Hello and thanks for showing interest in contributing to Renthyl! Before jumping in, first observe a few basic rules for writing code in the project.
This project follows the same code style as JMonkeyEngine. Please be sure to generally follow this style, and you may be asked to clean up your code before your pulls requests are merged. Please ensure your IDE of choice expands tabs to spaces with 4 spaces per tab before writing any code!
Please properly document classes, important public/protected methods, and important public static fields. If a feature is added, you may also be asked to write wiki documentation as well if it is important enough. All documentation should be third person and very rarely second person to be professional. First person writing will not be accepted.
Each new java file should include a copy of this project's license as the header. Modifications to existing java files should also update the year in the license to the current year.
Renthyl's API quality is taken very seriously. Changes or additions to the API will be more heavily scrutinized and critiqued than other changes may be. This is not meant to deter contributions to the API, we just want to make sure the API makes sense to use.
That's all!
Thank you and looking forward to what you'll bring to the project!