import torch import sys import os import time import comfy.model_management import tensorrt as trt import folder_paths from tqdm import tqdm # TODO: # Make it more generic: less model specific code # add output directory to tensorrt search path if "tensorrt" in folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths: folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths["tensorrt"][0].append( os.path.join(folder_paths.get_output_directory(), "tensorrt") ) folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths["tensorrt"][1].add(".engine") else: folder_paths.folder_names_and_paths["tensorrt"] = ( [os.path.join(folder_paths.get_output_directory(), "tensorrt")], {".engine"}, ) class TQDMProgressMonitor(trt.IProgressMonitor): def __init__(self): trt.IProgressMonitor.__init__(self) self._active_phases = {} self._step_result = True self.max_indent = 5 def phase_start(self, phase_name, parent_phase, num_steps): leave = False try: if parent_phase is not None: nbIndents = ( self._active_phases.get(parent_phase, {}).get( "nbIndents", self.max_indent ) + 1 ) if nbIndents >= self.max_indent: return else: nbIndents = 0 leave = True self._active_phases[phase_name] = { "tq": tqdm( total=num_steps, desc=phase_name, leave=leave, position=nbIndents ), "nbIndents": nbIndents, "parent_phase": parent_phase, } except KeyboardInterrupt: # The phase_start callback cannot directly cancel the build, so request the cancellation from within step_complete. _step_result = False def phase_finish(self, phase_name): try: if phase_name in self._active_phases.keys(): self._active_phases[phase_name]["tq"].update( self._active_phases[phase_name]["tq"].total - self._active_phases[phase_name]["tq"].n ) parent_phase = self._active_phases[phase_name].get("parent_phase", None) while parent_phase is not None: self._active_phases[parent_phase]["tq"].refresh() parent_phase = self._active_phases[parent_phase].get( "parent_phase", None ) if ( self._active_phases[phase_name]["parent_phase"] in self._active_phases.keys() ): self._active_phases[ self._active_phases[phase_name]["parent_phase"] ]["tq"].refresh() del self._active_phases[phase_name] pass except KeyboardInterrupt: _step_result = False def step_complete(self, phase_name, step): try: if phase_name in self._active_phases.keys(): self._active_phases[phase_name]["tq"].update( step - self._active_phases[phase_name]["tq"].n ) return self._step_result except KeyboardInterrupt: # There is no need to propagate this exception to TensorRT. We can simply cancel the build. return False class TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION_BASE: def __init__(self): self.output_dir = folder_paths.get_output_directory() self.temp_dir = folder_paths.get_temp_directory() self.timing_cache_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "timing_cache.trt")) ) RETURN_TYPES = () FUNCTION = "convert" OUTPUT_NODE = True CATEGORY = "TensorRT" @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): raise NotImplementedError # Sets up the builder to use the timing cache file, and creates it if it does not already exist def _setup_timing_cache(self, config: trt.IBuilderConfig): buffer = b"" if os.path.exists(self.timing_cache_path): with open(self.timing_cache_path, mode="rb") as timing_cache_file: buffer = print("Read {} bytes from timing cache.".format(len(buffer))) else: print("No timing cache found; Initializing a new one.") timing_cache: trt.ITimingCache = config.create_timing_cache(buffer) config.set_timing_cache(timing_cache, ignore_mismatch=True) # Saves the config's timing cache to file def _save_timing_cache(self, config: trt.IBuilderConfig): timing_cache: trt.ITimingCache = config.get_timing_cache() with open(self.timing_cache_path, "wb") as timing_cache_file: timing_cache_file.write(memoryview(timing_cache.serialize())) def _convert( self, model, filename_prefix, batch_size_min, batch_size_opt, batch_size_max, height_min, height_opt, height_max, width_min, width_opt, width_max, context_min, context_opt, context_max, num_video_frames, is_static: bool, ): output_onnx = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.path.join(self.temp_dir, "{}".format(time.time())), "model.onnx" ) ) comfy.model_management.unload_all_models() comfy.model_management.load_models_gpu([model], force_patch_weights=True, force_full_load=True) unet = model.model.diffusion_model context_dim = model.model.model_config.unet_config.get("context_dim", None) context_len = 77 context_len_min = context_len y_dim = model.model.adm_channels extra_input = {} dtype = torch.float16 if isinstance(model.model, comfy.model_base.SD3): #SD3 context_embedder_config = model.model.model_config.unet_config.get("context_embedder_config", None) if context_embedder_config is not None: context_dim = context_embedder_config.get("params", {}).get("in_features", None) context_len = 154 #NOTE: SD3 can have 77 or 154 depending on which text encoders are used, this is why context_len_min stays 77 elif isinstance(model.model, comfy.model_base.AuraFlow): context_dim = 2048 context_len_min = 256 context_len = 256 elif isinstance(model.model, comfy.model_base.Flux): context_dim = model.model.model_config.unet_config.get("context_in_dim", None) context_len_min = 256 context_len = 256 y_dim = model.model.model_config.unet_config.get("vec_in_dim", None) extra_input = {"guidance": ()} dtype = torch.bfloat16 if context_dim is not None: input_names = ["x", "timesteps", "context"] output_names = ["h"] dynamic_axes = { "x": {0: "batch", 2: "height", 3: "width"}, "timesteps": {0: "batch"}, "context": {0: "batch", 1: "num_embeds"}, } transformer_options = model.model_options['transformer_options'].copy() if model.model.model_config.unet_config.get( "use_temporal_resblock", False ): # SVD batch_size_min = num_video_frames * batch_size_min batch_size_opt = num_video_frames * batch_size_opt batch_size_max = num_video_frames * batch_size_max class UNET(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x, timesteps, context, y): return self.unet( x, timesteps, context, y, num_video_frames=self.num_video_frames, transformer_options=self.transformer_options, ) svd_unet = UNET() svd_unet.num_video_frames = num_video_frames svd_unet.unet = unet svd_unet.transformer_options = transformer_options unet = svd_unet context_len_min = context_len = 1 else: class UNET(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, x, timesteps, context, *args): extras = input_names[3:] extra_args = {} for i in range(len(extras)): extra_args[extras[i]] = args[i] return self.unet(x, timesteps, context, transformer_options=self.transformer_options, **extra_args) _unet = UNET() _unet.unet = unet _unet.transformer_options = transformer_options unet = _unet input_channels = model.model.model_config.unet_config.get("in_channels", 4) inputs_shapes_min = ( (batch_size_min, input_channels, height_min // 8, width_min // 8), (batch_size_min,), (batch_size_min, context_len_min * context_min, context_dim), ) inputs_shapes_opt = ( (batch_size_opt, input_channels, height_opt // 8, width_opt // 8), (batch_size_opt,), (batch_size_opt, context_len * context_opt, context_dim), ) inputs_shapes_max = ( (batch_size_max, input_channels, height_max // 8, width_max // 8), (batch_size_max,), (batch_size_max, context_len * context_max, context_dim), ) if y_dim > 0: input_names.append("y") dynamic_axes["y"] = {0: "batch"} inputs_shapes_min += ((batch_size_min, y_dim),) inputs_shapes_opt += ((batch_size_opt, y_dim),) inputs_shapes_max += ((batch_size_max, y_dim),) for k in extra_input: input_names.append(k) dynamic_axes[k] = {0: "batch"} inputs_shapes_min += ((batch_size_min,) + extra_input[k],) inputs_shapes_opt += ((batch_size_opt,) + extra_input[k],) inputs_shapes_max += ((batch_size_max,) + extra_input[k],) inputs = () for shape in inputs_shapes_opt: inputs += ( torch.zeros( shape, device=comfy.model_management.get_torch_device(), dtype=dtype, ), ) else: print("ERROR: model not supported.") return () os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_onnx), exist_ok=True) torch.onnx.export( unet, inputs, output_onnx, verbose=False, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, opset_version=17, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, ) comfy.model_management.unload_all_models() comfy.model_management.soft_empty_cache() # TRT conversion starts here logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO) builder = trt.Builder(logger) network = builder.create_network( 1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH) ) parser = trt.OnnxParser(network, logger) success = parser.parse_from_file(output_onnx) for idx in range(parser.num_errors): print(parser.get_error(idx)) if not success: print("ONNX load ERROR") return () config = builder.create_builder_config() profile = builder.create_optimization_profile() self._setup_timing_cache(config) config.progress_monitor = TQDMProgressMonitor() prefix_encode = "" for k in range(len(input_names)): min_shape = inputs_shapes_min[k] opt_shape = inputs_shapes_opt[k] max_shape = inputs_shapes_max[k] profile.set_shape(input_names[k], min_shape, opt_shape, max_shape) # Encode shapes to filename encode = lambda a: ".".join(map(lambda x: str(x), a)) prefix_encode += "{}#{}#{}#{};".format( input_names[k], encode(min_shape), encode(opt_shape), encode(max_shape) ) if dtype == torch.float16: config.set_flag(trt.BuilderFlag.FP16) if dtype == torch.bfloat16: config.set_flag(trt.BuilderFlag.BF16) config.add_optimization_profile(profile) if is_static: filename_prefix = "{}_${}".format( filename_prefix, "-".join( ( "stat", "b", str(batch_size_opt), "h", str(height_opt), "w", str(width_opt), ) ), ) else: filename_prefix = "{}_${}".format( filename_prefix, "-".join( ( "dyn", "b", str(batch_size_min), str(batch_size_max), str(batch_size_opt), "h", str(height_min), str(height_max), str(height_opt), "w", str(width_min), str(width_max), str(width_opt), ) ), ) serialized_engine = builder.build_serialized_network(network, config) full_output_folder, filename, counter, subfolder, filename_prefix = ( folder_paths.get_save_image_path(filename_prefix, self.output_dir) ) output_trt_engine = os.path.join( full_output_folder, f"{filename}_{counter:05}_.engine" ) with open(output_trt_engine, "wb") as f: f.write(serialized_engine) self._save_timing_cache(config) return () class DYNAMIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION(TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION_BASE): def __init__(self): super(DYNAMIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION, self).__init__() @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "model": ("MODEL",), "filename_prefix": ("STRING", {"default": "tensorrt/ComfyUI_DYN"}), "batch_size_min": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 100, "step": 1, }, ), "batch_size_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 100, "step": 1, }, ), "batch_size_max": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 100, "step": 1, }, ), "height_min": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "height_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "height_max": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "width_min": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "width_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "width_max": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "context_min": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 128, "step": 1, }, ), "context_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 128, "step": 1, }, ), "context_max": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 128, "step": 1, }, ), "num_video_frames": ( "INT", { "default": 14, "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 1, }, ), }, } def convert( self, model, filename_prefix, batch_size_min, batch_size_opt, batch_size_max, height_min, height_opt, height_max, width_min, width_opt, width_max, context_min, context_opt, context_max, num_video_frames, ): return super()._convert( model, filename_prefix, batch_size_min, batch_size_opt, batch_size_max, height_min, height_opt, height_max, width_min, width_opt, width_max, context_min, context_opt, context_max, num_video_frames, is_static=False, ) class STATIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION(TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION_BASE): def __init__(self): super(STATIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION, self).__init__() @classmethod def INPUT_TYPES(s): return { "required": { "model": ("MODEL",), "filename_prefix": ("STRING", {"default": "tensorrt/ComfyUI_STAT"}), "batch_size_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 100, "step": 1, }, ), "height_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "width_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 512, "min": 256, "max": 4096, "step": 64, }, ), "context_opt": ( "INT", { "default": 1, "min": 1, "max": 128, "step": 1, }, ), "num_video_frames": ( "INT", { "default": 14, "min": 0, "max": 1000, "step": 1, }, ), }, } def convert( self, model, filename_prefix, batch_size_opt, height_opt, width_opt, context_opt, num_video_frames, ): return super()._convert( model, filename_prefix, batch_size_opt, batch_size_opt, batch_size_opt, height_opt, height_opt, height_opt, width_opt, width_opt, width_opt, context_opt, context_opt, context_opt, num_video_frames, is_static=True, ) NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS = { "DYNAMIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION": DYNAMIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION, "STATIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION": STATIC_TRT_MODEL_CONVERSION, }