This folder contains audit-related materials.
Records of audit related materials of contracts the Autonolas token is based on can be found here: token audit.
The latest internal audit is located in this folder: internal audit.
An internal audit with a focus on wveOLAS
contract is located in this folder: internal audit 2.
An internal audit with a focus on FxGovernorTunnel
contract is located in this folder: internal audit 3.
An internal audit with a focus on HomeMediator
contract is located in this folder: internal audit 4.
An internal audit with a focus on GovernorOLAS update to latest OZ version
is located in this folder: internal audit 5.
An internal audit with a focus on Guard for Community Multisig (CM)
is located in this folder: internal audit 6.
An internal audit with a focus on ERC20 bridging via fx-tunnel
is located in this folder: internal audit 7.
An internal audit with a focus on Update for Community Multisig (CM)
is located in this folder: internal audit 8.
Following the initial contracts audit report, the recommendations are addressed here: feedback.
The final audit reports: