in statistics and machine learning (ML) that provide insight into which models or methods are the most appropriate to address a specific scientific question.
The journal welcomes the following types of contributions:
New methods with original stats/ML developments, or numerical studies that illustrate theoretical results in stats/ML;
Case studies or surveys on stats/ML methods to address a specific (type of) question in data analysis, neutral comparison studies that provide insight into when, how, and why the compared methods perform well or less well;
Software/tutorial papers to present implementations of stats/ML algorithms or to feature the use of a package/toolbox. For such papers we expect not only the description of an existing implementation but also the study of a concrete use case. If applicable, a comparison to related works and appropriate benchmarking are also expected.
Pre-submission enquiries
Prospective authors willing to know whether their contribution falls into the scope of Computo are encouraged to contact the editor at computo@sfds.asso.fr. Please make sure to include the title and abstract of your work in your pre-submission enquiry.
An open access journal with reproducible contributions
Computo is free for readers and authors. It is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access.
The reproducibility of numerical results is a necessary condition for publication in Computo. In particular, submissions must include all necessary data (e.g. via Zenodo repositories) and code. For contributions featuring the implementation of methods/algorithms, the quality of the provided code is assessed during the review process. We accept contributions in the form of notebooks (e.g. Rmarkdown, or Jupyter).
The reviews are open, i.e. visible to any reader after acceptance of the contribution. Reviewers may choose to remain anonymous or not.
Enquiries can be sent to the Chief Editor, Julien Chiquet, through computo@sfds.asso.fr.
-`, false);
- class FootnoteList extends T$6(HTMLElement) {
- connectedCallback() {
- super.connectedCallback();
- this.list = this.root.querySelector('ol');
- // footnotes list is initially hidden
- this.root.style.display = 'none';
- // look through document and register existing footnotes
- // Store.subscribeTo('footnotes', (footnote) => {
- // this.renderFootnote(footnote);
- // });
- }
- // TODO: could optimize this to accept individual footnotes?
- set footnotes(footnotes) {
- this.list.innerHTML = '';
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- // ensure footnote list is visible
- this.root.style.display = '';
- for (const footnote of footnotes) {
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- const listItem = document.createElement('li');
- listItem.id = footnote.id + '-listing';
- listItem.innerHTML = footnote.innerHTML;
- const backlink = document.createElement('a');
- backlink.setAttribute('class', 'footnote-backlink');
- backlink.textContent = '[↩]';
- backlink.href = '#' + footnote.id;
- listItem.appendChild(backlink);
- this.list.appendChild(listItem);
- }
- } else {
- // ensure footnote list is invisible
- this.root.style.display = 'none';
- }
- }
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- const T$7 = Template('d-hover-box', `
- class HoverBox extends T$7(HTMLElement) {
- constructor() {
- super();
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- connectedCallback() {
- }
- listen(element) {
- // console.log(element)
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- this.bindTriggerEvents(element);
- // this.style.display = "block";
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- bindDivEvents(element) {
- // For mice, same behavior as hovering on links
- element.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
- if (!this.visible) this.showAtNode(element);
- this.stopTimeout();
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- element.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
- this.extendTimeout(500);
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- document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {
- this.hide();
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- bindTriggerEvents(node) {
- node.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
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- this.stopTimeout();
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- node.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
- this.extendTimeout(300);
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- node.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) => {
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- event.stopPropagation();
- }, {passive: true});
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- show(position) {
- this.visible = true;
- this.style.display = 'block';
- // 10px extra offset from element
- this.style.top = Math.round(position[1] + 10) + 'px';
- }
- showAtNode(node) {
- // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/offsetTop
- const bbox = node.getBoundingClientRect();
- this.show([node.offsetLeft + bbox.width, node.offsetTop + bbox.height]);
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- hide() {
- this.visible = false;
- this.style.display = 'none';
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- stopTimeout() {
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- extendTimeout(time) {
- this.stopTimeout();
- this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
- this.hide();
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- }
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- class Title extends HTMLElement {
- static get is() { return 'd-title'; }
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- const T$8 = Template('d-references', `
-`, false);
- class References extends T$8(HTMLElement) {
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- class TOC extends HTMLElement {
- static get is() { return 'd-toc'; }
- connectedCallback() {
- if (!this.getAttribute('prerendered')) {
- window.onload = () => {
- const article = document.querySelector('d-article');
- const headings = article.querySelectorAll('h2, h3');
- renderTOC(this, headings);
- };
- }
- }
- }
- function renderTOC(element, headings) {
- let ToC =`
Table of contents
- for (const el of headings) {
- // should element be included in TOC?
- const isInTitle = el.parentElement.tagName == 'D-TITLE';
- const isException = el.getAttribute('no-toc');
- if (isInTitle || isException) continue;
- // create TOC entry
- const title = el.textContent;
- const link = '#' + el.getAttribute('id');
- let newLine = '
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- const T$b = Template('distill-header', headerTemplate, false);
- class DistillHeader extends T$b(HTMLElement) {
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- const styles$2 = `
- function appendixTemplate(frontMatter) {
- let html = styles$2;
- if (typeof frontMatter.githubUrl !== 'undefined') {
- html += `
Updates and Corrections
- if (frontMatter.githubCompareUpdatesUrl) {
- html += `View all changes to this article since it was first published.`;
- }
- html += `
- If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on GitHub.
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\n');class Eo extends(Ao(HTMLElement)){connectedCallback(){if(this.shouldRemoveSelf())this.parentElement.removeChild(this);else{this.root.querySelector("#interstitial-password-input").oninput=(n=>this.passwordChanged(n))}}passwordChanged(n){n.target.value===this.password&&(console.log("Correct password entered."),this.parentElement.removeChild(this),"undefined"!=typeof Storage&&(console.log("Saved that correct password was entered."),localStorage.setItem(this.localStorageIdentifier(),"true")))}shouldRemoveSelf(){return window&&window.location.hostname===Co?(console.warn("Interstitial found on production, hiding it."),!0):"undefined"!=typeof Storage&&"true"===localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageIdentifier())&&(console.log("Loaded that correct password was entered before; skipping interstitial."),!0)}localStorageIdentifier(){const n="interstitial-password-correct";return"distill-drafts"+(window?window.location.pathname:"-")+n}}var No=M(S).right,Lo=Math.sqrt(50),Do=Math.sqrt(10),Oo=Math.sqrt(2),Io=.7,Fo=1/Io,Ro="\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*",Uo="\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*",$o="\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*",Po=/^#([0-9a-f]{3,8})$/,Ho=new RegExp("^rgb\\("+[Ro,Ro,Ro]+"\\)$"),zo=new RegExp("^rgb\\("+[$o,$o,$o]+"\\)$"),qo=new RegExp("^rgba\\("+[Ro,Ro,Ro,Uo]+"\\)$"),jo=new RegExp("^rgba\\("+[$o,$o,$o,Uo]+"\\)$"),Bo=new RegExp("^hsl\\("+[Uo,$o,$o]+"\\)$"),Yo=new RegExp("^hsla\\("+[Uo,$o,$o,Uo]+"\\)$"),Wo={aliceblue:15792383,antiquewhite:16444375,aqua:65535,aquamarine:8388564,azure:15794175,beige:16119260,bisque:16770244,black:0,blanchedalmond:16772045,blue:255,blueviolet:9055202,brown:10824234,burlywood:14596231,cadetblue:6266528,chartreuse:8388352,chocolate:13789470,coral:16744272,cornflowerblue:6591981,cornsilk:16775388,crimson:14423100,cyan:65535,darkblue:139,darkcyan:35723,darkgoldenrod:12092939,darkgray:11119017,darkgreen:25600,darkgrey:11119017,darkkhaki:12433259,darkmagenta:9109643,darkolivegreen:5597999,darkorange:16747520,darkorchid:10040012,darkred:9109504,darksalmon:15308410,darkseagreen:9419919,darkslateblue:4734347,darkslategray:3100495,darkslategrey:3100495,darkturquoise:52945,darkviolet:9699539,deeppink:16716947,deepskyblue:49151,dimgray:6908265,dimgrey:6908265,dodgerblue:2003199,firebrick:11674146,floralwhite:16775920,forestgreen:2263842,fuchsia:16711935,gainsboro:14474460,ghostwhite:16316671,gold:16766720,goldenrod:14329120,gray:8421504,green:32768,greenyellow:11403055,grey:8421504,honeydew:15794160,hotpink:16738740,indianred:13458524,indigo:4915330,ivory:16777200,khaki:15787660,lavender:15132410,lavenderblush:16773365,lawngreen:8190976,lemonchiffon:16775885,lightblue:11393254,lightcoral:15761536,lightcyan:14745599,lightgoldenrodyellow:16448210,lightgray:13882323,lightgreen:9498256,lightgrey:13882323,lightpink:16758465,lightsalmon:16752762,lightseagreen:2142890,lightskyblue:8900346,lightslategray:7833753,lightslategrey:7833753,lightsteelblue:11584734,lightyellow:16777184,lime:65280,limegreen:3329330,linen:16445670,magenta:16711935,maroon:8388608,mediumaquamarine:6737322,mediumblue:205,mediumorchid:12211667,mediumpurple:9662683,mediumseagreen:3978097,mediumslateblue:8087790,mediumspringgreen:64154,mediumturquoise:4772300,mediumvioletred:13047173,midnightblue:1644912,mintcream:16121850,mistyrose:16770273,moccasin:16770229,navajowhite:16768685,navy:128,oldlace:16643558,olive:8421376,olivedrab:7048739,orange:16753920,orangered:16729344,orchid:14315734,palegoldenrod:15657130,palegreen:10025880,paleturquoise:11529966,palevioletred:14381203,papayawhip:16773077,peachpuff:16767673,peru:13468991,pink:16761035,plum:14524637,powderblue:11591910,purple:8388736,rebeccapurple:6697881,red:16711680,rosybrown:12357519,royalblue:4286945,saddlebrown:9127187,salmon:16416882,sandybrown:16032864,seagreen:3050327,seashell:16774638,sienna:10506797,silver:12632256,skyblue:8900331,slateblue:6970061,slategray:7372944,slategrey:7372944,snow:16775930,springgreen:65407,steelblue:4620980,tan:13808780,teal:32896,thistle:14204888,tomato:16737095,turquoise:4251856,violet:15631086,wheat:16113331,white:16777215,whitesmoke:16119285,yellow:16776960,yellowgreen:10145074};L(O,U,{copy:function(n){return Object.assign(new this.constructor,this,n)},displayable:function(){return this.rgb().displayable()},hex:I,formatHex:I,formatHsl:F,formatRgb:R,toString:R}),L(q,z,D(O,{brighter:function(n){return n=null==n?Fo:Math.pow(Fo,n),new q(this.r*n,this.g*n,this.b*n,this.opacity)},darker:function(n){return n=null==n?Io:Math.pow(Io,n),new q(this.r*n,this.g*n,this.b*n,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){return this},displayable:function(){return-.5<=this.r&&this.r<255.5&&-.5<=this.g&&this.g<255.5&&-.5<=this.b&&this.b<255.5&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},hex:j,formatHex:j,formatRgb:B,toString:B})),L(K,V,D(O,{brighter:function(n){return n=null==n?Fo:Math.pow(Fo,n),new K(this.h,this.s,this.l*n,this.opacity)},darker:function(n){return n=null==n?Io:Math.pow(Io,n),new K(this.h,this.s,this.l*n,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){var n=this.h%360+360*(this.h<0),t=isNaN(n)||isNaN(this.s)?0:this.s,e=this.l,i=e+(e<.5?e:1-e)*t,r=2*e-i;return new q(X(n>=240?n-240:n+120,r,i),X(n,r,i),X(n<120?n+240:n-120,r,i),this.opacity)},displayable:function(){return(0<=this.s&&this.s<=1||isNaN(this.s))&&0<=this.l&&this.l<=1&&0<=this.opacity&&this.opacity<=1},formatHsl:function(){var n=this.opacity;return(1===(n=isNaN(n)?1:Math.max(0,Math.min(1,n)))?"hsl(":"hsla(")+(this.h||0)+", "+100*(this.s||0)+"%, "+100*(this.l||0)+"%"+(1===n?")":", "+n+")")}}));var Go=Math.PI/180,Vo=180/Math.PI,Ko=18,Xo=.96422,Zo=1,Qo=.82521,Jo=4/29,na=6/29,ta=3*na*na,ea=na*na*na;L(J,Q,D(O,{brighter:function(n){return new J(this.l+Ko*(null==n?1:n),this.a,this.b,this.opacity)},darker:function(n){return new J(this.l-Ko*(null==n?1:n),this.a,this.b,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){var n=(this.l+16)/116,t=isNaN(this.a)?n:n+this.a/500,e=isNaN(this.b)?n:n-this.b/200;return new q(en(3.1338561*(t=Xo*tn(t))-1.6168667*(n=Zo*tn(n))-.4906146*(e=Qo*tn(e))),en(-.9787684*t+1.9161415*n+.033454*e),en(.0719453*t-.2289914*n+1.4052427*e),this.opacity)}})),L(sn,an,D(O,{brighter:function(n){return new sn(this.h,this.c,this.l+Ko*(null==n?1:n),this.opacity)},darker:function(n){return new sn(this.h,this.c,this.l-Ko*(null==n?1:n),this.opacity)},rgb:function(){return ln(this).rgb()}}));var ia=-.14861,ra=1.78277,oa=-.29227,aa=-.90649,sa=1.97294,la=sa*aa,ua=sa*ra,ca=ra*oa-aa*ia;L(dn,cn,D(O,{brighter:function(n){return n=null==n?Fo:Math.pow(Fo,n),new dn(this.h,this.s,this.l*n,this.opacity)},darker:function(n){return n=null==n?Io:Math.pow(Io,n),new dn(this.h,this.s,this.l*n,this.opacity)},rgb:function(){var n=isNaN(this.h)?0:(this.h+120)*Go,t=+this.l,e=isNaN(this.s)?0:this.s*t*(1-t),i=Math.cos(n),r=Math.sin(n);return new q(255*(t+e*(ia*i+ra*r)),255*(t+e*(oa*i+aa*r)),255*(t+e*(sa*i)),this.opacity)}}));var da,ha=function gs(n){function t(n,t){var i=e((n=z(n)).r,(t=z(t)).r),r=e(n.g,t.g),o=e(n.b,t.b),a=mn(n.opacity,t.opacity);return function(t){return n.r=i(t),n.g=r(t),n.b=o(t),n.opacity=a(t),n+""}}var e=gn(n);return t.gamma=gs,t}(1),pa=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,fa=new 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n.getMinutes()}),et(function(n){n.setTime(n-n.getMilliseconds()-n.getSeconds()*_a-n.getMinutes()*Ca)},function(n,t){n.setTime(+n+t*Aa)},function(n,t){return(t-n)/Aa},function(n){return n.getHours()}),et(function(n){n.setHours(0,0,0,0)},function(n,t){n.setDate(n.getDate()+t)},function(n,t){return(t-n-(t.getTimezoneOffset()-n.getTimezoneOffset())*Ca)/Ea},function(n){return n.getDate()-1})),Da=it(0),Oa=it(1),Ia=(it(2),it(3),it(4)),Fa=(it(5),it(6),et(function(n){n.setDate(1),n.setHours(0,0,0,0)},function(n,t){n.setMonth(n.getMonth()+t)},function(n,t){return t.getMonth()-n.getMonth()+12*(t.getFullYear()-n.getFullYear())},function(n){return n.getMonth()}),et(function(n){n.setMonth(0,1),n.setHours(0,0,0,0)},function(n,t){n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear()+t)},function(n,t){return t.getFullYear()-n.getFullYear()},function(n){return n.getFullYear()}));Fa.every=function(n){return 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- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- function Byline(dom, data) {
- const byline = dom.querySelector('d-byline');
- if (byline) {
- byline.innerHTML = bylineTemplate(data);
- }
- }
- // Copyright 2018 The Distill Template Authors
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- // no appendix -> add appendix
- // title in front, no h1 -> add it
- // no title in front, h1 -> read and put into frontMatter
- // footnote -> footnote list
- // break up bib
- // if citation, no bib-list -> add citation-list
- // if authors, no byline -> add byline
- function OptionalComponents(dom, data) {
- const body = dom.body;
- const article = body.querySelector('d-article');
- // If we don't have an article tag, something weird is going on—giving up.
- if (!article) {
- console.warn('No d-article tag found; skipping adding optional components!');
- return;
- }
- let byline = dom.querySelector('d-byline');
- if (!byline) {
- if (data.authors) {
- byline = dom.createElement('d-byline');
- body.insertBefore(byline, article);
- } else {
- console.warn('No authors found in front matter; please add them before submission!');
- }
- }
- let title = dom.querySelector('d-title');
- if (!title) {
- title = dom.createElement('d-title');
- body.insertBefore(title, byline);
- }
- let h1 = title.querySelector('h1');
- if (!h1) {
- h1 = dom.createElement('h1');
- h1.textContent = data.title;
- title.insertBefore(h1, title.firstChild);
- }
- const hasPassword = typeof data.password !== 'undefined';
- let interstitial = body.querySelector('d-interstitial');
- if (hasPassword && !interstitial) {
- const inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
- const onLocalhost = inBrowser && window.location.hostname.includes('localhost');
- if (!inBrowser || !onLocalhost) {
- interstitial = dom.createElement('d-interstitial');
- interstitial.password = data.password;
- body.insertBefore(interstitial, body.firstChild);
- }
- } else if (!hasPassword && interstitial) {
- interstitial.parentElement.removeChild(this);
- }
- let appendix = dom.querySelector('d-appendix');
- if (!appendix) {
- appendix = dom.createElement('d-appendix');
- dom.body.appendChild(appendix);
- }
- let footnoteList = dom.querySelector('d-footnote-list');
- if (!footnoteList) {
- footnoteList = dom.createElement('d-footnote-list');
- appendix.appendChild(footnoteList);
- }
- let citationList = dom.querySelector('d-citation-list');
- if (!citationList) {
- citationList = dom.createElement('d-citation-list');
- appendix.appendChild(citationList);
- }
- }
- var katex$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
- (function(f){{module.exports=f();}})(function(){return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof commonjsRequire=="function"&&commonjsRequire;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r);}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof commonjsRequire=="function"&&commonjsRequire;for(var o=0;o= 0; --i) {
- tok = expansion[i];
- if (tok.text === "#") {
- if (i === 0) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Incomplete placeholder at end of macro body", tok);
- }
- tok = expansion[--i]; // next token on stack
- if (tok.text === "#") {
- // ## → #
- expansion.splice(i + 1, 1); // drop first #
- } else if (/^[1-9]$/.test(tok.text)) {
- // expansion.splice(i, 2, arg[0], arg[1], …)
- // to replace placeholder with the indicated argument.
- // TODO: use spread once we move to ES2015
- expansion.splice.apply(expansion, [i, 2].concat(args[tok.text - 1]));
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Not a valid argument number", tok);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this.stack = this.stack.concat(expansion);
- }
- }
- }, {
- key: "get",
- value: function get(ignoreSpace) {
- this.discardedWhiteSpace = [];
- var token = this.nextToken();
- if (ignoreSpace) {
- while (token.text === " ") {
- this.discardedWhiteSpace.push(token);
- token = this.nextToken();
- }
- }
- return token;
- }
- /**
- * Undo the effect of the preceding call to the get method.
- * A call to this method MUST be immediately preceded and immediately followed
- * by a call to get. Only used during mode switching, i.e. after one token
- * was got in the old mode but should get got again in a new mode
- * with possibly different whitespace handling.
- */
- }, {
- key: "unget",
- value: function unget(token) {
- this.stack.push(token);
- while (this.discardedWhiteSpace.length !== 0) {
- this.stack.push(this.discardedWhiteSpace.pop());
- }
- }
- }]);
- return MacroExpander;
- }();
- module.exports = MacroExpander;
- },{"./Lexer":26,"./ParseError":29,"./macros":44,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5,"object-assign":25}],28:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass");
- var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
- var _fontMetrics2 = require("./fontMetrics");
- var _fontMetrics3 = _interopRequireDefault(_fontMetrics2);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- var BASESIZE = 6; /**
- * This file contains information about the options that the Parser carries
- * around with it while parsing. Data is held in an `Options` object, and when
- * recursing, a new `Options` object can be created with the `.with*` and
- * `.reset` functions.
- */
- var sizeStyleMap = [
- // Each element contains [textsize, scriptsize, scriptscriptsize].
- // The size mappings are taken from TeX with \normalsize=10pt.
- [1, 1, 1], // size1: [5, 5, 5] \tiny
- [2, 1, 1], // size2: [6, 5, 5]
- [3, 1, 1], // size3: [7, 5, 5] \scriptsize
- [4, 2, 1], // size4: [8, 6, 5] \footnotesize
- [5, 2, 1], // size5: [9, 6, 5] \small
- [6, 3, 1], // size6: [10, 7, 5] \normalsize
- [7, 4, 2], // size7: [12, 8, 6] \large
- [8, 6, 3], // size8: [14.4, 10, 7] \Large
- [9, 7, 6], // size9: [17.28, 12, 10] \LARGE
- [10, 8, 7], // size10: [20.74, 14.4, 12] \huge
- [11, 10, 9]];
- var sizeMultipliers = [
- // fontMetrics.js:getFontMetrics also uses size indexes, so if
- // you change size indexes, change that function.
- 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.44, 1.728, 2.074, 2.488];
- var sizeAtStyle = function sizeAtStyle(size, style) {
- return style.size < 2 ? size : sizeStyleMap[size - 1][style.size - 1];
- };
- /**
- * This is the main options class. It contains the current style, size, color,
- * and font.
- *
- * Options objects should not be modified. To create a new Options with
- * different properties, call a `.having*` method.
- */
- var Options = function () {
- function Options(data) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Options);
- this.style = data.style;
- this.color = data.color;
- this.size = data.size || BASESIZE;
- this.textSize = data.textSize || this.size;
- this.phantom = data.phantom;
- this.font = data.font;
- this.sizeMultiplier = sizeMultipliers[this.size - 1];
- this._fontMetrics = null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a new options object with the same properties as "this". Properties
- * from "extension" will be copied to the new options object.
- */
- (0, _createClass3.default)(Options, [{
- key: "extend",
- value: function extend(extension) {
- var data = {
- style: this.style,
- size: this.size,
- textSize: this.textSize,
- color: this.color,
- phantom: this.phantom,
- font: this.font
- };
- for (var key in extension) {
- if (extension.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- data[key] = extension[key];
- }
- }
- return new Options(data);
- }
- /**
- * Return an options object with the given style. If `this.style === style`,
- * returns `this`.
- */
- }, {
- key: "havingStyle",
- value: function havingStyle(style) {
- if (this.style === style) {
- return this;
- } else {
- return this.extend({
- style: style,
- size: sizeAtStyle(this.textSize, style)
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return an options object with a cramped version of the current style. If
- * the current style is cramped, returns `this`.
- */
- }, {
- key: "havingCrampedStyle",
- value: function havingCrampedStyle() {
- return this.havingStyle(this.style.cramp());
- }
- /**
- * Return an options object with the given size and in at least `\textstyle`.
- * Returns `this` if appropriate.
- */
- }, {
- key: "havingSize",
- value: function havingSize(size) {
- if (this.size === size && this.textSize === size) {
- return this;
- } else {
- return this.extend({
- style: this.style.text(),
- size: size,
- textSize: size
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Like `this.havingSize(BASESIZE).havingStyle(style)`. If `style` is omitted,
- * changes to at least `\textstyle`.
- */
- }, {
- key: "havingBaseStyle",
- value: function havingBaseStyle(style) {
- style = style || this.style.text();
- var wantSize = sizeAtStyle(BASESIZE, style);
- if (this.size === wantSize && this.textSize === BASESIZE && this.style === style) {
- return this;
- } else {
- return this.extend({
- style: style,
- size: wantSize,
- baseSize: BASESIZE
- });
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create a new options object with the given color.
- */
- }, {
- key: "withColor",
- value: function withColor(color) {
- return this.extend({
- color: color
- });
- }
- /**
- * Create a new options object with "phantom" set to true.
- */
- }, {
- key: "withPhantom",
- value: function withPhantom() {
- return this.extend({
- phantom: true
- });
- }
- /**
- * Create a new options objects with the give font.
- */
- }, {
- key: "withFont",
- value: function withFont(font) {
- return this.extend({
- font: font || this.font
- });
- }
- /**
- * Return the CSS sizing classes required to switch from enclosing options
- * `oldOptions` to `this`. Returns an array of classes.
- */
- }, {
- key: "sizingClasses",
- value: function sizingClasses(oldOptions) {
- if (oldOptions.size !== this.size) {
- return ["sizing", "reset-size" + oldOptions.size, "size" + this.size];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return the CSS sizing classes required to switch to the base size. Like
- * `this.havingSize(BASESIZE).sizingClasses(this)`.
- */
- }, {
- key: "baseSizingClasses",
- value: function baseSizingClasses() {
- if (this.size !== BASESIZE) {
- return ["sizing", "reset-size" + this.size, "size" + BASESIZE];
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return the font metrics for this size.
- */
- }, {
- key: "fontMetrics",
- value: function fontMetrics() {
- if (!this._fontMetrics) {
- this._fontMetrics = _fontMetrics3.default.getFontMetrics(this.size);
- }
- return this._fontMetrics;
- }
- /**
- * A map of color names to CSS colors.
- * TODO(emily): Remove this when we have real macros
- */
- }, {
- key: "getColor",
- /**
- * Gets the CSS color of the current options object, accounting for the
- * `colorMap`.
- */
- value: function getColor() {
- if (this.phantom) {
- return "transparent";
- } else {
- return Options.colorMap[this.color] || this.color;
- }
- }
- }]);
- return Options;
- }();
- /**
- * The base size index.
- */
- Options.colorMap = {
- "katex-blue": "#6495ed",
- "katex-orange": "#ffa500",
- "katex-pink": "#ff00af",
- "katex-red": "#df0030",
- "katex-green": "#28ae7b",
- "katex-gray": "gray",
- "katex-purple": "#9d38bd",
- "katex-blueA": "#ccfaff",
- "katex-blueB": "#80f6ff",
- "katex-blueC": "#63d9ea",
- "katex-blueD": "#11accd",
- "katex-blueE": "#0c7f99",
- "katex-tealA": "#94fff5",
- "katex-tealB": "#26edd5",
- "katex-tealC": "#01d1c1",
- "katex-tealD": "#01a995",
- "katex-tealE": "#208170",
- "katex-greenA": "#b6ffb0",
- "katex-greenB": "#8af281",
- "katex-greenC": "#74cf70",
- "katex-greenD": "#1fab54",
- "katex-greenE": "#0d923f",
- "katex-goldA": "#ffd0a9",
- "katex-goldB": "#ffbb71",
- "katex-goldC": "#ff9c39",
- "katex-goldD": "#e07d10",
- "katex-goldE": "#a75a05",
- "katex-redA": "#fca9a9",
- "katex-redB": "#ff8482",
- "katex-redC": "#f9685d",
- "katex-redD": "#e84d39",
- "katex-redE": "#bc2612",
- "katex-maroonA": "#ffbde0",
- "katex-maroonB": "#ff92c6",
- "katex-maroonC": "#ed5fa6",
- "katex-maroonD": "#ca337c",
- "katex-maroonE": "#9e034e",
- "katex-purpleA": "#ddd7ff",
- "katex-purpleB": "#c6b9fc",
- "katex-purpleC": "#aa87ff",
- "katex-purpleD": "#7854ab",
- "katex-purpleE": "#543b78",
- "katex-mintA": "#f5f9e8",
- "katex-mintB": "#edf2df",
- "katex-mintC": "#e0e5cc",
- "katex-grayA": "#f6f7f7",
- "katex-grayB": "#f0f1f2",
- "katex-grayC": "#e3e5e6",
- "katex-grayD": "#d6d8da",
- "katex-grayE": "#babec2",
- "katex-grayF": "#888d93",
- "katex-grayG": "#626569",
- "katex-grayH": "#3b3e40",
- "katex-grayI": "#21242c",
- "katex-kaBlue": "#314453",
- "katex-kaGreen": "#71B307"
- };
- module.exports = Options;
- },{"./fontMetrics":41,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],29:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * This is the ParseError class, which is the main error thrown by KaTeX
- * functions when something has gone wrong. This is used to distinguish internal
- * errors from errors in the expression that the user provided.
- *
- * If possible, a caller should provide a Token or ParseNode with information
- * about where in the source string the problem occurred.
- *
- * @param {string} message The error message
- * @param {(Token|ParseNode)=} token An object providing position information
- */
- var ParseError = function ParseError(message, token) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, ParseError);
- var error = "KaTeX parse error: " + message;
- var start = void 0;
- var end = void 0;
- if (token && token.lexer && token.start <= token.end) {
- // If we have the input and a position, make the error a bit fancier
- // Get the input
- var input = token.lexer.input;
- // Prepend some information
- start = token.start;
- end = token.end;
- if (start === input.length) {
- error += " at end of input: ";
- } else {
- error += " at position " + (start + 1) + ": ";
- }
- // Underline token in question using combining underscores
- var underlined = input.slice(start, end).replace(/[^]/g, "$&\u0332");
- // Extract some context from the input and add it to the error
- var left = void 0;
- if (start > 15) {
- left = "…" + input.slice(start - 15, start);
- } else {
- left = input.slice(0, start);
- }
- var right = void 0;
- if (end + 15 < input.length) {
- right = input.slice(end, end + 15) + "…";
- } else {
- right = input.slice(end);
- }
- error += left + underlined + right;
- }
- // Some hackery to make ParseError a prototype of Error
- // See http://stackoverflow.com/a/8460753
- var self = new Error(error);
- self.name = "ParseError";
- self.__proto__ = ParseError.prototype;
- self.position = start;
- return self;
- };
- // More hackery
- ParseError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype;
- module.exports = ParseError;
- },{"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4}],30:[function(require,module,exports){
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * The resulting parse tree nodes of the parse tree.
- *
- * It is possible to provide position information, so that a ParseNode can
- * fulfil a role similar to a Token in error reporting.
- * For details on the corresponding properties see Token constructor.
- * Providing such information can lead to better error reporting.
- *
- * @param {string} type type of node, like e.g. "ordgroup"
- * @param {?object} value type-specific representation of the node
- * @param {string} mode parse mode in action for this node,
- * "math" or "text"
- * @param {Token=} firstToken first token of the input for this node,
- * will omit position information if unset
- * @param {Token=} lastToken last token of the input for this node,
- * will default to firstToken if unset
- */
- var ParseNode = function ParseNode(type, value, mode, firstToken, lastToken) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, ParseNode);
- this.type = type;
- this.value = value;
- this.mode = mode;
- if (firstToken && (!lastToken || lastToken.lexer === firstToken.lexer)) {
- this.lexer = firstToken.lexer;
- this.start = firstToken.start;
- this.end = (lastToken || firstToken).end;
- }
- };
- exports.default = ParseNode;
- },{"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4}],31:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass");
- var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
- var _functions = require("./functions");
- var _functions2 = _interopRequireDefault(_functions);
- var _environments = require("./environments");
- var _environments2 = _interopRequireDefault(_environments);
- var _MacroExpander = require("./MacroExpander");
- var _MacroExpander2 = _interopRequireDefault(_MacroExpander);
- var _symbols = require("./symbols");
- var _symbols2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbols);
- var _utils = require("./utils");
- var _utils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utils);
- var _units = require("./units");
- var _units2 = _interopRequireDefault(_units);
- var _unicodeRegexes = require("./unicodeRegexes");
- var _ParseNode = require("./ParseNode");
- var _ParseNode2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ParseNode);
- var _ParseError = require("./ParseError");
- var _ParseError2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ParseError);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * This file contains the parser used to parse out a TeX expression from the
- * input. Since TeX isn't context-free, standard parsers don't work particularly
- * well.
- *
- * The strategy of this parser is as such:
- *
- * The main functions (the `.parse...` ones) take a position in the current
- * parse string to parse tokens from. The lexer (found in Lexer.js, stored at
- * this.lexer) also supports pulling out tokens at arbitrary places. When
- * individual tokens are needed at a position, the lexer is called to pull out a
- * token, which is then used.
- *
- * The parser has a property called "mode" indicating the mode that
- * the parser is currently in. Currently it has to be one of "math" or
- * "text", which denotes whether the current environment is a math-y
- * one or a text-y one (e.g. inside \text). Currently, this serves to
- * limit the functions which can be used in text mode.
- *
- * The main functions then return an object which contains the useful data that
- * was parsed at its given point, and a new position at the end of the parsed
- * data. The main functions can call each other and continue the parsing by
- * using the returned position as a new starting point.
- *
- * There are also extra `.handle...` functions, which pull out some reused
- * functionality into self-contained functions.
- *
- * The earlier functions return ParseNodes.
- * The later functions (which are called deeper in the parse) sometimes return
- * ParseFuncOrArgument, which contain a ParseNode as well as some data about
- * whether the parsed object is a function which is missing some arguments, or a
- * standalone object which can be used as an argument to another function.
- */
- /**
- * An initial function (without its arguments), or an argument to a function.
- * The `result` argument should be a ParseNode.
- */
- function ParseFuncOrArgument(result, isFunction, token) {
- this.result = result;
- // Is this a function (i.e. is it something defined in functions.js)?
- this.isFunction = isFunction;
- this.token = token;
- } /* eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
- var Parser = function () {
- function Parser(input, settings) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Parser);
- // Create a new macro expander (gullet) and (indirectly via that) also a
- // new lexer (mouth) for this parser (stomach, in the language of TeX)
- this.gullet = new _MacroExpander2.default(input, settings.macros);
- // Use old \color behavior (same as LaTeX's \textcolor) if requested.
- // We do this after the macros object has been copied by MacroExpander.
- if (settings.colorIsTextColor) {
- this.gullet.macros["\\color"] = "\\textcolor";
- }
- // Store the settings for use in parsing
- this.settings = settings;
- // Count leftright depth (for \middle errors)
- this.leftrightDepth = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Checks a result to make sure it has the right type, and throws an
- * appropriate error otherwise.
- *
- * @param {boolean=} consume whether to consume the expected token,
- * defaults to true
- */
- (0, _createClass3.default)(Parser, [{
- key: "expect",
- value: function expect(text, consume) {
- if (this.nextToken.text !== text) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Expected '" + text + "', got '" + this.nextToken.text + "'", this.nextToken);
- }
- if (consume !== false) {
- this.consume();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Considers the current look ahead token as consumed,
- * and fetches the one after that as the new look ahead.
- */
- }, {
- key: "consume",
- value: function consume() {
- this.nextToken = this.gullet.get(this.mode === "math");
- }
- }, {
- key: "switchMode",
- value: function switchMode(newMode) {
- this.gullet.unget(this.nextToken);
- this.mode = newMode;
- this.consume();
- }
- /**
- * Main parsing function, which parses an entire input.
- *
- * @return {?Array.}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parse",
- value: function parse() {
- // Try to parse the input
- this.mode = "math";
- this.consume();
- var parse = this.parseInput();
- return parse;
- }
- /**
- * Parses an entire input tree.
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseInput",
- value: function parseInput() {
- // Parse an expression
- var expression = this.parseExpression(false);
- // If we succeeded, make sure there's an EOF at the end
- this.expect("EOF", false);
- return expression;
- }
- }, {
- key: "parseExpression",
- /**
- * Parses an "expression", which is a list of atoms.
- *
- * @param {boolean} breakOnInfix Should the parsing stop when we hit infix
- * nodes? This happens when functions have higher precendence
- * than infix nodes in implicit parses.
- *
- * @param {?string} breakOnTokenText The text of the token that the expression
- * should end with, or `null` if something else should end the
- * expression.
- *
- * @return {ParseNode}
- */
- value: function parseExpression(breakOnInfix, breakOnTokenText) {
- var body = [];
- // Keep adding atoms to the body until we can't parse any more atoms (either
- // we reached the end, a }, or a \right)
- while (true) {
- var lex = this.nextToken;
- if (Parser.endOfExpression.indexOf(lex.text) !== -1) {
- break;
- }
- if (breakOnTokenText && lex.text === breakOnTokenText) {
- break;
- }
- if (breakOnInfix && _functions2.default[lex.text] && _functions2.default[lex.text].infix) {
- break;
- }
- var atom = this.parseAtom();
- if (!atom) {
- if (!this.settings.throwOnError && lex.text[0] === "\\") {
- var errorNode = this.handleUnsupportedCmd();
- body.push(errorNode);
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- body.push(atom);
- }
- return this.handleInfixNodes(body);
- }
- /**
- * Rewrites infix operators such as \over with corresponding commands such
- * as \frac.
- *
- * There can only be one infix operator per group. If there's more than one
- * then the expression is ambiguous. This can be resolved by adding {}.
- *
- * @returns {Array}
- */
- }, {
- key: "handleInfixNodes",
- value: function handleInfixNodes(body) {
- var overIndex = -1;
- var funcName = void 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
- var node = body[i];
- if (node.type === "infix") {
- if (overIndex !== -1) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("only one infix operator per group", node.value.token);
- }
- overIndex = i;
- funcName = node.value.replaceWith;
- }
- }
- if (overIndex !== -1) {
- var numerNode = void 0;
- var denomNode = void 0;
- var numerBody = body.slice(0, overIndex);
- var denomBody = body.slice(overIndex + 1);
- if (numerBody.length === 1 && numerBody[0].type === "ordgroup") {
- numerNode = numerBody[0];
- } else {
- numerNode = new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", numerBody, this.mode);
- }
- if (denomBody.length === 1 && denomBody[0].type === "ordgroup") {
- denomNode = denomBody[0];
- } else {
- denomNode = new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", denomBody, this.mode);
- }
- var value = this.callFunction(funcName, [numerNode, denomNode], null);
- return [new _ParseNode2.default(value.type, value, this.mode)];
- } else {
- return body;
- }
- }
- // The greediness of a superscript or subscript
- }, {
- key: "handleSupSubscript",
- /**
- * Handle a subscript or superscript with nice errors.
- */
- value: function handleSupSubscript(name) {
- var symbolToken = this.nextToken;
- var symbol = symbolToken.text;
- this.consume();
- var group = this.parseGroup();
- if (!group) {
- if (!this.settings.throwOnError && this.nextToken.text[0] === "\\") {
- return this.handleUnsupportedCmd();
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Expected group after '" + symbol + "'", symbolToken);
- }
- } else if (group.isFunction) {
- // ^ and _ have a greediness, so handle interactions with functions'
- // greediness
- var funcGreediness = _functions2.default[group.result].greediness;
- if (funcGreediness > Parser.SUPSUB_GREEDINESS) {
- return this.parseFunction(group);
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Got function '" + group.result + "' with no arguments " + "as " + name, symbolToken);
- }
- } else {
- return group.result;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts the textual input of an unsupported command into a text node
- * contained within a color node whose color is determined by errorColor
- */
- }, {
- key: "handleUnsupportedCmd",
- value: function handleUnsupportedCmd() {
- var text = this.nextToken.text;
- var textordArray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
- textordArray.push(new _ParseNode2.default("textord", text[i], "text"));
- }
- var textNode = new _ParseNode2.default("text", {
- body: textordArray,
- type: "text"
- }, this.mode);
- var colorNode = new _ParseNode2.default("color", {
- color: this.settings.errorColor,
- value: [textNode],
- type: "color"
- }, this.mode);
- this.consume();
- return colorNode;
- }
- /**
- * Parses a group with optional super/subscripts.
- *
- * @return {?ParseNode}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseAtom",
- value: function parseAtom() {
- // The body of an atom is an implicit group, so that things like
- // \left(x\right)^2 work correctly.
- var base = this.parseImplicitGroup();
- // In text mode, we don't have superscripts or subscripts
- if (this.mode === "text") {
- return base;
- }
- // Note that base may be empty (i.e. null) at this point.
- var superscript = void 0;
- var subscript = void 0;
- while (true) {
- // Lex the first token
- var lex = this.nextToken;
- if (lex.text === "\\limits" || lex.text === "\\nolimits") {
- // We got a limit control
- if (!base || base.type !== "op") {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Limit controls must follow a math operator", lex);
- } else {
- var limits = lex.text === "\\limits";
- base.value.limits = limits;
- base.value.alwaysHandleSupSub = true;
- }
- this.consume();
- } else if (lex.text === "^") {
- // We got a superscript start
- if (superscript) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Double superscript", lex);
- }
- superscript = this.handleSupSubscript("superscript");
- } else if (lex.text === "_") {
- // We got a subscript start
- if (subscript) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Double subscript", lex);
- }
- subscript = this.handleSupSubscript("subscript");
- } else if (lex.text === "'") {
- // We got a prime
- if (superscript) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Double superscript", lex);
- }
- var prime = new _ParseNode2.default("textord", "\\prime", this.mode);
- // Many primes can be grouped together, so we handle this here
- var primes = [prime];
- this.consume();
- // Keep lexing tokens until we get something that's not a prime
- while (this.nextToken.text === "'") {
- // For each one, add another prime to the list
- primes.push(prime);
- this.consume();
- }
- // If there's a superscript following the primes, combine that
- // superscript in with the primes.
- if (this.nextToken.text === "^") {
- primes.push(this.handleSupSubscript("superscript"));
- }
- // Put everything into an ordgroup as the superscript
- superscript = new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", primes, this.mode);
- } else {
- // If it wasn't ^, _, or ', stop parsing super/subscripts
- break;
- }
- }
- if (superscript || subscript) {
- // If we got either a superscript or subscript, create a supsub
- return new _ParseNode2.default("supsub", {
- base: base,
- sup: superscript,
- sub: subscript
- }, this.mode);
- } else {
- // Otherwise return the original body
- return base;
- }
- }
- // A list of the size-changing functions, for use in parseImplicitGroup
- // A list of the style-changing functions, for use in parseImplicitGroup
- // Old font functions
- }, {
- key: "parseImplicitGroup",
- /**
- * Parses an implicit group, which is a group that starts at the end of a
- * specified, and ends right before a higher explicit group ends, or at EOL. It
- * is used for functions that appear to affect the current style, like \Large or
- * \textrm, where instead of keeping a style we just pretend that there is an
- * implicit grouping after it until the end of the group. E.g.
- * small text {\Large large text} small text again
- * It is also used for \left and \right to get the correct grouping.
- *
- * @return {?ParseNode}
- */
- value: function parseImplicitGroup() {
- var start = this.parseSymbol();
- if (start == null) {
- // If we didn't get anything we handle, fall back to parseFunction
- return this.parseFunction();
- }
- var func = start.result;
- if (func === "\\left") {
- // If we see a left:
- // Parse the entire left function (including the delimiter)
- var left = this.parseFunction(start);
- // Parse out the implicit body
- ++this.leftrightDepth;
- var body = this.parseExpression(false);
- --this.leftrightDepth;
- // Check the next token
- this.expect("\\right", false);
- var right = this.parseFunction();
- return new _ParseNode2.default("leftright", {
- body: body,
- left: left.value.value,
- right: right.value.value
- }, this.mode);
- } else if (func === "\\begin") {
- // begin...end is similar to left...right
- var begin = this.parseFunction(start);
- var envName = begin.value.name;
- if (!_environments2.default.hasOwnProperty(envName)) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("No such environment: " + envName, begin.value.nameGroup);
- }
- // Build the environment object. Arguments and other information will
- // be made available to the begin and end methods using properties.
- var env = _environments2.default[envName];
- var args = this.parseArguments("\\begin{" + envName + "}", env);
- var context = {
- mode: this.mode,
- envName: envName,
- parser: this,
- positions: args.pop()
- };
- var result = env.handler(context, args);
- this.expect("\\end", false);
- var endNameToken = this.nextToken;
- var end = this.parseFunction();
- if (end.value.name !== envName) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Mismatch: \\begin{" + envName + "} matched " + "by \\end{" + end.value.name + "}", endNameToken);
- }
- result.position = end.position;
- return result;
- } else if (_utils2.default.contains(Parser.sizeFuncs, func)) {
- // If we see a sizing function, parse out the implicit body
- this.consumeSpaces();
- var _body = this.parseExpression(false);
- return new _ParseNode2.default("sizing", {
- // Figure out what size to use based on the list of functions above
- size: _utils2.default.indexOf(Parser.sizeFuncs, func) + 1,
- value: _body
- }, this.mode);
- } else if (_utils2.default.contains(Parser.styleFuncs, func)) {
- // If we see a styling function, parse out the implicit body
- this.consumeSpaces();
- var _body2 = this.parseExpression(true);
- return new _ParseNode2.default("styling", {
- // Figure out what style to use by pulling out the style from
- // the function name
- style: func.slice(1, func.length - 5),
- value: _body2
- }, this.mode);
- } else if (func in Parser.oldFontFuncs) {
- var style = Parser.oldFontFuncs[func];
- // If we see an old font function, parse out the implicit body
- this.consumeSpaces();
- var _body3 = this.parseExpression(true);
- if (style.slice(0, 4) === 'text') {
- return new _ParseNode2.default("text", {
- style: style,
- body: new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", _body3, this.mode)
- }, this.mode);
- } else {
- return new _ParseNode2.default("font", {
- font: style,
- body: new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", _body3, this.mode)
- }, this.mode);
- }
- } else if (func === "\\color") {
- // If we see a styling function, parse out the implicit body
- var color = this.parseColorGroup(false);
- if (!color) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("\\color not followed by color");
- }
- var _body4 = this.parseExpression(true);
- return new _ParseNode2.default("color", {
- type: "color",
- color: color.result.value,
- value: _body4
- }, this.mode);
- } else if (func === "$") {
- if (this.mode === "math") {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("$ within math mode");
- }
- this.consume();
- var outerMode = this.mode;
- this.switchMode("math");
- var _body5 = this.parseExpression(false, "$");
- this.expect("$", true);
- this.switchMode(outerMode);
- return new _ParseNode2.default("styling", {
- style: "text",
- value: _body5
- }, "math");
- } else {
- // Defer to parseFunction if it's not a function we handle
- return this.parseFunction(start);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses an entire function, including its base and all of its arguments.
- * The base might either have been parsed already, in which case
- * it is provided as an argument, or it's the next group in the input.
- *
- * @param {ParseFuncOrArgument=} baseGroup optional as described above
- * @return {?ParseNode}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseFunction",
- value: function parseFunction(baseGroup) {
- if (!baseGroup) {
- baseGroup = this.parseGroup();
- }
- if (baseGroup) {
- if (baseGroup.isFunction) {
- var func = baseGroup.result;
- var funcData = _functions2.default[func];
- if (this.mode === "text" && !funcData.allowedInText) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Can't use function '" + func + "' in text mode", baseGroup.token);
- } else if (this.mode === "math" && funcData.allowedInMath === false) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Can't use function '" + func + "' in math mode", baseGroup.token);
- }
- var args = this.parseArguments(func, funcData);
- var token = baseGroup.token;
- var result = this.callFunction(func, args, args.pop(), token);
- return new _ParseNode2.default(result.type, result, this.mode);
- } else {
- return baseGroup.result;
- }
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Call a function handler with a suitable context and arguments.
- */
- }, {
- key: "callFunction",
- value: function callFunction(name, args, positions, token) {
- var context = {
- funcName: name,
- parser: this,
- positions: positions,
- token: token
- };
- return _functions2.default[name].handler(context, args);
- }
- /**
- * Parses the arguments of a function or environment
- *
- * @param {string} func "\name" or "\begin{name}"
- * @param {{numArgs:number,numOptionalArgs:number|undefined}} funcData
- * @return the array of arguments, with the list of positions as last element
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseArguments",
- value: function parseArguments(func, funcData) {
- var totalArgs = funcData.numArgs + funcData.numOptionalArgs;
- if (totalArgs === 0) {
- return [[this.pos]];
- }
- var baseGreediness = funcData.greediness;
- var positions = [this.pos];
- var args = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < totalArgs; i++) {
- var nextToken = this.nextToken;
- var argType = funcData.argTypes && funcData.argTypes[i];
- var arg = void 0;
- if (i < funcData.numOptionalArgs) {
- if (argType) {
- arg = this.parseGroupOfType(argType, true);
- } else {
- arg = this.parseGroup(true);
- }
- if (!arg) {
- args.push(null);
- positions.push(this.pos);
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- if (argType) {
- arg = this.parseGroupOfType(argType);
- } else {
- arg = this.parseGroup();
- }
- if (!arg) {
- if (!this.settings.throwOnError && this.nextToken.text[0] === "\\") {
- arg = new ParseFuncOrArgument(this.handleUnsupportedCmd(this.nextToken.text), false);
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Expected group after '" + func + "'", nextToken);
- }
- }
- }
- var argNode = void 0;
- if (arg.isFunction) {
- var argGreediness = _functions2.default[arg.result].greediness;
- if (argGreediness > baseGreediness) {
- argNode = this.parseFunction(arg);
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Got function '" + arg.result + "' as " + "argument to '" + func + "'", nextToken);
- }
- } else {
- argNode = arg.result;
- }
- args.push(argNode);
- positions.push(this.pos);
- }
- args.push(positions);
- return args;
- }
- /**
- * Parses a group when the mode is changing.
- *
- * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseGroupOfType",
- value: function parseGroupOfType(innerMode, optional) {
- var outerMode = this.mode;
- // Handle `original` argTypes
- if (innerMode === "original") {
- innerMode = outerMode;
- }
- if (innerMode === "color") {
- return this.parseColorGroup(optional);
- }
- if (innerMode === "size") {
- return this.parseSizeGroup(optional);
- }
- this.switchMode(innerMode);
- if (innerMode === "text") {
- // text mode is special because it should ignore the whitespace before
- // it
- this.consumeSpaces();
- }
- // By the time we get here, innerMode is one of "text" or "math".
- // We switch the mode of the parser, recurse, then restore the old mode.
- var res = this.parseGroup(optional);
- this.switchMode(outerMode);
- return res;
- }
- }, {
- key: "consumeSpaces",
- value: function consumeSpaces() {
- while (this.nextToken.text === " ") {
- this.consume();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parses a group, essentially returning the string formed by the
- * brace-enclosed tokens plus some position information.
- *
- * @param {string} modeName Used to describe the mode in error messages
- * @param {boolean=} optional Whether the group is optional or required
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseStringGroup",
- value: function parseStringGroup(modeName, optional) {
- if (optional && this.nextToken.text !== "[") {
- return null;
- }
- var outerMode = this.mode;
- this.mode = "text";
- this.expect(optional ? "[" : "{");
- var str = "";
- var firstToken = this.nextToken;
- var lastToken = firstToken;
- while (this.nextToken.text !== (optional ? "]" : "}")) {
- if (this.nextToken.text === "EOF") {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Unexpected end of input in " + modeName, firstToken.range(this.nextToken, str));
- }
- lastToken = this.nextToken;
- str += lastToken.text;
- this.consume();
- }
- this.mode = outerMode;
- this.expect(optional ? "]" : "}");
- return firstToken.range(lastToken, str);
- }
- /**
- * Parses a regex-delimited group: the largest sequence of tokens
- * whose concatenated strings match `regex`. Returns the string
- * formed by the tokens plus some position information.
- *
- * @param {RegExp} regex
- * @param {string} modeName Used to describe the mode in error messages
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseRegexGroup",
- value: function parseRegexGroup(regex, modeName) {
- var outerMode = this.mode;
- this.mode = "text";
- var firstToken = this.nextToken;
- var lastToken = firstToken;
- var str = "";
- while (this.nextToken.text !== "EOF" && regex.test(str + this.nextToken.text)) {
- lastToken = this.nextToken;
- str += lastToken.text;
- this.consume();
- }
- if (str === "") {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Invalid " + modeName + ": '" + firstToken.text + "'", firstToken);
- }
- this.mode = outerMode;
- return firstToken.range(lastToken, str);
- }
- /**
- * Parses a color description.
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseColorGroup",
- value: function parseColorGroup(optional) {
- var res = this.parseStringGroup("color", optional);
- if (!res) {
- return null;
- }
- var match = /^(#[a-z0-9]+|[a-z]+)$/i.exec(res.text);
- if (!match) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Invalid color: '" + res.text + "'", res);
- }
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(new _ParseNode2.default("color", match[0], this.mode), false);
- }
- /**
- * Parses a size specification, consisting of magnitude and unit.
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseSizeGroup",
- value: function parseSizeGroup(optional) {
- var res = void 0;
- if (!optional && this.nextToken.text !== "{") {
- res = this.parseRegexGroup(/^[-+]? *(?:$|\d+|\d+\.\d*|\.\d*) *[a-z]{0,2} *$/, "size");
- } else {
- res = this.parseStringGroup("size", optional);
- }
- if (!res) {
- return null;
- }
- var match = /([-+]?) *(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+) *([a-z]{2})/.exec(res.text);
- if (!match) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Invalid size: '" + res.text + "'", res);
- }
- var data = {
- number: +(match[1] + match[2]), // sign + magnitude, cast to number
- unit: match[3]
- };
- if (!_units2.default.validUnit(data)) {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Invalid unit: '" + data.unit + "'", res);
- }
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(new _ParseNode2.default("size", data, this.mode), false);
- }
- /**
- * If the argument is false or absent, this parses an ordinary group,
- * which is either a single nucleus (like "x") or an expression
- * in braces (like "{x+y}").
- * If the argument is true, it parses either a bracket-delimited expression
- * (like "[x+y]") or returns null to indicate the absence of a
- * bracket-enclosed group.
- *
- * @param {boolean=} optional Whether the group is optional or required
- * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseGroup",
- value: function parseGroup(optional) {
- var firstToken = this.nextToken;
- // Try to parse an open brace
- if (this.nextToken.text === (optional ? "[" : "{")) {
- // If we get a brace, parse an expression
- this.consume();
- var expression = this.parseExpression(false, optional ? "]" : null);
- var lastToken = this.nextToken;
- // Make sure we get a close brace
- this.expect(optional ? "]" : "}");
- if (this.mode === "text") {
- this.formLigatures(expression);
- }
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(new _ParseNode2.default("ordgroup", expression, this.mode, firstToken, lastToken), false);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, just return a nucleus, or nothing for an optional group
- return optional ? null : this.parseSymbol();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Form ligature-like combinations of characters for text mode.
- * This includes inputs like "--", "---", "``" and "''".
- * The result will simply replace multiple textord nodes with a single
- * character in each value by a single textord node having multiple
- * characters in its value. The representation is still ASCII source.
- *
- * @param {Array.} group the nodes of this group,
- * list will be moified in place
- */
- }, {
- key: "formLigatures",
- value: function formLigatures(group) {
- var n = group.length - 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- var a = group[i];
- var v = a.value;
- if (v === "-" && group[i + 1].value === "-") {
- if (i + 1 < n && group[i + 2].value === "-") {
- group.splice(i, 3, new _ParseNode2.default("textord", "---", "text", a, group[i + 2]));
- n -= 2;
- } else {
- group.splice(i, 2, new _ParseNode2.default("textord", "--", "text", a, group[i + 1]));
- n -= 1;
- }
- }
- if ((v === "'" || v === "`") && group[i + 1].value === v) {
- group.splice(i, 2, new _ParseNode2.default("textord", v + v, "text", a, group[i + 1]));
- n -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Parse a single symbol out of the string. Here, we handle both the functions
- * we have defined, as well as the single character symbols
- *
- * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
- */
- }, {
- key: "parseSymbol",
- value: function parseSymbol() {
- var nucleus = this.nextToken;
- if (_functions2.default[nucleus.text]) {
- this.consume();
- // If there exists a function with this name, we return the function and
- // say that it is a function.
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(nucleus.text, true, nucleus);
- } else if (_symbols2.default[this.mode][nucleus.text]) {
- this.consume();
- // Otherwise if this is a no-argument function, find the type it
- // corresponds to in the symbols map
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(new _ParseNode2.default(_symbols2.default[this.mode][nucleus.text].group, nucleus.text, this.mode, nucleus), false, nucleus);
- } else if (this.mode === "text" && _unicodeRegexes.cjkRegex.test(nucleus.text)) {
- this.consume();
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(new _ParseNode2.default("textord", nucleus.text, this.mode, nucleus), false, nucleus);
- } else if (nucleus.text === "$") {
- return new ParseFuncOrArgument(nucleus.text, false, nucleus);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }]);
- return Parser;
- }();
- Parser.endOfExpression = ["}", "\\end", "\\right", "&", "\\\\", "\\cr"];
- Parser.sizeFuncs = ["\\tiny", "\\sixptsize", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small", "\\normalsize", "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge"];
- Parser.styleFuncs = ["\\displaystyle", "\\textstyle", "\\scriptstyle", "\\scriptscriptstyle"];
- Parser.oldFontFuncs = {
- "\\rm": "mathrm",
- "\\sf": "mathsf",
- "\\tt": "mathtt",
- "\\bf": "mathbf",
- "\\it": "mathit"
- };
- Parser.prototype.ParseNode = _ParseNode2.default;
- module.exports = Parser;
- },{"./MacroExpander":27,"./ParseError":29,"./ParseNode":30,"./environments":40,"./functions":43,"./symbols":48,"./unicodeRegexes":49,"./units":50,"./utils":51,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],32:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- var _utils = require("./utils");
- var _utils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utils);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * The main Settings object
- *
- * The current options stored are:
- * - displayMode: Whether the expression should be typeset as inline math
- * (false, the default), meaning that the math starts in
- * \textstyle and is placed in an inline-block); or as display
- * math (true), meaning that the math starts in \displaystyle
- * and is placed in a block with vertical margin.
- */
- var Settings = function Settings(options) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Settings);
- // allow null options
- options = options || {};
- this.displayMode = _utils2.default.deflt(options.displayMode, false);
- this.throwOnError = _utils2.default.deflt(options.throwOnError, true);
- this.errorColor = _utils2.default.deflt(options.errorColor, "#cc0000");
- this.macros = options.macros || {};
- this.colorIsTextColor = _utils2.default.deflt(options.colorIsTextColor, false);
- }; /**
- * This is a module for storing settings passed into KaTeX. It correctly handles
- * default settings.
- */
- module.exports = Settings;
- },{"./utils":51,"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4}],33:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck");
- var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2);
- var _createClass2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/createClass");
- var _createClass3 = _interopRequireDefault(_createClass2);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * This file contains information and classes for the various kinds of styles
- * used in TeX. It provides a generic `Style` class, which holds information
- * about a specific style. It then provides instances of all the different kinds
- * of styles possible, and provides functions to move between them and get
- * information about them.
- */
- /**
- * The main style class. Contains a unique id for the style, a size (which is
- * the same for cramped and uncramped version of a style), and a cramped flag.
- */
- var Style = function () {
- function Style(id, size, cramped) {
- (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, Style);
- this.id = id;
- this.size = size;
- this.cramped = cramped;
- }
- /**
- * Get the style of a superscript given a base in the current style.
- */
- (0, _createClass3.default)(Style, [{
- key: "sup",
- value: function sup() {
- return styles[_sup[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Get the style of a subscript given a base in the current style.
- */
- }, {
- key: "sub",
- value: function sub() {
- return styles[_sub[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Get the style of a fraction numerator given the fraction in the current
- * style.
- */
- }, {
- key: "fracNum",
- value: function fracNum() {
- return styles[_fracNum[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Get the style of a fraction denominator given the fraction in the current
- * style.
- */
- }, {
- key: "fracDen",
- value: function fracDen() {
- return styles[_fracDen[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Get the cramped version of a style (in particular, cramping a cramped style
- * doesn't change the style).
- */
- }, {
- key: "cramp",
- value: function cramp() {
- return styles[_cramp[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Get a text or display version of this style.
- */
- }, {
- key: "text",
- value: function text() {
- return styles[_text[this.id]];
- }
- /**
- * Return if this style is tightly spaced (scriptstyle/scriptscriptstyle)
- */
- }, {
- key: "isTight",
- value: function isTight() {
- return this.size >= 2;
- }
- }]);
- return Style;
- }();
- // IDs of the different styles
- var D = 0;
- var Dc = 1;
- var T = 2;
- var Tc = 3;
- var S = 4;
- var Sc = 5;
- var SS = 6;
- var SSc = 7;
- // Instances of the different styles
- var styles = [new Style(D, 0, false), new Style(Dc, 0, true), new Style(T, 1, false), new Style(Tc, 1, true), new Style(S, 2, false), new Style(Sc, 2, true), new Style(SS, 3, false), new Style(SSc, 3, true)];
- // Lookup tables for switching from one style to another
- var _sup = [S, Sc, S, Sc, SS, SSc, SS, SSc];
- var _sub = [Sc, Sc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc, SSc, SSc];
- var _fracNum = [T, Tc, S, Sc, SS, SSc, SS, SSc];
- var _fracDen = [Tc, Tc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc, SSc, SSc];
- var _cramp = [Dc, Dc, Tc, Tc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc];
- var _text = [D, Dc, T, Tc, T, Tc, T, Tc];
- // We only export some of the styles. Also, we don't export the `Style` class so
- // no more styles can be generated.
- module.exports = {
- DISPLAY: styles[D],
- TEXT: styles[T],
- SCRIPT: styles[S],
- };
- },{"babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck":4,"babel-runtime/helpers/createClass":5}],34:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _domTree = require("./domTree");
- var _domTree2 = _interopRequireDefault(_domTree);
- var _fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
- var _fontMetrics2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fontMetrics);
- var _symbols = require("./symbols");
- var _symbols2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbols);
- var _utils = require("./utils");
- var _utils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utils);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- // The following have to be loaded from Main-Italic font, using class mainit
- /* eslint no-console:0 */
- /**
- * This module contains general functions that can be used for building
- * different kinds of domTree nodes in a consistent manner.
- */
- var mainitLetters = ["\\imath", // dotless i
- "\\jmath", // dotless j
- "\\pounds"];
- /**
- * Looks up the given symbol in fontMetrics, after applying any symbol
- * replacements defined in symbol.js
- */
- var lookupSymbol = function lookupSymbol(value, fontFamily, mode) {
- // Replace the value with its replaced value from symbol.js
- if (_symbols2.default[mode][value] && _symbols2.default[mode][value].replace) {
- value = _symbols2.default[mode][value].replace;
- }
- return {
- value: value,
- metrics: _fontMetrics2.default.getCharacterMetrics(value, fontFamily)
- };
- };
- /**
- * Makes a symbolNode after translation via the list of symbols in symbols.js.
- * Correctly pulls out metrics for the character, and optionally takes a list of
- * classes to be attached to the node.
- *
- * TODO: make argument order closer to makeSpan
- * TODO: add a separate argument for math class (e.g. `mop`, `mbin`), which
- * should if present come first in `classes`.
- */
- var makeSymbol = function makeSymbol(value, fontFamily, mode, options, classes) {
- var lookup = lookupSymbol(value, fontFamily, mode);
- var metrics = lookup.metrics;
- value = lookup.value;
- var symbolNode = void 0;
- if (metrics) {
- var italic = metrics.italic;
- if (mode === "text") {
- italic = 0;
- }
- symbolNode = new _domTree2.default.symbolNode(value, metrics.height, metrics.depth, italic, metrics.skew, classes);
- } else {
- // TODO(emily): Figure out a good way to only print this in development
- typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn("No character metrics for '" + value + "' in style '" + fontFamily + "'");
- symbolNode = new _domTree2.default.symbolNode(value, 0, 0, 0, 0, classes);
- }
- if (options) {
- symbolNode.maxFontSize = options.sizeMultiplier;
- if (options.style.isTight()) {
- symbolNode.classes.push("mtight");
- }
- if (options.getColor()) {
- symbolNode.style.color = options.getColor();
- }
- }
- return symbolNode;
- };
- /**
- * Makes a symbol in Main-Regular or AMS-Regular.
- * Used for rel, bin, open, close, inner, and punct.
- */
- var mathsym = function mathsym(value, mode, options, classes) {
- // Decide what font to render the symbol in by its entry in the symbols
- // table.
- // Have a special case for when the value = \ because the \ is used as a
- // textord in unsupported command errors but cannot be parsed as a regular
- // text ordinal and is therefore not present as a symbol in the symbols
- // table for text
- if (value === "\\" || _symbols2.default[mode][value].font === "main") {
- return makeSymbol(value, "Main-Regular", mode, options, classes);
- } else {
- return makeSymbol(value, "AMS-Regular", mode, options, classes.concat(["amsrm"]));
- }
- };
- /**
- * Makes a symbol in the default font for mathords and textords.
- */
- var mathDefault = function mathDefault(value, mode, options, classes, type) {
- if (type === "mathord") {
- var fontLookup = mathit(value);
- return makeSymbol(value, fontLookup.fontName, mode, options, classes.concat([fontLookup.fontClass]));
- } else if (type === "textord") {
- var font = _symbols2.default[mode][value] && _symbols2.default[mode][value].font;
- if (font === "ams") {
- return makeSymbol(value, "AMS-Regular", mode, options, classes.concat(["amsrm"]));
- } else {
- // if (font === "main") {
- return makeSymbol(value, "Main-Regular", mode, options, classes.concat(["mathrm"]));
- }
- } else {
- throw new Error("unexpected type: " + type + " in mathDefault");
- }
- };
- /**
- * Determines which of the two font names (Main-Italic and Math-Italic) and
- * corresponding style tags (mainit or mathit) to use for font "mathit",
- * depending on the symbol. Use this function instead of fontMap for font
- * "mathit".
- */
- var mathit = function mathit(value, mode, options, classes) {
- if (/[0-9]/.test(value.charAt(0)) ||
- // glyphs for \imath and \jmath do not exist in Math-Italic so we
- // need to use Main-Italic instead
- _utils2.default.contains(mainitLetters, value)) {
- return {
- fontName: "Main-Italic",
- fontClass: "mainit"
- };
- } else {
- return {
- fontName: "Math-Italic",
- fontClass: "mathit"
- };
- }
- };
- /**
- * Makes either a mathord or textord in the correct font and color.
- */
- var makeOrd = function makeOrd(group, options, type) {
- var mode = group.mode;
- var value = group.value;
- var classes = ["mord"];
- var font = options.font;
- if (font) {
- var fontLookup = void 0;
- if (font === "mathit" || _utils2.default.contains(mainitLetters, value)) {
- fontLookup = mathit(value);
- } else {
- fontLookup = fontMap[font];
- }
- if (lookupSymbol(value, fontLookup.fontName, mode).metrics) {
- return makeSymbol(value, fontLookup.fontName, mode, options, classes.concat([fontLookup.fontClass || font]));
- } else {
- return mathDefault(value, mode, options, classes, type);
- }
- } else {
- return mathDefault(value, mode, options, classes, type);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Calculate the height, depth, and maxFontSize of an element based on its
- * children.
- */
- var sizeElementFromChildren = function sizeElementFromChildren(elem) {
- var height = 0;
- var depth = 0;
- var maxFontSize = 0;
- if (elem.children) {
- for (var i = 0; i < elem.children.length; i++) {
- if (elem.children[i].height > height) {
- height = elem.children[i].height;
- }
- if (elem.children[i].depth > depth) {
- depth = elem.children[i].depth;
- }
- if (elem.children[i].maxFontSize > maxFontSize) {
- maxFontSize = elem.children[i].maxFontSize;
- }
- }
- }
- elem.height = height;
- elem.depth = depth;
- elem.maxFontSize = maxFontSize;
- };
- /**
- * Makes a span with the given list of classes, list of children, and options.
- *
- * TODO: Ensure that `options` is always provided (currently some call sites
- * don't pass it).
- * TODO: add a separate argument for math class (e.g. `mop`, `mbin`), which
- * should if present come first in `classes`.
- */
- var makeSpan = function makeSpan(classes, children, options) {
- var span = new _domTree2.default.span(classes, children, options);
- sizeElementFromChildren(span);
- return span;
- };
- /**
- * Prepends the given children to the given span, updating height, depth, and
- * maxFontSize.
- */
- var prependChildren = function prependChildren(span, children) {
- span.children = children.concat(span.children);
- sizeElementFromChildren(span);
- };
- /**
- * Makes a document fragment with the given list of children.
- */
- var makeFragment = function makeFragment(children) {
- var fragment = new _domTree2.default.documentFragment(children);
- sizeElementFromChildren(fragment);
- return fragment;
- };
- /**
- * Makes a vertical list by stacking elements and kerns on top of each other.
- * Allows for many different ways of specifying the positioning method.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * - children: A list of child or kern nodes to be stacked on top of each other
- * (i.e. the first element will be at the bottom, and the last at
- * the top). Element nodes are specified as
- * {type: "elem", elem: node}
- * while kern nodes are specified as
- * {type: "kern", size: size}
- * - positionType: The method by which the vlist should be positioned. Valid
- * values are:
- * - "individualShift": The children list only contains elem
- * nodes, and each node contains an extra
- * "shift" value of how much it should be
- * shifted (note that shifting is always
- * moving downwards). positionData is
- * ignored.
- * - "top": The positionData specifies the topmost point of
- * the vlist (note this is expected to be a height,
- * so positive values move up)
- * - "bottom": The positionData specifies the bottommost point
- * of the vlist (note this is expected to be a
- * depth, so positive values move down
- * - "shift": The vlist will be positioned such that its
- * baseline is positionData away from the baseline
- * of the first child. Positive values move
- * downwards.
- * - "firstBaseline": The vlist will be positioned such that
- * its baseline is aligned with the
- * baseline of the first child.
- * positionData is ignored. (this is
- * equivalent to "shift" with
- * positionData=0)
- * - positionData: Data used in different ways depending on positionType
- * - options: An Options object
- *
- */
- var makeVList = function makeVList(children, positionType, positionData, options) {
- var depth = void 0;
- var currPos = void 0;
- var i = void 0;
- if (positionType === "individualShift") {
- var oldChildren = children;
- children = [oldChildren[0]];
- // Add in kerns to the list of children to get each element to be
- // shifted to the correct specified shift
- depth = -oldChildren[0].shift - oldChildren[0].elem.depth;
- currPos = depth;
- for (i = 1; i < oldChildren.length; i++) {
- var diff = -oldChildren[i].shift - currPos - oldChildren[i].elem.depth;
- var size = diff - (oldChildren[i - 1].elem.height + oldChildren[i - 1].elem.depth);
- currPos = currPos + diff;
- children.push({ type: "kern", size: size });
- children.push(oldChildren[i]);
- }
- } else if (positionType === "top") {
- // We always start at the bottom, so calculate the bottom by adding up
- // all the sizes
- var bottom = positionData;
- for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- if (children[i].type === "kern") {
- bottom -= children[i].size;
- } else {
- bottom -= children[i].elem.height + children[i].elem.depth;
- }
- }
- depth = bottom;
- } else if (positionType === "bottom") {
- depth = -positionData;
- } else if (positionType === "shift") {
- depth = -children[0].elem.depth - positionData;
- } else if (positionType === "firstBaseline") {
- depth = -children[0].elem.depth;
- } else {
- depth = 0;
- }
- // Create a strut that is taller than any list item. The strut is added to
- // each item, where it will determine the item's baseline. Since it has
- // `overflow:hidden`, the strut's top edge will sit on the item's line box's
- // top edge and the strut's bottom edge will sit on the item's baseline,
- // with no additional line-height spacing. This allows the item baseline to
- // be positioned precisely without worrying about font ascent and
- // line-height.
- var pstrutSize = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- if (children[i].type === "elem") {
- var child = children[i].elem;
- pstrutSize = Math.max(pstrutSize, child.maxFontSize, child.height);
- }
- }
- pstrutSize += 2;
- var pstrut = makeSpan(["pstrut"], []);
- pstrut.style.height = pstrutSize + "em";
- // Create a new list of actual children at the correct offsets
- var realChildren = [];
- var minPos = depth;
- var maxPos = depth;
- currPos = depth;
- for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- if (children[i].type === "kern") {
- currPos += children[i].size;
- } else {
- var _child = children[i].elem;
- var childWrap = makeSpan([], [pstrut, _child]);
- childWrap.style.top = -pstrutSize - currPos - _child.depth + "em";
- if (children[i].marginLeft) {
- childWrap.style.marginLeft = children[i].marginLeft;
- }
- if (children[i].marginRight) {
- childWrap.style.marginRight = children[i].marginRight;
- }
- realChildren.push(childWrap);
- currPos += _child.height + _child.depth;
- }
- minPos = Math.min(minPos, currPos);
- maxPos = Math.max(maxPos, currPos);
- }
- // The vlist contents go in a table-cell with `vertical-align:bottom`.
- // This cell's bottom edge will determine the containing table's baseline
- // without overly expanding the containing line-box.
- var vlist = makeSpan(["vlist"], realChildren);
- vlist.style.height = maxPos + "em";
- // A second row is used if necessary to represent the vlist's depth.
- var rows = void 0;
- if (minPos < 0) {
- var depthStrut = makeSpan(["vlist"], []);
- depthStrut.style.height = -minPos + "em";
- // Safari wants the first row to have inline content; otherwise it
- // puts the bottom of the *second* row on the baseline.
- var topStrut = makeSpan(["vlist-s"], [new _domTree2.default.symbolNode("\u200B")]);
- rows = [makeSpan(["vlist-r"], [vlist, topStrut]), makeSpan(["vlist-r"], [depthStrut])];
- } else {
- rows = [makeSpan(["vlist-r"], [vlist])];
- }
- var vtable = makeSpan(["vlist-t"], rows);
- if (rows.length === 2) {
- vtable.classes.push("vlist-t2");
- }
- vtable.height = maxPos;
- vtable.depth = -minPos;
- return vtable;
- };
- // A map of spacing functions to their attributes, like size and corresponding
- // CSS class
- var spacingFunctions = {
- "\\qquad": {
- size: "2em",
- className: "qquad"
- },
- "\\quad": {
- size: "1em",
- className: "quad"
- },
- "\\enspace": {
- size: "0.5em",
- className: "enspace"
- },
- "\\;": {
- size: "0.277778em",
- className: "thickspace"
- },
- "\\:": {
- size: "0.22222em",
- className: "mediumspace"
- },
- "\\,": {
- size: "0.16667em",
- className: "thinspace"
- },
- "\\!": {
- size: "-0.16667em",
- className: "negativethinspace"
- }
- };
- /**
- * Maps TeX font commands to objects containing:
- * - variant: string used for "mathvariant" attribute in buildMathML.js
- * - fontName: the "style" parameter to fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics
- */
- // A map between tex font commands an MathML mathvariant attribute values
- var fontMap = {
- // styles
- "mathbf": {
- variant: "bold",
- fontName: "Main-Bold"
- },
- "mathrm": {
- variant: "normal",
- fontName: "Main-Regular"
- },
- "textit": {
- variant: "italic",
- fontName: "Main-Italic"
- },
- // "mathit" is missing because it requires the use of two fonts: Main-Italic
- // and Math-Italic. This is handled by a special case in makeOrd which ends
- // up calling mathit.
- // families
- "mathbb": {
- variant: "double-struck",
- fontName: "AMS-Regular"
- },
- "mathcal": {
- variant: "script",
- fontName: "Caligraphic-Regular"
- },
- "mathfrak": {
- variant: "fraktur",
- fontName: "Fraktur-Regular"
- },
- "mathscr": {
- variant: "script",
- fontName: "Script-Regular"
- },
- "mathsf": {
- variant: "sans-serif",
- fontName: "SansSerif-Regular"
- },
- "mathtt": {
- variant: "monospace",
- fontName: "Typewriter-Regular"
- }
- };
- module.exports = {
- fontMap: fontMap,
- makeSymbol: makeSymbol,
- mathsym: mathsym,
- makeSpan: makeSpan,
- makeFragment: makeFragment,
- makeVList: makeVList,
- makeOrd: makeOrd,
- prependChildren: prependChildren,
- spacingFunctions: spacingFunctions
- };
- },{"./domTree":39,"./fontMetrics":41,"./symbols":48,"./utils":51}],35:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _stringify = require("babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify");
- var _stringify2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stringify);
- var _ParseError = require("./ParseError");
- var _ParseError2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ParseError);
- var _Style = require("./Style");
- var _Style2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Style);
- var _buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
- var _buildCommon2 = _interopRequireDefault(_buildCommon);
- var _delimiter = require("./delimiter");
- var _delimiter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_delimiter);
- var _domTree = require("./domTree");
- var _domTree2 = _interopRequireDefault(_domTree);
- var _units = require("./units");
- var _units2 = _interopRequireDefault(_units);
- var _utils = require("./utils");
- var _utils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utils);
- var _stretchy = require("./stretchy");
- var _stretchy2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stretchy);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /* eslint no-console:0 */
- /**
- * This file does the main work of building a domTree structure from a parse
- * tree. The entry point is the `buildHTML` function, which takes a parse tree.
- * Then, the buildExpression, buildGroup, and various groupTypes functions are
- * called, to produce a final HTML tree.
- */
- var isSpace = function isSpace(node) {
- return node instanceof _domTree2.default.span && node.classes[0] === "mspace";
- };
- // Binary atoms (first class `mbin`) change into ordinary atoms (`mord`)
- // depending on their surroundings. See TeXbook pg. 442-446, Rules 5 and 6,
- // and the text before Rule 19.
- var isBin = function isBin(node) {
- return node && node.classes[0] === "mbin";
- };
- var isBinLeftCanceller = function isBinLeftCanceller(node, isRealGroup) {
- // TODO: This code assumes that a node's math class is the first element
- // of its `classes` array. A later cleanup should ensure this, for
- // instance by changing the signature of `makeSpan`.
- if (node) {
- return _utils2.default.contains(["mbin", "mopen", "mrel", "mop", "mpunct"], node.classes[0]);
- } else {
- return isRealGroup;
- }
- };
- var isBinRightCanceller = function isBinRightCanceller(node, isRealGroup) {
- if (node) {
- return _utils2.default.contains(["mrel", "mclose", "mpunct"], node.classes[0]);
- } else {
- return isRealGroup;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Splice out any spaces from `children` starting at position `i`, and return
- * the spliced-out array. Returns null if `children[i]` does not exist or is not
- * a space.
- */
- var spliceSpaces = function spliceSpaces(children, i) {
- var j = i;
- while (j < children.length && isSpace(children[j])) {
- j++;
- }
- if (j === i) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return children.splice(i, j - i);
- }
- };
- /**
- * Take a list of nodes, build them in order, and return a list of the built
- * nodes. documentFragments are flattened into their contents, so the
- * returned list contains no fragments. `isRealGroup` is true if `expression`
- * is a real group (no atoms will be added on either side), as opposed to
- * a partial group (e.g. one created by \color).
- */
- var buildExpression = function buildExpression(expression, options, isRealGroup) {
- // Parse expressions into `groups`.
- var groups = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
- var group = expression[i];
- var output = buildGroup(group, options);
- if (output instanceof _domTree2.default.documentFragment) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(groups, output.children);
- } else {
- groups.push(output);
- }
- }
- // At this point `groups` consists entirely of `symbolNode`s and `span`s.
- // Explicit spaces (e.g., \;, \,) should be ignored with respect to atom
- // spacing (e.g., "add thick space between mord and mrel"). Since CSS
- // adjacency rules implement atom spacing, spaces should be invisible to
- // CSS. So we splice them out of `groups` and into the atoms themselves.
- for (var _i = 0; _i < groups.length; _i++) {
- var spaces = spliceSpaces(groups, _i);
- if (spaces) {
- // Splicing of spaces may have removed all remaining groups.
- if (_i < groups.length) {
- // If there is a following group, move space within it.
- if (groups[_i] instanceof _domTree2.default.symbolNode) {
- groups[_i] = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([].concat(groups[_i].classes), [groups[_i]]);
- }
- _buildCommon2.default.prependChildren(groups[_i], spaces);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, put any spaces back at the end of the groups.
- Array.prototype.push.apply(groups, spaces);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Binary operators change to ordinary symbols in some contexts.
- for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < groups.length; _i2++) {
- if (isBin(groups[_i2]) && (isBinLeftCanceller(groups[_i2 - 1], isRealGroup) || isBinRightCanceller(groups[_i2 + 1], isRealGroup))) {
- groups[_i2].classes[0] = "mord";
- }
- }
- // Process \\not commands within the group.
- // TODO(kevinb): Handle multiple \\not commands in a row.
- // TODO(kevinb): Handle \\not{abc} correctly. The \\not should appear over
- // the 'a' instead of the 'c'.
- for (var _i3 = 0; _i3 < groups.length; _i3++) {
- if (groups[_i3].value === "\u0338" && _i3 + 1 < groups.length) {
- var children = groups.slice(_i3, _i3 + 2);
- children[0].classes = ["mainrm"];
- // \u0338 is a combining glyph so we could reorder the children so
- // that it comes after the other glyph. This works correctly on
- // most browsers except for Safari. Instead we absolutely position
- // the glyph and set its right side to match that of the other
- // glyph which is visually equivalent.
- children[0].style.position = "absolute";
- children[0].style.right = "0";
- // Copy the classes from the second glyph to the new container.
- // This is so it behaves the same as though there was no \\not.
- var classes = groups[_i3 + 1].classes;
- var container = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(classes, children);
- // LaTeX adds a space between ords separated by a \\not.
- if (classes.indexOf("mord") !== -1) {
- // \glue(\thickmuskip) 2.77771 plus 2.77771
- container.style.paddingLeft = "0.277771em";
- }
- // Ensure that the \u0338 is positioned relative to the container.
- container.style.position = "relative";
- groups.splice(_i3, 2, container);
- }
- }
- return groups;
- };
- // Return math atom class (mclass) of a domTree.
- var getTypeOfDomTree = function getTypeOfDomTree(node) {
- if (node instanceof _domTree2.default.documentFragment) {
- if (node.children.length) {
- return getTypeOfDomTree(node.children[node.children.length - 1]);
- }
- } else {
- if (_utils2.default.contains(["mord", "mop", "mbin", "mrel", "mopen", "mclose", "mpunct", "minner"], node.classes[0])) {
- return node.classes[0];
- }
- }
- return null;
- };
- /**
- * Sometimes, groups perform special rules when they have superscripts or
- * subscripts attached to them. This function lets the `supsub` group know that
- * its inner element should handle the superscripts and subscripts instead of
- * handling them itself.
- */
- var shouldHandleSupSub = function shouldHandleSupSub(group, options) {
- if (!group.value.base) {
- return false;
- } else {
- var base = group.value.base;
- if (base.type === "op") {
- // Operators handle supsubs differently when they have limits
- // (e.g. `\displaystyle\sum_2^3`)
- return base.value.limits && (options.style.size === _Style2.default.DISPLAY.size || base.value.alwaysHandleSupSub);
- } else if (base.type === "accent") {
- return isCharacterBox(base.value.base);
- } else if (base.type === "horizBrace") {
- var isSup = group.value.sub ? false : true;
- return isSup === base.value.isOver;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * Sometimes we want to pull out the innermost element of a group. In most
- * cases, this will just be the group itself, but when ordgroups and colors have
- * a single element, we want to pull that out.
- */
- var getBaseElem = function getBaseElem(group) {
- if (!group) {
- return false;
- } else if (group.type === "ordgroup") {
- if (group.value.length === 1) {
- return getBaseElem(group.value[0]);
- } else {
- return group;
- }
- } else if (group.type === "color") {
- if (group.value.value.length === 1) {
- return getBaseElem(group.value.value[0]);
- } else {
- return group;
- }
- } else if (group.type === "font") {
- return getBaseElem(group.value.body);
- } else {
- return group;
- }
- };
- /**
- * TeXbook algorithms often reference "character boxes", which are simply groups
- * with a single character in them. To decide if something is a character box,
- * we find its innermost group, and see if it is a single character.
- */
- var isCharacterBox = function isCharacterBox(group) {
- var baseElem = getBaseElem(group);
- // These are all they types of groups which hold single characters
- return baseElem.type === "mathord" || baseElem.type === "textord" || baseElem.type === "bin" || baseElem.type === "rel" || baseElem.type === "inner" || baseElem.type === "open" || baseElem.type === "close" || baseElem.type === "punct";
- };
- var makeNullDelimiter = function makeNullDelimiter(options, classes) {
- var moreClasses = ["nulldelimiter"].concat(options.baseSizingClasses());
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(classes.concat(moreClasses));
- };
- /**
- * This is a map of group types to the function used to handle that type.
- * Simpler types come at the beginning, while complicated types come afterwards.
- */
- var groupTypes = {};
- groupTypes.mathord = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.makeOrd(group, options, "mathord");
- };
- groupTypes.textord = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.makeOrd(group, options, "textord");
- };
- groupTypes.bin = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["mbin"]);
- };
- groupTypes.rel = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["mrel"]);
- };
- groupTypes.open = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["mopen"]);
- };
- groupTypes.close = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["mclose"]);
- };
- groupTypes.inner = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["minner"]);
- };
- groupTypes.punct = function (group, options) {
- return _buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options, ["mpunct"]);
- };
- groupTypes.ordgroup = function (group, options) {
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord"], buildExpression(group.value, options, true), options);
- };
- groupTypes.text = function (group, options) {
- var newOptions = options.withFont(group.value.style);
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, newOptions, true);
- for (var i = 0; i < inner.length - 1; i++) {
- if (inner[i].tryCombine(inner[i + 1])) {
- inner.splice(i + 1, 1);
- i--;
- }
- }
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "text"], inner, newOptions);
- };
- groupTypes.color = function (group, options) {
- var elements = buildExpression(group.value.value, options.withColor(group.value.color), false);
- // \color isn't supposed to affect the type of the elements it contains.
- // To accomplish this, we wrap the results in a fragment, so the inner
- // elements will be able to directly interact with their neighbors. For
- // example, `\color{red}{2 +} 3` has the same spacing as `2 + 3`
- return new _buildCommon2.default.makeFragment(elements);
- };
- groupTypes.supsub = function (group, options) {
- // Superscript and subscripts are handled in the TeXbook on page
- // 445-446, rules 18(a-f).
- // Here is where we defer to the inner group if it should handle
- // superscripts and subscripts itself.
- if (shouldHandleSupSub(group, options)) {
- return groupTypes[group.value.base.type](group, options);
- }
- var base = buildGroup(group.value.base, options);
- var supm = void 0;
- var subm = void 0;
- var metrics = options.fontMetrics();
- var newOptions = void 0;
- // Rule 18a
- var supShift = 0;
- var subShift = 0;
- if (group.value.sup) {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(options.style.sup());
- supm = buildGroup(group.value.sup, newOptions, options);
- if (!isCharacterBox(group.value.base)) {
- supShift = base.height - newOptions.fontMetrics().supDrop * newOptions.sizeMultiplier / options.sizeMultiplier;
- }
- }
- if (group.value.sub) {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(options.style.sub());
- subm = buildGroup(group.value.sub, newOptions, options);
- if (!isCharacterBox(group.value.base)) {
- subShift = base.depth + newOptions.fontMetrics().subDrop * newOptions.sizeMultiplier / options.sizeMultiplier;
- }
- }
- // Rule 18c
- var minSupShift = void 0;
- if (options.style === _Style2.default.DISPLAY) {
- minSupShift = metrics.sup1;
- } else if (options.style.cramped) {
- minSupShift = metrics.sup3;
- } else {
- minSupShift = metrics.sup2;
- }
- // scriptspace is a font-size-independent size, so scale it
- // appropriately
- var multiplier = options.sizeMultiplier;
- var scriptspace = 0.5 / metrics.ptPerEm / multiplier + "em";
- var supsub = void 0;
- if (!group.value.sup) {
- // Rule 18b
- subShift = Math.max(subShift, metrics.sub1, subm.height - 0.8 * metrics.xHeight);
- var vlistElem = [{ type: "elem", elem: subm, marginRight: scriptspace }];
- // Subscripts shouldn't be shifted by the base's italic correction.
- // Account for that by shifting the subscript back the appropriate
- // amount. Note we only do this when the base is a single symbol.
- if (base instanceof _domTree2.default.symbolNode) {
- vlistElem[0].marginLeft = -base.italic + "em";
- }
- supsub = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList(vlistElem, "shift", subShift, options);
- } else if (!group.value.sub) {
- // Rule 18c, d
- supShift = Math.max(supShift, minSupShift, supm.depth + 0.25 * metrics.xHeight);
- supsub = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: supm, marginRight: scriptspace }], "shift", -supShift, options);
- } else {
- supShift = Math.max(supShift, minSupShift, supm.depth + 0.25 * metrics.xHeight);
- subShift = Math.max(subShift, metrics.sub2);
- var ruleWidth = metrics.defaultRuleThickness;
- // Rule 18e
- if (supShift - supm.depth - (subm.height - subShift) < 4 * ruleWidth) {
- subShift = 4 * ruleWidth - (supShift - supm.depth) + subm.height;
- var psi = 0.8 * metrics.xHeight - (supShift - supm.depth);
- if (psi > 0) {
- supShift += psi;
- subShift -= psi;
- }
- }
- var _vlistElem = [{ type: "elem", elem: subm, shift: subShift, marginRight: scriptspace }, { type: "elem", elem: supm, shift: -supShift, marginRight: scriptspace }];
- // See comment above about subscripts not being shifted
- if (base instanceof _domTree2.default.symbolNode) {
- _vlistElem[0].marginLeft = -base.italic + "em";
- }
- supsub = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList(_vlistElem, "individualShift", null, options);
- }
- // We ensure to wrap the supsub vlist in a span.msupsub to reset text-align
- var mclass = getTypeOfDomTree(base) || "mord";
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([mclass], [base, (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["msupsub"], [supsub])], options);
- };
- groupTypes.genfrac = function (group, options) {
- // Fractions are handled in the TeXbook on pages 444-445, rules 15(a-e).
- // Figure out what style this fraction should be in based on the
- // function used
- var style = options.style;
- if (group.value.size === "display") {
- style = _Style2.default.DISPLAY;
- } else if (group.value.size === "text") {
- style = _Style2.default.TEXT;
- }
- var nstyle = style.fracNum();
- var dstyle = style.fracDen();
- var newOptions = void 0;
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(nstyle);
- var numerm = buildGroup(group.value.numer, newOptions, options);
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(dstyle);
- var denomm = buildGroup(group.value.denom, newOptions, options);
- var rule = void 0;
- var ruleWidth = void 0;
- var ruleSpacing = void 0;
- if (group.value.hasBarLine) {
- rule = makeLineSpan("frac-line", options);
- ruleWidth = rule.height;
- ruleSpacing = rule.height;
- } else {
- rule = null;
- ruleWidth = 0;
- ruleSpacing = options.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness;
- }
- // Rule 15b
- var numShift = void 0;
- var clearance = void 0;
- var denomShift = void 0;
- if (style.size === _Style2.default.DISPLAY.size) {
- numShift = options.fontMetrics().num1;
- if (ruleWidth > 0) {
- clearance = 3 * ruleSpacing;
- } else {
- clearance = 7 * ruleSpacing;
- }
- denomShift = options.fontMetrics().denom1;
- } else {
- if (ruleWidth > 0) {
- numShift = options.fontMetrics().num2;
- clearance = ruleSpacing;
- } else {
- numShift = options.fontMetrics().num3;
- clearance = 3 * ruleSpacing;
- }
- denomShift = options.fontMetrics().denom2;
- }
- var frac = void 0;
- if (ruleWidth === 0) {
- // Rule 15c
- var candidateClearance = numShift - numerm.depth - (denomm.height - denomShift);
- if (candidateClearance < clearance) {
- numShift += 0.5 * (clearance - candidateClearance);
- denomShift += 0.5 * (clearance - candidateClearance);
- }
- frac = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: denomm, shift: denomShift }, { type: "elem", elem: numerm, shift: -numShift }], "individualShift", null, options);
- } else {
- // Rule 15d
- var axisHeight = options.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- if (numShift - numerm.depth - (axisHeight + 0.5 * ruleWidth) < clearance) {
- numShift += clearance - (numShift - numerm.depth - (axisHeight + 0.5 * ruleWidth));
- }
- if (axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth - (denomm.height - denomShift) < clearance) {
- denomShift += clearance - (axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth - (denomm.height - denomShift));
- }
- var midShift = -(axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth);
- frac = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: denomm, shift: denomShift }, { type: "elem", elem: rule, shift: midShift }, { type: "elem", elem: numerm, shift: -numShift }], "individualShift", null, options);
- }
- // Since we manually change the style sometimes (with \dfrac or \tfrac),
- // account for the possible size change here.
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style);
- frac.height *= newOptions.sizeMultiplier / options.sizeMultiplier;
- frac.depth *= newOptions.sizeMultiplier / options.sizeMultiplier;
- // Rule 15e
- var delimSize = void 0;
- if (style.size === _Style2.default.DISPLAY.size) {
- delimSize = options.fontMetrics().delim1;
- } else {
- delimSize = options.fontMetrics().delim2;
- }
- var leftDelim = void 0;
- var rightDelim = void 0;
- if (group.value.leftDelim == null) {
- leftDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mopen"]);
- } else {
- leftDelim = _delimiter2.default.customSizedDelim(group.value.leftDelim, delimSize, true, options.havingStyle(style), group.mode, ["mopen"]);
- }
- if (group.value.rightDelim == null) {
- rightDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mclose"]);
- } else {
- rightDelim = _delimiter2.default.customSizedDelim(group.value.rightDelim, delimSize, true, options.havingStyle(style), group.mode, ["mclose"]);
- }
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord"].concat(newOptions.sizingClasses(options)), [leftDelim, (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mfrac"], [frac]), rightDelim], options);
- };
- groupTypes.array = function (group, options) {
- var r = void 0;
- var c = void 0;
- var nr = group.value.body.length;
- var nc = 0;
- var body = new Array(nr);
- // Horizontal spacing
- var pt = 1 / options.fontMetrics().ptPerEm;
- var arraycolsep = 5 * pt; // \arraycolsep in article.cls
- // Vertical spacing
- var baselineskip = 12 * pt; // see size10.clo
- // Default \jot from ltmath.dtx
- // TODO(edemaine): allow overriding \jot via \setlength (#687)
- var jot = 3 * pt;
- // Default \arraystretch from lttab.dtx
- // TODO(gagern): may get redefined once we have user-defined macros
- var arraystretch = _utils2.default.deflt(group.value.arraystretch, 1);
- var arrayskip = arraystretch * baselineskip;
- var arstrutHeight = 0.7 * arrayskip; // \strutbox in ltfsstrc.dtx and
- var arstrutDepth = 0.3 * arrayskip; // \@arstrutbox in lttab.dtx
- var totalHeight = 0;
- for (r = 0; r < group.value.body.length; ++r) {
- var inrow = group.value.body[r];
- var height = arstrutHeight; // \@array adds an \@arstrut
- var depth = arstrutDepth; // to each tow (via the template)
- if (nc < inrow.length) {
- nc = inrow.length;
- }
- var outrow = new Array(inrow.length);
- for (c = 0; c < inrow.length; ++c) {
- var elt = buildGroup(inrow[c], options);
- if (depth < elt.depth) {
- depth = elt.depth;
- }
- if (height < elt.height) {
- height = elt.height;
- }
- outrow[c] = elt;
- }
- var gap = 0;
- if (group.value.rowGaps[r]) {
- gap = _units2.default.calculateSize(group.value.rowGaps[r].value, options);
- if (gap > 0) {
- // \@argarraycr
- gap += arstrutDepth;
- if (depth < gap) {
- depth = gap; // \@xargarraycr
- }
- gap = 0;
- }
- }
- // In AMS multiline environments such as aligned and gathered, rows
- // correspond to lines that have additional \jot added to the
- // \baselineskip via \openup.
- if (group.value.addJot) {
- depth += jot;
- }
- outrow.height = height;
- outrow.depth = depth;
- totalHeight += height;
- outrow.pos = totalHeight;
- totalHeight += depth + gap; // \@yargarraycr
- body[r] = outrow;
- }
- var offset = totalHeight / 2 + options.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- var colDescriptions = group.value.cols || [];
- var cols = [];
- var colSep = void 0;
- var colDescrNum = void 0;
- for (c = 0, colDescrNum = 0;
- // Continue while either there are more columns or more column
- // descriptions, so trailing separators don't get lost.
- c < nc || colDescrNum < colDescriptions.length; ++c, ++colDescrNum) {
- var colDescr = colDescriptions[colDescrNum] || {};
- var firstSeparator = true;
- while (colDescr.type === "separator") {
- // If there is more than one separator in a row, add a space
- // between them.
- if (!firstSeparator) {
- colSep = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["arraycolsep"], []);
- colSep.style.width = options.fontMetrics().doubleRuleSep + "em";
- cols.push(colSep);
- }
- if (colDescr.separator === "|") {
- var separator = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["vertical-separator"], []);
- separator.style.height = totalHeight + "em";
- separator.style.verticalAlign = -(totalHeight - offset) + "em";
- cols.push(separator);
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Invalid separator type: " + colDescr.separator);
- }
- colDescrNum++;
- colDescr = colDescriptions[colDescrNum] || {};
- firstSeparator = false;
- }
- if (c >= nc) {
- continue;
- }
- var sepwidth = void 0;
- if (c > 0 || group.value.hskipBeforeAndAfter) {
- sepwidth = _utils2.default.deflt(colDescr.pregap, arraycolsep);
- if (sepwidth !== 0) {
- colSep = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["arraycolsep"], []);
- colSep.style.width = sepwidth + "em";
- cols.push(colSep);
- }
- }
- var col = [];
- for (r = 0; r < nr; ++r) {
- var row = body[r];
- var elem = row[c];
- if (!elem) {
- continue;
- }
- var shift = row.pos - offset;
- elem.depth = row.depth;
- elem.height = row.height;
- col.push({ type: "elem", elem: elem, shift: shift });
- }
- col = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList(col, "individualShift", null, options);
- col = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["col-align-" + (colDescr.align || "c")], [col]);
- cols.push(col);
- if (c < nc - 1 || group.value.hskipBeforeAndAfter) {
- sepwidth = _utils2.default.deflt(colDescr.postgap, arraycolsep);
- if (sepwidth !== 0) {
- colSep = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["arraycolsep"], []);
- colSep.style.width = sepwidth + "em";
- cols.push(colSep);
- }
- }
- }
- body = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mtable"], cols);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord"], [body], options);
- };
- groupTypes.spacing = function (group, options) {
- if (group.value === "\\ " || group.value === "\\space" || group.value === " " || group.value === "~") {
- // Spaces are generated by adding an actual space. Each of these
- // things has an entry in the symbols table, so these will be turned
- // into appropriate outputs.
- if (group.mode === "text") {
- return _buildCommon2.default.makeOrd(group, options, "textord");
- } else {
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options)], options);
- }
- } else {
- // Other kinds of spaces are of arbitrary width. We use CSS to
- // generate these.
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", _buildCommon2.default.spacingFunctions[group.value].className], [], options);
- }
- };
- groupTypes.llap = function (group, options) {
- var inner = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["inner"], [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- var fix = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["fix"], []);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "llap"], [inner, fix], options);
- };
- groupTypes.rlap = function (group, options) {
- var inner = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["inner"], [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- var fix = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["fix"], []);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "rlap"], [inner, fix], options);
- };
- groupTypes.op = function (group, options) {
- // Operators are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443-444, rule 13(a).
- var supGroup = void 0;
- var subGroup = void 0;
- var hasLimits = false;
- if (group.type === "supsub") {
- // If we have limits, supsub will pass us its group to handle. Pull
- // out the superscript and subscript and set the group to the op in
- // its base.
- supGroup = group.value.sup;
- subGroup = group.value.sub;
- group = group.value.base;
- hasLimits = true;
- }
- var style = options.style;
- // Most operators have a large successor symbol, but these don't.
- var noSuccessor = ["\\smallint"];
- var large = false;
- if (style.size === _Style2.default.DISPLAY.size && group.value.symbol && !_utils2.default.contains(noSuccessor, group.value.body)) {
- // Most symbol operators get larger in displaystyle (rule 13)
- large = true;
- }
- var base = void 0;
- if (group.value.symbol) {
- // If this is a symbol, create the symbol.
- var fontName = large ? "Size2-Regular" : "Size1-Regular";
- base = _buildCommon2.default.makeSymbol(group.value.body, fontName, "math", options, ["mop", "op-symbol", large ? "large-op" : "small-op"]);
- } else if (group.value.value) {
- // If this is a list, compose that list.
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options, true);
- if (inner.length === 1 && inner[0] instanceof _domTree2.default.symbolNode) {
- base = inner[0];
- base.classes[0] = "mop"; // replace old mclass
- } else {
- base = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mop"], inner, options);
- }
- } else {
- // Otherwise, this is a text operator. Build the text from the
- // operator's name.
- // TODO(emily): Add a space in the middle of some of these
- // operators, like \limsup
- var output = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < group.value.body.length; i++) {
- output.push(_buildCommon2.default.mathsym(group.value.body[i], group.mode));
- }
- base = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mop"], output, options);
- }
- // If content of op is a single symbol, shift it vertically.
- var baseShift = 0;
- var slant = 0;
- if (base instanceof _domTree2.default.symbolNode) {
- // Shift the symbol so its center lies on the axis (rule 13). It
- // appears that our fonts have the centers of the symbols already
- // almost on the axis, so these numbers are very small. Note we
- // don't actually apply this here, but instead it is used either in
- // the vlist creation or separately when there are no limits.
- baseShift = (base.height - base.depth) / 2 - options.fontMetrics().axisHeight;
- // The slant of the symbol is just its italic correction.
- slant = base.italic;
- }
- if (hasLimits) {
- // IE 8 clips \int if it is in a display: inline-block. We wrap it
- // in a new span so it is an inline, and works.
- base = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([], [base]);
- var supm = void 0;
- var supKern = void 0;
- var subm = void 0;
- var subKern = void 0;
- var newOptions = void 0;
- // We manually have to handle the superscripts and subscripts. This,
- // aside from the kern calculations, is copied from supsub.
- if (supGroup) {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sup());
- supm = buildGroup(supGroup, newOptions, options);
- supKern = Math.max(options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing1, options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing3 - supm.depth);
- }
- if (subGroup) {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sub());
- subm = buildGroup(subGroup, newOptions, options);
- subKern = Math.max(options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing2, options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing4 - subm.height);
- }
- // Build the final group as a vlist of the possible subscript, base,
- // and possible superscript.
- var finalGroup = void 0;
- var top = void 0;
- var bottom = void 0;
- if (!supGroup) {
- top = base.height - baseShift;
- // Shift the limits by the slant of the symbol. Note
- // that we are supposed to shift the limits by 1/2 of the slant,
- // but since we are centering the limits adding a full slant of
- // margin will shift by 1/2 that.
- finalGroup = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "kern", size: options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 }, { type: "elem", elem: subm, marginLeft: -slant + "em" }, { type: "kern", size: subKern }, { type: "elem", elem: base }], "top", top, options);
- } else if (!subGroup) {
- bottom = base.depth + baseShift;
- finalGroup = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: base }, { type: "kern", size: supKern }, { type: "elem", elem: supm, marginLeft: slant + "em" }, { type: "kern", size: options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 }], "bottom", bottom, options);
- } else if (!supGroup && !subGroup) {
- // This case probably shouldn't occur (this would mean the
- // supsub was sending us a group with no superscript or
- // subscript) but be safe.
- return base;
- } else {
- bottom = options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 + subm.height + subm.depth + subKern + base.depth + baseShift;
- finalGroup = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "kern", size: options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 }, { type: "elem", elem: subm, marginLeft: -slant + "em" }, { type: "kern", size: subKern }, { type: "elem", elem: base }, { type: "kern", size: supKern }, { type: "elem", elem: supm, marginLeft: slant + "em" }, { type: "kern", size: options.fontMetrics().bigOpSpacing5 }], "bottom", bottom, options);
- }
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mop", "op-limits"], [finalGroup], options);
- } else {
- if (baseShift) {
- base.style.position = "relative";
- base.style.top = baseShift + "em";
- }
- return base;
- }
- };
- groupTypes.mod = function (group, options) {
- var inner = [];
- if (group.value.modType === "bmod") {
- // “\nonscript\mskip-\medmuskip\mkern5mu”
- if (!options.style.isTight()) {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "negativemediumspace"], [], options));
- }
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "thickspace"], [], options));
- } else if (options.style.size === _Style2.default.DISPLAY.size) {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "quad"], [], options));
- } else if (group.value.modType === "mod") {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "twelvemuspace"], [], options));
- } else {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "eightmuspace"], [], options));
- }
- if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
- inner.push(_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("(", group.mode));
- }
- if (group.value.modType !== "pod") {
- var modInner = [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("m", group.mode), _buildCommon2.default.mathsym("o", group.mode), _buildCommon2.default.mathsym("d", group.mode)];
- if (group.value.modType === "bmod") {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mbin"], modInner, options));
- // “\mkern5mu\nonscript\mskip-\medmuskip”
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "thickspace"], [], options));
- if (!options.style.isTight()) {
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "negativemediumspace"], [], options));
- }
- } else {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(inner, modInner);
- inner.push((0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mspace", "sixmuspace"], [], options));
- }
- }
- if (group.value.value) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(inner, buildExpression(group.value.value, options, false));
- }
- if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
- inner.push(_buildCommon2.default.mathsym(")", group.mode));
- }
- return _buildCommon2.default.makeFragment(inner);
- };
- groupTypes.katex = function (group, options) {
- // The KaTeX logo. The offsets for the K and a were chosen to look
- // good, but the offsets for the T, E, and X were taken from the
- // definition of \TeX in TeX (see TeXbook pg. 356)
- var k = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["k"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("K", group.mode)], options);
- var a = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["a"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("A", group.mode)], options);
- a.height = (a.height + 0.2) * 0.75;
- a.depth = (a.height - 0.2) * 0.75;
- var t = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["t"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("T", group.mode)], options);
- var e = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["e"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("E", group.mode)], options);
- e.height = e.height - 0.2155;
- e.depth = e.depth + 0.2155;
- var x = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["x"], [_buildCommon2.default.mathsym("X", group.mode)], options);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "katex-logo"], [k, a, t, e, x], options);
- };
- var makeLineSpan = function makeLineSpan(className, options, thickness) {
- var line = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([className], [], options);
- line.height = thickness || options.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness;
- line.style.borderBottomWidth = line.height + "em";
- line.maxFontSize = 1.0;
- return line;
- };
- groupTypes.overline = function (group, options) {
- // Overlines are handled in the TeXbook pg 443, Rule 9.
- // Build the inner group in the cramped style.
- var innerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body, options.havingCrampedStyle());
- // Create the line above the body
- var line = makeLineSpan("overline-line", options);
- // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns
- var vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: innerGroup }, { type: "kern", size: 3 * line.height }, { type: "elem", elem: line }, { type: "kern", size: line.height }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "overline"], [vlist], options);
- };
- groupTypes.underline = function (group, options) {
- // Underlines are handled in the TeXbook pg 443, Rule 10.
- // Build the inner group.
- var innerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body, options);
- // Create the line above the body
- var line = makeLineSpan("underline-line", options);
- // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns
- var vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "kern", size: line.height }, { type: "elem", elem: line }, { type: "kern", size: 3 * line.height }, { type: "elem", elem: innerGroup }], "top", innerGroup.height, options);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "underline"], [vlist], options);
- };
- groupTypes.sqrt = function (group, options) {
- // Square roots are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443, Rule 11.
- // First, we do the same steps as in overline to build the inner group
- // and line
- var inner = buildGroup(group.value.body, options.havingCrampedStyle());
- // Some groups can return document fragments. Handle those by wrapping
- // them in a span.
- if (inner instanceof _domTree2.default.documentFragment) {
- inner = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([], [inner], options);
- }
- // Calculate the minimum size for the \surd delimiter
- var metrics = options.fontMetrics();
- var theta = metrics.defaultRuleThickness;
- var phi = theta;
- if (options.style.id < _Style2.default.TEXT.id) {
- phi = options.fontMetrics().xHeight;
- }
- // Calculate the clearance between the body and line
- var lineClearance = theta + phi / 4;
- var minDelimiterHeight = (inner.height + inner.depth + lineClearance + theta) * options.sizeMultiplier;
- // Create a sqrt SVG of the required minimum size
- var img = _delimiter2.default.customSizedDelim("\\surd", minDelimiterHeight, false, options, group.mode);
- // Calculate the actual line width.
- // This actually should depend on the chosen font -- e.g. \boldmath
- // should use the thicker surd symbols from e.g. KaTeX_Main-Bold, and
- // have thicker rules.
- var ruleWidth = options.fontMetrics().sqrtRuleThickness * img.sizeMultiplier;
- var delimDepth = img.height - ruleWidth;
- // Adjust the clearance based on the delimiter size
- if (delimDepth > inner.height + inner.depth + lineClearance) {
- lineClearance = (lineClearance + delimDepth - inner.height - inner.depth) / 2;
- }
- // Shift the sqrt image
- var imgShift = img.height - inner.height - lineClearance - ruleWidth;
- // We add a special case here, because even when `inner` is empty, we
- // still get a line. So, we use a simple heuristic to decide if we
- // should omit the body entirely. (note this doesn't work for something
- // like `\sqrt{\rlap{x}}`, but if someone is doing that they deserve for
- // it not to work.
- var body = void 0;
- if (inner.height === 0 && inner.depth === 0) {
- body = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)();
- } else {
- inner.style.paddingLeft = img.surdWidth + "em";
- // Overlay the image and the argument.
- body = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: inner }, { type: "kern", size: -(inner.height + imgShift) }, { type: "elem", elem: img }, { type: "kern", size: ruleWidth }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- body.children[0].children[0].classes.push("svg-align");
- }
- if (!group.value.index) {
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "sqrt"], [body], options);
- } else {
- // Handle the optional root index
- // The index is always in scriptscript style
- var newOptions = options.havingStyle(_Style2.default.SCRIPTSCRIPT);
- var rootm = buildGroup(group.value.index, newOptions, options);
- // The amount the index is shifted by. This is taken from the TeX
- // source, in the definition of `\r@@t`.
- var toShift = 0.6 * (body.height - body.depth);
- // Build a VList with the superscript shifted up correctly
- var rootVList = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: rootm }], "shift", -toShift, options);
- // Add a class surrounding it so we can add on the appropriate
- // kerning
- var rootVListWrap = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["root"], [rootVList]);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "sqrt"], [rootVListWrap, body], options);
- }
- };
- function sizingGroup(value, options, baseOptions) {
- var inner = buildExpression(value, options, false);
- var multiplier = options.sizeMultiplier / baseOptions.sizeMultiplier;
- // Add size-resetting classes to the inner list and set maxFontSize
- // manually. Handle nested size changes.
- for (var i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
- var pos = _utils2.default.indexOf(inner[i].classes, "sizing");
- if (pos < 0) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(inner[i].classes, options.sizingClasses(baseOptions));
- } else if (inner[i].classes[pos + 1] === "reset-size" + options.size) {
- // This is a nested size change: e.g., inner[i] is the "b" in
- // `\Huge a \small b`. Override the old size (the `reset-` class)
- // but not the new size.
- inner[i].classes[pos + 1] = "reset-size" + baseOptions.size;
- }
- inner[i].height *= multiplier;
- inner[i].depth *= multiplier;
- }
- return _buildCommon2.default.makeFragment(inner);
- }
- groupTypes.sizing = function (group, options) {
- // Handle sizing operators like \Huge. Real TeX doesn't actually allow
- // these functions inside of math expressions, so we do some special
- // handling.
- var newOptions = options.havingSize(group.value.size);
- return sizingGroup(group.value.value, newOptions, options);
- };
- groupTypes.styling = function (group, options) {
- // Style changes are handled in the TeXbook on pg. 442, Rule 3.
- // Figure out what style we're changing to.
- var styleMap = {
- "display": _Style2.default.DISPLAY,
- "text": _Style2.default.TEXT,
- "script": _Style2.default.SCRIPT,
- "scriptscript": _Style2.default.SCRIPTSCRIPT
- };
- var newStyle = styleMap[group.value.style];
- var newOptions = options.havingStyle(newStyle);
- return sizingGroup(group.value.value, newOptions, options);
- };
- groupTypes.font = function (group, options) {
- var font = group.value.font;
- return buildGroup(group.value.body, options.withFont(font));
- };
- groupTypes.delimsizing = function (group, options) {
- var delim = group.value.value;
- if (delim === ".") {
- // Empty delimiters still count as elements, even though they don't
- // show anything.
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([group.value.mclass]);
- }
- // Use delimiter.sizedDelim to generate the delimiter.
- return _delimiter2.default.sizedDelim(delim, group.value.size, options, group.mode, [group.value.mclass]);
- };
- groupTypes.leftright = function (group, options) {
- // Build the inner expression
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, options, true);
- var innerHeight = 0;
- var innerDepth = 0;
- var hadMiddle = false;
- // Calculate its height and depth
- for (var i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
- if (inner[i].isMiddle) {
- hadMiddle = true;
- } else {
- innerHeight = Math.max(inner[i].height, innerHeight);
- innerDepth = Math.max(inner[i].depth, innerDepth);
- }
- }
- // The size of delimiters is the same, regardless of what style we are
- // in. Thus, to correctly calculate the size of delimiter we need around
- // a group, we scale down the inner size based on the size.
- innerHeight *= options.sizeMultiplier;
- innerDepth *= options.sizeMultiplier;
- var leftDelim = void 0;
- if (group.value.left === ".") {
- // Empty delimiters in \left and \right make null delimiter spaces.
- leftDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mopen"]);
- } else {
- // Otherwise, use leftRightDelim to generate the correct sized
- // delimiter.
- leftDelim = _delimiter2.default.leftRightDelim(group.value.left, innerHeight, innerDepth, options, group.mode, ["mopen"]);
- }
- // Add it to the beginning of the expression
- inner.unshift(leftDelim);
- // Handle middle delimiters
- if (hadMiddle) {
- for (var _i4 = 1; _i4 < inner.length; _i4++) {
- var middleDelim = inner[_i4];
- if (middleDelim.isMiddle) {
- // Apply the options that were active when \middle was called
- inner[_i4] = _delimiter2.default.leftRightDelim(middleDelim.isMiddle.value, innerHeight, innerDepth, middleDelim.isMiddle.options, group.mode, []);
- // Add back spaces shifted into the delimiter
- var spaces = spliceSpaces(middleDelim.children, 0);
- if (spaces) {
- _buildCommon2.default.prependChildren(inner[_i4], spaces);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var rightDelim = void 0;
- // Same for the right delimiter
- if (group.value.right === ".") {
- rightDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mclose"]);
- } else {
- rightDelim = _delimiter2.default.leftRightDelim(group.value.right, innerHeight, innerDepth, options, group.mode, ["mclose"]);
- }
- // Add it to the end of the expression.
- inner.push(rightDelim);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["minner"], inner, options);
- };
- groupTypes.middle = function (group, options) {
- var middleDelim = void 0;
- if (group.value.value === ".") {
- middleDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, []);
- } else {
- middleDelim = _delimiter2.default.sizedDelim(group.value.value, 1, options, group.mode, []);
- middleDelim.isMiddle = { value: group.value.value, options: options };
- }
- return middleDelim;
- };
- groupTypes.rule = function (group, options) {
- // Make an empty span for the rule
- var rule = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "rule"], [], options);
- // Calculate the shift, width, and height of the rule, and account for units
- var shift = 0;
- if (group.value.shift) {
- shift = _units2.default.calculateSize(group.value.shift, options);
- }
- var width = _units2.default.calculateSize(group.value.width, options);
- var height = _units2.default.calculateSize(group.value.height, options);
- // Style the rule to the right size
- rule.style.borderRightWidth = width + "em";
- rule.style.borderTopWidth = height + "em";
- rule.style.bottom = shift + "em";
- // Record the height and width
- rule.width = width;
- rule.height = height + shift;
- rule.depth = -shift;
- // Font size is the number large enough that the browser will
- // reserve at least `absHeight` space above the baseline.
- // The 1.125 factor was empirically determined
- rule.maxFontSize = height * 1.125 * options.sizeMultiplier;
- return rule;
- };
- groupTypes.kern = function (group, options) {
- // Make an empty span for the rule
- var rule = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "rule"], [], options);
- if (group.value.dimension) {
- var dimension = _units2.default.calculateSize(group.value.dimension, options);
- rule.style.marginLeft = dimension + "em";
- }
- return rule;
- };
- groupTypes.accent = function (group, options) {
- // Accents are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443, rule 12.
- var base = group.value.base;
- var supsubGroup = void 0;
- if (group.type === "supsub") {
- // If our base is a character box, and we have superscripts and
- // subscripts, the supsub will defer to us. In particular, we want
- // to attach the superscripts and subscripts to the inner body (so
- // that the position of the superscripts and subscripts won't be
- // affected by the height of the accent). We accomplish this by
- // sticking the base of the accent into the base of the supsub, and
- // rendering that, while keeping track of where the accent is.
- // The supsub group is the group that was passed in
- var supsub = group;
- // The real accent group is the base of the supsub group
- group = supsub.value.base;
- // The character box is the base of the accent group
- base = group.value.base;
- // Stick the character box into the base of the supsub group
- supsub.value.base = base;
- // Rerender the supsub group with its new base, and store that
- // result.
- supsubGroup = buildGroup(supsub, options);
- }
- // Build the base group
- var body = buildGroup(base, options.havingCrampedStyle());
- // Does the accent need to shift for the skew of a character?
- var mustShift = group.value.isShifty && isCharacterBox(base);
- // Calculate the skew of the accent. This is based on the line "If the
- // nucleus is not a single character, let s = 0; otherwise set s to the
- // kern amount for the nucleus followed by the \skewchar of its font."
- // Note that our skew metrics are just the kern between each character
- // and the skewchar.
- var skew = 0;
- if (mustShift) {
- // If the base is a character box, then we want the skew of the
- // innermost character. To do that, we find the innermost character:
- var baseChar = getBaseElem(base);
- // Then, we render its group to get the symbol inside it
- var baseGroup = buildGroup(baseChar, options.havingCrampedStyle());
- // Finally, we pull the skew off of the symbol.
- skew = baseGroup.skew;
- // Note that we now throw away baseGroup, because the layers we
- // removed with getBaseElem might contain things like \color which
- // we can't get rid of.
- // TODO(emily): Find a better way to get the skew
- }
- // calculate the amount of space between the body and the accent
- var clearance = Math.min(body.height, options.fontMetrics().xHeight);
- // Build the accent
- var accentBody = void 0;
- if (!group.value.isStretchy) {
- var accent = _buildCommon2.default.makeSymbol(group.value.label, "Main-Regular", group.mode, options);
- // Remove the italic correction of the accent, because it only serves to
- // shift the accent over to a place we don't want.
- accent.italic = 0;
- // The \vec character that the fonts use is a combining character, and
- // thus shows up much too far to the left. To account for this, we add a
- // specific class which shifts the accent over to where we want it.
- // TODO(emily): Fix this in a better way, like by changing the font
- // Similarly, text accent \H is a combining character and
- // requires a different adjustment.
- var accentClass = null;
- if (group.value.label === "\\vec") {
- accentClass = "accent-vec";
- } else if (group.value.label === '\\H') {
- accentClass = "accent-hungarian";
- }
- accentBody = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([], [accent]);
- accentBody = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["accent-body", accentClass], [accentBody]);
- // Shift the accent over by the skew. Note we shift by twice the skew
- // because we are centering the accent, so by adding 2*skew to the left,
- // we shift it to the right by 1*skew.
- accentBody.style.marginLeft = 2 * skew + "em";
- accentBody = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: body }, { type: "kern", size: -clearance }, { type: "elem", elem: accentBody }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- } else {
- accentBody = _stretchy2.default.svgSpan(group, options);
- accentBody = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: body }, { type: "elem", elem: accentBody }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- var styleSpan = accentBody.children[0].children[0].children[1];
- styleSpan.classes.push("svg-align"); // text-align: left;
- if (skew > 0) {
- // Shorten the accent and nudge it to the right.
- styleSpan.style.width = "calc(100% - " + 2 * skew + "em)";
- styleSpan.style.marginLeft = 2 * skew + "em";
- }
- }
- var accentWrap = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "accent"], [accentBody], options);
- if (supsubGroup) {
- // Here, we replace the "base" child of the supsub with our newly
- // generated accent.
- supsubGroup.children[0] = accentWrap;
- // Since we don't rerun the height calculation after replacing the
- // accent, we manually recalculate height.
- supsubGroup.height = Math.max(accentWrap.height, supsubGroup.height);
- // Accents should always be ords, even when their innards are not.
- supsubGroup.classes[0] = "mord";
- return supsubGroup;
- } else {
- return accentWrap;
- }
- };
- groupTypes.horizBrace = function (group, options) {
- var style = options.style;
- var hasSupSub = group.type === "supsub";
- var supSubGroup = void 0;
- var newOptions = void 0;
- if (hasSupSub) {
- // Ref: LaTeX source2e: }}}}\limits}
- // i.e. LaTeX treats the brace similar to an op and passes it
- // with \limits, so we need to assign supsub style.
- if (group.value.sup) {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sup());
- supSubGroup = buildGroup(group.value.sup, newOptions, options);
- } else {
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sub());
- supSubGroup = buildGroup(group.value.sub, newOptions, options);
- }
- group = group.value.base;
- }
- // Build the base group
- var body = buildGroup(group.value.base, options.havingBaseStyle(_Style2.default.DISPLAY));
- // Create the stretchy element
- var braceBody = _stretchy2.default.svgSpan(group, options);
- // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns ┏━━━━━━━━┓
- // This first vlist contains the subject matter and the brace: equation
- var vlist = void 0;
- if (group.value.isOver) {
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: body }, { type: "kern", size: 0.1 }, { type: "elem", elem: braceBody }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- vlist.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align");
- } else {
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: braceBody }, { type: "kern", size: 0.1 }, { type: "elem", elem: body }], "bottom", body.depth + 0.1 + braceBody.height, options);
- vlist.children[0].children[0].children[0].classes.push("svg-align");
- }
- if (hasSupSub) {
- // In order to write the supsub, wrap the first vlist in another vlist:
- // They can't all go in the same vlist, because the note might be wider
- // than the equation. We want the equation to control the brace width.
- // note long note long note
- // ┏━━━━━━━━┓ or ┏━━━┓ not ┏━━━━━━━━━┓
- // equation eqn eqn
- var vSpan = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", group.value.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [vlist], options);
- if (group.value.isOver) {
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: vSpan }, { type: "kern", size: 0.2 }, { type: "elem", elem: supSubGroup }], "firstBaseline", null, options);
- } else {
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: supSubGroup }, { type: "kern", size: 0.2 }, { type: "elem", elem: vSpan }], "bottom", vSpan.depth + 0.2 + supSubGroup.height, options);
- }
- }
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", group.value.isOver ? "mover" : "munder"], [vlist], options);
- };
- groupTypes.accentUnder = function (group, options) {
- // Treat under accents much like underlines.
- var innerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body, options);
- var accentBody = _stretchy2.default.svgSpan(group, options);
- var kern = /tilde/.test(group.value.label) ? 0.12 : 0;
- // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns
- var vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: accentBody }, { type: "kern", size: kern }, { type: "elem", elem: innerGroup }], "bottom", accentBody.height + kern, options);
- vlist.children[0].children[0].children[0].classes.push("svg-align");
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "accentunder"], [vlist], options);
- };
- groupTypes.enclose = function (group, options) {
- // \cancel, \bcancel, \xcancel, \sout, \fbox
- var inner = buildGroup(group.value.body, options);
- var label = group.value.label.substr(1);
- var scale = options.sizeMultiplier;
- var img = void 0;
- var pad = 0;
- var imgShift = 0;
- if (label === "sout") {
- img = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["stretchy", "sout"]);
- img.height = options.fontMetrics().defaultRuleThickness / scale;
- imgShift = -0.5 * options.fontMetrics().xHeight;
- } else {
- // Add horizontal padding
- inner.classes.push(label === "fbox" ? "boxpad" : "cancel-pad");
- // Add vertical padding
- var isCharBox = isCharacterBox(group.value.body);
- // ref: LaTeX source2e: \fboxsep = 3pt; \fboxrule = .4pt
- // ref: cancel package: \advance\totalheight2\p@ % "+2"
- pad = label === "fbox" ? 0.34 : isCharBox ? 0.2 : 0;
- imgShift = inner.depth + pad;
- img = _stretchy2.default.encloseSpan(inner, label, pad, options);
- }
- var vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: inner, shift: 0 }, { type: "elem", elem: img, shift: imgShift }], "individualShift", null, options);
- if (label !== "fbox") {
- vlist.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align");
- }
- if (/cancel/.test(label)) {
- // cancel does not create horiz space for its line extension.
- // That is, not when adjacent to a mord.
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord", "cancel-lap"], [vlist], options);
- } else {
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mord"], [vlist], options);
- }
- };
- groupTypes.xArrow = function (group, options) {
- var style = options.style;
- // Build the argument groups in the appropriate style.
- // Ref: amsmath.dtx: \hbox{$\scriptstyle\mkern#3mu{#6}\mkern#4mu$}%
- var newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sup());
- var upperGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body, newOptions, options);
- upperGroup.classes.push("x-arrow-pad");
- var lowerGroup = void 0;
- if (group.value.below) {
- // Build the lower group
- newOptions = options.havingStyle(style.sub());
- lowerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.below, newOptions, options);
- lowerGroup.classes.push("x-arrow-pad");
- }
- var arrowBody = _stretchy2.default.svgSpan(group, options);
- var arrowShift = -options.fontMetrics().axisHeight + arrowBody.depth;
- var upperShift = -options.fontMetrics().axisHeight - arrowBody.height - 0.111; // 2 mu. Ref: amsmath.dtx: #7\if0#2\else\mkern#2mu\fi
- // Generate the vlist
- var vlist = void 0;
- if (group.value.below) {
- var lowerShift = -options.fontMetrics().axisHeight + lowerGroup.height + arrowBody.height + 0.111;
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: upperGroup, shift: upperShift }, { type: "elem", elem: arrowBody, shift: arrowShift }, { type: "elem", elem: lowerGroup, shift: lowerShift }], "individualShift", null, options);
- } else {
- vlist = _buildCommon2.default.makeVList([{ type: "elem", elem: upperGroup, shift: upperShift }, { type: "elem", elem: arrowBody, shift: arrowShift }], "individualShift", null, options);
- }
- vlist.children[0].children[0].children[1].classes.push("svg-align");
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["mrel", "x-arrow"], [vlist], options);
- };
- groupTypes.phantom = function (group, options) {
- var elements = buildExpression(group.value.value, options.withPhantom(), false);
- // \phantom isn't supposed to affect the elements it contains.
- // See "color" for more details.
- return new _buildCommon2.default.makeFragment(elements);
- };
- groupTypes.mclass = function (group, options) {
- var elements = buildExpression(group.value.value, options, true);
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)([group.value.mclass], elements, options);
- };
- /**
- * buildGroup is the function that takes a group and calls the correct groupType
- * function for it. It also handles the interaction of size and style changes
- * between parents and children.
- */
- var buildGroup = function buildGroup(group, options, baseOptions) {
- if (!group) {
- return (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)();
- }
- if (groupTypes[group.type]) {
- // Call the groupTypes function
- var groupNode = groupTypes[group.type](group, options);
- // If the size changed between the parent and the current group, account
- // for that size difference.
- if (baseOptions && options.size !== baseOptions.size) {
- groupNode = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(options.sizingClasses(baseOptions), [groupNode], options);
- var multiplier = options.sizeMultiplier / baseOptions.sizeMultiplier;
- groupNode.height *= multiplier;
- groupNode.depth *= multiplier;
- }
- return groupNode;
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Got group of unknown type: '" + group.type + "'");
- }
- };
- /**
- * Take an entire parse tree, and build it into an appropriate set of HTML
- * nodes.
- */
- var buildHTML = function buildHTML(tree, options) {
- // buildExpression is destructive, so we need to make a clone
- // of the incoming tree so that it isn't accidentally changed
- tree = JSON.parse((0, _stringify2.default)(tree));
- // Build the expression contained in the tree
- var expression = buildExpression(tree, options, true);
- var body = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["base"], expression, options);
- // Add struts, which ensure that the top of the HTML element falls at the
- // height of the expression, and the bottom of the HTML element falls at the
- // depth of the expression.
- var topStrut = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["strut"]);
- var bottomStrut = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["strut", "bottom"]);
- topStrut.style.height = body.height + "em";
- bottomStrut.style.height = body.height + body.depth + "em";
- // We'd like to use `vertical-align: top` but in IE 9 this lowers the
- // baseline of the box to the bottom of this strut (instead staying in the
- // normal place) so we use an absolute value for vertical-align instead
- bottomStrut.style.verticalAlign = -body.depth + "em";
- // Wrap the struts and body together
- var htmlNode = (0, _buildCommon.makeSpan)(["katex-html"], [topStrut, bottomStrut, body]);
- htmlNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
- return htmlNode;
- };
- module.exports = buildHTML;
- },{"./ParseError":29,"./Style":33,"./buildCommon":34,"./delimiter":38,"./domTree":39,"./stretchy":47,"./units":50,"./utils":51,"babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify":2}],36:[function(require,module,exports){
- var _buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
- var _buildCommon2 = _interopRequireDefault(_buildCommon);
- var _fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
- var _fontMetrics2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fontMetrics);
- var _mathMLTree = require("./mathMLTree");
- var _mathMLTree2 = _interopRequireDefault(_mathMLTree);
- var _ParseError = require("./ParseError");
- var _ParseError2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ParseError);
- var _Style = require("./Style");
- var _Style2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Style);
- var _symbols = require("./symbols");
- var _symbols2 = _interopRequireDefault(_symbols);
- var _utils = require("./utils");
- var _utils2 = _interopRequireDefault(_utils);
- var _stretchy = require("./stretchy");
- var _stretchy2 = _interopRequireDefault(_stretchy);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * Takes a symbol and converts it into a MathML text node after performing
- * optional replacement from symbols.js.
- */
- /**
- * This file converts a parse tree into a cooresponding MathML tree. The main
- * entry point is the `buildMathML` function, which takes a parse tree from the
- * parser.
- */
- var makeText = function makeText(text, mode) {
- if (_symbols2.default[mode][text] && _symbols2.default[mode][text].replace) {
- text = _symbols2.default[mode][text].replace;
- }
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode(text);
- };
- /**
- * Returns the math variant as a string or null if none is required.
- */
- var getVariant = function getVariant(group, options) {
- var font = options.font;
- if (!font) {
- return null;
- }
- var mode = group.mode;
- if (font === "mathit") {
- return "italic";
- }
- var value = group.value;
- if (_utils2.default.contains(["\\imath", "\\jmath"], value)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (_symbols2.default[mode][value] && _symbols2.default[mode][value].replace) {
- value = _symbols2.default[mode][value].replace;
- }
- var fontName = _buildCommon.fontMap[font].fontName;
- if (_fontMetrics2.default.getCharacterMetrics(value, fontName)) {
- return _buildCommon.fontMap[options.font].variant;
- }
- return null;
- };
- /**
- * Functions for handling the different types of groups found in the parse
- * tree. Each function should take a parse group and return a MathML node.
- */
- var groupTypes = {};
- var defaultVariant = {
- "mi": "italic",
- "mn": "normal",
- "mtext": "normal"
- };
- groupTypes.mathord = function (group, options) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mi", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- var variant = getVariant(group, options) || "italic";
- if (variant !== defaultVariant[node.type]) {
- node.setAttribute("mathvariant", variant);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.textord = function (group, options) {
- var text = makeText(group.value, group.mode);
- var variant = getVariant(group, options) || "normal";
- var node = void 0;
- if (group.mode === 'text') {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtext", [text]);
- } else if (/[0-9]/.test(group.value)) {
- // TODO(kevinb) merge adjacent nodes
- // do it as a post processing step
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mn", [text]);
- } else if (group.value === "\\prime") {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [text]);
- } else {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mi", [text]);
- }
- if (variant !== defaultVariant[node.type]) {
- node.setAttribute("mathvariant", variant);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.bin = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.rel = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.open = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.close = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.inner = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.punct = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
- node.setAttribute("separator", "true");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.ordgroup = function (group, options) {
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value, options);
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow", inner);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.text = function (group, options) {
- var body = group.value.body;
- // Convert each element of the body into MathML, and combine consecutive
- // outputs into a single tag. In this way, we don't
- // nest non-text items (e.g., $nested-math$) within an .
- var inner = [];
- var currentText = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
- var _group = buildGroup(body[i], options);
- if (_group.type === 'mtext' && currentText != null) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply(currentText.children, _group.children);
- } else {
- inner.push(_group);
- if (_group.type === 'mtext') {
- currentText = _group;
- }
- }
- }
- // If there is a single tag in the end (presumably ),
- // just return it. Otherwise, wrap them in an .
- if (inner.length === 1) {
- return inner[0];
- } else {
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow", inner);
- }
- };
- groupTypes.color = function (group, options) {
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
- node.setAttribute("mathcolor", group.value.color);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.supsub = function (group, options) {
- // Is the inner group a relevant horizonal brace?
- var isBrace = false;
- var isOver = void 0;
- var isSup = void 0;
- if (group.value.base) {
- if (group.value.base.value.type === "horizBrace") {
- isSup = group.value.sup ? true : false;
- if (isSup === group.value.base.value.isOver) {
- isBrace = true;
- isOver = group.value.base.value.isOver;
- }
- }
- }
- var removeUnnecessaryRow = true;
- var children = [buildGroup(group.value.base, options, removeUnnecessaryRow)];
- if (group.value.sub) {
- children.push(buildGroup(group.value.sub, options, removeUnnecessaryRow));
- }
- if (group.value.sup) {
- children.push(buildGroup(group.value.sup, options, removeUnnecessaryRow));
- }
- var nodeType = void 0;
- if (isBrace) {
- nodeType = isOver ? "mover" : "munder";
- } else if (!group.value.sub) {
- nodeType = "msup";
- } else if (!group.value.sup) {
- nodeType = "msub";
- } else {
- var base = group.value.base;
- if (base && base.value.limits && options.style === _Style2.default.DISPLAY) {
- nodeType = "munderover";
- } else {
- nodeType = "msubsup";
- }
- }
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode(nodeType, children);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.genfrac = function (group, options) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mfrac", [buildGroup(group.value.numer, options), buildGroup(group.value.denom, options)]);
- if (!group.value.hasBarLine) {
- node.setAttribute("linethickness", "0px");
- }
- if (group.value.leftDelim != null || group.value.rightDelim != null) {
- var withDelims = [];
- if (group.value.leftDelim != null) {
- var leftOp = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode(group.value.leftDelim)]);
- leftOp.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- withDelims.push(leftOp);
- }
- withDelims.push(node);
- if (group.value.rightDelim != null) {
- var rightOp = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode(group.value.rightDelim)]);
- rightOp.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- withDelims.push(rightOp);
- }
- var outerNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow", withDelims);
- return outerNode;
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.array = function (group, options) {
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtable", group.value.body.map(function (row) {
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtr", row.map(function (cell) {
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtd", [buildGroup(cell, options)]);
- }));
- }));
- };
- groupTypes.sqrt = function (group, options) {
- var node = void 0;
- if (group.value.index) {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mroot", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options), buildGroup(group.value.index, options)]);
- } else {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("msqrt", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.leftright = function (group, options) {
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, options);
- if (group.value.left !== ".") {
- var leftNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value.left, group.mode)]);
- leftNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- inner.unshift(leftNode);
- }
- if (group.value.right !== ".") {
- var rightNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value.right, group.mode)]);
- rightNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- inner.push(rightNode);
- }
- var outerNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow", inner);
- return outerNode;
- };
- groupTypes.middle = function (group, options) {
- var middleNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value.middle, group.mode)]);
- middleNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- return middleNode;
- };
- groupTypes.accent = function (group, options) {
- var accentNode = void 0;
- if (group.value.isStretchy) {
- accentNode = _stretchy2.default.mathMLnode(group.value.label);
- } else {
- accentNode = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value.label, group.mode)]);
- }
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mover", [buildGroup(group.value.base, options), accentNode]);
- node.setAttribute("accent", "true");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.spacing = function (group) {
- var node = void 0;
- if (group.value === "\\ " || group.value === "\\space" || group.value === " " || group.value === "~") {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtext", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode("\xA0")]);
- } else {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mspace");
- node.setAttribute("width", _buildCommon2.default.spacingFunctions[group.value].size);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.op = function (group, options) {
- var node = void 0;
- // TODO(emily): handle big operators using the `largeop` attribute
- if (group.value.symbol) {
- // This is a symbol. Just add the symbol.
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(group.value.body, group.mode)]);
- } else if (group.value.value) {
- // This is an operator with children. Add them.
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", buildExpression(group.value.value, options));
- } else {
- // This is a text operator. Add all of the characters from the
- // operator's name.
- // TODO(emily): Add a space in the middle of some of these
- // operators, like \limsup.
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mi", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode(group.value.body.slice(1))]);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.mod = function (group, options) {
- var inner = [];
- if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
- inner.push(new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText("(", group.mode)]));
- }
- if (group.value.modType !== "pod") {
- inner.push(new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText("mod", group.mode)]));
- }
- if (group.value.value) {
- var space = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mspace");
- space.setAttribute("width", "0.333333em");
- inner.push(space);
- inner = inner.concat(buildExpression(group.value.value, options));
- }
- if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
- inner.push(new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [makeText(")", group.mode)]));
- }
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", inner);
- };
- groupTypes.katex = function (group) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mtext", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode("KaTeX")]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.font = function (group, options) {
- var font = group.value.font;
- return buildGroup(group.value.body, options.withFont(font));
- };
- groupTypes.delimsizing = function (group) {
- var children = [];
- if (group.value.value !== ".") {
- children.push(makeText(group.value.value, group.mode));
- }
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", children);
- if (group.value.mclass === "mopen" || group.value.mclass === "mclose") {
- // Only some of the delimsizing functions act as fences, and they
- // return "mopen" or "mclose" mclass.
- node.setAttribute("fence", "true");
- } else {
- // Explicitly disable fencing if it's not a fence, to override the
- // defaults.
- node.setAttribute("fence", "false");
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.styling = function (group, options) {
- // Figure out what style we're changing to.
- // TODO(kevinb): dedupe this with buildHTML.js
- // This will be easier of handling of styling nodes is in the same file.
- var styleMap = {
- "display": _Style2.default.DISPLAY,
- "text": _Style2.default.TEXT,
- "script": _Style2.default.SCRIPT,
- "scriptscript": _Style2.default.SCRIPTSCRIPT
- };
- var newStyle = styleMap[group.value.style];
- var newOptions = options.havingStyle(newStyle);
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, newOptions);
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
- var styleAttributes = {
- "display": ["0", "true"],
- "text": ["0", "false"],
- "script": ["1", "false"],
- "scriptscript": ["2", "false"]
- };
- var attr = styleAttributes[group.value.style];
- node.setAttribute("scriptlevel", attr[0]);
- node.setAttribute("displaystyle", attr[1]);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.sizing = function (group, options) {
- var newOptions = options.havingSize(group.value.size);
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, newOptions);
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
- // TODO(emily): This doesn't produce the correct size for nested size
- // changes, because we don't keep state of what style we're currently
- // in, so we can't reset the size to normal before changing it. Now
- // that we're passing an options parameter we should be able to fix
- // this.
- node.setAttribute("mathsize", newOptions.sizeMultiplier + "em");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.overline = function (group, options) {
- var operator = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode("\u203E")]);
- operator.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mover", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options), operator]);
- node.setAttribute("accent", "true");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.underline = function (group, options) {
- var operator = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mo", [new _mathMLTree2.default.TextNode("\u203E")]);
- operator.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("munder", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options), operator]);
- node.setAttribute("accentunder", "true");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.accentUnder = function (group, options) {
- var accentNode = _stretchy2.default.mathMLnode(group.value.label);
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("munder", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options), accentNode]);
- node.setAttribute("accentunder", "true");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.enclose = function (group, options) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("menclose", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- var notation = "";
- switch (group.value.label) {
- case "\\bcancel":
- notation = "downdiagonalstrike";
- break;
- case "\\sout":
- notation = "horizontalstrike";
- break;
- case "\\fbox":
- notation = "box";
- break;
- default:
- notation = "updiagonalstrike";
- }
- node.setAttribute("notation", notation);
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.horizBrace = function (group, options) {
- var accentNode = _stretchy2.default.mathMLnode(group.value.label);
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode(group.value.isOver ? "mover" : "munder", [buildGroup(group.value.base, options), accentNode]);
- };
- groupTypes.xArrow = function (group, options) {
- var arrowNode = _stretchy2.default.mathMLnode(group.value.label);
- var node = void 0;
- var lowerNode = void 0;
- if (group.value.body) {
- var upperNode = buildGroup(group.value.body, options);
- if (group.value.below) {
- lowerNode = buildGroup(group.value.below, options);
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("munderover", [arrowNode, lowerNode, upperNode]);
- } else {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mover", [arrowNode, upperNode]);
- }
- } else if (group.value.below) {
- lowerNode = buildGroup(group.value.below, options);
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("munder", [arrowNode, lowerNode]);
- } else {
- node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mover", [arrowNode]);
- }
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.rule = function (group) {
- // TODO(emily): Figure out if there's an actual way to draw black boxes
- // in MathML.
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.kern = function (group) {
- // TODO(kevin): Figure out if there's a way to add space in MathML
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.llap = function (group, options) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mpadded", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- node.setAttribute("lspace", "-1width");
- node.setAttribute("width", "0px");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.rlap = function (group, options) {
- var node = new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mpadded", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
- node.setAttribute("width", "0px");
- return node;
- };
- groupTypes.phantom = function (group, options) {
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mphantom", inner);
- };
- groupTypes.mclass = function (group, options) {
- var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
- };
- /**
- * Takes a list of nodes, builds them, and returns a list of the generated
- * MathML nodes. A little simpler than the HTML version because we don't do any
- * previous-node handling.
- */
- var buildExpression = function buildExpression(expression, options) {
- var groups = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
- var group = expression[i];
- groups.push(buildGroup(group, options));
- }
- // TODO(kevinb): combine \\not with mrels and mords
- return groups;
- };
- /**
- * Takes a group from the parser and calls the appropriate groupTypes function
- * on it to produce a MathML node.
- */
- // TODO(kevinb): determine if removeUnnecessaryRow should always be true
- var buildGroup = function buildGroup(group, options) {
- var removeUnnecessaryRow = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
- if (!group) {
- return new _mathMLTree2.default.MathNode("mrow");
- }
- if (groupTypes[group.type]) {
- // Call the groupTypes function
- var result = groupTypes[group.type](group, options);
- if (removeUnnecessaryRow) {
- if (result.type === "mrow" && result.children.length === 1) {
- return result.children[0];
- }
- }
- return result;
- } else {
- throw new _ParseError2.default("Got group of unknown type: '" + group.type + "'");
- }
- };
- /**
- * Takes a full parse tree and settings and builds a MathML representation of
- * it. In particular, we put the elements from building the parse tree into a
- * tag so we can also include that TeX source as an annotation.
- *
- * Note that we actually return a domTree element with a `