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1723 lines (1347 loc) · 67.7 KB
  • Feature Name: Geospatial
  • Status: in-progress
  • Start Date: 2020-04-01
  • Authors: danhhz otan rytaft sumeerbhola
  • RFC PR: #47762
  • Cockroach Issue: #19313

Table of contents:


This RFC proposes the addition of geospatial features to CockroachDB, similar to what is supported by PostGIS. These features are often requested by users. At the time of writing, support for geospatial features is the most requested feature in CockroachDB.

The approach leverages open-source geometry libraries used by PostGIS whenever possible. For indexing, the approach diverges from PostGIS by dividing the space into cells of decreasing size, which fits into the totally ordered key-value model of CockroachDB. Early experiments suggest that this is competitive in performance with R-trees whilst allowing for horizontal scaling.

Guide-level explanation

Our geospatial implementation will be compatible with PostGIS. There are a number of SQL geospatial implementations that we could have modeled ourselves after as well as the OGC SQL standard or we could have developed our own new interface. We've selected PostGIS compatibility largely for two reasons:

  1. When polled directly, a large fraction of our users asked for PostGIS compatibility.
  2. We've found time and time again that being a drop in replacement for Postgres is an important aid to adoption. Given that the open-source geospatial community has built most of its tooling around PostGIS, this has the potential to be an even larger impact than usual.

Additionally, both PostGIS and SQL Server largely follow the OGC SQL standard, so this is not really as opinionated a decision as it would otherwise be. However, notably, where PostGIS behavior diverges from the OGC SQL standard, we've opted to prioritize the PostGIS behavior.

As a result, our initial user-facing geospatial footprint will be a subset of PostGIS's footprint. We'll certainly expand this footprint over time, but given that some PostGIS features are rarely used (raster) and others are deprecated, it's likely that we'll never cover all of it. See below for the exact initial footprint we'll be aiming for.

The specs we refer to in this document are:

  • OGC: v1.1 ** NOTE: For 20.2, we will aim to support v1.1 as PostGIS does
  • SQL/MM: ISO 13249-3

Our approach will leverage the open-source geometry libraries used by PostGIS whenever possible. These libraries are widely used and tested, and additionally allow us to match PostGIS behavior for geometric corner cases. For indexing, we will diverge from PostGIS, which uses R-trees. The totally ordered key-value model used in CockroachDB indexes allows for horizontal scaling and continuous repartitioning, and we need to preserve these fundamental characteristics of the system. We will use a divide-the-space approach that divides space into cells of decreasing size, and turns the cell space into a linear ordering using a space-filling curve. Shapes are indexed by a set of cells using an inverted index.

Reference-level explanation

Geospatial is exposed through two new SQL types: GEOMETRY (planar) and GEOGRAPHY (sphere/spheroid, which only works on latitude/longitude SRID systems). SQL Datums can be either of these types, as can SQL table columns.

An individual datum of type GEOMETRY or GEOGRAPHY will be one of several "shapes". The initial set of these we'll support (and is all that is supported by GEOGRAPHY) is:

  • GEOMETRY ("shape", which is different than the "type", which allows any of the above types to be referenced - more later)

In addition, geospatial types and datums can have Spatial Reference System Identifiers (SRIDs) which specify which projection was applied to their coordinate values. At a base level, we will look to support SRID 0 (undefined) and 4326 (vanilla lat/lng geography on a WGS84 spheroid). Supporting SRIDs outside of these two is a stretch task for the 20.2 release which we will detail in this RFC.

A number of new SQL builtin functions are added which operate on GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY. Some of these functions can be accelerated by maintaining a spatial index over a table, which is exposed as a SQL index. The optimizer will be aware of these indexes and use them in planning.

SQL Types & Functions

SQL Types

We will introduce two new data types to support geospatial data:

  • Geometry - for planar functionality compliant with the OGC spec. For 20.2, we will look at only supporting 2D geometries, but still support ingesting Z- and M- coordinates. For 20.2, Geometry will be a wrapper around the twpayne/go-geom library which allows us to easily transform the datum for use in the GEOS/SFCGAL libraries that have the builtins we require (see the builtins section), whilst also allowing some simple operations to be done without converting to GEOS/SFCGAL. We will gradually switch to our own abstraction as we look to support curves/3D geometries in future versions, which is lacking in twpayne/go-geom.

  • Geography - for a subset of functionality of geometry that does calculations on a spheroid using geodesic lines, operating only on lat/lng-based projections (see the "Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs) and Projections" section). This is not part of the OGC spec. For 20.2, Geography will mostly wrap around the S2 Geometry Region interface and GeographicLib. The S2 Geometry will give us sphere math, as well as operations which do not require physical real world values. GeographicLib will perform necessary spheroid math operations which require real world values (i.e. in metres for ST_Area, ST_DWithin, ST_Distance, ST_Perimeter, or in degrees for ST_Azimuth).

Note we will not support box2d and box3d PostGIS types and operators, as they are designed to work with the R-Tree index which we are not supporting.

Supported Geometry Types (Shapes)

For each data type, we will be able to support the "geometry types" as defined in Section 6.2.6 of the OGC spec. We will internally call these geometry types "shapes". The full hierachy is from the OGC spec is as follows.

OGC Shape Hierachy

We are planning to support the following:

  • Initially, we will look to support the following shapes that are applicable to both Geometry and Geography in line with the OGC and SQL/MM specifications:

    • POINT
    • GEOMETRY (wildcard shape; can be any shape except another GEOMETRY)
    • GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (can be a collection of all the MULTI- shapes)
  • In the future, we will look to support the following shapes for the Geometry data type only, in line with PostGIS support:

    • 2.5D (all 2D with Z- and M- coordinates and 3D datatypes)
    • 2D:
      • CURVE
      • TRIANGLE
    • 3D:
      • TIN (triangulated irregular network)
      • SURFACE


The OIDs for these data types do not exist in lib/pq/oid as PostGIS is an extension which only adds this metadata when the extension is installed in the CLI. We hence have to define our own OIDs for geospatial data types.

We will hardcode them in a number range which fits in the range that can fit within an int4. We should not use an OID range higher than int4 as this would be incompatible with Postgres.


PostGIS allows Geography types to be implicitly cast into Geometry types in addition to explicit casts. However, Geometry types can only be explicitly cast to Geography types.

We will be able to support the explicit casts easily. However, as implicit casts are not supported in Cockroach (yet), we may have to "double define" a few definitions of functions that cast Geography to Geometry to emulate PostGIS. We will aim to support this as "pseudo-implicit casts" for commonly used functions that are only defined for Geometry (e.g. ST_SRID). The user also has the option to explicitly cast Geography to Geometry before the builtins if we miss any.

Casts between other supported types (text and bytea) will also be initially supported via explicit casts, with implicit casts or pseudo-implicit casts mentioned above implemented at a later date.

Column Definitions

In line with PostGIS, we will support the following column definition mechanisms for GEOMETRY:

  • ADD COLUMN <colname> GEOMETRY - this allows any kind of geometry to be added. As no SRID is specified in the column definition, the geometry by default will not have a SRID (which is defined as SRID = 0).

  • ADD COLUMN <colname> GEOMETRY(shape) - this allows only the shape defined to be stored in this column. However, the GEOMETRY shape allows any shape to be stored in the column, and the GEOMETRYCOLLECTION shape allows any MULTI- prefixed shape to be stored in the column. As above, any SRID is allowed in this column.

  • ADD COLUMN <colname> GEOMETRY(shape, srid) - applies both the shape restriction above, as well as only allowing a specific SRID to be stored in the column. If an SRID is not defined with the Datum (i.e. has an SRID of 0), it's SRID will implicitly change to the SRID in the given column. Note having a column of GEOMETRY(shape, 0) where the SRID is 0 allows any SRID to be stored.

We will mirror the same definitions for GEOGRAPHY as we do for GEOMETRY with one key difference - the default SRID will be 4326 (representing vanilla lat/lng on a WGS84 sphere), instead of leaving it with an SRID of 0.

For 20.2, operations such as ALTER TABLE ... SET DATA TYPE ... may not be permitted, but will be extended in later versions.

Index Creation

To maintain compatibility with PostGIS and existing tools, the syntax to create indexes will involve the same syntax as using GiST, which will initialize the indexes with the S2-backed inverted index underneath.

This PostGIS-backed index will look like the following:

CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] USING GIST ( [geospatial_column] );

If we decide to support user-adjustable S2 parameters, we could support a syntax like the following:

CREATE INVERTED INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] ( [geospatial_column] ) WITH (s2_max_level = 30, ….)
-- or
CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] USING GIST ( [geospatial_column] ) WITH (s2_max_level = 30, ….)

For 2D planar geometry there will be an axis-aligned rectangular bound that all shapes that want index acceleration should fit in. The bound will be specified at index creation time. By default this will use the bounds defined by the SRID.

Bounds can be overwritten using WITH:

CREATE INVERTED INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] ( [geospatial_column] ) WITH (geometry_min_x = X, ...)

Disk Serialization

For Geometry and Geography types, we will serialize the data as a protobuf that contains the EWKB. This allows us flexibility in changing libraries later, as well as encoding the necessary type and shape metadata. The protobuf will appear as follows:

message SpatialObject {
  // EWKB is always stored in littleEndian order.
  bytes ewkb = 1;
  // SRID is denormalized from the EWKB.
  int32 srid = 2;
  // Shape is the Shape that is stored in the database.
  Shape shape = 3;
  // BBox bounding box for optimizing certain operations
  // depending on performance benchmarks.
  BoundingBox bbox = 4;

enum Shape {
  POINT = 2;
  // ... etc.

message BoundingBox {
  float64 min_x = 1;
  float64 min_y = 2;
  float64 max_x = 3;
  float64 max_y = 4;

It is worth noting we could serialize Geography types with the S2 library. The S2 library would be fastest to transform serialization and deserialization into S2 types (compared to EWKB). However, it is missing important metadata such as 2.5D/3D (Z-) and M- coordinates, as well as original shape and SRID metadata. There is a "Compressed" serialization option for S2 objects which further improves disk usage, however it is not yet ported to Go.

We will not support indexing geospatial types in default primary keys and unique secondary indexes (as we do not for JSONB and ARRAYs today). This is because we will not be able to match the PostGIS definition as it's based on a hash of its internal data structure, which means we will not be able to be a "drop-in" replacement here. If we could decide on our own ordering, it will be based on the raw EWKB byte ordering. This may change subject to further user consultation before the upcoming v20.2 release.

We will however support using inverted indexes for geospatial indexing -- see the indexing section for details.


In line with PostGIS, we will display values from SELECT as EWKB-hex strings.


PostGIS supported functionality is defined in Section 14.11 of their documentation, which is a superset of those available in section 7 of the OGC spec. For 20.2, we will aim to support all the 2D geometry (except for CURVE) and geography functionality. The priority will be for functions available for use for indexing and functions already implemented by GEOS/S2/GeographicLib.

Most operations involving multiple Geometries and/or Geographies can only succeed if the SRIDs between the two data types are the same.

Geometry (2D)

PostGIS mainly defers difficult 2D geometry functionality to the GEOS library - however, some operations are done in PostGIS itself if it is not supported in GEOS.

We will aim to use CGO to interface with the GEOS library in 20.2. This is the most straightforward and quick way to set up as the GEOS library specifically targets implementing the OGC spec. This provides us with coverage for many of the mathematical predicates required for 2D geometry and lets us build a lot of functionality quickly. We will eat the CGO overhead to be able to ship quickly.

We will use dlopen and dlsym to interface with the GEOS library. This prevents us from statically linking the GEOS library - instead, a CRDB user must install GEOS into their environment. As a corollary of this limitation:

  • We will initially not be supporting certain 2D Geometry features on CRDB on Windows for the 20.2 (we can decide to use the LoadLibrary function in the future).

  • Users will have to specify the path of their GEOS install when running a cockroach binary. This should be set as an array of paths which points to the location where the C bindings may be installed, with a sensible default that covers most operating system default locations. This is a potential source of confusion, which should be well documented.

    • We should include the GEOS library in the docker containers we ship.
    • We will include GEOS in the tarball and include instructions from the installation page to copy configure GEOS if Geospatial operations are required. This is similar to PostGIS where users would require extra steps by installing the PostGIS extension dependencies to perform Geospatial operations.

Example changed installation instructions:

$ wget -qO- | tar  xvz
$ cp -i cockroach-v20.2.0.linux-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin/
# Optional step.
$ cp -i cockroach-v20.2.0.linux-amd64/lib/*.so /usr/local/lib/cockroach/

However, GEOS will still be loaded provided it is in the same directory under lib in which CockroachDB was executed from, e.g.:

$ wget -qO- | tar  xvz
$ cd cockroach-v20.2.0.linux-amd64
$ ls
$ ls lib
$ ./cockroach # this should have GEOS loaded.

If a user attempts to use a geospatial function without having the library installed, they should see an error similar to the following:

$ SELECT ST_Area('POINT(1.0 1.0)'::geometry)
ERROR: geospatial functions are only supported if the GEOS module is installed

If a user loads geospatial data then later does not have the module installed, the above error will still appear.

Geometry (Curves)

Curves are implemented natively in PostGIS, with an approximation of ~32 points per curve done when input into the GEOS library. We can look to use some of the same math after v20.2.

Geometry (2.5D)

These are implemented natively in PostGIS with some GEOS support. We can look at doing this after v20.2.

Geometry (3D)

PostGIS uses SFCGAL to compute 3D geometry. We will employ similar CGO techniques described in Geometry 2D, with the same downsides.


In PostGIS, spherical calculations are done within PostGIS, whilst values requiring spheroid values (e.g. Distance, Area) are done using GeographicLib.

Most spherical calculations are supported by the S2 Geometry library in C++, most of which are ported over to Golang. Combining the S2 Geometry library with using CGO/GeographicLib (which does not require dlopen/dlsym as we can link it directly in our binaries), we will be able to support all relevant Geography functions.

Default Args for Geography functions

Most geography functions that can optionally operate on a spheroid (e.g. ST_Area) have a default argument of "use_spheroid = True". We do not support default arguments in Cockroach. As such, we will have to define two functions for each of these - one taking no bool and one taking a bool value. This will add an extra "row" for this builtin in our docs compared to PostGIS.

Users and tools specifying explicitly default args (e.g. SELECT ST_Area(geom, use_spheroid := false)) will be unable to do so at v20.2 unless we implement the default args feature before then.

Comparison Ops

Direct comparison using the >/>=/=/</<=/!= comparators in PostGIS involve hashing the internal structure of the PostGIS object. Comparators (besides =, which should probably use ST_Equal anyway) are not expected to be commonly used with geospatial data types.

As such, we will define our own comparator operations to use raw byte EWKB comparisons, which will be incompatible with PostGIS for base comparator operators only.

bbox Ops

PostGIS has a set of bounding box operators that are not part of the OGC or SQL/MM specs. As mentioned above, our different indexing approach prevents these from being index accelerated. We may decide to support these at a later date.

Distance Operators

PostGIS has a set of distance operators that are useful for accelerating k-nearest-neighbor search as outlined in We plan to add support for k-nearest-neighbor in later versions, and may support a subset of these distance operators.

Index Usage

Certain function builtins in PostGIS can utilize an index which we will match with some optimizer work around the indexing (see Indexing section).

For 2D geometry and geography, these are:

  • ST_Covers
  • ST_CoveredBy
  • ST_Contains (geometry only)
  • ST_ContainsProperly (geometry only)
  • ST_Crosses (geometry only)
  • ST_DFullyWithin (geometry only)
  • ST_DWithin
  • ST_Equals (geometry only)
  • ST_Intersects
  • ST_Overlaps (geometry only)
  • ST_Touches (geometry only)
  • ST_Within (geometry only)

These functions have an equivalent with an _ prefix (e.g. _ST_Within) that avoids using the indexes. We will similarly have such functions, in which the optimizer will know not to use the indexes when doing these operations.

3D geometry support includes 2D and 1D shapes embedded in 3 coordinate dimensions, and some support for 3D shapes (solids). This uses the SFCGAL library. We will not support 3D coordinate dimensions since we do not yet have a comprehensive solution for indexing 3D space. For reference, the 3D functions that need such indexing support are:

  • ST_3DDFullyWithin
  • ST_3DDWithin
  • ST_3DIntersects

Builtin Result Caching

In PostGIS, certain builtin operations are cached, using the hashed data from the shape as keys. This is especially useful for ST_Distance/ST_DWithin for repeated use of these operations. We may similarly look into caching the results of certain operations, but this is out of scope for v20.2. If we decide to go along this route, a future RFC will be published.


PostGIS has documentation for each of the builtins they support, which gives details such as which libraries are used, common gotchas and links to other useful information (click on any builtin as defined in Section 14.11). We should be similarly detailed and rigorous with our explanations. However, we will need to build the necessary framework to support referencing (valid) docs within our builtins for this to work.

External Formats

We will support the following external formats (and the associated builtins for parsing and encoding them):

  • Well Known Text (WKT) and Well Known Bytes (WKB), as defined in the SQL/MM Section 5.1.45 and 5.1.46. These are all supported by twpayne/geom library, except for WKT decoding. For the WKT decoding, we can use the GEOS library (which blocks Geography adoption for non-GEOS installs) in the interim, but as GEOS library does not support curves/3D types, we may wish to write our own parser in the future.

  • Extended Well Known Text (EWKT) and Extended Well Known Bytes (EWKB), as defined by PostGIS for cross-compatibility. This contains an extra reserved bit for specifying whether an SRID is included, as well as extra bytes used for encoding the SRID itself. These are all supported by twpayne/geom library.

  • GeoJSON, as defined by RFC7946. These are all supported by twpayne/go-geom libraries.

Furthermore, we will aim to be compatible with importing and exporting other data external file types using the ogr2ogr tool.

Initially, these imports can be directly ingested as PGDUMPs using the IMPORT PGDUMP syntax. An example workflow:

$ ogr2ogr -f PGDUMP cockroach-data/import.sql import.gpkg -skipfailures
$ echo "IMPORT PGDUMP 'nodelocal://0/import.sql" cockroach sql 

For exports, a user can transform the dataset into GeoJSON before using ogr2ogr to massage them into a different format. An example workflow:

$ echo "SELECT json_build_object(
        'type', 'FeatureCollection',
        'name', 'nyc_subway_stations',
        'features', json_agg(st_asgeojson(nyc_subway_stations.*)::jsonb)
) FROM nyc_subway_stations;" | cockroach sql --format=raw | head -n 4 | tail -n 1 > ~/subway.json
$ ogr2ogr -f GPKG ~/subway.gpkg ~/subway.json 

Re-using ogr2ogr allows us to support file types such as:

Spatial Reference Identifiers (SRIDs) and Projections

A SRID is a number that identifies a spatial reference system. A spatial reference system provides meaning to the point coordinates used in the representation of shapes. When the geometry type is used to represent the Earth, the SRID represents a projection on a plane, for example the web mercator projection is represented using SRID 3857. The geography type is not projected, and the default is SRID 4326, which uses lat/lng coordinates.

SRID support is heavily inbuilt into the SQL type system (see SQL Types/Column Definitions).


Upon loading the PostGIS extension, a spatial_ref_sys table is imported into the public schema of the given database, with a default set of SRIDs pre-loaded into the database. This table exists in line with the OGC Spec, with the addition of a proj4text column which defines the WKT projection which has been transformed into something the PROJ library can use. This table is similarly insertable and deletable. Any Postgres user can modify this table.

PostGIS INSERT statements for custom defined SRIDs are available from entries on the Spatial Reference website. If users are defining custom SRIDs with WKT but do not have access to proj4text, we can provide a builtin CGO wrapper around the GDAL library (X/MIT) which can perform this translation - but there are external cli tools already available to perform this operation.

We need to be able to support some notion of a spatial_ref_sys table, which allows management of user-defined insertable spatial_ref_sys data.

For v20.2, we will not be looking to support custom SRIDs, and as such SRIDs will be a hardcoded map and viewable from a pg_extension virtual schema, discussed below in the "pg_extension schema" section.

In future versions, we can look at supporting user-defined spatial_ref_sys schemas by allowing the user to "copy" the spatial_ref_sys table into the public schema and using that as the source of truth, analogous to PostGIS. This will appear as the following:

-- copy over spatial_ref_sys table, maybe even geometry_column/geography_column views
$ SELECT * FROM spatial_ref_sys
-- .... results copied from default spatial_ref_sys
$ INSERT INTO geom_table VALUES ('SRID=9999;POINT(1.0 1.0)')
-- lookup is based on what is available on the public schema as opposed
-- to a hardcoded map.

geometry_columns / geography_columns

The geometry_columns and geography_columns views in PostGIS are a wrapper around pg_catalog which allow the user to view which tables currently involve geospatial data. Due to PostGIS's extension nature, they are available on the public schema upon extension registration.

This will also be available on the pg_extension schema mentioned below.

pg_extension schema

For cross compatibility with PostGIS and its nature as an extension which injects tables into the public schema, we need this table to be resolvable from anywhere by simply requesting "geometry_columns", "geography_columns" or "spatial_ref_sys".

For v20.2, this will be available on a virtual schema called pg_extension. This will be on the search_path similar to how pg_catalog is today. This will differentiate these views from the default virtual schema views available on other tables.

This schema should also be resolvable from any search path, and thus available from any catalog. Any custom defined schemas should not be named pg_extension.

spatial_ref_sys lookup caching

New column definitions (e.g. ADD COLUMN &lt;colname> geography(point, 4326)) as well as importing new geospatial datums with SRIDs defined (e.g. ST_FromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(1.0 2.0)')) require a lookup of whether the SRID is valid. It does not need to apply the transformations, as it is expected that the input is already defined as the given SRID.

To speed up having to look at the spatial_ref_sys for valid SRIDs, we will need to cache successful SRID lookups. We can keep an (potentially bounded) in-memory mapping of valid SRIDs with a "timeout" to assist with the caching. This will be stale upon deletion by an admin user, which the timeout will look to resolve.


ST_Transform is the builtin that projects a given geospatial datum from one SRID projection to another. This can be done as a CGO wrapper around the PROJ library by transforming from one proj4text to another. The library has a lot of extra additions that may be unnecessary for our use case (e.g. requiring the installation of sqlite3 for storing metadata from certain tools we don't use) and as such we may decide to also ship this as a library which requires dlopen/dlsym.

It is worth noting there is a Go port of the PROJ library named go-spatial/proj, but is missing some essential functionality such as the ability to define custom proj4 transformations.

Other Supported Operations


This is a builtin provided by PostGIS that adds a new Geometry column to the database given a set of parameters. This is used a lot by tools that import geometry data (at least from tutorials), so we should look to support the same builtin.

The AddGeomColumn primitive also adds a couple of CHECK expressions that ensures that the SRIDs/shape in the column match the datums, however, this is expected to work even when using the vanilla ADD COLUMN geometry(shape, srid) syntax. This is probably a relic of old PostGIS, and we will look to add the same CHECK expressions.

BACKUP/RESTORE/cockroach dump

Backup/Restore/cockroach dump operations will continue to "work out of the box". We will furthermore be able to ingest postgres dumps of PostGIS data as we support I/O of EWKT-as-hex format when parsing and displaying geospatial datums.


We will use EWKB for CHANGEFEED results for Geography and Geometry types. This may be out of line with the OGC spec, but follows the principle that we will prioritize PostGIS behaviour.

Out of Scope for v20.2

The following has been mentioned as out of scope:

  • 2.5D, 3D shapes
  • PRIMARY KEY definitions for Geometry/Geography types
  • Default Arguments for Builtins
  • Caching certain builtin operations
  • User defined SRIDs

Furthermore, these will be out of scope:

  • Supporting the default geometric data types in PostgreSQL.



The current approaches to geospatial indexes divide cleanly into two buckets. One approach is to "divide the objects". This works by inserting the objects into a tree (usually a balanced tree) whose shape depends on the data being indexed. The other approach is to "divide the space". This works by creating a decomposition of the space being indexed into buckets of various sizes.

When an object is indexed, a "covering" shape (e.g. a bounding box) is constructed that completely encompasses the indexed object. Index queries work by looking for containment or intersection between the covering shape for the query object and the indexed covering shapes. This retrieves false positives but no false negatives.

Divide the Objects

PostGIS is the notable implementation of divide the objects. It maintains an "R tree" (rectangle tree) which is implemented as a Postgres "GiST" index. The GiST index is a generalization of data types that can be naturally ordered into a hierarchy of supersets (e.g.B+ trees, R trees, etc).

The covering shape used by PostGIS is a "bounding box" which is the minimal rectangle that encompasses the indexed shape. The same is done for the query shape.

Lucene uses BKD trees with a triangle tessellation of shapes. BKD trees permit a log-structured multi file approach, but compactions would need to read all the input files into memory to redivide the objects. More importantly, they are not easily compatible with the normal horizontal scaling approach of splitting and merging lexicographic ranges.

Advantages of Divide the Objects:

  • Each object is present in the index once
  • Can index 3D GEOMETRY space
  • Can index GEOGRAPHY with altitude
  • Can index infinite GEOMETRY space

Disadvantages of Divide the Objects:

  • The tree needs a periodic balancing operation to have predictable read latencies
  • Object insertions and balancing require locking
  • How to effectively horizontally distribute an R tree is an open question.
  • Bulk ingest (IMPORT) requires coordination between nodes as the tree's shape depends on its contents
  • A bounding box can return many false positives

Divide the Space

Recent geospatial index implementations tend to prefer to divide the space, because being able to horizontally distribute data is increasingly important. The relevant implementations here are Microsoft SQL Server and MongoDB.

The space is divided into a quadtree (or a set of quadtrees) with a set number of levels and a data-independent shape. Each node in the quad tree (a "cell") represents some part of the indexed space and is divided once horizontally and once vertically to produce 4 children in the next level. Each node in the quadtree is "content addressable", meaning that mapping from the node to its unique ID and back is possible without external information.

Implementations tend to use clever strategies for the unique IDs with important guarantees:

  • The IDs of all ancestors of a cell are enumerable
  • The IDs of all descendants of a cell is a range query
  • The cells of nearby IDs are spatially near

MongoDB uses the S2 library from Google for Geography and their own implementation for 2D planar geometry. The latter uses a geohash based numbering of cells which has worse locality than the Hilbert curve used by S2. SQL Server uses an implementation of their own devising.

When indexing an object, a covering is computed, often using some number of the predefined cells. The same is done for the query object when using the index. Ancestors and descendants can be retrieved by using the ID properties above.

The number of covering cells can vary per indexed object. There is an important tradeoff in the number of cells used to represent an object in the index: fewer cells use less space but create a looser covering. A looser covering retrieves more false positives from the index, which is expensive because the exact answer computation that's run after the index query is expensive. However, at some point the benefits of retrieving fewer false positives is outweighed by how long it takes to scan a large index.

Because the space is divided beforehand, it must be finite. This means that Divide the Space works for (spherical) GEOGRAPHY and for finite GEOMETRY (planar) but not for infinite GEOMETRY. SQL Server requires that finite bounds be declared when creating a GEOMETRY index.

Current divide the space approaches (both S2 and SQL Server) assume flat space, so cannot be used for indexing 3D GEOMETRY or altitude GEOGRAPHY. Conceptually, the approach is extendable to 3D, but would require our own implementation, and the performance characteristics of indexing a larger space in this manner are unknown.

Advantages of Divide the Space:

  • Easy to scale horizontally
  • No balancing
  • Inserts require no locking
  • Bulk ingest is simple
  • Allow a per-object tradeoff between index size and false positives

Disadvantages of Divide the Space:

  • Do not easily support indexing infinite GEOMETRY (but we discuss a way to extend to infinite geometries in future work).
  • Performance characteristics of indexing 3D GEOMETRY space and indexing altitude GEOGRAPHY are unknown.


For geography we will use the S2 library that models a sphere using a quad-tree divide-the-space approach and numbers the cells using a Hilbert Curve. The cell ids are 64 bit integers and the leaf cells measure 1cm across on the Earth’s surface. For 2D planar geometry, we will initially reuse the S2 library by mapping the rectangular bounds of the index to one face of the unit cube in S2, and then mapping it to the unit sphere. This distorts the original shape, but index lookups (discussed in more detail below) look for cell overlaps, and overlaps are preserved by this distortion.

In future versions we may write our own divide-the-space library for 2D planar geometry that avoids any distortions, and would permit removal of the rectangular index bounds (see future work section).

Index storage

An index is configured with parameters that control aspects of the covering produced for a shape: the number of cells, the lowest and highest levels of the cells. The cell-ids are represented as uint64. The stored index is an inverted index consisting of this cell-id column followed by the primary key columns in the indexed table. Note that each cell-id can be used in the covering for multiple table rows, and each table row can have multiple cell-ids in the covering, that is, it is a many-to-many relationship.

The following picture shows a nyc census block in purple with a 4 cell covering in teal. Note that the cells are of different sizes. The cell-id for one of the cells in the covering is also shown. 4 cells were used in this case since that was the maximum number of cells configured in the index configuration, stored in the IndexDescriptor.

Census Block Covering

This on-disk representation of the inverted index splits the “posting list” for each cell-id, where the list is the table rows that are indexed by that cell-id, into one index row per list element. This is simple but not very efficient for reads, since each index row is potentially small and queries always need to read all the rows for a cell-id. However, it is convenient for additions and deletions, since a single row needs to be modified. Preliminary experiments indicate that the simple approach can be competitive in performance with PostGIS, so we will adopt this simple approach until otherwise necessary.

Index queries

We first consider how indexes are used to accelerate filtering and then extend it to join queries.


Consider a boolean function op(g, x) where g is a given shape, and x is an indexed shape for which this function is true. The index is used to find the set of all x for which this function could return true. All functions are mapped to the following for index acceleration:

  • contains(g, x): Every point in shape x is also in g, i.e., g contains x.
  • contained-by(g, x): This is equivalent to contains(x, g), but is considered separately since x represents the shapes that are indexed.
  • intersects(g, x) or intersects(x, g): g and x have at least 1 point that is in both.

Consider the covering(s) for any shape s to be the set of cellids that cover the shape s. PostGIS uses bounding boxes instead of cell coverings. Bounding boxes have the following property:

  • contains(s1, s2) => contains(bounding-box(s1), bounding-box(s2))
  • intersects(s1, s2) => intersects(bounding-box(s1), bounding-box(s2))

We assume the same property for cell coverings:

  • contains(s1, s2) => contains(covering(s1), covering(s2))
  • intersects(s1, s2) => intersects(covering(s1), covering(s2))

The first property is not always true and we will discuss how to adjust to that reality in a later section.

The following abstract example is used to illustrate the filtering algorithm, where c[i] is a cell number. Consider g has the cell covering c[213], c[61], c[64] in a quad-tree rooted at c[0]. For convenience of illustration, the numbering is not the Hilbert curve numbering used by S2. In the numbering here, the children of cell c[i] are numbered c[4i+1]...c[4i+4]. The following depicts this covering as a tree with the leaf cells being the covering cells. Note that the paths from the leaves to the root are not the same length.

                  |         |
                c[13]     c[15]
                  |         |
                c[53]    +--+--+
                  |      |     |
               C[213]  c[61] c[64]

  • contains(g, x): Using the covering property from earlier, all shapes contained by g must have coverings contained by {c[213], c[61], c[64]}. In the full quad-tree (not the partial one depicted above), these are all the shapes indexed in the subtrees rooted at c[213], c[61], c[64]. Due to the locality of the Hilbert curve numbering, each subtree is a single contiguous range of integers. The indexed shapes that could satisfy this function are:

      (⋃ \for-all c in subtree-range(c[213]) index(c)) ⋃
      (⋃ \for-all c in subtree-range(c[61]) index(c)) ⋃
      (⋃ \for-all c in subtree-range(c[64]) index(c))

    There can be duplicate shapes both within a subtree and across subtrees. For example, a shape could be indexed under two children of c[61], say c[245] and c[247]. The scan of the subtree rooted at c[61] will find it twice.

  • contained-by(g, x): Using the covering property from earlier, all shapes containing g must have coverings that contain c[213] and contain c[61] and contain c[64]. The indexed shapes that could satisfy this function are

      (index(c[213]) ⋃ index(c[53]) ⋃ index(c[13]) ⋃ index(c[3]) ⋃ index(c[0])) ⋂
      (index(c61) ⋃ index(c15) ⋃ index(c3) ⋃ index(c0)) ⋂
      (index(c64) ⋃ index(c15) ⋃ index(c3) ⋃ index(c0))

    One can factor out common sub-expressions.

  • intersects(g, x) (or (x, g)): This needs to retrieve the shapes that satisfy contains(g, x) and shapes indexed using the ancestors of c213, c61, c64. That is,

      contains(g, x) ⋃ index(c0) ⋃ index(c3) ⋃ index(c13) ⋃ index(c53) ⋃ index(c15)

Mapping to the index functions

Functions map to the index functions:

  • ST_Covers(g, x), ST_Covers(x, g): use contains(g, x) or contained-by(g, x)
  • ST_CoveredBy(g, x), ST_CoveredBy(x, g): use contained-by(g, x) or contains(g, x)
  • ST_Contains(g, x), ST_Contains(x, g): use contains(g, x) or contained-by(g, x)
  • ST_ContainsProperly(g, x), ST_ContainsProperly(x, g): use contains(g, x) or contained-by(g, x)
  • ST_Crosses: use intersects
  • ST_DFullyWithin(g, x, d), ST_DFullyWithin(x, g, d): extend g by distance d to produce a shape g’, and then use contains(g', x). The S2 library has an S2ShapeIndexBufferedRegion class that can be used for extending by distance d for the Geography type. This is not part of the S2 Go library, so we will need to port it from C++. See a later section for the Geometry type.
  • ST_DWithin(g, x, d), ST_DWithin(x, g, d): extend g by distance to produce a shape g’, and then use intersects.
  • ST_Equals: use intersects (we may be able to do better later)
  • ST_Intersects: use intersects
  • ST_Overlaps: use intersects
  • ST_Touches: use intersects
  • ST_Within(g, x), ST_Within(x, g): use contained-by(g, x) or contains(g, x)


Queries can join between tables with geospatial indexes such as

SELECT blocks.blkid
FROM nyc_census_blocks blocks
JOIN nyc_subway_stations subways
ON ST_Contains(blocks.geom, subways.geom)

We cannot execute this by joining between two inverted indexes. This is no different from PostGIS, which does not attempt to join two R-tree indexes. This query will execute using a special geospatial inverted-index “lookup join”:

  • Each table row of one of the tables (typically the smaller one) produces the given shape g (from the previous section).
  • The covering of g is computed, and is used to lookup cell-ids (and cell-id ranges) from the index of the other table.
  • The set expression (described in the previous section) is computed to generate the matching shapes.

We plan to generalize this geospatial “lookup join” to also be usable for other inverted index cases, like ARRAY and JSON.

Query Planner/Optimizer

The optimizer will need to perform three major tasks to support geospatial queries:

  • Detect functions with constant inputs and perform constant folding.

    • Since we already support constant folding for functions, this should be as simple as adding the relevant function names to the FoldFunctionWhitelist.
  • Detect index accelerated functions (see the list above) in the WHERE clause with one constant and one non-constant input, and generate constrained index scans.

    • This will be an exploration rule which detects primary index scans wrapped in a SELECT with predicate WHERE ST_Covers(g, x) (or any other index accelerated function in which g is constant and there is an index on x). The rule will create an alternative plan in which the primary index scan is replaced with an expression containing constrained inverted index scans combined with set operations. The specific index constraints and set operators (UNION or INTERSECT) will depend on the values returned by the contains, contained-by or intersects APIs described above. Later on, we can make these set expressions more efficient using other transformation rules (e.g., convert the UNIONs to UNION ALL + DISTINCT) or help from the execution engine (e.g., to support scanning multiple inverted index ranges as part of a single scan). Note that the SELECT operator must still remain after the set expressions to filter out false positives returned by the index scans.

    • In order for the optimizer to decide between the original primary index scan, an alternate secondary index scan (e.g., if there is another predicate besides ST_Covers), or the set expression with inverted index scans, we will need to update the cost model and statistics code. For the cost model, we will need to understand how expensive the predicate ST_Covers is compared to the cost of scanning a row. For the statistics code, we will need an estimate of how much data must be scanned for each of the inverted index scans, as well as how many rows are returned by the full set expression. The statistics code for inverted indexes is currently very rudimentary, so this should be improved whilst benefitting JSONB and ARRAY.

    • To improve the statistics code for inverted indexes, there are a couple of options: (1) Store the number of distinct keys in the index, as well as the total number of values in the index (counting duplicates). To estimate the selectivity of an equality predicate (e.g., x = 5), we would use the formula (1/no. distinct keys) * (no. values in the index/no. of rows). (2) A more accurate selectivity estimate would use a histogram, storing the number of values indexed by each key. This also includes duplicate entries, so the total number of values in the histogram would add up to more than the number of rows. Making these improvements to inverted index statistics would not only help support geospatial queries, but also improve our JSON support.

  • Detect index accelerated functions (see the list above) in the WHERE/ON clause with two non-constant inputs, and generate lookup joins.

    • Similar to the previous case, this will be an exploration rule which detects primary index scans wrapped in a predicate containing one of the functions that can be index-accelerated. However, this rule will only apply if both inputs to the function are variables, and at least one has an inverted index. In this case, the optimizer will generate one or more lookup joins, in which one of the variables is used to look up into the index of the other variable. As with the case above, the predicate must remain after the join to filter out false positives.

    • To decide which index to use for the join (or whether to use one of the indexes at all), we will need to make the same changes to the cost model and statistics code described above. We will also need an estimate of how expensive the API calls to contains, contained-by or intersects are since they will need to be called on each input row. Additionally, we will need to improve the selectivity calculation for lookup joins in cases where the index is inverted.

      Since the set operations required for each row make selectivity calculation on geospatial lookup joins especially difficult, we may consider adding a new type of histogram for geospatial data. The histogram buckets would be ranges of S2 cell IDs, and the counts would represent the number of objects in the geospatial column that overlap that cell. By joining histograms on two geospatial columns, we could estimate the selectivity of a real join on those columns

Weakness of Covering invariant

The previous sections have assumed the invariant

contains(s1, s2) => contains(covering(s1), covering(s2))

This is not true in the general case even if the parameters used for computing the covering are the same:

  • It may be true due to implementation artifacts of the S2 library for the shapes we are using, but this needs very careful verification. Specifically, for coverings produced using the same settings, the region coverer code in S2 may achieve this because of how it prioritizes which cells to expand (using level and number of children). But the MayIntersect computation used is allowed to have false positives, though for the shapes we are using it claims not to have false positives.

  • We have experimentally observed benefits in using more cells in the covering of the query shape (the g parameter). One way to work around this would be to use a finer cell covering for g for contained-by(g, x) and one that matches the index for contains(g, x).

Covering Invariant

The illustration above shows an example: the blue shape has a covering represented by the two blue cells and the orange shape has a covering represented by the larger orange cell (which is the parent of the blue cells).

To begin with, we will work around this as follows:

  • For contained-by(g, x), use an “inner” covering for g. An inner covering is analogous to an interior covering, i.e., cells that are fully contained in g, but can additionally use leaf level cells that overlap with g.
  • Loosen the index computation for contains(g, x) to be identical to intersects. This means a very small g, which is contained by many large shapes will have an index lookup that will retrieve all these large shapes that will be false positives.

Alternatives to Inner covering

If we can’t strengthen the covering invariant another alternative would be to store both the regular covering and the inner covering in the inverted index. Cells that are in both coverings (e.g. a point shape will have identical inner and regular covering) would need to be written once and marked as part of both coverings.

Considerations for 2D Planar Geometry

We will use S2 to index 2D planar geometry by mapping the rectangular bounds of the index to the unit square, which is then mapped to the unit cube. We consider the potential issues with this approach:

  • Shapes that exceed the index bounds: we clip the shape to the index bounds and index the clipped shape in the usual manner. Additionally, the shape will be indexed under a special “spillover” cell-id (that is not used by S2). Queries where the specified shape exceeds the bounds will need to read this spillover cell-id in addition to reading the rest of the index using the clipped shape.

  • The mapping of the rectangular bounds to the unit square and then mapping to the unit sphere introduces distortions. This are ok for most operations since both the query shape and the indexed shape will continue to share the same cells (where they overlap) despite the distortion. However this an issue for ST_DWithin and ST_DFullyWithin which additionally specify a distance: the mapping to the unit sphere uses a non-linear function so the distance on the unit cube face translates differently based on where it is located on the cube. Instead of using S2 to extend the shape by distance (as we do for Geography), we will extend the shape by distance using the GEOSBuffer_r function in the GEOS library, and then translate the returned geometry to S2.

Future Work

Indexing is an open-ended area and there is much potential for future improvements. We will prioritize improvements based on user experience, so it is hard to know what we will discover. Here are some early ideas on where we could work on improvements:

  • K nearest neighbor search: This is a hard problem with a divide-the-space approach. We have some preliminary ideas for how to support this based on distances between the centroids of the bounding box, but this will wait until we have more clarity on user requirements.

  • Eliminate the bounding box in 2D planar indexes: This will potentially go together with replacing our use of S2 for 2D planar geometries with our own divide-the-space approach (the challenge here is fast and robust algorithms for determining containment and intersection of a cell with a shape). We have some early ideas on how one can use a variable number of bits in the cell-id, and a 4 quadrant plane, and extend the 4 quadrants indefinitely starting from an origin. This approach requires a different key comparator than the current MVCC comparator for the geospatial index. Additionally, it may require some storage engine hooks to rewrite keys as part of compactions.

  • More efficient storage and retrieval of inverted index: Storing and retrieving an inverted index with one row per (cell-id, shape) is inefficient. The typical alternative is to use posting lists of the form cell-id => set of shape ids, where the shape ids are numeric and dense and can be packed efficiently using delta and run-length encoding. This allows for efficient posting list union and intersection (e.g. using roaring bitmaps). A big issue in an OLTP setting is insertions and deletions to the set of shape ids. Reading and rewriting the set for each update will introduce a hotspot in the key space. An alternative we could explore is to use storage engine level merges to incorporate changes to the set. This cannot be done without storage engine changes since the engine would need to know about (a) what is not committed, since uncommitted changes should not be merged with committed changes, (b) merge across different MVCC timestamps, (c) split long posting lists into multiple key-value pairs. Some of these issues are common to what would be needed to do GC of old MVCC versions within the engine (as part of compactions). We do not expect this to happen in the near future.

  • Working with the default geometric data types in PostgreSQL, in particular, the indexing.

End-to-End Example

We consider the following query adapted from

Table Definitions

Consider the following table definitions:

-- copied from output of shp2pgsql

CREATE TABLE "nyc_census_blocks" (gid serial,

"blkid" varchar(15),

"popn_total" float8,

"popn_white" float8,

"popn_black" float8,

"popn_nativ" float8,

"popn_asian" float8,

"popn_other" float8,

"boroname" varchar(32));

ALTER TABLE "nyc_census_blocks" ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','nyc_census_blocks','geom','0','MULTIPOLYGON',2);

-- create an index

CREATE INDEX nyc_census_blocks_geo_idx ON nyc_census_blocks USING GIST(geom);

-- and add 38794 rows

-- copied from output of shp2pgsql

CREATE TABLE "nyc_neighborhoods" (gid serial,

"boroname" varchar(43),

"name" varchar(64));

ALTER TABLE "nyc_neighborhoods" ADD PRIMARY KEY (gid);

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','nyc_neighborhoods','geom','0','MULTIPOLYGON',2);

-- create an index

CREATE INDEX nyc_neighbourhoods_geo_idx ON nyc_neighbourhoods USING GIST(geom);

-- and add 129 rows

Now we run the following query:

  Sum(c.popn_total) / (ST_Area(n.geom) / 1000000.0) AS popn_per_sqkm
FROM nyc_census_blocks AS c
JOIN nyc_neighborhoods AS n
ON ST_Intersects(c.geom, n.geom)  AND c.boroname = n.boroname
WHERE = 'Upper West Side'
OR = 'Upper East Side'
GROUP BY, n.geom;

Note both nyc_census_blocks and nyc_neighborhoods have geospatial indexes on the geom column.

Example Match with S2 Coverings

Let's take an example match from the above query and look at the S2 generated index coverings.

Census Block 360610138001000 is in purple, with a generated S2 covering coloured in teal. The covering completely highlights the entire census area using a maximum of 4 cells (which we have specified experimentally for the sake of this example).

Census Block Covering Census Block Covering with Cells

Now here is the Upper East Side, with S2 using a single cell as a cover for it. Again, we have experimentally set the use of a maximum of 4 cells, but S2 was happy just using the one.

Upper East Side Upper East Side With Cells

Here is everything so far overlayed with each other. Here we can explicitly see that the coverings of the Census Block are (some unit of grand) children of the Upper East Side, and there is a clear intersection of the Census Block and the Upper East Side.

Upper East Side With Census Block

Let us consider trying to see whether we should try and match them together with S2 coverings.

Consider the CellIDs in binary format:

UES:  1000100111000010010110001100000000000000000000000000000000000000
Blk1: 1000100111000010010110001011110001000000000000000000000000000000
Blk2: 1000100111000010010110001011101110001010110000000000000000000000
Blk3: 1000100111000010010110001011101110001011010000000000000000000000
Blk4: 1000100111000010010110001011101111110000000000000000000000000000

With the S2 encoding mechanism, we can tell which items intersect with the single cell covering of the Upper East Side by considering the range


as well as any parent coverings by constantly 1000100111000010010110001100000000000000000000000000000000000000 dividing by 4 until we have reached the root sub-tree. This would match all 4 blocks as indicated above.


The number of neighborhoods is 129 and the number of census blocks is 38794. Even though name is not the primary key of the nyc_neighborhoods table, the cardinality of the name field is the same, 129. So the optimizer can predict that the name filter will match 2 rows. This filter will be pushed below the join, so the input to the join from nyc_neighborhoods is 2 rows.

The optimizer will consider several different types of joins when joining nyc_neighborhoods and nyc_census_blocks. The two most likely options are (1) a hash join on the predicate c.boroname = n.boroname, and (2) a geospatial lookup join on the predicate ST_Intersects(c.geom, n.geom), using the inverted index on nyc_census_blocks.

In order to decide between these two options, the optimizer can use statistics. The boronames have cardinality 5, so the number of rows returned by the hash join is 38794*2/5 = 15518. The expensive ST_Intersects(c.geom, n.geom) function must then be called on each of those rows.

The cost of the geospatial lookup join is more challenging to estimate, but it can be calculated by first estimating the number of CellIDs that must be scanned in nyc_census_blocks_geo_idx for each of the two matching rows in nyc_neighborhoods. Suppose that approximately 60 CellIDs must be scanned for a particular row, and the cardinality of the inverted index (i.e., number of CellIDs with entries) is 6000. Since each census block will exist in 4 index entries, the total number of values indexed is 38794*4 = 155176. Therefore, the number of entries scanned is (60/6000)1551762 = 3104. After de-duplicating the results, the number of output rows is 3104/4 = 776. The expensive ST_Intersects(c.geom, n.geom) function must then be called on each of those rows to eliminate false positives, and the inexpensive predicate c.boroname = n.boroname must also be applied.

Based on the above cost analysis, the optimizer decides to use the geospatial index to do a geospatial-lookup join, where each of the selected rows from the nyc_neighborhoods table will be used to construct and compute a set union expression on the inverted geospatial index of nyc_census_blocks.

Here is the expected query plan:

QUERY PLAN                                                      
 ├── group-by
 │    ├── inner-join (lookup nyc_census_blocks AS c)
 │    │    ├── lookup columns are key
 │    │    ├── inner-join (geospatial-lookup nyc_census_blocks@nyc_census_blocks_geo_idx)
 │    │    │    ├── select
 │    │    │    │    ├── scan nyc_neighborhoods AS n
 │    │    │    │    └── filters
 │    │    │    │         └── (name = 'Upper West Side') OR (name = 'Upper East Side')
 │    │    │    └── filters (true)
 │    │    └── filters
 │    │         ├── st_intersects(c.geom, n.geom)
 │    │         └── c.boroname = n.boroname
 │    └── aggregations
 │         └── sum
 │              └── popn_total
 └── projections
      └── sum / (st_area(n.geom) / 1e+06)


This query will execute in the manner outlined by the query plan:

  • Since there is no index on, the nyc_neighborhoods table is scanned and the name filter is applied. For each of the two rows that pass the filter, the following steps will be performed.

  • A covering of the geom field in the row in nyc_neighborhoods is computed. This covering is used by the intersects() function outlined in the previous section, to produce a set of cell-ids that must be retrieved from the index and the corresponding nyc_census_blocks.gid column, which is the primary key, unioned. This is the candidate set of census_blocks keys that satisfy ST_Intersects.

  • The primary key of nyc_census_blocks (nyc_census_blocks.gid) is then used to perform a lookup join with the primary index of nyc_census_blocks, which is needed to retrieve the remaining columns. As part of this lookup join, the ST_Intersects predicate and the boroname equality predicate are computed and if both are true, the join condition is satisfied.

  • Next, the sum of the total population is calculated, grouped by neighborhood.

  • Finally, the sum is divided by the area of the neighborhood, in order to find the population per square meter. Area is calculated using the built-in scalar function ST_Area.

Package Structure

We will put geospatial calculation data in a new pkg/geo package, to separate "SQL" from "Geospatial". We've decided to separate "functions" and their complexity into subpackages to simplify import complexity.

Our package structure will look as follows:

  • pkg
    • geo (contains basic data types, as well as transformations from/to external data formats)
      • geopb (contains protobuf storage for shapes, as well as typedefs for SRIDs)
      • geogfn (contains geography functions, as well as the CGO wrappers for GeographicLib)
      • geomfn (contains geometry functions, as well as the CGO wrappers for GEOS / SFCGAL)
      • geosrid (contains SRID transformation functionality)
      • geoindex (contains indexing functionality)
      • geographiclib (contains spheroid functionality from GeographicLib)
      • geos (contains 2D geometry from the GEOS library)
      • geoproj (contains proj functionality from PROJ)


To gather insight, we should add telemetry on the following:

  • SQL Usage
    • column type usage
    • usage statistics of various builtins
    • success rate of caching SRID
    • success rate of caching builtins (if implemented)
  • Indexing
    • spatial index usage
    • spatial index using out of bounds geometries
    • filtering % done by using indexes


In addition to writing our own unit and integration tests, there are several third-party tools we can look at utilizing to compare correctness. These can be adapted to and used in the CockroachDB framework, including:

  • OGC Conformance Tests
    • tests to ensure OGC compatibility - adaptable into nightly roachtests
  • monetdb-mcs has a few of their own integration tests - adaptable into nightly roachtests

Due to internal restrictions, we will be unable to utilize the following directly from the codebase:

We will also look at correctness testing our own index implementation. We can utilize the default GEOS and GeographicLib calculations to determine whether our index implementation will correctly fetch the same results as without using the index. To do this, we can generate random test suites with indexed columns and compare results with and without using the index. As an added bonus, we can see the performance improvement when using indexing as well with this approach.

Performance Benchmarking

At the time of writing, we have struggled to find industry standard benchmarks for comparing performance of spatial indexes. As such, we are mainly left to our own devices.

We will be looking at writing our own benchmarking suite, which will benchmark on the following:

  • Various core geospatial builtins
  • Indexed retrievals
    • We should test indexed retrievals against numbers of rows, as well as different sizes of geospatial shapes (e.g. lots of little and/or big shapes) as well as sparseness of geospatial shapes (e.g. lots of data in "New York" vs data sparsely populated around different areas).
    • We should also try to test under lock contention (to test the theory that R-Trees do not behave well under conditions involving heavy locking)
  • IMPORT/EXPORT functionality

We may decide to compare our implementation against other SQL-based implementations such as SQL Server and Postgres/PostGIS. MongoDB is a good stretch option as well.

Unresolved questions

None beyond what is already mentioned in earlier text.


  • 2020-05-07:
    • added ST_ContainsProperly as an indexable function.
  • 2020-08-17:
    • update install instructions
    • update bbox notes
    • update index specification
    • added notes on ogr2ogr