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jhibbets edited this page Mar 4, 2013 · 6 revisions

From Chad / Raleigh Transit Authority

b. Fix overlay of Raleigh Map over Boston map, confusing to scroll to find shelters when Boston keeps popping up.

c. Remove ability to name your own shelter. Should be Stop Name (Can get from Google by clicking on bus stop icon) has been adopted by ___________ (Organization Name as it will Appear on the Shelter Decal)

d. Link the Adopt A Shelter Agreement Form to the Sign-Up Process. Therefore, when they sign up, they will fill out the agreement form, and it will be sent to the [email protected] email and we will be notified as soon as they adopt on the app by receiving the form in our email.

e. Need the contact info for all of those that have adopted a shelter thus far since there is a gap between the sign up on the app and us receiving an agreement form.

Bug fix / feature list

  1. Feature: make sign-up process online [Nick]
  2. Bug: Until you click on the map, points aren't dropped [unassigned]
  3. Feature: Update email template sent to user confirming adoption with these details: [Chad]
  4. Feature: We need to notify the program manager when a shelter is adopted: Add CC to catinfo for confirmation email sent to user [Chad]
  5. Feature: Add howto URL to adopta main page, URL: [Chad]
  • Feature: Recruit a web designer; Laura Hamlyn may be able to help (via Code for Good) [Reid]
  • Bug: Document production change process on Triangle Wiki by 3/31/2013 [Chad]
  • Bug: Add language about how the program works; we need to add some high level langauge about the adopta shelter program on the website
  • Feature: We need to update a few areas one the site where the laungage for this program is different than the default ** Give this bus shelter a name --> Name to appear on shelter ** "can no longer volunteer" for this shelter ** Confirmation message on screen
  • Feature: Some users have request a short gegend for icons, i.e. green means taken, red means available
  • Bug: Until you click on the map, points aren't dropped [unassigned]
  • Bug: Can't find bus shelter (or list) that was just adopted [unassigned]
  • Feature: SeeClickFix integration - report a problem at this bus stop [unassigned]
  • Feature: Trianglewiki integration - link to page about bus shelter (maybe need a new field in the db) [unassigned]
  • Feature: integrate realtime bus info [unassigned]
  • Feature: reminder emails from administrator [unassigned]
  • Feature: create a simple admin interface to keep track of which adopters have received their aoption bundle [unassigned]
  • Feature: add an add'l field for bus shelters for location description [unassigned]
  • Replace hydrant favion [unassigned]
  • Foursquare check-in at bus shelters [unassigned]
  • Suggest a shelter to a friend [unassigned]
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