layout | sidebar | actionText | actionLink |
Landing |
false |
Quickstart |
/quickstart |
::: slot pause
Open a browser on an empty page and pause execution. Type in commands to complete the test scenario.
Successful commands will be saved into a file.
Scenario('Checkout test', () => {
Copy commands from a file into a test. A test is ready! :::
::: slot write
With CodeceptUI you can write your tests without closing a browser at all.
Write initial commands and execute a test. An interactive pause will be started when test finishes.
Share one browser accross test runs to save time on opening a browser. :::
::: slot autocomplete
Use auto-completion writing a test fast.
We use TypeScript type definitions that are automatically updated for custom steps and page objects.
Writing a test in Visual Studio Code is as easy as picking a correct action and putting a parameter. It's really that nice!
::: slot ui
We have a flexible interactive web runner which allows you to watch, debug, and write your tests in a web mode.
- Toggle headless/window mode with one click
- See HTML snapshot of each step
- Works with WebDriver, Puppeteer, TestCafe
- Shows step-by-step execution
- Integrated with your local IDE
::: slot run
Each executed step will be printed on screen when running with --steps
Scenario('Checkout test', () => {
I.fillField('First name', 'davert');
I.fillField('#lastName', 'mik');
I.fillField('Promo code', '123345')
::: slot code
Can we use it for long scenarios? Sure!
const faker = require('faker'); // Use 3rd-party JS code
Scenario('Create a new store', async (I, login, SettingsPage) => {
const storeName = faker.lorem.slug();
login('customer'); // Login customer from saved cookies
I.mockRequest('GET', '/support-chat'); // Mock HTTP requests with Polly; // Use Page objects
I.dontSee(storeName, '.settings'); // Assert text not present inside an element (located by CSS)'Add', '.settings'); // Click link by text inside element (located by CSS)
I.fillField('Store Name', storeName); // Fill fields by labels or placeholders
I.selectInDropdown('Status', 'Active'); // Use custom methods
I.retry(2).click('Create'); // Auto-retry flaky step
I.waitInUrl('/settings/setup/stores'); // Explicit waiter
I.see(storeName, '.settings'); // Assert text present inside an element (located by CSS)
const storeId = await I.grabTextFrom('#store-id'); // use await to get information from browser
I.say(`Created a store with ${storeId}`); // print custom comments