Options can be defined in the package.json
of the project under build
property, see an example.
Name |
Type |
Description |
nwVersion |
string |
Used NW.js version. Support lts , stable and latest symbols. Defaults to lts . |
nwFlavor |
string |
Used NW.js flavor for builder. Runner will always use sdk . normal or sdk . Defaults to normal . |
output |
string |
Output directory relative to the project root. Defaults to ./dist/ . |
outputPattern |
string |
Output filename pattern. Defaults to ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}-${ARCH} . |
packed |
boolean |
Whether to pack app or not. Packed app needed to be extracted at launch time. Defaults to false . |
targets |
string[] |
Target formats to build. zip , 7z , nsis and nsis7z , etc. Defaults to [] . |
files |
string[] |
Glob patterns for included files. Exclude ${ output } automatically. Defaults to [ '**/*' ] . |
excludes |
string[] |
Glob patterns for excluded files. Defaults to [] . |
appId |
string |
App identity URI. Defaults to io.github.nwjs.${ name } . |
ffmpegIntegration |
boolean |
Whether to integrate iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt . If true , you can NOT use symbols in nwVersion . Defaults to false . |
strippedProperties |
string[] |
Properties to be stripped from package.json . Defaults to [ 'scripts', 'devDependencies', 'build' ] . |
Name |
Type |
Description |
productName |
string |
Product name. Defaults to ${ name } . |
companyName |
string |
Company name. Defaults to ${ productName } . |
fileDescription |
string |
File description. Defaults to ${ description } . |
copyright |
string |
Copyright. Defaults to '' . |
productVersion |
string |
Product version. Defaults to ${ version } . |
fileVersion |
string |
File version. Defaults to ${ productVersion } |
versionStrings |
{ [key: string]: string } |
rcedit version strings. Defaults to {} . |
icon |
string |
.ico icon file relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined . |
signing |
{} |
contains parameters for Microsoft Authenticode signing (optional). If any parameters are included, all parameters are required. |
signing.signtoolPath |
string |
Absolute path to signing tool, e.g. "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x64\\signtool.exe" on windows or /usr/bin/codesign on mac. The idea is to provide the full path to the signing executable, and all of the items will be added as arguments to that executable. |
signing.cliArgs |
string |
Args to pass to the binary at signing.signtoolPath EXCEPT for executables to sign. Windows example: "sign /debug /f E:\\codesigning.crt.pfx /p top$3c37pa$$ /tr http://timestamp.comodoca.com/?td=sha256 /td sha256 /fd sha256 /v" . Mac example: --force --verify --sign ${MY_SIGNING_IDENTITY} |
Name |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Name in Info.plist . Defaults to ${ name } . |
displayName |
string |
DisplayName in Info.plist . Defaults to ${ name } . |
version |
string |
Version in Info.plist . Defaults to ${ version } . |
description |
string |
Description in InfoPlist.strings . Defaults to ${ description } . |
copyright |
string |
Copyright in InfoPlist.strings . Defaults to '' . |
icon |
string |
.icns icon file relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined . |
plistStrings |
{ [key: string]: string } |
plist strings. Defaults to {} . |
Currently noop.
Name |
Type |
Description |
icon |
string |
.ico icon file for NSIS installers relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined . |
unIcon |
string |
.ico icon file for NSIS uninstallers relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined . |
languages |
string[] |
Languages for NSIS installers. Multiple languages will result in a language selection dialog on startup. See /assets/nsis/Contrib/Language files/ for available values. Defaults to [ 'English' ] . |
installDirectory |
string |
Default installation directory. Allow using NSIS variables. See /src/lib/nsis-gen/NsisComposer.ts for a list of self-defined constants. Defaults to $LOCALAPPDATA\\${_APPNAME} . |
diffUpdaters |
boolean |
Whether to build diff updaters. Defaults to false . |
hashCalculation |
boolean |
Whether to calculate hashes for installers and updaters. Defaults to true . |