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459 lines (379 loc) · 20.6 KB
  • Feature Name: Revert Command
  • Status: draft
  • Start Date: 2017-06-01
  • Authors: Spencer Kimball, Daniel Harrison
  • RFC PR: (PR # after acceptance of initial draft)
  • Cockroach Issue: #2003 #14120 #14279 #15723 #16161


This RFC describes a new Revert KV operation for efficient, transactional truncations and point-in-time recoveries of full Ranges.


It is important to disambiguate the word "range" in this document. In the context of the DeleteRange command, it refers to a span of keys, which may contain 0 or more actual key-value pairs stored to the underlying database. We use "Range" (with a capital "R") to instead refer to a contiguous segment of the CockroachDB keyspace which is replicated via an instance of the Raft consensus algorithm, and accessed via the distributed KV layer via first the Node, then the Store, and finally one of the Range's replicas (storage.Replica, defined in /pkg/storage/range.go).


The primary goal for the Revert command is a point-in-time recovery mechanism, capable of reversing mutations newer than a specified historical timestamp. A secondary goal is more efficient table drops and truncations.

Primary Goal: Point-in-Time Recovery

While high-frequency, incremental backups are required for responsible production CockroachDB deployments, there remain important failure scenarios (e.g. application errors or operator "fat fingers") requiring a subtler mechanism for recovery. In particular, we require a means to restore a complete table or database to a consistent point in time preceding the introduction of data corruption. Point in time (PIT) recovery traditionally is done by restoring to the latest full backup, and replaying the database log up to and excluding the introduction of data corruption. This is the means by which Oracle, SQLServer, Postgres, and MySQL recommend performing PIT recovery. MongoDB provides similar functionality via their Cloud Manager product. Traditional mechanisms for PIT recovery are typically time consuming and require the database to be offline.

Because CockroachDB is based on an MVCC model, the underlying information for PIT recovery is available (modulo data garbage collected past the configured time-to-live (TTL)), and is already pre-distributed. Further, with the mechanism described in this RFC, we can achieve efficient PIT recovery of whole tables or databases in-situ -- that is, without requiring the database to be quiesced in part or in whole, and restoring from backups.

Secondary Goal: Efficient (DROP | TRUNCATE) TABLE

The current implementations of DROP (TABLE|INDEX) and TRUNCATE TABLE work in much the same way, either by scanning data and issuing individual Delete commands, or by avoiding scanning entirely and issuing DeleteRange commands to more efficiently delete larger spans of keys. The "fast path", using DeleteRange, is available only if there are no interleaved sub-tables. However, despite being faster than scanning and issuing individual deletes, DeleteRange is still much too slow in practice (and has gotten even slower with proposer evaluated KV).

If the code in /pkg/sql/tablewriter.go: tableDeleter.deleteAllRows proceeds to delete the underlying data using the DeleteRange KV command, we expect that using a similar, but considerably more efficient Revert KV command will yield commensurate benefit to the SQL, without requiring any additional modifications to the SQL layer. One small but salubrious exception is we'll remove the "chunking" that's currently done in the case of DROP TABLE.

Another point worth mentioning is that users DROP or TRUNCATE a table sometimes in order to free up space. The previous implementation would end up writing more data to disk in the form of tombstones. This RFC won't solve the underlying problem of wanting to free up space, but it at least won't counter-intuitively lead to greater capacity utilization.

Side note: The difference between TRUNCATE TABLE and DROP Table is that TRUNCATE TABLE must accommodate all row deletions into a single transaction and so will break for large tables. By contrast, DROP uses many transactions, each with a limit on the total number of rows, to keep each transaction under CockroachDB's max transaction size threshold. DROP TABLE is free to do its work using multiple transactions because it proceeds only after the schema change used to drop the table has completed, unlinking the table ID from the schema, and preventing further usage. Since no concurrent access of the table is allowed, the contents can be deleted in any manner convenient. A further small point about the existing implementation's efficiency: when calling DeleteRange with a specified row limit, the KV API distributed sender is not free to send to Ranges in parallel, causing it to serially process the Ranges, regardless of how many nodes are in the cluster (i.e. how much parallelism is available).

Point-in-Time Recovery

As mentioned in the summary, the Revert command introduced in this RFC is meant to also enable a new enterprise-tier feature, point-in-time recovery. Point-in-time recovery is similar to queries at a historical timestamp ("time travel") via the SELECT ... AS OF SYSTEM TIME <X> syntax. The difference is that point-in-time recovery transactionally reverts a key span to the specified historical time, assuming it's within the affected Range's garbage collection TTL, permanently altering the data for all observers and future mutations.

This feature is of particular interest to database operators and helps address various and sundry use cases, such as "fat finger" operator error, and allowing the wholesale rollback of errors introduced into the database by the deployment of a buggy application.

Detailed design

The Revert KV command will operate only on the entire key span of a Range. If it is directed to apply to only 99.9% of the Range, it will return a IllegalRevertError.

Note that the new fast path for DROP and TRUNCATE SQL commands that will use Revert is active only in situations where there are:

  • No interleaved sub-tables
  • No active indexes on the table (only applies to TRUNCATE)
  • No foreign keys referencing the table

The key performance optimization is to avoid the DeleteRange command's per-key writes and instead utilize a parallel set of full-Range reversions. These are either deletes -or- point-in-time reverts of the entire Range span. They are consulted on MVCC access and merged with the underlying Range data.

Full-Range Reversions

The bulk of the fast Revert optimization lies within the MVCC layer (/pkg/storage/engine/mvcc.go). An additional MVCC Range-local key called FullRangeReversions contains values of type Reversion:

type Reversion struct {
  RevertTo hlc.Timestamp // Revert values written after this timestamp

For example, for deletion, the full-Range reversion is:

Reversion {
  RevertTo: 0,

For reverting to a previous time t1 from time t2, the full-Range reversion is:

Reversion {
  RevertTo: t1,

To revert the previous revert at time t2, the full-Range reversion is:

Reversion {
  RevertTo: t2,-1, // ",-1" is one logical tick prior to time t2

FullRangeReversions is a replicated key-range-local MVCC key so that it can be addressed as part of a transaction, generate conflicts, and accept intent resolutions. When reading, the MVCC value of the FullRangeReversions key is read using the command timestamp to index into the available versions.

For a point-in-time recovery reversion, RevertTo must be more recent than the Range's GCThreshold, or a new RevertTooOldError is returned.

Reading With Full-Range Reversions

The full spectrum of MVCC methods currently include MVCCGetProto, MVCCGet, MVCCPut, MVCCPutProto, MVCCConditionalPut, MVCCBlindPut, MVCCDelete, MVCCIncrement, MVCCBlindConditionalPut, MVCCInitPut, MVCCMerge, MVCCDeleteRange, MVCCScan, MVCCReverseScan, MVCCIterate, MVCCResolveWriteIntent, MVCCResolveWriteIntentRange, and MVCCGarbageCollect. Unfortunately, these are naked functions with no Range-specific scope. We'll need to refactor these into a new rangeMVCC object:

type rangeMVCC struct {
  // history is a sorted slice, cached from materialized versioned
  // values of the Range's FullRangeReversions key.
  history []Reversion // Sorted by MVCC timestamp

The rangeMVCC functions will then be able to use the reversion history to merge access to the underlying key value data with any reversions for the Range. The underlying MVCC data is read first and then augmented (i.e. nil'd out if deleted) based on the relevant values in the reversion history. For example, imagine a reversion history that looks as follows. Notice the reversion history contains both a full-Range reversion at t=3 and a point-in-time recovery at t=9, reverting back to t=5.

Full-Range Reversions

There are also multiple versions of keys a through f, with timestamps listed in the cells, starting from most recent (t=10) to least recent (t=1).

  • If a is read at t=10, the value at t=10 will be returned.
  • If b is read at t=10, the value at t=5 will be returned.
  • If a is read at t=9, nil will be returned. Note that in practice, this is more complicated than may be immediately obvious.

Reading a at t=9 would normally yield the value t=6, but in the process of merging that result with the point-in-time recovery reversion, the reader is forced to query again, this time starting at the reversion's RevertTo: t=5. This must in turn use the correct full-Range reversion for t=5, which is the reversion starting at t=3. This is then applied to the value read at t=3, causing a final value of nil to be returned. This process may continue for an arbitrary number of re-reads, making point-in-time recoveries potentially more expensive for reads, although the two or more lookups are almost certainly in the same block cache entry and in practice, this may not be noticeable.

Because full-Range reversions are written as part of transactions, they will contain intents. Reads encountering an intent on the full-Range reversion will return a WriteIntentError.

Mutations With Full-Range Reversions

If there are full-Range reversions present on a Range, all mutations must take the following steps to ensure correctness. Note that these same steps must also be taken before adding another reversion, not just when writing data to the underlying Range.

  • Consult the most recent FullRangeReversions value; if an intent, return WriteIntentError. Note that the same rules which apply to writes of normal MVCC values apply to the full-Range reversion. In particular, the value will be considered committed if read in the same transaction, and will be replaced if overwritten by the same transaction.
  • Consult the most recent FullRangeReversions value; if the mutation timestamp is older than the most recent full-Range reversion, return WriteTooOldError.
  • [For full-Range reversions ONLY]: if MVCCStats.IntentCount is non-zero, return a new CannotRevertActiveRange error. Note this presumes that full-Range reversion writes will occur on mostly-quiescent ranges; if not, a busy range could prevent revert from ever succeeding.
  • [For full-Range reversions ONLY]: if the MVCCStats.LastUpdateNanos wall time is newer than the mutation timestamp's wall time, return WriteTooOldError. This step avoids the necessity of scanning all keys in the Range in order to ensure the full-Range reversion is not rewriting history.
  • Perform mutation. Note that any mutations which involve reads will require the read to consider past full-Range reversions, as per usual.

Note that the consultation of the read timestamp cache is unchanged when writing a new full-Range reversion. The Revert command will have its start and end keys set to the bounds of the Range, which will guarantee that writing the full-Range reversion won't change history for readers.

Blind puts should be disabled in the event there are any full-Range reversions, because they effectively count as a reversion at every possible key in the Range.

MVCC Garbage Collection

MVCC garbage collection will require changes in conjunction with the addition of full-Range reversions. When the GC queue considers a range, and there is an intent on the FullRangeReversions value, the intent's transaction must be pushed before garbage collection can proceed. This ensures that a transaction performing full-Range reverts will not have Range GCThresholds advanced concurrently, which might otherwise violate the prohibition that reverts cannot be made to a time earlier than the GCThreshold.

In addition, the KV GC command must be augmented to accept the most recent timestamp for the FullRangeReversions key, which is verified (as still being the most recent) when the GC command is evaluated.

The versions of the FullRangeReversions key (as taken from the snapshot that the GC queue uses to do its work) are passed to the MakeGarbageCollector method, which applies them to the slice of versioned values to appropriately garbage collect versions older than the threshold, but also in no way visible due to existing reversions.


- If there are any reversions more recent than the threshold, skip GC
- Find first version visible when reading at the GC threshold
- If visible version is deleted, delete all versions older than threshold
- Otherwise:
  - GC all versions older than threshold, but newer than visible version
  - GC all versions older than the visible version

Because the GC algorithm won't run until reversions are older than the threshold, determining which versions to garbage collect is straightforward. We simply follow the same procedure as is used to read a KV version in the presence of reversions. This identifies which historical version, if any, is "visible" when reading at the GC threshold. All other versions older than the threshold are GC'd.

Currently, the GC command takes a slice of GCKey objects:

message GCKey {
  optional bytes key = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "Key"];
  optional util.hlc.Timestamp timestamp = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];

The GCKey struct will need to be updated to make it clear that field ID 2 is meant to mean "clear all values earlier than this timestamp", as well as adding an additional optional slice of "reverted" timestamped versions to delete:

message GCKey {
  optional bytes key = 1 [(gogoproto.casttype) = "Key"];
  // All versions with timestamp <= low_water_timestamp will be cleared.
  optional util.hlc.Timestamp low_water_timestamp = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
  // Versions matching timestamps in the reverted_timestamps set will be cleared.
  repeated util.hlc.Timestamp reverted_timestamps = 3;

Versions of the FullRangeReversions key may be garbage collected as soon as they are older than the GC threshold, but only after the Range has been fully scanned and all batched KV GC commands successfully processed at that GC threshold.

There is an important optimization enabled for garbage collection in the case of a Range whose MVCCStats.LastUpdateNanos is newer than the wall time of the most recent full-Range reversion. In this case, garbage collection of the underlying keys can be done using the underlying storage engine's Revert operation (RocksDB has this capability). This case is not uncommon. In particular, this will be the normal case for dropped tables, which will allow CockroachDB to avoid any per-key manipulation over the entire lifecycle of DROP TABLE. Implementing this will require a span-based extension to the GC KV command.

MVCC Statistics

In the section above on mutations with full-Range reversions, MVCCStats.LastUpdateNanos is referenced. This provides a simple, monotonically increasing value which represents the high water mark for wall time for any writes to the Range, because every write to the range updates the MVCCStats using the current wall time from the node's hlc.Clock, which is itself monotonically increasing and always updated to the highest timestamp seen from write batches. On merges, the greater of the two values is already chosen. On splits, the value is already duplicated.

For full-Range reversions which specify a zero RevertTo, all data in the Range is being moved from "live" to "dead" bytes. The MVCCStats object must be modified by setting LiveBytes and LiveCount to zero.

For full-Range reversions which specify a non-zero RevertTo (i.e. point-in-time recovery), MVCC statistics cannot be recomputed without a full scan through the underlying data. Here we propose a new queue to lazily recompute MVCC stats for Ranges which have the ContainsEstimates flag set to true (we currently only recompute these in the event of splits and merges). The new queue is not an immediate requirement -- in general, it seems acceptable to allow temporarily out-of-date stats after a point-in-time recovery. If the definition of "temporary" is stretched initially to mean "until the next split, maybe never", that's an OK start. Expect the queue to be added in a follow-on PR.

Splits and Merges

Handling Range splits is straightforward: just duplicate the full-Range reversion versions. It's easy to see how this is correct: the full-Range reversions covered the pre-split Range in full, so they must also cover each post-split Range in full. Note that splits cannot proceed if the FullRangeReversions key has an intent.

Merges are more difficult. If there are no full-Range reversions, merges may proceed as they currently do. However, if there are full-Range reversions on either half of the merge (or both halves and they're not identical), then neither side's full-Range reversions may safely be applied to the other. For this reason, merges of Ranges which contain full-Range reversions must be delayed until the full-Range reversions have been garbage collected.

Note that more could be done in the case of merges, especially where long TTLs are concerned (e.g. a 7 year regulatory retention policy). In these cases, if merge pressure is high, the full-Range reversions could themselves be merged into the underlying data, creating individual reversions. This will be left as a suggested TODO.

SQL Syntax

The REVERT SQL syntax is modeled after BACKUP:

REVERT (TABLE | DATABASE) <(table pattern | database pattern) [, ...]> TO SYSTEM TIME <timestamp>


This change will require a migration step because nodes running the latest version which understands and uses the full-Range reversions will not be able to mix with nodes which don't. See #16977 for a description of the migration process.


As always, complexity is a cause for concern. This RFC will introduce a merging step at the MVCC layer to combine the full-Range reversions with the underlying Range MVCC values.


For DROP TABLE, an efficient alternative would be to effectively unlink the dropped table and store its table ID in a system.dropped table. That table would contain the drop time and a GC timestamp which could be queried or updated (in order to control when the actual garbage collection of the underlying data would take place). This would allow instant drops, and would provide a clear mechanism to undo the drop for the period of time up to the eventual GC.

For the case of TRUNCATE TABLE, work would need to be done at the SQL layer to swap in a new ID. This would work well for the case of blind puts, which would continue to be efficient even after the truncate.

Switching IDs in the schema won't work for point-in-time recovery.

Unresolved questions

  • Need a solution for interaction of Revert with schema changes. A revert which takes a table back to a timestamp before the schema change started may yield data which is no longer compatible with the schema. For example, a schema change enforcing a constraint on a column could conflict with a revert of the same data to an earlier timestamp. A simple solution is to disallow reverts to timestamps earlier than the most recent schema change. Another solution is to revert to the earlier schema as part of the revert operation.

  • Span-based MVCC garbage collection will require some tricky synchronization to ensure it doesn't race with any other writes. The full implementation requires some thought and is currently outside the scope of this RFC.