CollectionBatchBuyOperator tries to prevent reentrancy here but it doesn't do anything. An attacker can simply set the callTarget to a contract they control which can then invoke CollectionBatchBuyOperator's execute to achieve reentrancy. I don't see this causing any problem beyond the issue that I've described in one of my medium reports (operator can profit from executing).
if (callTarget == address(this)) {
revert CallProhibitedError(callTarget, callData);
no time left
Crowdfund creator may want to set a long duration so that they can achieve the maximumTotalContribution, but this causes an integer overflow here: As a result, the crowdfund may finish immediately. When a malicious authority sees a call to mint or addVotingPower, they can front run it with a call to mint to increase mintedVotingPower_ to totalVotingPower, thus leaving user with no voting power even though they contributed. This can also be caused by a legitimate authority that forgot to call increase totalVotingPower