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Operators and Keywords
ExpressionEvaluator manage a large set of C# operators (See C# Operators)
ExpressionEvaluator respect the C# precedence rules of operators
Here is a list of which operators are supported in ExpressionEvaluator or not
Type | Operator | Support |
Primary | x.y | Supported |
Primary | x?.y | Supported |
Primary | x?[y] | Supported |
Primary | f(x) | Supported |
Primary | a[x] | Supported |
Primary | x++ | Supported Warning change the state of the postfixed element |
Primary | x-- | Supported Warning change the state of the postfixed element |
Primary | new | Supported you can also use new() function |
Primary | typeof | Supported |
Primary | checked | Not Supported |
Primary | unchecked | Not Supported |
Primary | default(T) | Supported |
Primary | delegate | Not Supported |
Primary | sizeof | Not Supported |
Primary | -> | Not Supported |
Unary | +x | Supported |
Unary | -x | Supported |
Unary | !x | Supported |
Unary | ~x | Not Supported |
Unary | ++x | Not Supported |
Unary | --x | Not Supported |
Unary | (T)x | Supported |
Unary | await | Not Supported |
Unary | &x | Not Supported |
Unary | *x | Not Supported |
Multiplicative | x * y | Supported |
Multiplicative | x / y | Supported |
Multiplicative | x % y | Supported |
Additive | x + y | Supported |
Additive | x - y | Supported |
Shift | x << y | Supported |
Shift | x >> y | Supported |
Relational | x < y | Supported |
Relational | x > y | Supported |
Relational | x <= y | Supported |
Relational | x >= y | Supported |
Type-testing | is | Supported |
Type-testing | as | Not Supported |
Equality | x == y | Supported |
Equality | x != y | Supported |
Logical AND | x & y | Supported |
Logical XOR | x ^ y | Supported |
Logical OR | x | y | Supported |
Conditional AND | x && y | Supported |
Conditional OR | x || y | Supported |
Null-coalescing | x ?? y | Supported |
Conditional | t ? x : y | Supported |
Lambda | => | Supported |
Warning all of the following operators change the value of their left element.
Assignation operators (and also postfix operators (++ and --)) are usable on :
Elements | What is changing | Options |
Custom variables | The variable in the Variables dictionary is changed and if the variable doesn't exists, it automatically created with the = operator | Can be disabled with evaluator.OptionVariableAssignationActive = false;
Properties or fields on objects | If the property/field is not readonly it is changed | Can be disabled with evaluator.OptionPropertyOrFieldSetActive = false;
Indexed object like arrays, list or dictionaries | The value at the specified index is changed | Can be disabled with evaluator.OptionIndexingAssignationActive = false;
Here is the list of available assignation operator
Operator | Support |
= | Supported (Can be use to declare a new variable that will be injected in the Variables dictionary) |
+= | Supported |
-= | Supported |
*= | Supported |
/= | Supported |
%= | Supported |
&= | Supported |
|= | Supported |
^= | Supported |
<<= | Supported |
>>= | Supported |
To declare a variable, types are not yet supported and are for now dynamically deduced.
// Not supported
int x = 2;
string text = "hello";
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// Write this instead :
x = 2;
text = "hello";
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
In addition to simple expression evaluation you can also evaluate small scripts with the method :
//object ScriptEvaluate(string script)
Scripts are just a serie of expressions to evaluate separated with a ; character and leaded by severals additionals keywords.
Currently the following scripts keywords are supported
Type | Operator | Support |
Selection | if | Supported |
Selection | else if | Supported |
Selection | else | Supported |
Selection | switch case | Not yet supported |
Iteration | do ... while | Supported |
Iteration | for | Supported |
Iteration | foreach, in | Supported |
Iteration | while | Supported |
Jump | break | Supported in do, for and while blocks |
Jump | continue | Supported in do, for and while blocks |
Jump | goto | Not supported (But if you looked after it -> Booo !!! Bad code) |
Jump | return | Supported |
Jump/Exception | throw | Supported |
Exception Handling | try-catch | Supported |
Exception Handling | try-finally | Supported |
Exception Handling | try-catch-finally | Supported |
Remark : The way ScriptEvaluate works is to evaluate expressions one by one. There is no syntax check before the evaluation. So be aware that syntax or naming bugs only appears in execution and some code can already be evaluated at this time. Futhermore a syntaxic/naming bug in an if-else block for example can simply be ignored until the corresponding condition is met to evaluate the specific line of code.
- Getting Started
- Variables and Functions
- Operators and Keywords
- C# Types Management
- ExpandoObject
- Code Comments Management
- Advanced Customization and Hacking
- Caching
- CultureInfoForNumberParsing
- OptionCaseSensitiveEvaluationActive
- OptionVariablesPersistenceCustomComparer
- OptionFluidPrefixingActive
- OptionForceIntegerNumbersEvaluationsAsDoubleByDefault
- OptionNumberParsingDecimalSeparator
- OptionNumberParsingThousandSeparator
- OptionFunctionArgumentsSeparator
- OptionInitializersSeparator
- OptionInlineNamespacesEvaluationRule
- OptionNewFunctionEvaluationActive
- OptionNewKeywordEvaluationActive
- OptionStaticMethodsCallActive
- OptionStaticProperiesGetActive
- OptionInstanceMethodsCallActive
- OptionInstanceProperiesGetActive
- OptionIndexingActive
- OptionStringEvaluationActive
- OptionCharEvaluationActive
- OptionEvaluateFunctionActive
- OptionVariableAssignationActive
- OptionPropertyOrFieldSetActive
- OptionIndexingAssignationActive
- OptionScriptEvaluateFunctionActive
- OptionOnNoReturnKeywordFoundInScriptAction
- OptionScriptNeedSemicolonAtTheEndOfLastExpression
- OptionAllowNonPublicMembersAccess
- Todo List