// Copyright 2020 The Cockroach Authors.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.

package sql

import (


var collectTxnStatsSampleRate = settings.RegisterFloatSetting(
	"the probability that a given transaction will collect execution statistics (displayed in the DB Console)",
	func(f float64) error {
		if f < 0 || f > 1 {
			return errors.New("value must be between 0 and 1 inclusive")
		return nil

// instrumentationHelper encapsulates the logic around extracting information
// about the execution of a statement, like bundles and traces. Typical usage:
//   - SetOutputMode() can be used as necessary if we are running an EXPLAIN
//     ANALYZE variant.
//   - Setup() is called before query execution.
//   - SetDiscardRows(), ShouldDiscardRows(), ShouldSaveFlows(),
//     ShouldBuildExplainPlan(), RecordExplainPlan(), RecordPlanInfo(),
//     PlanForStats() can be called at any point during execution.
//   - Finish() is called after query execution.
type instrumentationHelper struct {
	outputMode outputMode
	// explainFlags is used when outputMode is explainAnalyzeDebugOutput,
	// explainAnalyzePlanOutput, or explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput.
	explainFlags explain.Flags

	// Query fingerprint (anonymized statement).
	fingerprint string
	implicitTxn bool
	codec       keys.SQLCodec

	// -- The following fields are initialized by Setup() --

	// collectBundle is set when we are collecting a diagnostics bundle for a
	// statement; it triggers saving of extra information like the plan string.
	collectBundle bool

	// collectExecStats is set when we are collecting execution statistics for a
	// statement.
	collectExecStats bool

	// isTenant is set when the query is being executed on behalf of a tenant.
	isTenant bool

	// discardRows is set if we want to discard any results rather than sending
	// them back to the client. Used for testing/benchmarking. Note that the
	// resulting schema or the plan are not affected.
	discardRows bool

	diagRequestID           stmtdiagnostics.RequestID
	diagRequest             stmtdiagnostics.Request
	stmtDiagnosticsRecorder *stmtdiagnostics.Registry
	withStatementTrace      func(trace tracingpb.Recording, stmt string)

	// sp is always populated by the instrumentationHelper Setup method, except in
	// the scenario where we do not need tracing information. This scenario occurs
	// with the confluence of:
	// - not collecting a bundle (collectBundle is false)
	// - withStatementTrace is nil (only populated by testing knobs)
	// - outputMode is unmodifiedOutput (i.e. outputMode not specified)
	// - not collecting execution statistics (collectExecStats is false)
	// TODO(yuzefovich): refactor statement span creation #85820
	sp *tracing.Span

	// shouldFinishSpan determines whether sp needs to be finished in
	// instrumentationHelper.Finish.
	shouldFinishSpan bool
	origCtx          context.Context
	evalCtx          *eval.Context

	queryLevelStatsWithErr *execstats.QueryLevelStatsWithErr

	// If savePlanForStats is true and the explainPlan was collected, the
	// serialized version of the plan will be returned via PlanForStats().
	savePlanForStats bool

	explainPlan      *explain.Plan
	distribution     physicalplan.PlanDistribution
	vectorized       bool
	containsMutation bool

	traceMetadata execNodeTraceMetadata

	// planGist is a compressed version of plan that can be converted (lossily)
	// back into a logical plan or be used to get a plan hash.
	planGist explain.PlanGist

	// costEstimate is the cost of the query as estimated by the optimizer.
	costEstimate float64

	// indexRecs contains index recommendations for the planned statement. It
	// will only be populated if recommendations are requested for the statement
	// for populating the statement_statistics table.
	indexRecs []indexrec.Rec
	// explainIndexRecs contains index recommendations for EXPLAIN statements.
	explainIndexRecs []indexrec.Rec

	// maxFullScanRows is the maximum number of rows scanned by a full scan, as
	// estimated by the optimizer.
	maxFullScanRows float64

	// totalScanRows is the total number of rows read by all scans in the query,
	// as estimated by the optimizer.
	totalScanRows float64

	// totalScanRowsWithoutForecasts is the total number of rows read by all scans
	// in the query, as estimated by the optimizer without using forecasts. (If
	// forecasts were not used, this should be the same as totalScanRows.)
	totalScanRowsWithoutForecasts float64

	// outputRows is the number of rows output by the query, as estimated by the
	// optimizer.
	outputRows float64

	// statsAvailable is true if table statistics were available to the optimizer
	// when planning the query.
	statsAvailable bool

	// nanosSinceStatsCollected is the maximum number of nanoseconds that have
	// passed since stats were collected on any table scanned by this query.
	nanosSinceStatsCollected time.Duration

	// nanosSinceStatsForecasted is the greatest quantity of nanoseconds that have
	// passed since the forecast time (or until the forecast time, if it is in the
	// future, in which case it will be negative) for any table with forecasted
	// stats scanned by this query.
	nanosSinceStatsForecasted time.Duration

	// joinTypeCounts records the number of times each type of logical join was
	// used in the query.
	joinTypeCounts map[descpb.JoinType]int

	// joinAlgorithmCounts records the number of times each type of join algorithm
	// was used in the query.
	joinAlgorithmCounts map[exec.JoinAlgorithm]int

	// scanCounts records the number of times scans were used in the query.
	scanCounts [exec.NumScanCountTypes]int

	// indexesUsed list the indexes used in the query with format tableID@indexID.
	indexesUsed []string

	// schemachangerMode indicates which schema changer mode was used to execute
	// the query.
	schemaChangerMode schemaChangerMode

// outputMode indicates how the statement output needs to be populated (for
// EXPLAIN ANALYZE variants).
type outputMode int8

const (
	unmodifiedOutput outputMode = iota

// GetQueryLevelStats gets the QueryLevelStats if they are available.
// The query level stats are only available if tracing is enabled.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) GetQueryLevelStats() (stats *execstats.QueryLevelStats, ok bool) {
	statsWithErr := ih.queryLevelStatsWithErr

	if statsWithErr == nil || statsWithErr.Err != nil {
		return nil, false

	return &statsWithErr.Stats, true

// Tracing returns the current value of the instrumentation helper's span,
// along with a boolean that determines whether the span is populated.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) Tracing() (sp *tracing.Span, ok bool) {
	if ih.sp != nil {
		return ih.sp, true
	return nil, false

// SetOutputMode can be called before Setup, if we are running an EXPLAIN
// ANALYZE variant.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) SetOutputMode(outputMode outputMode, explainFlags explain.Flags) {
	ih.outputMode = outputMode
	ih.explainFlags = explainFlags

// Setup potentially enables verbose tracing for the statement, depending on
// output mode or statement diagnostic activation requests. Finish() must be
// called after the statement finishes execution (unless needFinish=false, in
// which case Finish() is a no-op).
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) Setup(
	ctx context.Context,
	cfg *ExecutorConfig,
	statsCollector sqlstats.StatsCollector,
	p *planner,
	stmtDiagnosticsRecorder *stmtdiagnostics.Registry,
	fingerprint string,
	implicitTxn bool,
	collectTxnExecStats bool,
) (newCtx context.Context, needFinish bool) {
	ih.fingerprint = fingerprint
	ih.implicitTxn = implicitTxn
	ih.codec = cfg.Codec
	ih.origCtx = ctx
	ih.evalCtx = p.EvalContext()
	ih.isTenant = multitenant.TenantRUEstimateEnabled.Get(cfg.SV()) && cfg.DistSQLSrv != nil &&
		cfg.DistSQLSrv.TenantCostController != nil

	switch ih.outputMode {
	case explainAnalyzeDebugOutput:
		ih.collectBundle = true
		// EXPLAIN ANALYZE (DEBUG) does not return the rows for the given query;
		// instead it returns some text which includes a URL.
		// TODO(radu): maybe capture some of the rows and include them in the
		// bundle.
		ih.discardRows = true

	case explainAnalyzePlanOutput, explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput:
		ih.discardRows = true

		ih.collectBundle, ih.diagRequestID, ih.diagRequest =
			stmtDiagnosticsRecorder.ShouldCollectDiagnostics(ctx, fingerprint)

	ih.stmtDiagnosticsRecorder = stmtDiagnosticsRecorder
	ih.withStatementTrace = cfg.TestingKnobs.WithStatementTrace

	var previouslySampled bool
	previouslySampled, ih.savePlanForStats = statsCollector.ShouldSample(fingerprint, implicitTxn, p.SessionData().Database)

	defer func() {
		if ih.ShouldBuildExplainPlan() {
			// Populate traceMetadata at the end once we have all properties of
			// the helper setup.
			ih.traceMetadata = make(execNodeTraceMetadata)
		// Make sure that the builtins use the correct context.

	if sp := tracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); sp != nil {
		if sp.IsVerbose() {
			// If verbose tracing was enabled at a higher level, stats
			// collection is enabled so that stats are shown in the traces, but
			// no extra work is needed by the instrumentationHelper.
			ih.collectExecStats = true
			// We always want to finish the instrumentationHelper in order
			// to record the execution statistics. Note that we capture the
			// span in order to fetch the trace from it, but the span won't be
			// finished.
			ih.sp = sp
			return ctx, true /* needFinish */
	} else {
		if buildutil.CrdbTestBuild {
			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("the context doesn't have a tracing span"))

	ih.collectExecStats = collectTxnExecStats

	if !collectTxnExecStats && !previouslySampled {
		// We don't collect the execution stats for statements in this txn, but
		// this is the first time we see this statement ever, so we'll collect
		// its execution stats anyway (unless the user disabled txn stats
		// collection entirely).
		statsCollectionDisabled := collectTxnStatsSampleRate.Get(&cfg.Settings.SV) == 0
		ih.collectExecStats = !statsCollectionDisabled

	if !ih.collectBundle && ih.withStatementTrace == nil && ih.outputMode == unmodifiedOutput {
		if ih.collectExecStats {
			// If we need to collect stats, create a child span with structured
			// recording. Stats will be added as structured metadata and processed in
			// Finish.
			newCtx, ih.sp = tracing.EnsureChildSpan(ctx, cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer, "traced statement",
			ih.shouldFinishSpan = true
			return newCtx, true
		return ctx, false

	ih.collectExecStats = true
	// Execution stats are propagated as structured metadata, so we definitely
	// need to enable the tracing. We default to the RecordingStructured level
	// in order to reduce the overhead of EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
	recType := tracingpb.RecordingStructured
	if ih.collectBundle || ih.withStatementTrace != nil {
		// Use the verbose recording only if we're collecting the bundle (the
		// verbose trace is very helpful during debugging) or if we have a
		// testing callback.
		recType = tracingpb.RecordingVerbose
	newCtx, ih.sp = tracing.EnsureChildSpan(ctx, cfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer, "traced statement", tracing.WithRecording(recType))
	ih.shouldFinishSpan = true
	return newCtx, true

func (ih *instrumentationHelper) Finish(
	cfg *ExecutorConfig,
	statsCollector sqlstats.StatsCollector,
	txnStats *execstats.QueryLevelStats,
	collectExecStats bool,
	p *planner,
	ast tree.Statement,
	stmtRawSQL string,
	res RestrictedCommandResult,
	retPayload fsm.EventPayload,
	retErr error,
) error {
	ctx := ih.origCtx
	if _, ok := ih.Tracing(); !ok {
		return retErr

	// Record the statement information that we've collected.
	// Note that in case of implicit transactions, the trace contains the auto-commit too.
	var trace tracingpb.Recording

	if ih.shouldFinishSpan {
		trace = ih.sp.FinishAndGetConfiguredRecording()
	} else {
		trace = ih.sp.GetConfiguredRecording()

	if ih.withStatementTrace != nil {
		ih.withStatementTrace(trace, stmtRawSQL)

	queryLevelStats, ok := ih.GetQueryLevelStats()
	// Accumulate txn stats if no error was encountered while collecting
	// query-level statistics.
	if ok {
		if collectExecStats || ih.implicitTxn {

	var bundle diagnosticsBundle
	var warnings []string
	if ih.collectBundle {
		ie := p.extendedEvalCtx.ExecCfg.InternalDB.Executor(
		phaseTimes := statsCollector.PhaseTimes()
		execLatency := phaseTimes.GetServiceLatencyNoOverhead()
		// Note that we want to remove the request from the local registry
		// _before_ inserting the bundle to prevent rare test flakes (#106284).
		ih.stmtDiagnosticsRecorder.MaybeRemoveRequest(ih.diagRequestID, ih.diagRequest, execLatency)
		if ih.stmtDiagnosticsRecorder.IsConditionSatisfied(ih.diagRequest, execLatency) {
			placeholders := p.extendedEvalCtx.Placeholders
			ob := ih.emitExplainAnalyzePlanToOutputBuilder(ih.explainFlags, phaseTimes, queryLevelStats)
			warnings = ob.GetWarnings()
			var payloadErr error
			if pwe, ok := retPayload.(payloadWithError); ok {
				payloadErr = pwe.errorCause()
			bundle = buildStatementBundle(
				ctx, ih.explainFlags, cfg.DB, ie.(*InternalExecutor), stmtRawSQL, &p.curPlan,
				ob.BuildString(), trace, placeholders, res.Err(), payloadErr, retErr,
			// Include all non-critical errors as warnings. Note that these
			// error strings might contain PII, but the warnings are only shown
			// to the current user and aren't included into the bundle.
			warnings = append(warnings, bundle.errorStrings...)
				ctx, ih.fingerprint, ast, cfg.StmtDiagnosticsRecorder, ih.diagRequestID, ih.diagRequest,

	// If there was a communication error already, no point in setting any
	// results.
	if retErr != nil {
		return retErr

	switch ih.outputMode {
	case explainAnalyzeDebugOutput:
		return setExplainBundleResult(ctx, res, bundle, cfg, warnings)

	case explainAnalyzePlanOutput, explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput:
		var flows []flowInfo
		if ih.outputMode == explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput {
			flows = p.curPlan.distSQLFlowInfos
		return ih.setExplainAnalyzeResult(ctx, res, statsCollector.PhaseTimes(), queryLevelStats, flows, trace)

		return nil

// SetDiscardRows should be called when we want to discard rows for a
// non-ANALYZE statement (via EXECUTE .. DISCARD ROWS).
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) SetDiscardRows() {
	ih.discardRows = true

// ShouldDiscardRows returns true if this is an EXPLAIN ANALYZE variant or
// SetDiscardRows() was called.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldDiscardRows() bool {
	return ih.discardRows

// ShouldSaveFlows is true if we should save the flow specifications (to be able
// to generate diagrams - when shouldSaveDiagrams() returns true - and to get
// query level stats when sampling statements).
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldSaveFlows() bool {
	return ih.collectBundle || ih.outputMode == explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput || ih.collectExecStats

// shouldSaveDiagrams returns whether saveFlows() function should also be saving
// diagrams in flowInfo objects.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) shouldSaveDiagrams() bool {
	return ih.collectBundle || ih.outputMode != unmodifiedOutput

// ShouldUseJobForCreateStats indicates if we should run CREATE STATISTICS as a
// job (normally true). It is false if we are running a statement under
// EXPLAIN ANALYZE, in which case we want to run the CREATE STATISTICS plan
// directly.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldUseJobForCreateStats() bool {
	return ih.outputMode == unmodifiedOutput

// ShouldBuildExplainPlan returns true if we should build an explain plan and
// call RecordExplainPlan.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldBuildExplainPlan() bool {
	return ih.collectBundle || ih.collectExecStats ||
		ih.outputMode == explainAnalyzePlanOutput ||
		ih.outputMode == explainAnalyzeDistSQLOutput

// ShouldCollectExecStats returns true if we should collect statement execution
// statistics.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldCollectExecStats() bool {
	return ih.collectExecStats

// ShouldSaveMemo returns true if we should save the memo and catalog in planTop.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) ShouldSaveMemo() bool {
	return ih.collectBundle

// RecordExplainPlan records the explain.Plan for this query.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) RecordExplainPlan(explainPlan *explain.Plan) {
	ih.explainPlan = explainPlan

// RecordPlanInfo records top-level information about the plan.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) RecordPlanInfo(
	distribution physicalplan.PlanDistribution, vectorized, containsMutation bool,
) {
	ih.distribution = distribution
	ih.vectorized = vectorized
	ih.containsMutation = containsMutation

// PlanForStats returns the plan as an ExplainTreePlanNode tree, if it was
// collected (nil otherwise). It should be called after RecordExplainPlan() and
// RecordPlanInfo().
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) PlanForStats(ctx context.Context) *appstatspb.ExplainTreePlanNode {
	if ih.explainPlan == nil || !ih.savePlanForStats {
		return nil

	ob := explain.NewOutputBuilder(explain.Flags{
		HideValues: true,
	if err := emitExplain(ob, ih.evalCtx, ih.codec, ih.explainPlan); err != nil {
		log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to emit explain plan tree: %v", err)
		return nil
	return ob.BuildProtoTree()

// emitExplainAnalyzePlanToOutputBuilder creates an explain.OutputBuilder and
// populates it with the EXPLAIN ANALYZE plan. BuildString/BuildStringRows can
// be used on the result.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) emitExplainAnalyzePlanToOutputBuilder(
	flags explain.Flags, phaseTimes *sessionphase.Times, queryStats *execstats.QueryLevelStats,
) *explain.OutputBuilder {
	ob := explain.NewOutputBuilder(flags)
	if ih.explainPlan == nil {
		// Return an empty builder if there is no plan.
		return ob

	if queryStats != nil {
		if queryStats.KVRowsRead != 0 {
			ob.AddKVReadStats(queryStats.KVRowsRead, queryStats.KVBytesRead, queryStats.KVPairsRead, queryStats.KVBatchRequestsIssued)
		if queryStats.KVTime != 0 {
		if queryStats.ContentionTime != 0 {

		ob.AddNetworkStats(queryStats.NetworkMessages, queryStats.NetworkBytesSent)
		if len(queryStats.Regions) > 0 {

		if !ih.containsMutation && ih.vectorized && grunning.Supported() {
			// Currently we cannot separate SQL CPU time from local KV CPU time for
			// mutations, since they do not collect statistics. Additionally, CPU time
			// is only collected for vectorized plans since it is gathered by the
			// vectorizedStatsCollector operator.
			// TODO(drewk): lift these restrictions.
		if ih.isTenant && ih.vectorized {
			// Only output RU estimate if this is a tenant. Additionally, RUs aren't
			// correctly propagated in all cases for plans that aren't vectorized -
			// for example, EXPORT statements. For now, only output RU estimates for
			// vectorized plans.

	if err := emitExplain(ob, ih.evalCtx, ih.codec, ih.explainPlan); err != nil {
		ob.AddTopLevelField("error emitting plan", fmt.Sprint(err))
	return ob

// setExplainAnalyzeResult sets the result for an EXPLAIN ANALYZE or EXPLAIN
// ANALYZE (DISTSQL) statement (in the former case, distSQLFlowInfos and trace
// are nil).
// Returns an error only if there was an error adding rows to the result.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) setExplainAnalyzeResult(
	ctx context.Context,
	res RestrictedCommandResult,
	phaseTimes *sessionphase.Times,
	queryLevelStats *execstats.QueryLevelStats,
	distSQLFlowInfos []flowInfo,
	trace tracingpb.Recording,
) (commErr error) {
	res.SetColumns(ctx, colinfo.ExplainPlanColumns)

	if res.Err() != nil {
		// Can't add rows if there was an error.
		return nil //nolint:returnerrcheck

	ob := ih.emitExplainAnalyzePlanToOutputBuilder(ih.explainFlags, phaseTimes, queryLevelStats)
	rows := ob.BuildStringRows()
	if distSQLFlowInfos != nil {
		rows = append(rows, "")
		for i, d := range distSQLFlowInfos {
			var buf bytes.Buffer
			if len(distSQLFlowInfos) > 1 {
				fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "Diagram %d (%s): ", i+1, d.typ)
			} else {
				buf.WriteString("Diagram: ")
			_, url, err := d.diagram.ToURL()
			if err != nil {
			} else {
			rows = append(rows, buf.String())
	for _, row := range rows {
		if err := res.AddRow(ctx, tree.Datums{tree.NewDString(row)}); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// getAssociateNodeWithComponentsFn returns a function, unsafe for concurrent
// usage, that maintains a mapping from planNode to tracing metadata. It might
// return nil in which case this mapping is not needed.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) getAssociateNodeWithComponentsFn() func(exec.Node, execComponents) {
	if ih.traceMetadata == nil {
		return nil
	return ih.traceMetadata.associateNodeWithComponents

// execNodeTraceMetadata associates exec.Nodes with metadata for corresponding
// execution components.
// Currently, we only store info about processors. A node can correspond to
// multiple processors if the plan is distributed.
// TODO(radu): we perform similar processing of execution traces in various
// parts of the code. Come up with some common infrastructure that makes this
// easier.
type execNodeTraceMetadata map[exec.Node]execComponents

type execComponents []execinfrapb.ComponentID

// associateNodeWithComponents is called during planning, as processors are
// planned for an execution operator.
func (m execNodeTraceMetadata) associateNodeWithComponents(
	node exec.Node, components execComponents,
) {
	m[node] = components

// annotateExplain aggregates the statistics in the trace and annotates
// explain.Nodes with execution stats.
func (m execNodeTraceMetadata) annotateExplain(
	plan *explain.Plan, spans []tracingpb.RecordedSpan, makeDeterministic bool, p *planner,
) {
	statsMap := execinfrapb.ExtractStatsFromSpans(spans, makeDeterministic)

	// Retrieve which region each node is on.
	regionsInfo := make(map[int64]string)
	for componentId := range statsMap {
		if componentId.Region != "" {
			regionsInfo[int64(componentId.SQLInstanceID)] = componentId.Region

	noMutations := !p.curPlan.flags.IsSet(planFlagContainsMutation)

	var walk func(n *explain.Node)
	walk = func(n *explain.Node) {
		wrapped := n.WrappedNode()
		if components, ok := m[wrapped]; ok {
			var nodeStats exec.ExecutionStats

			incomplete := false
			var nodes intsets.Fast
			regionsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
			for _, c := range components {
				if c.Type == execinfrapb.ComponentID_PROCESSOR {
					regionsMap[regionsInfo[int64(c.SQLInstanceID)]] = struct{}{}
				stats := statsMap[c]
				if stats == nil {
					incomplete = true
				nodeStats.UsedStreamer = stats.KV.UsedStreamer
				if noMutations && !makeDeterministic {
					// Currently we cannot separate SQL CPU time from local KV CPU time
					// for mutations, since they do not collect statistics. Additionally,
					// some platforms do not support usage of the grunning library, so we
					// can't show this field when a deterministic output is required.
					// TODO(drewk): once the grunning library is fully supported we can
					// unconditionally display the CPU time here and in output.go and
					// component_stats.go.
			// If we didn't get statistics for all processors, we don't show the
			// incomplete results. In the future, we may consider an incomplete flag
			// if we want to show them with a warning.
			if !incomplete {
				for i, ok := nodes.Next(0); ok; i, ok = nodes.Next(i + 1) {
					nodeStats.Nodes = append(nodeStats.Nodes, fmt.Sprintf("n%d", i))
				regions := make([]string, 0, len(regionsMap))
				for r := range regionsMap {
					// Add only if the region is not an empty string (it will be an
					// empty string if the region is not setup).
					if r != "" {
						regions = append(regions, r)
				nodeStats.Regions = regions
				n.Annotate(exec.ExecutionStatsID, &nodeStats)

		for i := 0; i < n.ChildCount(); i++ {

	for i := range plan.Subqueries {
	for i := range plan.Checks {

// SetIndexRecommendations checks if we should generate a new index recommendation.
// If true it will generate and update the idx recommendations cache,
// if false, uses the value on index recommendations cache and updates its counter.
func (ih *instrumentationHelper) SetIndexRecommendations(
	ctx context.Context, idxRec *idxrecommendations.IndexRecCache, planner *planner, isInternal bool,
) {
	stmtType := planner.stmt.AST.StatementType()

	reset := false
	var recommendations []indexrec.Rec
	if idxRec.ShouldGenerateIndexRecommendation(
	) {
		// If the statement is an EXPLAIN, then we might have already generated
		// the index recommendations. If so, we can skip generation here.
		if ih.explainIndexRecs != nil {
			recommendations = ih.explainIndexRecs
		} else {
			opc := &planner.optPlanningCtx
			f := opc.optimizer.Factory()
			evalCtx := opc.p.EvalContext()
			f.Init(ctx, evalCtx, opc.catalog)
			bld := optbuilder.New(ctx, &opc.p.semaCtx, evalCtx, opc.catalog, f, opc.p.stmt.AST)
			err := bld.Build()
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to build memo: %s", err)
			} else {
				recommendations, err = opc.makeQueryIndexRecommendation(ctx)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warningf(ctx, "unable to generate index recommendations: %s", err)
		reset = true
	ih.indexRecs = idxRec.UpdateIndexRecommendations(