These instructions detail how we plan to deploy CockroachDB clusters while running tests for the upcoming Cloud Report (Q3 2019).
This document details the plans for each specific cloud, though the only instructions of any real interest are those for Azure.
roachprod create $CLUSTER -n 4 --gce-machine-type=$MACHINETYPE
roachprod create $CLUSTER -n 4 --clouds=aws --aws-machine-type-ssd=$MACHINETYPE
roachprod create $CLUSTER -n 4 --clouds=aws --aws-machine-type-ssd=$MACHINETYPE --local-ssd=false --aws-ebs-volume-type=io1 --aws-ebs-iops=20000
Because roachprod
doesn't yet support Azure, you must deploy machines manually.
All Azure environments require a manually configured network with open CRDB ports.
Note: All machines should be in the same region for these tests.
Create 3 VMs with following options:
Tab Option Value Basics Region Choose the region of your resource group. Basics Resource group Choose your resource group. Basics Image Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS Basics Size Variable Networking Virtual network Choose the virtual network you configured to open CRDB ports. Networking Select Inbound Ports SSH You must make sure that the machine's temp disk is >127GiB.
Create a 4th VM in the same region as the others, which you'll use to run your workloads.
SSH to each machine that will become a CockroachDB node and mount the temporary disk using the following commands:
mkdir cockroach-data
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 cockroach-data
Get the Cockroach binary.
wget -qO- | tar xvz
sudo cp -i cockroach-v19.1.3.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin
Enable nobarrier
DEV=$(mount | grep /mnt | awk '{print $1}');
sudo umount /mnt;
sudo mount -o discard,defaults,barrier=0 ${DEV} /mnt
mount | grep /mnt
sudo mkdir /mnt/data1
Start the node:
sudo cockroach start --insecure --advertise-addr=<node1 address> --join=<node1 address>,<node2 address>,<node3 address> --store=/mnt/data1 --background
After starting the node on all machines, initialize the cluster:
cockroach init --insecure --host=<address of any node>