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Releases: cobwebch/external_import


19 Dec 15:28
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Bugfix release:

  • display of custom steps in preview step selection (backend module)
  • wider definition of empty image data in image transformation methods
  • updated composer manifest for composer 2.0


21 Oct 08:25
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This is a major release coming with new features and lots of changes, only one of which is breaking (and minor). Please read the documentation carefully, in particular the chapter about upgrading.

Here is a summary of the changes:

  • Feature: data can be imported along with child records, for example data and images with sys_file_reference relations. For handling images during import, some example user functions are provided.
  • Feature: new properties are available for handling denormalized external sources in a much clearer way than before
  • Small feature: parameters can be added for custom steps when declaring them
  • Big change: the external configuration that used to go in the ctrl section of the TCA now stands in its own "namespace" in the TCA.
  • Big change: the additionalFields property is also in its own TCA "namespace" and gains the transformation properties of normal columns
  • Change: the userFunc property is renamed to userFunction and its params sub-property is renamed to parameters
  • Change: when both inserts and updates are disabled, External Import will now delete records that would have been deleted if updates were allowed (this is really a bugfix, but it's an important change in behavior)
  • Change: the MM property, which caused much confusion, is deprecated

Thanks to all the sponsors who made this release possible: Idéative, Bendoo, merhwert, Benni Mack and Tomas Norre.


25 Sep 09:09
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Minor bugfix release (more robust usage of date in log entries creation, avoid SQL errors when no slugs need updating, avoid packaging some resource files upon releasing).


13 Aug 10:59
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Fix bug with validation of multiple custom steps; minor documentation changes.


11 May 16:18
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(Re-release with correct compatibility information. Sorry!)

Major release adding compatibility with TYPO3 10 LTS (compatibility with TYPO3 8 LTS is dropped).

Other news features are:

  • slugs can be automatically updated when a record is modified (new general property updateSlugs)
  • possibility to use SQL functions in referenceField and valueField properties (mapping configuration)
  • connector services report connector configuration errors along with other misconfigurations
  • small visual help: the sync icon now starts rotating when an import is triggered in the BE module

This release also includes some bugfixes:

  • some configuration errors were never displayed in the BE module
  • temporary "NEW" keys generated during the import process are now compatible with the TYPO3 cache tags validation pattern


11 May 16:03
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Major release adding compatibility with TYPO3 10 LTS (compatibility with TYPO3 8 LTS is dropped).

Other news features are:

  • slugs can be automatically updated when a record is modified (new general property updateSlugs)
  • possibility to use SQL functions in referenceField and valueField properties (mapping configuration)
  • connector services report connector configuration errors along with other misconfigurations
  • small visual help: the sync icon now starts rotating when an import is triggered in the BE module

This release also includes some bugfixes:

  • some configuration errors were never displayed in the BE module
  • temporary "NEW" keys generated during the import process are now compatible with the TYPO3 cache tags validation pattern


01 May 13:10
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Fix bug when changing the PHP execution time limit, fix code example in the documentation.


14 Apr 20:04
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Bugfix release: show add task button again.


11 Mar 16:56
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This release contains a single bugfix related to information stored by the StoreDataStep (which got duplicated). NOTE: this is unrelated to the features introduced in 4.2.0 (just a shame to stumble upon it just one day after a major release ;-) ).


10 Mar 10:24
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This release introduces the following new features:

  • Introduce ImporterAware interface which allows user functions to access Importer object
  • Add the possibility to query reference nodes using XPath (nodepath property)
  • Allow storage of arbitrary data in the Data object (new extraData member variable)

It is the last release to be compatible with TYPO3 8.7.