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File metadata and controls

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An container image built for deploying code-server.


Docker Hub: bencdr/code-server-deploy-container

To run the container locally, you can use:

docker run -p \
  -v "$PWD/project:/home/coder/project" \
  -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
  -e "PASSWORD=12345" \
  -it bencdr/code-server-deploy-container:latest

Modifying your code-server environment

To update your code-server version, modify the version number on line 2 in your Dockerfile. See the list of tags for the latest version.

We've included some examples on how to add additional dependencies in the root-level Dockerfile:

# Install a VS Code extension:
# Note: we use a different marketplace than VS Code. See
RUN code-server --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode

# Install apt packages:
RUN sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-make

# Copy files:
COPY deploy-container/myTool /home/coder/myTool

Environment variables

Variable Name Description Default Value
PASSWORD Password for code-server
HASHED_PASSWORD Overrrides PASSWORD. SHA-256 hash of password
USE_LINK Use code-server --link instead of a password (coming soon) false
GIT_REPO A git repository to clone
DOTFILES_REPO A dotfiles repo to save preferences. Runs, if it exists.
DOTFILES_SYMLINK Symlinks dotfiles repo to $HOME, if exits. true
START_DIR The directory code-server opens (and clones repos in) /home/coder/project

Other code-server environment variables (such as CODE_SERVER_CONFIG ) can also be used. See the code-server FAQ for details.

💾 Persist your filesystem with rclone

This image has built-in support for rclone so that your files don't get lost when code-server is re-deployed.

You can generate the rclone config on any machine, but it works great on the code-server environment itself, or Google Cloud Shell :)

# 1. install rclone
# see for other install options
$ curl | sudo bash

# 2. create a new rclone remote with your favorite storage provider ☁️
$ rclone config

# 3. Encode your rclone config and copy to your clipboard
$ cat $(rclone config file | sed -n 2p) | base64 --wrap=0 # Linux
$ cat $(rclone config file | sed -n 2p) | base64 --b 0 # MacOS

Now, you can add the following the environment variables in the code-server cloud app:

Environment Variable Description Default Value Required
RCLONE_DATA the encoded rclone config you copied in step 3 n/a
RCLONE_REMOTE_NAME the name of the remote you added in step 2.
check with $ rclone listremotes
RCLONE_SOURCE source directory to sync files in the code-server container the project directory: /home/coder/project
RCLONE_DESTINATION the path in the remote that rclone syncs to. change this if you have multiple code-server environments, or if you want to better organize your files. code-server-files
RCLONE_VSCODE_TASKS import push and pull shortcuts into VS Code rclone screenshot from VS Code true
RCLONE_AUTO_PUSH automatically push files on startup if the rclone remote is empty (environment -> rclone remote) true
RCLONE_AUTO_PULL automatically pull files on startup if the rclone remote is not empty (rclone -> environment remote) true
RCLONE_FLAGS additional flags to attach to the push and pull script.
type $ rclone help flags for a list.
# --- How to use ---

# Terminal:
$ sh /home/coder/ # save your uncomitted files to the remote
$ sh /home/coder/ # get latest files from the remote

# In VS Code:
# use items in bottom bar or ctrl + P, run task: push_remote or pull_remote or

Popular rclone flags

To avoid syncing unnecessary directories, add this to RCLONE_FLAGS :

--exclude "node_modules/**" --exclude ".git/**"


  • Make push_remote and pull_remote commands in path
  • Impliment file watcher or auto file sync in VS Code
  • Attach a "push" on a git stash??
  • Add support for SSH / VS Code remote access
  • Make rclone logs visible in environment for debugging