diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/BuildFile.xml b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a2ad4f32ea62..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/BuildFile.xml b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/BuildFile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 767782a893c5d..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/BuildFile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2GeneratorFilter.cc b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2GeneratorFilter.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a4d57c42d04..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2GeneratorFilter.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/GeneratorFilter.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/interface/ExternalDecayDriver.h"
-#include "Cascade2Hadronizer.h"
-namespace gen {
- typedef edm::GeneratorFilter Cascade2GeneratorFilter;
-using gen::Cascade2GeneratorFilter;
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2Hadronizer.cc b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2Hadronizer.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index a547b2b47e18b..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2Hadronizer.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-#include "GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/Cascade2Hadronizer.h"
-#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
-#include "HepMC/PdfInfo.h"
-#include "HepMC/PythiaWrapper6_4.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/CascadeWrapper.h"
-#include "HepMC/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h"
-#include "HepMC/IO_HEPEVT.h"
-#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"
-#include "FWCore/Concurrency/interface/SharedResourceNames.h"
-#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/FortranCallback.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/FortranInstance.h"
-HepMC::IO_HEPEVT hepevtio;
-#include "HepPID/ParticleIDTranslations.hh"
-#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDMException.h"
-//-- Pythia6 routines and functionalities to pass around Pythia6 params
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Pythia6Interface/interface/Pythia6Service.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Pythia6Interface/interface/Pythia6Declarations.h"
-#include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenRunInfoProduct.h"
-#include "CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h"
-using namespace edm;
-using namespace std;
-#define debug 0
-static CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* cascade2RandomEngine;
-extern "C" {
-double dcasrn_(int* idummy) {
- static int call = 0;
- double rdm_nb = cascade2RandomEngine->flat();
- if (debug && ++call < 100)
- cout << "dcasrn from c++, call: " << call << " random number: " << rdm_nb << endl;
- return rdm_nb;
-namespace gen {
- class Pythia6ServiceWithCallback : public Pythia6Service {
- public:
- Pythia6ServiceWithCallback(const edm::ParameterSet& pset) : Pythia6Service(pset) {}
- private:
- void upInit() override { FortranCallback::getInstance()->fillHeader(); }
- void upEvnt() override { FortranCallback::getInstance()->fillEvent(); }
- bool upVeto() override {
- bool veto = false;
- if (!hepeup_.nup)
- veto = true; //-- LHE Common Blocks
- return (veto);
- }
- };
- static struct {
- int n, npad, k[5][pyjets_maxn];
- double p[5][pyjets_maxn], v[5][pyjets_maxn];
- } pyjets_local;
- const std::vector Cascade2Hadronizer::theSharedResources = {edm::SharedResourceNames::kPythia6,
- gen::FortranInstance::kFortranInstance};
- Cascade2Hadronizer::Cascade2Hadronizer(edm::ParameterSet const& pset)
- : BaseHadronizer(pset),
- fPy6Service(new Pythia6ServiceWithCallback(pset)), //-- this will store py6 parameters for further settings
- fComEnergy(pset.getParameter("comEnergy")),
- fextCrossSection(pset.getUntrackedParameter("crossSection", -1.)),
- fextCrossSectionError(pset.getUntrackedParameter("crossSectionError", -1.)),
- fFilterEfficiency(pset.getUntrackedParameter("filterEfficiency", -1.)),
- fMaxEventsToPrint(pset.getUntrackedParameter("maxEventsToPrint", 0)),
- fHepMCVerbosity(pset.getUntrackedParameter("pythiaHepMCVerbosity", false)),
- fPythiaListVerbosity(pset.getUntrackedParameter("pythiaPylistVerbosity", 0)),
- fDisplayPythiaBanner(pset.getUntrackedParameter("displayPythiaBanner", false)),
- fDisplayPythiaCards(pset.getUntrackedParameter("displayPythiaCards", false)) {
- fParameters = pset.getParameter("Cascade2Parameters");
- fConvertToPDG = false;
- if (pset.exists("doPDGConvert"))
- fConvertToPDG = pset.getParameter("doPDGConvert");
- //-- silence Pythia6 banner printout, unless display requested
- if (!fDisplayPythiaBanner) {
- if (!call_pygive("MSTU(12)=12345")) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration, "PythiaError") << " Pythia did not accept MSTU(12)=12345";
- }
- }
- //-- silence printouts from PYGIVE, unless display requested
- if (!fDisplayPythiaCards) {
- if (!call_pygive("MSTU(13)=0")) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration, "PythiaError") << " Pythia did not accept MSTU(13)=0";
- }
- }
- //-- tmp stuff to deal with EvtGen corrupting pyjets
- flushTmpStorage();
- }
- Cascade2Hadronizer::~Cascade2Hadronizer() {
- if (fPy6Service != nullptr)
- delete fPy6Service;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::doSetRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* v) {
- cascade2RandomEngine = v;
- fPy6Service->setRandomEngine(v);
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::flushTmpStorage() {
- pyjets_local.n = 0;
- pyjets_local.npad = 0;
- for (int ip = 0; ip < pyjets_maxn; ip++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- pyjets_local.k[i][ip] = 0;
- pyjets_local.p[i][ip] = 0.;
- pyjets_local.v[i][ip] = 0.;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::fillTmpStorage() {
- pyjets_local.n = pyjets.n;
- pyjets_local.npad = pyjets.npad;
- for (int ip = 0; ip < pyjets_maxn; ip++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- pyjets_local.k[i][ip] = pyjets.k[i][ip];
- pyjets_local.p[i][ip] = pyjets.p[i][ip];
- pyjets_local.v[i][ip] = pyjets.v[i][ip];
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::finalizeEvent() {
- HepMC::PdfInfo pdf;
- //-- filling factorization "Q scale" now! pthat moved to binningValues()
- if (event()->signal_process_id() <= 0)
- event()->set_signal_process_id(pypars.msti[0]);
- if (event()->event_scale() <= 0)
- event()->set_event_scale(pypars.pari[22]);
- if (event()->alphaQED() <= 0)
- event()->set_alphaQED(pyint1.vint[56]);
- if (event()->alphaQCD() <= 0)
- event()->set_alphaQCD(pyint1.vint[57]);
- //-- get pdf info directly from Pythia6 and set it up into HepMC::GenEvent
- //-- S. Mrenna: Prefer vint block
- if (pdf.id1() <= 0)
- pdf.set_id1(pyint1.mint[14] == 21 ? 0 : pyint1.mint[14]);
- if (pdf.id2() <= 0)
- pdf.set_id2(pyint1.mint[15] == 21 ? 0 : pyint1.mint[15]);
- if (pdf.x1() <= 0)
- pdf.set_x1(pyint1.vint[40]);
- if (pdf.x2() <= 0)
- pdf.set_x2(pyint1.vint[41]);
- if (pdf.pdf1() <= 0)
- pdf.set_pdf1(pyint1.vint[38] / pyint1.vint[40]);
- if (pdf.pdf2() <= 0)
- pdf.set_pdf2(pyint1.vint[39] / pyint1.vint[41]);
- if (pdf.scalePDF() <= 0)
- pdf.set_scalePDF(pyint1.vint[50]);
- event()->set_pdf_info(pdf);
- if (debug) {
- cout << "standard Py6 event weight: pyint1.vint[96]: " << pyint1.vint[96] << endl;
- cout << "event weight returned by PYEVWT: 1./(pyint1.vint[98]): " << 1. / (pyint1.vint[98]) << endl;
- }
- //-- this is "standard" Py6 event weight (corresponds to PYINT1/VINT(97))
- // event()->weights().push_back(pyint1.vint[96]);
- //-- this is event weight as 1./VINT(99) (PYINT1/VINT(99) is returned by the PYEVWT)
- // event()->weights().push_back(1./(pyint1.vint[98]));
- //-- all cascade events have weight = 1
- event()->weights().push_back(1.);
- //-- now create the GenEventInfo product from the GenEvent and fill the missing pieces
- eventInfo() = std::make_unique(event().get());
- //-- in Pythia6 pthat is used to subdivide samples into different bins
- //-- in LHE mode the binning is done by the external ME generator
- //-- which is likely not pthat, so only filling it for Py6 internal mode
- eventInfo()->setBinningValues(vector(1, pypars.pari[16]));
- //-- here we treat long-lived particles
- if (pydat1.mstj[21] == 3 || pydat1.mstj[21] == 4)
- imposeProperTime();
- //-- convert particle IDs Py6 -> PDG (if requested)
- if (fConvertToPDG) {
- for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator part = event()->particles_begin(); part != event()->particles_end();
- ++part) {
- (*part)->set_pdg_id(HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT((*part)->pdg_id()));
- }
- }
- //-- service printouts, if requested
- if (fMaxEventsToPrint > 0) {
- fMaxEventsToPrint--;
- if (fPythiaListVerbosity)
- call_pylist(fPythiaListVerbosity);
- if (fHepMCVerbosity) {
- cout << "Event process = " << pypars.msti[0] << endl << "----------------------" << endl;
- event()->print();
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::hadronize() { return false; }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize() {
- //-- grab Py6 instance
- Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);
- FortranCallback::getInstance()->resetIterationsPerEvent();
- //-- skip event if py6 considers it bad
- if (pyint1.mint[50] != 0) {
- event().reset();
- return false;
- }
- //-- generation of the event with CASCADE
- call_event();
- //-- pythia pyhepc routine converts common PYJETS in common HEPEVT
- call_pyhepc(1);
- //-- delete the created event from memory
- event().reset(hepevtio.read_next_event());
- //-- this is to deal with post-gen tools & residualDecay() that may reuse PYJETS
- flushTmpStorage();
- fillTmpStorage();
- return true;
- }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::decay() { return true; }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::residualDecay() {
- //-- grab Py6 instance
- Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);
- int NPartsBeforeDecays = pyjets_local.n;
- int NPartsAfterDecays = event().get()->particles_size();
- int barcode = NPartsAfterDecays;
- // JVY: well, in principle, it's not a 100% fair to go up to NPartsBeforeDecays,
- // because Photos will attach gamma's to existing vertices, i.e. in the middle
- // of the event rather than at the end; but this will only shift pointers down,
- // so we'll be going again over a few "original" particle...
- // in the alternative, we may go all the way up to the beginning of the event
- // and re-check if anything remains to decay, that's fine even if it'll take
- // some extra CPU...
- for (int ipart = NPartsAfterDecays; ipart > NPartsBeforeDecays; ipart--) {
- HepMC::GenParticle* part = event().get()->barcode_to_particle(ipart);
- int status = part->status();
- if (status != 1)
- continue; // check only "stable" particles,
- // as some undecayed may still be marked as such
- int pdgid = part->pdg_id();
- int py6ptr = pycomp_(pdgid);
- if (pydat3.mdcy[0][py6ptr - 1] != 1)
- continue; // particle is not expected to decay
- int py6id = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia(pdgid);
- // first, will need to zero out, then fill up PYJETS
- // I better do it directly (by hands) rather than via py1ent
- // - to avoid (additional) mass smearing
- if (part->momentum().t() <= part->generated_mass()) {
- continue; // e == m -> 0-momentum, nothing to decay...
- }
- else {
- pyjets.n = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- pyjets.k[i][0] = 0;
- pyjets.p[i][0] = 0.;
- pyjets.v[i][0] = 0.;
- }
- pyjets.k[0][0] = 1;
- pyjets.k[1][0] = py6id;
- pyjets.p[4][0] = part->generated_mass();
- pyjets.p[3][0] = part->momentum().t();
- pyjets.p[0][0] = part->momentum().x();
- pyjets.p[1][0] = part->momentum().y();
- pyjets.p[2][0] = part->momentum().z();
- HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = part->production_vertex();
- if (!prod_vtx)
- continue; // in principle, should never happen but...
- pyjets.v[0][0] = prod_vtx->position().x();
- pyjets.v[1][0] = prod_vtx->position().y();
- pyjets.v[2][0] = prod_vtx->position().z();
- pyjets.v[3][0] = prod_vtx->position().t();
- pyjets.v[4][0] = 0.;
- pyjets.n = 1;
- pyjets.npad = pyjets_local.npad;
- }
- //-- now call Py6 decay routine
- int parent = 1; // since we always pass to Py6 a single particle
- pydecy_(parent);
- //-- now attach decay products to mother
- for (int iprt1 = 1; iprt1 < pyjets.n; iprt1++) {
- part->set_status(2);
- HepMC::GenVertex* DecVtx = new HepMC::GenVertex(
- HepMC::FourVector(pyjets.v[0][iprt1], pyjets.v[1][iprt1], pyjets.v[2][iprt1], pyjets.v[3][iprt1]));
- DecVtx->add_particle_in(part); // this will cleanup end_vertex if exists, replace with the new one
- // I presume (vtx) barcode will be given automatically
- HepMC::FourVector pmom(pyjets.p[0][iprt1], pyjets.p[1][iprt1], pyjets.p[2][iprt1], pyjets.p[3][iprt1]);
- int dstatus = 0;
- if (pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 10)
- dstatus = 1;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 20)
- dstatus = 2;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 30)
- dstatus = 3;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 100)
- dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt1];
- HepMC::GenParticle* daughter =
- new HepMC::GenParticle(pmom, HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT(pyjets.k[1][iprt1]), dstatus);
- barcode++;
- daughter->suggest_barcode(barcode);
- DecVtx->add_particle_out(daughter);
- int iprt2;
- for (iprt2 = iprt1 + 1; iprt2 < pyjets.n; iprt2++) { // the pointer is shifted by -1, c++ style
- if (pyjets.k[2][iprt2] != parent) {
- parent = pyjets.k[2][iprt2];
- break; // another parent particle; reset & break the loop
- }
- HepMC::FourVector pmomN(pyjets.p[0][iprt2], pyjets.p[1][iprt2], pyjets.p[2][iprt2], pyjets.p[3][iprt2]);
- dstatus = 0;
- if (pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 10)
- dstatus = 1;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 20)
- dstatus = 2;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 30)
- dstatus = 3;
- else if (pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 100)
- dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt2];
- HepMC::GenParticle* daughterN =
- new HepMC::GenParticle(pmomN, HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT(pyjets.k[1][iprt2]), dstatus);
- barcode++;
- daughterN->suggest_barcode(barcode);
- DecVtx->add_particle_out(daughterN);
- } //-- end iprt2 loop
- iprt1 = iprt2 - 1; // reset counter such that it doesn't go over the same child more than once
- // don't forget to offset back into c++ counting, as it's already +1 forward
- event().get()->add_vertex(DecVtx);
- } //-- end iprt1 loop
- } //-- end loop over decay products
- // now restore the very original Py6 event record
- if (pyjets_local.n != pyjets.n) {
- // restore pyjets to its state as it was before external decays -
- // might have been jammed by action above or by py1ent calls in EvtGen
- pyjets.n = pyjets_local.n;
- pyjets.npad = pyjets_local.npad;
- for (int ip = 0; ip < pyjets_local.n; ip++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- pyjets.k[i][ip] = pyjets_local.k[i][ip];
- pyjets.p[i][ip] = pyjets_local.p[i][ip];
- pyjets.v[i][ip] = pyjets_local.v[i][ip];
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::readSettings(int key) {
- //-- grab Py6 instance
- Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);
- fPy6Service->setGeneralParams();
- if (key == 0)
- fPy6Service->setCSAParams();
- fPy6Service->setSLHAParams();
- return true;
- }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::initializeForExternalPartons() { return false; }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::initializeForInternalPartons() {
- //-- grab Py6 instance
- Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);
- //-- change standard parameters of JETSET/PYTHIA - replace call_pytcha()
- fPy6Service->setGeneralParams();
- fPy6Service->setCSAParams();
- fPy6Service->setSLHAParams();
- fPy6Service->setPYUPDAParams(false);
- pythia6PrintParameters();
- //-- mstu(8) is set to NMXHEP in this dummy call (version >=6.404)
- call_pyhepc(1);
- //-- initialise random number generator: has been changed to be CMSSW compliant
- //-- dcasrn overloaded: call to rluxgo not needed anymore
- //-- call_rluxgo(4,314159265,0,0);
- //-- initialise CASCADE parameters (default values)
- call_casini();
- //-- Read the parameters and pass them to the common blocks
- //-- call_steer();
- //-- initialise CASCADE parameters (user values)
- //-- retrieve all the different sets
- vector AllSets = fParameters.getParameter >("parameterSets");
- //-- loop over the different sets
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < AllSets.size(); ++i) {
- string Set = AllSets[i];
- vector Para_Set = fParameters.getParameter >(Set);
- //-- loop over all the parameters and stop in case of mistake
- for (vector::const_iterator itPara = Para_Set.begin(); itPara != Para_Set.end(); ++itPara) {
- if (!cascadeReadParameters(*itPara)) {
- throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration, "CascadeError")
- << " Cascade did not accept the following parameter: \"" << *itPara << "\"" << endl;
- }
- } //-- end loop over all the parameters
- } //-- end loop over the different sets
- cainpu.plepin = -fComEnergy / 2;
- cainpu.ppin = fComEnergy / 2;
- cascadePrintParameters();
- //-- change standard parameters of CASCADE
- call_cascha();
- //-- change standard parameters of JETSET/PYTHIA
- //-- call_pytcha();
- //-- set up for running CASCADE (integration of the cross-section)
- call_cascade();
- //-- print cross-section result from integration
- call_caend(1);
- fPy6Service->setPYUPDAParams(true);
- fPy6Service->closeSLHA();
- return true;
- }
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::declareStableParticles(const vector& _pdg) {
- vector pdg = _pdg;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < pdg.size(); i++) {
- int PyID = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia(pdg[i]);
- int pyCode = pycomp_(PyID);
- if (pyCode > 0) {
- ostringstream pyCard;
- pyCard << "MDCY(" << pyCode << ",1)=0";
- //-- cout << "pdg= " << pdg[i] << " " << pyCard.str() << endl;
- call_pygive(pyCard.str());
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::imposeProperTime() {
- // this is practically a copy/paste of the original code by J.Alcaraz,
- // taken directly from PythiaSource
- int dumm = 0;
- HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vbegin = event()->vertices_begin();
- HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vend = event()->vertices_end();
- HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vitr = vbegin;
- for (; vitr != vend; ++vitr) {
- HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pbegin = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
- HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pend = (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::children);
- HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pitr = pbegin;
- for (; pitr != pend; ++pitr) {
- if ((*pitr)->end_vertex())
- continue;
- if ((*pitr)->status() != 1)
- continue;
- int pdgcode = abs((*pitr)->pdg_id());
- // Do nothing if the particle is not expected to decay
- if (pydat3.mdcy[0][pycomp_(pdgcode) - 1] != 1)
- continue;
- double ctau = pydat2.pmas[3][pycomp_(pdgcode) - 1];
- HepMC::FourVector mom = (*pitr)->momentum();
- HepMC::FourVector vin = (*vitr)->position();
- double x = 0.;
- double y = 0.;
- double z = 0.;
- double t = 0.;
- bool decayInRange = false;
- while (!decayInRange) {
- double unif_rand = fPy6Service->call(pyr_, &dumm);
- // Value of 0 is excluded, so following line is OK
- double proper_length = -ctau * log(unif_rand);
- double factor = proper_length / mom.m();
- x = vin.x() + factor * mom.px();
- y = vin.y() + factor * mom.py();
- z = vin.z() + factor * mom.pz();
- t = vin.t() + factor * mom.e();
- // Decay must be happen outside a cylindrical region
- if (pydat1.mstj[21] == 4) {
- if (sqrt(x * x + y * y) > pydat1.parj[72] || fabs(z) > pydat1.parj[73])
- decayInRange = true;
- // Decay must be happen outside a given sphere
- } else if (pydat1.mstj[21] == 3) {
- if (sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) > pydat1.parj[71])
- decayInRange = true;
- }
- // Decay is always OK otherwise
- else {
- decayInRange = true;
- }
- }
- HepMC::GenVertex* vdec = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(x, y, z, t));
- event()->add_vertex(vdec);
- vdec->add_particle_in((*pitr));
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::statistics() {
- runInfo().setExternalXSecLO(GenRunInfoProduct::XSec(fextCrossSection, fextCrossSectionError));
- runInfo().setExternalXSecNLO(GenRunInfoProduct::XSec(-1., -1.));
- if (!runInfo().internalXSec()) {
- double sigma_CMS = 0.001 * caeffic.avgi;
- double error_CMS = 0.001 * caeffic.sd;
- runInfo().setInternalXSec(GenRunInfoProduct::XSec(sigma_CMS, error_CMS));
- }
- //-- print out generated event summary
- call_caend(2);
- //-- write out some information from Pythia to the screen
- call_pystat(1);
- return;
- }
- const char* Cascade2Hadronizer::classname() const { return "gen::Cascade2Hadronizer"; }
- //-- Read the parameters and pass them to the common blocks
- bool Cascade2Hadronizer::cascadeReadParameters(const string& ParameterString) {
- bool accepted = true;
- if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "KE", 2))
- caluco.ke = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRES(1)", 7))
- capar6.ires[0] = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "KP", 2))
- caluco.kp = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRES(2)", 7))
- capar6.ires[1] = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "NFRAG", 5))
- cainpu.nfrag = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IPST", 4))
- cashower.ipst = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IPSIPOL", 7))
- jpsi.ipsipol = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- //-- from version 2.2.03 on
- // else if(!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(),"I23S",4))
- // jpsi.i23s = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(),"=")+1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IFPS", 4))
- cainpu.ifps = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "ITIMSHR", 7))
- casshwr.itimshr = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRUNAEM", 7))
- capar1.irunaem = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRUNA", 5))
- capar1.iruna = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IQ2", 3))
- capar1.iq2 = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IPRO", 4))
- capar1.ipro = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "NFLAV", 5))
- caluco.nflav = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "INTER", 5))
- cainpu.inter = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IHFLA", 5))
- cahflav.ihfla = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRPA", 4))
- cascol.irpa = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRPB", 4))
- cascol.irpb = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRPC", 4))
- cascol.irpc = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "ICCFM", 5))
- casshwr.iccfm = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IFINAL", 6))
- cainpu.ifinal = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IGLU", 4))
- cagluon.iglu = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "IRspl", 5))
- casprre.irspl = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "PT2CUT", 6))
- captcut.pt2cut[capar1.ipro - 1] = atof(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "NCB", 3))
- integr.ncb = atoi(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "ACC1", 4))
- integr.acc1 = atof(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "ACC2", 4))
- integr.acc2 = atof(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "SCALFAF", 7))
- scalf.scalfaf = atof(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else if (!strncmp(ParameterString.c_str(), "SCALFA", 6))
- scalf.scalfa = atof(&ParameterString[strcspn(ParameterString.c_str(), "=") + 1]);
- else
- accepted = false;
- return accepted;
- }
- void Cascade2Hadronizer::cascadePrintParameters() {
- cout << "" << endl;
- cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "---- Cascade Parameters ----" << endl;
- cout << "----------------------------------" << endl;
- cout << "" << endl;
- cout << "computation switch: " << endl;
- cout << "number of calls per iteration for bases: " << integr.ncb << endl;
- cout << "relative precision for grid optimisation: " << integr.acc1 << " %" << endl;
- cout << "relative precision for integration: " << integr.acc2 << " %" << endl;
- cout << "" << endl;
- cout << "kinematics: " << endl;
- cout << "flavour code of beam 1: " << caluco.ke << endl;
- cout << "direct or resolved particle 1: " << capar6.ires[0] << endl;
- cout << "pz of incoming beam 1: " << cainpu.plepin << " GeV" << endl;
- cout << "flavour code of beam 2: " << caluco.kp << endl;
- cout << "direct or resolved particle 2: " << capar6.ires[1] << endl;
- cout << "pz of incoming beam 2: " << cainpu.ppin << " GeV" << endl;
- cout << "number of active flavors: " << caluco.nflav << endl;
- cout << "" << endl;
- cout << "hard subprocess selection: " << endl;
- cout << "hard subprocess number (IPRO): " << capar1.ipro << endl;
- cout << "IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* g* -> q qbar: " << cascol.irpa << endl;
- cout << "IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* g -> g g: " << cascol.irpb << endl;
- cout << "IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* q -> g q: " << cascol.irpc << endl;
- cout << "flavor of heavy quark produced (IPRO = 11, 504, 514): " << cahflav.ihfla << endl;
- // cout<<"select vector meson state: "<
-#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetfwd.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ParameterCollector.h"
-#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/BaseHadronizer.h"
-namespace HepMC {
- class GenEvent;
-namespace CLHEP {
- class HepRandomEngine;
-namespace gen {
- class Pythia6Service;
- class Cascade2Hadronizer : public BaseHadronizer {
- public:
- Cascade2Hadronizer(edm::ParameterSet const& ps);
- ~Cascade2Hadronizer() override;
- bool readSettings(int);
- bool initializeForExternalPartons(); //-- initializer for the LHE input
- bool initializeForInternalPartons();
- //-- Read the parameters and pass them to the common blocks
- bool cascadeReadParameters(const std::string& ParameterString);
- void cascadePrintParameters();
- void pythia6PrintParameters();
- bool declareStableParticles(const std::vector&);
- bool declareSpecialSettings(const std::vector&) { return true; }
- void statistics();
- bool generatePartonsAndHadronize();
- bool hadronize(); //-- hadronizer for the LHE input
- bool decay();
- bool residualDecay();
- void finalizeEvent();
- const char* classname() const;
- private:
- void doSetRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* v) override;
- std::vector const& doSharedResources() const override { return theSharedResources; }
- static const std::vector theSharedResources;
- //-- methods
- void flushTmpStorage();
- void fillTmpStorage();
- void imposeProperTime(); //-- to correctly treat particle decay
- //-- data members
- edm::ParameterSet fParameters;
- Pythia6Service* fPy6Service;
- double
- fComEnergy; //-- irrelevant for setting py6 as hadronizer (or if anything, it should be picked up from LHERunInfoProduct)
- double fextCrossSection;
- double fextCrossSectionError;
- double fFilterEfficiency;
- unsigned int fMaxEventsToPrint;
- bool fHepMCVerbosity;
- unsigned int fPythiaListVerbosity; //-- p6 specific
- bool fDisplayPythiaBanner; //-- p6 specific
- bool fDisplayPythiaCards; //-- p6 specific
- bool fConvertToPDG; //-- conversion of Py6 PID's into PDG convention
- };
-} // namespace gen
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/CascadeWrapper.h b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/CascadeWrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e3189921059..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/plugins/CascadeWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-//-- the pyhepc routine used by Pythia to fill the HEPEVT common block
-//-- is using double precision and 4000 entries
-//-- CASCADE Common Block Declarations
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int ke, kp, keb, kph, kgl, kpa, nflav; } caluco_;
-#define caluco caluco_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int lst[30], ires[2]; } capar6_;
-#define capar6 capar6_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct {
- double plepin, ppin;
- int nfrag, ilepto, ifps, ihf, inter, isemih, ifinal;
-} cainpu_;
-#define cainpu cainpu_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int ipst; } cashower_;
-#define cashower cashower_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct {
- int ipsipol, ipsiel1, ipsiel2;
- //-- int i23s; //-- from version 2.2.03 on
-} jpsi_;
-#define jpsi jpsi_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int iorder, itimshr, iccfm; } casshwr_;
-#define casshwr casshwr_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int ipro, iruna, iq2, irunaem; } capar1_;
-#define capar1 capar1_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int ihfla, kpsi, kchi; } cahflav_;
-#define cahflav cahflav_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int icolora, irespro, irpa, irpb, irpc, irpd, irpe, irpf, irpg; } cascol_;
-#define cascol cascol_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int iglu; } cagluon_;
-#define cagluon cagluon_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { int irspl; } casprre_;
-#define casprre casprre_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { double pt2cut[1000]; } captcut_;
-#define captcut captcut_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct {
- double acc1, acc2;
- int iint, ncb;
-} integr_;
-#define integr integr_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { double scalfa, scalfaf; } scalf_;
-#define scalf scalf_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct { char pdfpath[512]; } caspdf_;
-#define caspdf caspdf_
-extern "C" {
-extern struct {
- double avgi, sd;
- int nin, nout;
-} caeffic_;
-#define caeffic caeffic_
-//-- CASCADE routines declarations
-extern "C" {
-void casini_();
-void steer_();
-void cascha_();
-void cascade_();
-void caend_(int* mode);
-void event_();
-// void rluxgo_(int* mode1,int* mode2,int* mode3,int* mode4);
-double dcasrn_(int* idummy);
-inline void call_casini() { casini_(); }
-inline void call_steer() { steer_(); }
-inline void call_cascha() { cascha_(); }
-inline void call_cascade() { cascade_(); }
-inline void call_caend(int mode) { caend_(&mode); }
-inline void call_event() { event_(); }
-// inline void call_rluxgo(int mode1, int mode2, int mode3, int mode4) { rluxgo_(&mode1, &mode2, &mode3, &mode4); }
-// inline double call_dcasrn() { return(dcasrn_()); }
-//-- PYTHIA Common Block Declarations
-//-- PYTHIA routines declarations
-extern "C" {
-void pytcha_();
-void pyedit_(int* mode);
-inline void call_pytcha() { pytcha_(); }
-inline void call_pyedit(int mode) { pyedit_(&mode); }
-//inline void call_pyhepc(int mode) { pyhepc(&mode); }
-//inline void call_pylist(int mode) { pylist(&mode); }
-//inline void call_pystat(int mode) { pystat(&mode); }
-//inline void call_pyevnt() { pyevnt(); }
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2Parameters_cfi.py b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2Parameters_cfi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e6073364ac2d6..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2Parameters_cfi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
-Cascade2Parameters = cms.PSet(
- parameterSets = cms.vstring('CascadeSettings'),
- CascadeSettings = cms.vstring('NCB = 50000 ! number of calls per iteration for bases',
- 'ACC1 = 1.0 ! relative precision for grid optimisation',
- 'ACC2 = 0.5 ! relative precision for integration',
- 'KE = 2212 ! flavour code of beam1',
- 'IRES(1) = 1 ! direct or resolved particle 1',
- 'KP = 2212 ! flavour code of beam2',
- 'IRES(2) = 1 ! direct or resolved particle 2',
- 'NFLAV = 5 ! number of active flavors',
- 'IPRO = 10 ! hard subprocess number',
- 'IRPA = 1 ! IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* g* -> q qbar',
- 'IRPB = 1 ! IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* g -> g g',
- 'IRPC = 1 ! IPRO = 10, switch to select QCD process g* q -> g q',
- 'IHFLA = 4 ! flavor of heavy quark produced (IPRO = 11, 504, 514)',
- # 'I23S = 0 ! select vector meson state (0 = 1S, 2 = 2S, 3 = 3S from version 2.2.03 on)',
- 'IPSIPOL = 0 ! use matrix element including J/psi (Upsilon) polarisation (1 = on, 0 = off)',
- 'PT2CUT = 0.0 ! pt2 cut in ME for massless partons'
- 'NFRAG = 1 ! switch for fragmentation (1 = on, 0 = off)',
- 'IFPS = 3 ! switch for parton shower: (0 = off - 1 = initial - 2 = final - 3 = initial & final)',
- 'ITIMSHR = 1 ! switch for time like parton shower in intial state (0 = off,1 = on)',
- 'ICCFM = 1 ! select CCFM or DGLAP evolution (CCFM = 1, DGLAP = 0)'
- 'IFINAL = 1 ! scale switch for final state parton shower',
- 'SCALFAF = 1.0 ! scale factor for final state parton shower',
- 'IRspl = 4 ! switch for proton remnant treatment',
- 'IPST = 0 ! keep track of intermediate state in parton shower ',
- 'INTER = 0 ! mode of interaction for ep (photon exchange, Z-echange (not implemented))',
- 'IRUNAEM = 1 ! switch for running alphaem (0 = off,1 = on)',
- 'IRUNA = 1 ! switch for running alphas (0 = off,1 = on)',
- 'IQ2 = 3 ! scale in alphas',
- 'SCALFA = 1.0 ! scale factor for scale in alphas',
- 'IGLU = 1010 ! select uPDF'))
diff --git a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2_example_test_cff.py b/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2_example_test_cff.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da520f0f9abcf..0000000000000
--- a/GeneratorInterface/CascadeInterface/python/Cascade2_example_test_cff.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
-from GeneratorInterface.CascadeInterface.Cascade2Parameters_cfi import Cascade2Parameters as Cascade2ParametersRef
-source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
-generator = cms.EDFilter('Cascade2GeneratorFilter',
- PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
- processParameters = cms.vstring('PMAS(4,1) = 1.6 ! charm mass',
- 'PMAS(5,1) = 4.75 ! bottom mass',
- 'PMAS(25,1) = 125. ! higgs mass',
- 'PARU(112) = 0.2 ! lambda QCD set A0',
- 'MSTU(111) = 1 ! = 0 : alpha_s is fixed at the value PARU(111), = 1 : first-order running alpha_s, = 2 : second-order running alpha_s',
- 'MSTU(112) = 4 ! nr of flavours wrt lambda_QCD',
- 'MSTU(113) = 3 ! min nr of flavours for alphas',
- 'MSTU(114) = 5 ! max nr of flavours for alphas',
- 'MSTJ(48) = 1 ! (D = 0) 0 = no max. angle, 1 = max angle def. in PARJ(85)'),
- parameterSets = cms.vstring('processParameters')
- ),
- comEnergy = cms.double(7000.0),
- crossSection = cms.untracked.double(-1),
- crossSectionError = cms.untracked.double(-1),
- filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1),
- maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(2),
- pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
- pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(0),
- Cascade2Parameters = Cascade2ParametersRef
- )
-ProductionFilterSequence = cms.Sequence(generator)