This project is a Sudoku game frontend application built using Next.js and React. It provides an interactive Sudoku grid for users to solve puzzles, with features to input and track user solutions.
- Interactive Sudoku grid implemented with React.
- Users can input numbers to solve the puzzle.
- Dynamic rendering of the Sudoku grid, supporting both initial puzzle values and user inputs.
- Built with TypeScript for enhanced type safety and maintainability.
- Uses Vite for fast development and build processes.
To install the dependencies, run:
yarn install
To start the development server, use:
next dev
To build the project:
next build && tsc
Run the tests using:
vitest --run
- src/app/: Contains the main application setup and routing.
- src/components/SudokuGrid.tsx: Core component that implements the Sudoku grid with user input support.
- src/public/: Static assets such as images or icons.
- next.config.mjs: Configuration for Next.js.
- tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration.
- vite.config.ts: Configuration for Vite bundler.
The project relies on the following key dependencies: browserslist, core-js, fast-sudoku-solver, next, react, react-dom
Development dependencies include: @eslint/config-array, @eslint/object-schema, @testing-library/dom, @testing-library/react, @types/core-js, @types/node, @types/react, @types/react-dom, @types/regenerator-runtime, @vitejs/plugin-react, dotenv, dotenv-cli, esbuild, eslint, eslint-config-next, happy-dom, typescript, vite, vitest
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.