This software needs MongoDB 4.x running in your system. In Mac OS X, it can be installed with Macports:
$ sudo port install mongodb
It's best to install Teamspector in its own python virtual environment. You can
use virtualenvwrapper
to create a virtual environment. If you don't already
have it:
$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
Then add these two lines to your ~/.profile
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
After you restart your shell session, virtualenvwrapper
and its commands
should be available. Create a new virtual environment with:
$ mkvirtualenv teamspector
After the environment has been created, activate it:
$ workon teamspector
After the virtual environment is active, install the package with its dependencies by running this command in the root directory of the project:
(teamspector) $ pip install -e .