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63 lines (51 loc) · 4.54 KB

File metadata and controls

63 lines (51 loc) · 4.54 KB


Options can be defined in the package.json of the project under build property, see an example.

build <- BuildConfig

Name Type Description
nwVersion string Used NW.js version. Support lts, stable and latest symbols. Defaults to lts.
nwFlavor string Used NW.js flavor for builder. Runner will always use sdk. normal or sdk. Defaults to normal.
output string Output directory relative to the project root. Defaults to ./dist/.
outputPattern string Output filename pattern. Defaults to ${NAME}-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}.
packed boolean Whether to pack app or not. Packed app needed to be extracted at launch time. Defaults to false.
targets string[] Target formats to build. zip, 7z, nsis and nsis7z, etc. Defaults to [].
files string[] Glob patterns for included files. Exclude ${ output } automatically. Defaults to [ '**/*' ].
excludes string[] Glob patterns for excluded files. Defaults to [].
appId string App identity URI. Defaults to io.github.nwjs.${ name }.
ffmpegIntegration boolean Whether to integrate iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt. If true, you can NOT use symbols in nwVersion. Defaults to false.
strippedProperties string[] Properties to be stripped from package.json. Defaults to [ 'scripts', 'devDependencies', 'build' ]. <- WinConfig

Name Type Description
productName string Product name. Defaults to ${ name }.
companyName string Company name. Defaults to ${ productName }.
fileDescription string File description. Defaults to ${ description }.
copyright string Copyright. Defaults to ''.
productVersion string Product version. Defaults to ${ version }.
fileVersion string File version. Defaults to ${ productVersion }
versionStrings { [key: string]: string } rcedit version strings. Defaults to {}.
icon string .ico icon file relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined.
signing {} contains parameters for Microsoft Authenticode signing (optional). If any parameters are included, all parameters are required.
signing.signtoolPath string Absolute path to signing tool, e.g. "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\8.1\\bin\\x64\\signtool.exe" on windows or /usr/bin/codesign on mac. The idea is to provide the full path to the signing executable, and all of the items will be added as arguments to that executable.
signing.cliArgs string Args to pass to the binary at signing.signtoolPath EXCEPT for executables to sign. Windows example: "sign /debug /f E:\\codesigning.crt.pfx /p top$3c37pa$$ /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 /v". Mac example: --force --verify --sign ${MY_SIGNING_IDENTITY}

build.mac <- MacConfig

Name Type Description
name string Name in Info.plist. Defaults to ${ name }.
displayName string DisplayName in Info.plist. Defaults to ${ name }.
version string Version in Info.plist. Defaults to ${ version }.
description string Description in InfoPlist.strings. Defaults to ${ description }.
copyright string Copyright in InfoPlist.strings. Defaults to ''.
icon string .icns icon file relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined.
plistStrings { [key: string]: string } plist strings. Defaults to {}.

build.linux <- LinuxConfig

Currently noop.

build.nsis <- NsisConfig

Name Type Description
icon string .ico icon file for NSIS installers relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined.
unIcon string .ico icon file for NSIS uninstallers relative to the project root. Defaults to undefined.
languages string[] Languages for NSIS installers. Multiple languages will result in a language selection dialog on startup. See /assets/nsis/Contrib/Language files/ for available values. Defaults to [ 'English' ].
installDirectory string Default installation directory. Allow using NSIS variables. See /src/lib/nsis-gen/NsisComposer.ts for a list of self-defined constants. Defaults to $LOCALAPPDATA\\${_APPNAME}.
diffUpdaters boolean Whether to build diff updaters. Defaults to false.
hashCalculation boolean Whether to calculate hashes for installers and updaters. Defaults to true.