With our generator and clients performing operations, we've got a history to
analyze for correctness. Jepsen uses a model to represent the abstract
behavior of a system, and a checker to verify whether the history conforms to
that model. We'll require knossos.model
and jepsen.checker
(ns jepsen.etcdemo
(:require [clojure.tools.logging :refer :all]
[clojure.string :as str]
[jepsen [checker :as checker]
[cli :as cli]
[client :as client]
[control :as c]
[db :as db]
[generator :as gen]
[tests :as tests]]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]
[jepsen.os.debian :as debian]
[knossos.model :as model]
[slingshot.slingshot :refer [try+]]
[verschlimmbesserung.core :as v]))
Remember how we chose to model our operations as reads, writes, and cas operations?
(defn r [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :read, :value nil})
(defn w [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :write, :value (rand-int 5)})
(defn cas [_ _] {:type :invoke, :f :cas, :value [(rand-int 5) (rand-int 5)]})
Jepsen doesn't know what :f :read
or :f :cas
mean. As far as it's
concerned, they're arbitrary values. However, our client understands how to
interpret those operations, when it dispatches based on (case (:f op) :read ...)
. Now we need a model of the system which understands those same
operations. Knossos defines a Model data type for us, which takes a model and an
operation to apply, and returns a new model resulting from that operation. Here's that code, inside knossos.model
(definterface+ Model
(step [model op]
"The job of a model is to *validate* that a sequence of operations
applied to it is consistent. Each invocation of (step model op)
returns a new state of the model, or, if the operation was
inconsistent with the model's state, returns a (knossos/inconsistent
msg). (reduce step model history) then validates that a particular
history is valid, and returns the final state of the model.
Models should be a pure, deterministic function of their state and an
operation's :f and :value."))
It turns out that the Knossos checker defines some common models for things like locks and registers. Here's one for a compare-and-set register--exactly the datatype we're modeling.
(defrecord CASRegister [value]
(step [r op]
(condp = (:f op)
:write (CASRegister. (:value op))
:cas (let [[cur new] (:value op)]
(if (= cur value)
(CASRegister. new)
(inconsistent (str "can't CAS " value " from " cur
" to " new))))
:read (if (or (nil? (:value op))
(= value (:value op)))
(inconsistent (str "can't read " (:value op)
" from register " value))))))
We don't need to write these in our tests, as long as knossos
provides a
model for the type of thing we're checking. This is just so you can see how
things work under the hood.
This defrecord defines a new data type called CASRegister
, which has a
single, immutable field, called value
. It satisfies the Model
interface we
discussed earlier, and its step
function takes a current register r
, and an
operation op
. When we want to write a new value, we simply return a new
with that value assigned. To compare-and-set from one value to
another, we pull apart the current and new values from the operation, and if
the current and new values match, construct a fresh register with the new
value. If they don't match, we return a special type of model with
, which indicates that that operation could not be applied to the
register. Reads are similar, except that we always allow reads of nil
to pass
through. This allows us to satisfy histories which include reads that never
We'll add this to our test by providing a :model
(defn etcd-test
"Given an options map from the command line runner (e.g. :nodes, :ssh,
:concurrency ...), constructs a test map."
(merge tests/noop-test
{:name "etcd"
:os debian/os
:db (db "v3.1.5")
:client (Client. nil)
:model (model/cas-register)
:checker (checker/linearizable)
:generator (->> (gen/mix [r w cas])
(gen/stagger 1)
(gen/nemesis nil)
(gen/time-limit 15))}))
To analyze the history, we'll specify a :checker
for the test.
uses the Knossos linearizability checker to verify that
every operation appears take place atomically between its invocation and
completion. It'll use the test's :model
to specify how the system should
Running the test, we can confirm the checker's results:
$ lein run test
INFO [2017-03-31 17:38:16,855] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :invoke :write 1
INFO [2017-03-31 17:38:16,861] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0 :ok :write 1
INFO [2017-03-31 17:38:19,307] main - jepsen.core {:valid? true,
({:model {:value 1},
{:type :ok,
:f :write,
:value 1,
:process 0,
:time 15534211500,
:index 37},
:pending []}),
:final-paths ()}
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ
The last operation in this history was a write of 1
, and sure enough, the
checker's final value is also 1
. This history was linearizable.
Checkers can render all kinds of output--as data structures, images, or
interactive visualizations. For instance, if we have gnuplot
Jepsen can generate throughput and latency graphs for us. Let's use
to run both a linearizability analysis, and generate
performance graphs.
:checker (checker/compose
{:perf (checker/perf)
:linear (checker/linearizable)})
$ lein run test
$ open store/latest/latency-raw.png
We can also generate HTML visualizations of the history. Let's add the jepsen.checker.timeline
(ns jepsen.etcdemo
(:require ...
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
And add that checker to the test:
:checker (checker/compose
{:perf (checker/perf)
:linear (checker/linearizable)
:timeline (timeline/html)})
Now we can plot how different processes performed operations over time--which ones were concurrent, which ones succeeded, failed, or crashed, and so on.
$ lein run test
$ open store/latest/timeline.html
Now that we've got a passing test, it's time to introduce failures into the system.