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This repo contains the source code for an example implementation of a multi-region application for the fictional vehicle-sharing company MovR.

  • Overview gives a high-level overview the MovR application stack.
  • Requirements lists what you'll need, depending on if you're doing local development, production deployment, or both.
  • Local Deployment describes how to set up your local machine for ongoing development and testing.
  • Multi-region deployment outlines how to deploy both the CockroachDB database and the MovR application to the cloud.

For a detailed tutorial on multi-region application development and deployment for this repo, see Develop and Deploy a Multi-Region Web Application on the Cockroach Labs documentation site.


The application stack consists of the following components:

  • A multi-node, geo-distributed CockroachDB cluster, with each node's locality corresponding to cloud provider regions.
  • A multi-region database schema that defines the tables and indexes for user, vehicle, and ride data.
  • Python class definitions that map to the tables in our database.
  • A backend API that defines the application's connection to the database and the database transactions.
  • A Flask server that handles requests from client web browsers.
  • HTML, CSS, and JS files that define web pages that the Flask server renders.


For both local and production deployment, you'll need:

  • CockroachDB

  • Optional: A Google API Key, enabled for the Google Maps JavaScript API and the Google Geocoding API:

Follow the sections below based on whether you are doing local development or production deployment.

Requirements For Local Development

For local development, you'll need the following:

There are a number of Python libraries that you also need to run the application, including flask, sqlalchemy, and cockroachdb. Rather than downloading these dependencies directly from PyPi to your machine, you should list them in dependency configuration files (see Local Deployment and Multi-region deployment for examples).

Requirements For Production Application Deployment

To deploy the application globally, we recommend that you use a major cloud provider with a global load-balancing service. For our deployment example, we use Google Cloud Run, and some other GCP services.

To follow along, you will need to have the following:

Local Deployment

Database and Environment Setup

In production, you want to start a secure CockroachDB cluster, with nodes on machines located in different areas of the world. For debugging purposes, you can just use the cockroach demo command. The steps below walk you through how to start up an insecure, virtual nine-node cluster.

Note: Shutting down a cluster that was run in demo mode erases all data in the database. Because demo mode doesn't allow you to specify a specific database port, you will need to rerun steps 1-3 below upon restarting cockroach demo to reinitialize your database and environment.

  1. Run cockroach demo in --insecure mode with the --empty, --nodes, and --demo-locality flags. The database schema provided in this repo assumes the GCP region names.

    cockroach demo --insecure \
    --empty \
    --nodes=9 \

    Once the database finishes initializing, you should see a SQL shell prompt:

    [email protected]:26257/defaultdb> 

    Keep this terminal window open. Closing it will shut down the virtual cluster.

  2. Optional Configure environment variables.

    The MovR application uses the Google Maps JavaScript API and the Google Geocoding API, so you should store your Google API Key in an environment variable named MOVR_MAPS_API:

    export MOVR_MAPS_API=<your_google_api_key>
  3. Run to import initial application data and configure your .env. does the following:

    • loads dbinit.sql into your running CockroachDB cluster, and then
    • inserts the variables above into .env, which is then used by Pipenv to automatically set those variables in a Pipenv virtual environment.

    In order to run the script you'll need to set execute permission on your script:

    chmod +x

    Now, you're ready to run the script:


Application setup

In production, you probably want to containerize your application and deploy it with k8s. For local deployment and development, use pipenv, a tool that includes pip (to make dependencies) and virtualenv (to create virtual environments).

Note: You only need to initialize your virtual environment once (pipenv --three; pipenv install). For ongoing development, you can skip to activating the shell (pipenv shell) and then running the server file.

  1. Run the following command to initialize the project's virtual environment:

    pipenv --three

    pipenv creates a Pipfile in the current directory. Open this Pipfile, and confirm its contents match the following:

    name = "pypi"
    url = ""
    verify_ssl = true
    sqlalchemy-cockroachdb = "*"
    psycopg2-binary = "*"
    SQLAlchemy = "*"
    Flask = "*"
    Flask-SQLAlchemy = "*"
    Flask-WTF = "*"
    Flask-Bootstrap = "*"
    Flask-Login = "*"
    WTForms = "*"
    gunicorn = "*"
    python_version = "3.7"
  2. Run the following command to install the packages listed in the Pipfile:

    pipenv install
  3. Configure .env further if needed.

    Pipenv automatically sets any variables defined in a .env file as environment variables in a Pipenv virtual environment. This lets the application read values from an environement variable, rather than us needing to hard-code values directly into the source code.

    Make sure the following are correct:

    • DB_URI is the SQL connection string needed for SQLAlchemy to connect to CockroachDB. Note that SQLAlchemy requires the connection string protocol to be specific to the CockroachDB dialect.
    • API_KEY should be your Google API Key. Recall that, in the Database and Environment Setup section, you ran ./ to set the API_KEY variable in your .env file.

    You can also specify other variables in this file that you'd rather not hard-code in the application, like other API keys and secret keys used by the application. For debugging purposes, you should leave these variables as they are.

  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    pipenv shell

    The prompt should now read ~bash-3.2$. From this shell, you can run any Python3 application with the required dependencies that you listed in the Pipfile, and the environment variables that you listed in the .env file. You can exit the shell subprocess at any time with a simple exit command.

  5. To test out the application, you can simply run the server file:


    You can alternatively use gunicorn.

    gunicorn -b localhost:$PORT server:app
  6. Navigate to the URL provided to test out the application.

Clean up

  1. To shut down the demo cluster, just Ctrl+C out of the process.

    Note: Shutting down a demo cluster erases all data in the database.

  2. To shut down the application, Ctrl+C out of the Python process, and then run exit to exit the virtual environment.

Multi-Region Deployment

Database deployment (CockroachCloud)

In production, you want to start a secure CockroachDB cluster, with nodes on machines located in different areas of the world.

To deploy CockroachDB in multiple regions, using CockroachCloud:

  1. Create a CockroachCloud account at

  2. Request a multi-region CockroachCloud cluster on GCP, in regions us-west1, us-east1, and europe-west1.

  3. After the cluster is created, open the console, and select the cluster.

  4. Select SQL Users from the side panel, select Add user, give the user a name and a password, and then add the user. You can use any user name except "root".

  5. Select Networking from the side panel, and then select Add network. Give the network any name you'd like, select either a New network or a Public network, check both UI and SQL, and then add the network. In this example, we use a public network.

  6. Select Connect at the top-right corner of the cluster console.

  7. Select the SQL User that you created, a Region, and then Continue.

  8. Copy the connection string, with the user and password specified.

  9. Download the cluster cert to your local machine (it's the same for all regions).

  10. Go back, and retrieve the connection strings for the other two regions.

  11. Open a new terminal, and run the dbinit.sql file on the running cluster to initialize the database. You can connect to the database from any node on the cluster for this step.

    cockroach sql --url any-connection-string < dbinit.sql

    Note: You need to specify the password in the connection string!


    cockroach sql --url \ 'postgresql://user:[email protected]:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=certs-dir/movr-db-ca.crt' < dbinit.sql

Note: You can also deploy CRDB manually. For instructions, see the Manual Deployment page of the Cockroach Labs documentation site.

Application deployment

To deploy the application globally, we recommend that you use a major cloud provider with a global load-balancing service. For our deployment, we use Google Cloud Platform services.

Note: To serve a secure web application that takes HTTPS requests, you also need a public domain name! SSL certificates are not assigned to IP addresses.

  1. If you don't have a gcloud account, create one at

  2. Create a gcloud project on the GCP console.

  3. Optional: If you have not already done so, enable the the Google Maps JavaScript API and the Geocoding API, create an API key, restrict the API key to just the Google Maps JavaScript API and the Geocoding API and all subdomains of your domain name (e.g. **), and then retrieve the API key.

    Note: The example HTML templates include maps. Not providing an API key to the application will not break the application.

  4. Configure/authorize the gcloud CLI to use your project and region.

    gcloud init
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud auth application-default login
  5. Build and run the Docker image locally.


    docker build -t<gcp_project>/movr-app:v2 .

    If there are no errors, the container built successfully.

  6. Push the Docker image to the project’s gcloud container registry.


    docker push<gcp_project>/movr-app:v2
  7. Create a Google Cloud Run service for the application, in one of the regions in which the database is deployed (e.g., gcp-us-east1).

  8. Deploy a revision of your application to Google Cloud Run.

    1. Select the container image URL for the image that you just pushed to the container registry.

    2. Under Advanced settings->Variables & Secrets, do the following:

      • Set an environment variable named DB_URI to the connection string for a gateway node on the CC cluster, in the region in which this first Cloud Run service is located (e.g., cockroachdb://user:[email protected]:26257/movr?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=certs/movr-db-ca.crt).
      • Set an environment variable named REGION to the CC region (e.g., gcp-us-east1).
      • Create a secret for the CC certificate, and mount it on the certs volume, with a full path ending in the name of the cert (e.g., certs/movr-db-ca.crt). This is the cert downloaded from the CC Console, and referenced in the DB_URI connection string.
      • Optional: Create a secret for your Google Maps API key and use it to set the environment variable API_KEY.
  9. Repeat these steps for all regions.

  10. Create an external HTTPS load balancer to route requests to the right service.

    1. For the backend configuration, create separate network endpoint groups for the Google Cloud Run services in each region.

    2. For the frontend configuration, make sure that you use the HTTPS protocol. You can create a managed IP address and a managed SSL cert for the load balancer directly from the load balancer console. For the SSL cert, you will need to specify a domain name.

    For detailed instructions on setting up a load balancer for a multi-region Google Cloud Run backend, see the GCP Load Balancer docs.

  11. In the Cloud DNS console (found under Network Services), create a new zone. You can name the zone whatever you want. Enter the same domain name for which you created a certificate earlier.

  12. Select your zone, and copy the nameserver addresses (under "Data") for the recordset labeled "NS".

  13. Outside of the GCP console, through your domain name provider, add the nameserver addresses to the authorative nameserver list for your domain name.

    Note: It can take up to 48 hours for changes to the authorative nameserver list to take effect.

  14. Navigate to the domain name and test out your application.

  15. Clean up (at your leisure).